SOD :: Volume #2

#119: Druid belief change

Heard the Gawain's words, the Pittman eyebrow cannot bear select: Few people will understand the Druid history.” 听到高文的话,皮特曼眉毛忍不住挑了一下:“很少有人会这么了解德鲁伊的历史。” This is not the understanding, Druid magic spell emerges in nature Divine Spell is not secret, can only say that the person aspect of knowledge of this time was too narrow,” Gawain said superficially, in the Gondor Empire period, Druid many schools of thought may hang the sign in Empire Knowledge Sacred Hall.” “这算不上了解,德鲁伊法术脱胎于自然神术并不是什么秘密,只能说这个时代的人知识面太窄了,”高文轻描淡写地说道,“在刚铎帝国时期,德鲁伊诸多学派可都是在帝国知识圣堂挂牌子的。” Hehe, I forgot, cannot by the common sense judge that your from the 700 years ago ancients,” little old man hehe smiles, starts to tidy up mixes potion these tools, you said right, Druid magic spell came from the antiquity period natural Divine Spell, in fact Druid earliest time was pure Religion , like present God of Holy Light or War God Religion, but the time change, many Religion declines vanished, but can inherit reluctantly...... became evil cult either, either same transformed the shape with Druid Religion.” “嘿嘿,我又忘了,不能以常理判断您这位来自七百年前的古人,”小老头嘿嘿笑起来,开始收拾调制药水的那些工具,“您说的没错,德鲁伊法术都源自上古时期的自然神术,事实上德鲁伊最早的时候是一种纯粹的宗教,就和现在的圣光之神或者战神教派一样,只不过时光变迁,很多宗教没落消失,而能够勉强传承下来的……要么成了邪教,要么跟德鲁伊教派一样转换了形态。” Druid faction stands in great numbers, Heart of Forest, Spirit of Nature, Wild Nature Religion, Grotto School, Elemental School...... light/only I can name the character has 56, this is large-scale, but these scales small fears dozens,” Gawain spoke with confidence, „before it is said Druid faction split up will come from 3000 early White Star Meteor, original Druid taught to have internal great change after that event, and was divided and demoralized the every large or small many schools of thought in a short time, you unified to believe in did not have the explicit image nature God, but after White Star Meteor, this belief also then changed......” 德鲁伊派系林立,林木之心,自然之灵,野性教派,石窟派,元素派……光我能叫得上名字的就有五六个,这是规模大的,而那些规模小的恐怕有好几十个,”高文侃侃而谈,“据说德鲁伊派系分化最早源自三千年前的‘白星陨落’,原本的德鲁伊教在那一事件之后发生内部巨变,并在短时间内分化瓦解成了大大小小的很多学派,你们原本统一信奉一位不具备明确形象的‘自然神灵’,但白星陨落之后这个信仰也跟着发生了变化……” Although Pittman is seems like far-fetched Druid, but his magic spell showed sufficiently he truly accepted the complete Druid inheritance, therefore belongs to domain of profession general knowledge to reply stress-free in these: Naturally God split up many images, each school of thought declared what oneself explained was most correct, the spirits of some belief forests, some belief Spirit of Nature, some even believed by the beast spirit or element spirit of deification...... this truly is not the secret. However after other Religion split different, after the Druid differentiation is many Religion , although idea many a little separates, but we have not actually hit truly, each faction lives in peace with each other, even before Holy Covenant formulation, each Druid faction is also peaceful.” 皮特曼虽然是个看起来不靠谱的德鲁伊,但他的法术足以证明他确实接受了完整的德鲁伊传承,因此在这些属于职业常识的领域回答起来毫无压力:“自然神灵分化成了诸多形象,每个学派都宣称自己所解读的是最正确的,有的信仰森林之灵,有的信仰自然之灵,有的甚至信仰被神格化的兽灵或元素之灵……这确实不是什么秘密。不过和其他宗教分裂之后不一样,德鲁伊分化为诸多教派之后虽然理念多少有点割裂,但我们却从没真正打起来,各个派系都相安无事,哪怕‘神圣盟约’制定之前,各个德鲁伊派系也是和平的。” Gawain shows the expression that is interested in: This my also really not too clear specific reason, can say that looks?” 高文露出感兴趣的表情:“这个我还真不太清楚具体原因,能说说看么?” Each faction pursue rules, Druid different way common origin, no matter will step onto what road/s in the future, Druid forever is the brothers and sisters,” Pittman is rubbing own beard, this is not the simple organization stipulated that but is the Druid rules, before accepting the inheritance, must by own soul round of serious oath.” “各个派系奉行一条守则,德鲁伊殊途同源,不管将来走上何种道路,德鲁伊永为兄弟姐妹,”皮特曼捋着自己的胡子,“这可不是简单的组织规定,而是德鲁伊守则,接受传承之前要以自己的灵魂发毒誓的。” Gawain feels the chin, takes down this knowledge node silently, later the topic returns on magic spell and Divine Spell: Druid Religion original natural Divine Spell transformed as afterward Druid magic spell, in this process?” 高文摸着下巴,将这条知识点默默记下,随后话题重新回到法术神术上:“德鲁伊教派原本的自然神术转化为后来的德鲁伊法术,也是在这个过程中吧?” Pittman nods: Right, in White Star Meteor and faction split up in the later long time to complete slowly.” 皮特曼点点头:“没错,是在白星陨落派系分化之后的漫长时光里慢慢完成的。” Gawain: You refined medicine a moment ago, to the last step of medicine blessings, is actually the trace that primitive Druid Divine Spell remains?” 高文:“你刚才炼制药剂,给药剂赐福的最后一步,其实就是原始的德鲁伊神术所残留下来的痕迹?” The Pittman faint smile nods, has not spoken. 皮特曼似笑非笑地点了点头,却并没有说话。 This is Druid magic spell, this world's most special magic, it is the only one type can talk clearly the origin probably explicitly magic, but before its origin will actually aim at Gods 3000 Druid is unified Religion, because only a time has turned into the drastic change event of legend, Druid of Religion nature turned into the school of thought organization of scattering in all directions, but Divine Spell inconceivable that they grasped turned into magic spell. 这就是德鲁伊法术,这个世界上最特殊的“魔法”,它大概是唯一一种能明确说得清起源的魔法,但它的起源却指向了神明三千年前的德鲁伊原本是个统一教派,只因为一次已经变成传说的剧变事件,宗教性的德鲁伊就变成了四散的学派组织,而他们所掌握的神术不可思议地变成了法术 even now, in these magic spell still remains the shadow of little Divine Spell ceremony, for example praying word or specific sacred token, but these „the Divine Spell part had lost of the actual role in fact, what they are more is inheritance and sustenance on a cultural and spirit, quite proper Druid will reappear these according to the inheritance strictly already the useless sacred step, but not proper Druid for example Pittman will choose casual blind bb several in the spell casting process delays the time. 时至今日,这些法术中仍然残留着一点点神术仪式的影子,比如祝祷词或者特定的神圣象征物,但事实上这些“神术部分”早已失去了实际作用,它们更多的是一种文化和精神上的传承与寄托,比较正经的德鲁伊会严格按照传承来重现这些早已没什么用的神圣步骤,而不怎么正经的德鲁伊比如皮特曼则会选择在施法的过程中随便瞎bb几句拖时间。 But how does Divine Spell turn into magic? 神术是怎么变成魔法的? These two strengths should be the entirely different two things, the former originates from Gods, what need is the sincere prayed, fuses together by own body the thought of mind and Gods, thus taking advantage of comes the powerful strength, the latter , then originates from the Spellcaster individual strength as well as to world the cognition, since the source is different. 这两种力量本应是截然不同的两种事物,前者来源于神明,需要的是虔心祈祷,让自己的身心灵与神明的意念融为一体,从而“借”来强大的力量,后者则来源于施法者个人的力量以及对世界的认知,从源头都不一样。 Druid magic spell after so many year of evolutions, is distinct magic, prepares rune, to recite the incantation like Pittman, this is using individual strength to trigger natural miracle, but in standard Divine Spell does not have these steps. 德鲁伊法术经过这么多年演变,已经是特征鲜明的魔法,就像皮特曼准备符文、念动咒语,这都是在用个人的力量来引发“自然奇迹”,而标准的神术里是没有这些步骤的。 Therefore some people had proposed bold guess, some scholar even think that before was 3000 Druid stole the Gods strength with some taboo ceremony completely, magic spell that can only depend upon Divine Spell to display natural miracle that” turns into can reappear artificially, but so-called White Star Meteor , is completely not the meteorite shower that in the history book recorded, was actually nature God after losing authority crashes from God's Kingdom...... 所以有人对此提出过大胆的猜测,一些学者甚至认为是三千年前的德鲁伊们用某种禁忌仪式完全窃取了神明的力量,把本来只能依靠神术施展的“自然奇迹”变成了可以人为重现的法术,而所谓白星陨落,也完全不是历史书上记载的陨石雨,其实是自然神灵在失去权柄之后从神国坠落了…… Druid did not certainly acknowledge this view, but Gawain must say that...... this credibility was very high. 德鲁伊们当然不承认这种说法,但高文必须说……这可信度还挺高的。 He will certainly not mention this suspicion in front of Pittman, but spoke thoughtlessly saying: You felt why only then your did Druid successful turn into magic Divine Spell? But other Religion can't clergy?” 他当然不会在皮特曼面前提起这种猜想,而只是随口说道:“你觉得为什么只有你们德鲁伊成功将神术变成了魔法?而其他教派神职人员就不能?” little old man the facial skin pulls out immediately: You asked that whom my I asked that haven't you known my real horizon? Wanted the life the skill study of oneself this gate, my where has the ample force to study others......” 小老头顿时脸皮一抽:“您问我我问谁嘛,您还不知道我的真实水平?把自己本门的技能学下来就要了命了,我哪有余力去研究别人……” „Do you also fry in oil boil explode the divination to divine according to the diagrams to look at the star chart belt/bring child every kind to be able?” “那你还煎炒烹炸占卜算卦看星象带小孩样样都会?” „...... This with these different......” “……这跟那些不一样……” Gawain has not continued to pester Pittman in this issue, but as if talk to oneself said: It is said once had God of Holy Light believer to attempt to transform Divine Spell, he studied the Magicians ability, and is testing to discharge the magic spell way to inspire the Holy Light result actually to be swallowed by Holy Light that the violent walks, becomes pile of ashes.” 高文没有在这个问题上继续纠缠皮特曼,而是仿佛自言自语地说道:“据说曾有圣光之神信徒尝试过改造神术,他研究了魔法师们的能力,并试着用施放法术的方式来引动圣光结果却被暴走的圣光吞噬,成为一堆灰烬。” Pittman hmph hmph false smile two: „, Moreover this is Holy Light Religion has deliberately publicized the instance, is used to warn that these insufficiently respect and attempt about God of Holy Light to be opportunistic to steal the Holy Light fellow.” 皮特曼皮笑肉不笑地哼哼两声:“呵,而且这还是圣光教派刻意宣扬过的事例,用来警告那些对圣光之神不够尊敬、妄图投机取巧窃取圣光的家伙。” Holy Light Religion Priest releases the Holy Light miracle to be swallowed by Holy Light with magic, but Druid Religion Priest releases the natural miracle not to have the issue with magic,” Gawain looks at these alchemy item as well as inscribe rune and magic formation control desk, shakes the head slightly, you thought that what among this biggest difference is?” 圣光教派神官魔法来释放圣光奇迹就会被圣光吞噬,可是德鲁伊教派神官魔法来释放自然奇迹就没问题,”高文看着那些炼金道具以及铭刻着符文魔法阵的操作台,微微摇了摇头,“你觉得这中间最大的区别是什么?” Because the gods of our family/home are optimistic,” Pittman gave the Religion hand signal in the chest especially properly, „, but God of Holy Light petty.” “因为我们家的神心宽,”皮特曼特正经地在胸口比了个宗教手势,“而圣光之神小心眼。” He displays seriously is very very proper, but Gawain definitely is certain this little old man has no heart of respect to nature God from the start. 他表现的很严肃很正经,但高文完全可以肯定这个小老头对自然神灵压根没什么尊敬之心。 Although the Druid ability is always regarded as half Divine Spell half magic spell, but here so-called Divine Spell refers to them having such sacred process merely, everyone in the know is very clear, Druid has not released the Divine Spell ability, but in this world, lost the Divine Spell support, the so-called belief will also turn into pure spirit to repose Spirit of Nature and various soul that Druid believes that to put it bluntly is they deceives itself to use, then Pittman is this deceives own person? 虽然德鲁伊们的能力一向被人视为“半神术法术”,但这里所谓的神术仅仅是指他们有这么个神圣的过程而已,每一个了解内情的人都很清楚,德鲁伊早已没有释放神术的能力了,而在这个世界,失去了神术支持,所谓的信仰也就会变成一种纯粹的精神寄托德鲁伊所信仰的自然之灵和各种灵魂,说白了就是他们自己骗自己用的,那么皮特曼是这种自己骗自己的人么? If he words are insufficient even the prayer unable to carry! 他要是的话就不至于连祈祷词都背不下来! Therefore Gawain recognized this Druid is the rare and beautiful flowers in profession, did not believe his devout from the start, but continued the faint smile looks at opposite party, could not stretch until Pittman, let go on own initiative: Naturally I have an explanation......” 所以高文认准了这个德鲁伊职业中的奇葩,也就压根不相信他的虔诚度,而是继续似笑非笑地看着对方,直到皮特曼自己都绷不住了,主动一摊手:“当然我还有个解释……” Gawain smiled: I want to listen to the view of your Druid.” 高文笑了起来:“我就是想听听你这个德鲁伊的看法。” Was not Human Race stole Gods authority, but was Gods interrupts was the Human Race strength.” Pittman with the brief words, said scared to death a content of ticket person in this time sufficiently. “不是人类窃取了神明权柄,而是神明截断了本就属于人类的力量。”皮特曼用简短的话语,说出了足以在这个时代吓死一票人的内容。 Naturally, he also dares in this far away from the Church center . Moreover the place that Feudal Lord oneself am not religious said. 当然,他也就敢在这个远离教会中心,而且领主本人也不信教的地方这么说说。 Saw that Gawain after hearing these words too had not loudly responded, instead the slight nod, Pittman exhales the tone looking pensive, said at a moderate pace: „ You should know, besides has turned into magic spell Druid Divine Spell, other Divine Spell are strict self-locking, only then corresponds Religion Priest to be able, in observing the doctrine conducts under the premise of Divine Spell ceremony to display Divine Spell, so long as has condition unbecoming, even if out-of-control that the simplest Holy Light technique not possible to be released to release forcefully will even produce us to mention a moment ago and swallows the phenomenon, why this is? 看到高文在听见这些话之后并没太大反应,反而若有所思地微微点头,皮特曼呼出口气,不紧不慢地说道:“您应该知道,除了已经变成法术德鲁伊神术之外,所有其它神术都是‘严密自锁’的,只有对应教派神官可以在遵守教义进行神术仪式的前提下施展神术,而只要有一个条件不符合,哪怕是最最简单的圣光术也不可能被释放出来强行释放的话甚至会产生咱们刚才提到的失控和吞噬现象,这是为什么? „Before 3000 Druid or clergy, what use is God of Holy Light, War God and other belief system similar natural Divine Spell, that time Druid released Divine Spell to be actually similar to other Priest, must following the custom, have the deviation to cause Divine Spell to lose control strictly slightly is so-called Divine Punishment, but had the White Star Meteor event in legend afterward, everyone could not display Divine Spell, even prayed that could not obtain any responded, finally instead with releasing the magic waygives to use coming out nature miracle that this should vanish ‚, you thought why this was?” “三千年前的德鲁伊还是神职人员,使用的是和圣光之神战神等信仰体系差不多的自然神术,那时候的德鲁伊释放神术其实和别的神官差不多,也必须严格遵照规矩来,稍有偏差就会导致神术失控就是所谓的神罚,但后来发生了传说中的白星陨落事件,大家都施展不出神术了,甚至祈祷也得不到任何回应了,结果反而用释放魔法的方式把本应消失的‘自然奇迹’给用了出来,您觉得这是为什么?” Gawain has not spoken, in the heart actually appears gradually a answer: 高文没有吭声,心中却渐渐浮现出一个答案: Because Management dropped...... 因为管理员掉线了…… The heart looked becomes the difference again to the Pittman look. 心再看向皮特曼的眼神就变得异样起来。 Pittman did not shrink the neck comfortably. 皮特曼不自在地缩了缩脖子。 Your these opinions may not seem like low rank Druid and dabbler antique appraiser, inferior Stalker and fake and shoddy recluse to say,” Gawain said at a moderate pace, perhaps scholar of these full brain Religion history and magic history could not say these words to come.” “你这些见解可不像是一个低阶德鲁伊半吊子古董鉴定师、蹩脚潜行者、假冒伪劣隐士能说出来的,”高文不紧不慢地说道,“那些满脑子宗教史和魔法史的学者恐怕都说不出这些话来。” Pittman had a scare immediately, is sad: I said that should not say, saying to be the calamity......” 皮特曼顿时被吓了一跳,紧接着一脸苦相:“我就说不该说吧,说出来就是祸……” I also had not said how must take you,” a Gawain thread of conversation revolution, everyone is a little secret, you have, I have, Amber has, no at the worst.” “我又没说要拿你怎么着,”高文话锋一转,“每个人都有点秘密,你有,我也有,琥珀都有,没什么大不了的。” How this also pulled Amber suddenly,” Pittman curled the lip, in the heart stabilized slightly, you said a moment ago scholar of these brain knowledge could not say these words...... this I not to agree.” “这怎么还突然扯上琥珀了,”皮特曼撇撇嘴,心中稍微安定了一些,“不过您刚才说那些满脑子知识的学者说不出这些话……这点我可不同意。” Is saying, little old man while hehe smiled two: „ The Druid history is not the secret, Divine Spell and magic is also not the secret, average person perhaps limited to few that the position therefore knows, but these are situated in each Religion peak, can go through all materials, moreover brain especially easy-to-use can't influential figure think with my one thing? 一边说着,小老头一边嘿嘿笑了两声:“德鲁伊的历史不是秘密,神术魔法也都不是秘密,普通人或许受限于身份地位所以知道的少,但那些位居各个教派顶端,能查阅所有资料,而且脑子格外好使的大人物们难道就想不到跟我一样的东西么? In the most intelligent these will of the people are clear, no one said. “最聪明的那些人心里都清楚着呢,没人说出来罢了。 After all, they cannot suffice the god......” 8) “毕竟,他们够不到神啊……”八)
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