SOD :: Volume #2

#118: Divine Spell and magic

Pittman invited own log cabin Gawain, little old man that this in a big way seemed like one age has one pair compared with the young profiteer shrewd flexible eyeball, he served tea to pour water attentively while stole a glance looks at Gawain: Duke personally small log cabin pay a visit that comes my such to decline poor, came across the issue of what difficult solution to need my Druid magic spell? Did you finally and practice divination to be interested to my transportation ceremony?” 皮特曼高文请进了自己的木屋,这个看上去一大把年纪的小老头却有着一双比年轻奸商更加精明灵活的眼珠,他一边殷勤地去端茶倒水一边偷眼看着高文:“公爵亲自来我这么个寒酸破落的小木屋拜访,难道是遇到了什么难解的问题需要我的德鲁伊法术?还是您终于对我的转运仪式和占卜感兴趣了?” Gawain swept the arrangement in room at will, discovered here handles is actually very neat, makes the work table of alchemy experiment as well as mixes medicine various vessel neat and tidy to place the northwest corner work area, the quarters are also simple succinct very much, just arrived on this local time unlike Pittman that dirty chaotic feeling completely. 高文随意扫了扫屋里的陈设,发现这里打理的倒是很整洁,做炼金实验的工作台以及调制药剂的各种容器整整齐齐地放在都西北角的工作区,生活区也是朴素简洁的很,跟皮特曼刚来到这个地方时身上那种脏兮兮乱糟糟的感觉完全不同。 Hears the little old man opens the mouth, he disregards the latter half a word words that the opposite party sold again directly, but said directly: I mix alchemy medicine to you and give them the blessing process to be interested very much.” 听到小老头开口,他直接无视了对方再度推销的后半句话,而是直接说道:“我对你调制炼金药剂和给它们祝福的过程很感兴趣。” Pittman is especially surprised: With potion and blessing technique? For this minor matter, you also comes personally?” 皮特曼特惊讶:“配药水祝福术?就为这点小事,您还亲自来一趟?” Happen to passed by, therefore satisfies the curiosity while convenient,” Gawain beckons with the hand, „, moreover I remember before , had told you must enhance the agricultural use to catalyze the medicine output, how does not know the achievement.” “正好路过而已,所以顺便来满足一下好奇心,”高文摆摆手,“而且我记得之前也跟你说过要提高农用催化药剂的产量,不知道成果如何。” Under Pittman pain face: Where is so easy, your time also too......” 皮特曼苦下脸来:“哪有这么容易的,您这时间也太……” Gawain beckons with the hand: Temporarily without the achievement are not related, making me have a look at your job schedule on the line.” 高文摆摆手:“暂时没有成果也没关系,让我看看你的工作进度就行。” Pittman then relaxes, the surroundings of whole face are piling up one on top of another: That does not have the issue actually, I happen to must start to work.” 皮特曼这才松了口气,满脸的周围堆叠着:“那倒是没问题,我正好要开始工作了。” Is saying, he while moved toward that for mixing the medicine work area, started to do to compound the preparation of potion: Mixes these medicine in any case is also his routine work, when satisfies this disposition strange Duke Lord likes personally. 一边说着,他一边走向了那个用于调配药剂的工作区,开始做配制药水的准备:反正调制这些药剂也是他的日常工作,就当满足一下这个脾性古怪的公爵老爷的个人爱好吧。 Gawain follows in little old man behind, looks at he between these medicine and alchemy tools busy, in the mind is actually transferring a more complex thought. 高文跟在小老头身后,看着他在那些药剂炼金工具之间忙忙碌碌,脑海中却在转着更加复杂的念头。 magic engine succeeded. 魔能引擎成功了。 This is one is worth the happy matter, mature steady Hetty immerses in successfully joyful is not certainly exceptional. 这着实是一件值得高兴的事,就连成熟稳重的赫蒂都沉浸在成功的喜悦当然更不例外。 However Gawain is not at heart joyful, braves together with it, before , has produced, actually temporarily suppressed doubts: What is mana? The rule of this world what's the matter? 然而高文心里却不只有喜悦,与之一同冒出来的,还有之前就产生过,却暂时被压制的疑惑:魔力到底是什么?这个世界的规律到底是怎么回事? The revolution of magic engine showed the existence of logical and rule without doubt, explained that all sorts of phenomena in this world were not the mutual independents, but had the relations mutually, can combine to become the system, repulsion formation will promote the piston, the piston to drive the crank and connecting rod, flywheel revolving can have the inertia, the inertia will make each work flow of engine link up, but extended again outward, the energy of engine from magic circuit, magic circuit energy from environment...... 魔能引擎的运转无疑说明逻辑与规律的存在,也说明这个世界上的种种现象都不是相互独立,而是互有关系,可以组合成为体系的,斥力法阵会推动活塞,活塞会带动曲轴和连杆,飞轮旋转会产生惯性,惯性会让引擎的每一个工作流程都衔接起来,而再往外延伸,引擎的能量来自魔网,魔网的能量来自环境…… All seem like neat and tidy, closes completely. 一切看似都井然有序,完整闭合。 But where initial does mana from come? absorption of magic circuit from natural environment? Then mana in natural environment? Is it really inexhaustible, everywhere? It really can be supplemented in magic circuit continuously, ten thousand th is drainless? 但最初的魔力又是从哪来的?魔网从自然环境中汲取?那么自然环境中的魔力呢?它真的是无穷无尽,无处不在?它真的可以源源不断地被补充到魔网中,万世不竭? Doesn't this world conservation of energy observe? 这个世界连能量守恒都不遵守么? Said, mana actually has own source, has own limit reserves, it is unable to observe the way and calculating to contain by Human Race in the world myriad things, Human Race is using it ignorant, thinks that it is infinite, but will its which day perhaps use up? 还是说,魔力其实有着自己的源头,有着自己的极限储量,它只是以人类无法观测和计算的方式蕴藏在世间万物中,人类懵懵懂懂地利用着它,认为它是无限的,但它说不定哪天就会用完? In the face of this most disquieting issue, Gawain could not even have attended to pondering magic formation produces repulsion was any thing. 在这个最令人忧虑的问题面前,高文甚至已经顾不上思考魔法阵所产生的“斥力”到底是一种什么东西了。 To be honest, in the moment of seeing magic engine revolving, in the Gawain mind and joyful braves together actually worried. 说实话,在看到魔能引擎旋转起来的一刻,高文脑海中与喜悦一同冒出来的却是担忧。 The mechanical operation is a more direct-viewing energy divulges, on static magic formation compared with rune furnace can let Gawain conscious to expended energy existence of this process, however he has not adapted could not notice completely the stored energy material the fact he cannot see „the mana fuel, cannot see the battery, could not see gauge board that an actual wire and a measurement consume energy, this gives him a deserted feeling, as if for fear that magic engine transfers is transferring is stopping suddenly...... 机械运转是一种更为直观的能量宣泄,比符文熔炉上的静态魔法阵更能让高文意识到“消耗能量”这一过程的存在,然而他还不适应完全看不到储能物质的事实他看不到“魔力燃料”,看不到电池,看不到一根实际存在的导线和一个计量耗能的仪表盘,这给他一种空落落的感觉,仿佛生怕那魔能引擎转着转着就突然停掉…… Even if wireless power transmission achieve on Earth, Gawain also knows at least the power plant is burning the fuel, but here...... magic circuit that only then fills unceasingly baseless, person perhaps of this world can become accustomed to this phenomenon, but he suddenly thought that is irritable. 哪怕地球上的无线输电实现了,高文最起码还知道发电厂里面是烧着燃料的,可是在这里……只有一个不断凭空充满的魔网,这个世界的人或许能对这个现象习以为常,但他却突然觉得别扭起来。 Gawain wants to do the clear mana essential secret, wants to do to understand why this world will revolve like this, wants to do to understand why the water, when turns into the steam being hard acting, but actually still maintained the three states of matter to change, wants to do to understand why the electromagnetic induction will expire in this world, but here actually still had the independent magnetic field and electric field, theoretically as special electromagnetic wave light remains( if that is really light)...... 高文想要搞明白魔力的本质秘密,想要搞明白为什么这个世界会这样运转,想要搞明白为什么水在变成蒸汽的时候难以做功,但却仍然保持着三态变化,想要搞明白为什么电磁感应会在这个世界失效,但这里却仍然存在独立的磁场和电场,理论上作为特殊电磁波的“光”也仍然存在(假如那真是“光”的话)…… These contradictions make him feel that a huge separate feeling, should be is closely interlinked many phenomenon and phenomenon back principle seems torn to pieces in this world, seems the material no longer to exist orderly, but was established by so-called Gods there forcefully resembles, they present all sorts of strange and unusual physical and chemical property respectively, is not because the microcosm is supporting them, because of them by rights ought to so...... 这些矛盾让他感觉到一种巨大的割裂感,原本应该是相互紧密联系的很多现象以及现象背后的原理在这个世界显得支离破碎,就好像物质不再是有序存在,而是被所谓的神明强行设定在那里似的,它们各自呈现出千奇百怪的理化性质,并不是因为微观世界在支撑着它们,而是因为它们“理当如此”…… These contradiction and separate feeling once by the busy office suppression, forgot by Gawain temporarily after the brain, that moment when magic engine really revolves according to his tentative plan, these thoughts were then hard to suppress to brave again. 这些矛盾与割裂感一度被繁忙的事务所压制,被高文暂时遗忘在脑后,然而当魔能引擎真的按照他的设想运转起来的那一刻,这些念头便难以抑制地再度冒了出来。 But he knows, a oneself stuttering inadequate fatty, if wants in the present stage to explain directly microscopic domain and foundation of principle this world is not possible, he must proceed in an orderly way, must understand that the truth of lowest level, must first start from the observation most surface phenomenon, starts from the experience and practical domain. 但他知道,自己一口吃不成胖子,要想在现阶段直接解释这个世界的微观领域和基础原理是不可能的,他必须循序渐进,要了解最底层的真理,就要先从观察最表层的现象开始,从经验和实用领域开始。 For example first observes various magic of this world, as well as their effective mechanism. 比如首先观察这个世界的各种魔法,以及它们的生效机理。 Hetty and Rebecca are earnest mage( although talent leaning point), but Gawain has not gone to look for them, but found Pittman, because he knows a matter: Druid magic spell is this world's most special, its origin and change as if can reveal related magic some secrets. 赫蒂瑞贝卡都是正儿八经的法师(虽然天赋都偏了点),但高文没有去找她们,而是找到了皮特曼,因为他知道一件事:德鲁伊法术是这个世界上最为特殊的,它的起源、变迁似乎可以揭示有关魔法的一些秘密。 Druid magic evolves from Divine Spell. 德鲁伊魔法是从神术演变来的。 Pittman already the medicine material that prepares today to need to dispose as well as holds item of Druid ceremony, he operation while illustrated: Disposing alchemy medicine is not actually difficult, the material that most basic catalyzed medicine needs is very inexpensive, the medicinal herbs have everywhere, mainly costs the time to process in the later period on, for example fumigates and air-dries, pulverizing, this aspect asks some manpower actually also to be solved much.” 皮特曼已经准备好了今天需要配置的药剂材料以及举行德鲁伊仪式的道具,他一边操作一边解说:“配置炼金药剂其实不怎么难,最基础的催化药剂需要的材料都是很廉价的,药草随处都有,主要耗费时间在后期处理上,比如熏制、晾晒、磨粉等,这方面多找些人手其实也能解决。” He is saying, the fish tail grass seed and perilla chrysanthemum that petal while will grind to the powder puts to heat up in vessel, pours into the pure water as well as prepares some good grass juice ahead of time. 他一边说着,一边将磨成粉末的鱼尾草籽和紫苏菊花瓣放入加热容器中,倒入纯水以及提前制备好的某种草汁。 I listened to Amber to explain to me these labor systems that you invented, for example the working procedure resolution, the responsibility system and streamlined production, to be honest, were the extraordinary ideas, as the matter stands can give the layman to do the complex alchemy medicine preparation working procedure decomposition, but the most essential part did not have the means......” “我听琥珀给我解释了你发明的那些劳动制度,比如工序拆分、责任制、流水作业,说实话,都是了不得的想法,这样一来就能把复杂的炼金药剂制备工序分解交给外行人来做,但最关键的部分却没办法……” Heats up in vessel to start to emit the air bubble, the flavor that one type irritates the nose pungently braved, Pittman added new potion toward inside quickly, at the potency of equilibrium mixture. 加热容器中开始冒出气泡,一种辛辣刺鼻的味道冒了出来,皮特曼赶快往里面加了一种新的药水,以平衡混合物的效力。 potion that prerequisite step manufactures is only every thing, does not have extraordinary force, even if there is an effect is also very weak, to enable it to display the magic general magic, must pour into mana, but this step must be completed through the Druid ceremony......” “前置步骤制作出来的药水只是凡物,不具备超凡力量,哪怕有效果也是很微弱的,要想让它能发挥出魔法一般的神奇力量,就必须注入魔力,而这个步骤必须通过德鲁伊仪式来完成……” Pittman has sealed the cover that heats up vessel, through a curving bronze drive pipe, the gas that in vessel the transpiration has arrives in nearby prolonging by derived, and condenses a little bit pale-green juice, little old man collects cautiously these pale-green juice, finally causes a small cup, and places in it nearby small altar. 皮特曼已经封上了加热容器的盖子,通过一段弯曲的铜质导管,容器中蒸腾出的气体被导出到旁边的冷凝管内,并凝聚成一滴滴淡绿色的汁液,小老头小心翼翼地把这些淡绿色汁液收集起来,最终弄出一小杯,并把它放在旁边一个小小的祭坛上。 The Gawain eye does not wink looks at little old man to operate there, he noticed that Pittman placed around the altar element rune that is representing the wind hot water and soil, these rune carve on the wood chip of oak, later laid aside two crystal in internal layer is very ordinary white crystal, in natural crystal most inexpensive one. 高文眼睛不眨地看着小老头在那里操作,他看到皮特曼在祭坛四周摆放了代表着风火水土的元素符文,这些符文都刻在橡木的木片上,随后又在内层放置了两枚水晶是很普通的白水晶,天然水晶中最廉价的一种。 Afterward he started to recite Druid that the incantation that was difficult to speak, Gawain opens oneself Mana Perception ability obscurely immediately. 随后他开始吟唱德鲁伊那晦涩难懂的咒语,高文立刻开启了自己的魔力感知能力。 He noticed that side Pittman is full the mana brilliance gradually, these energies arrange the special geometric figure under the guidance of rune, and trembles and affects around half-finished product medicine, medicine luster also from light green toward dark green transformation. 他看到皮特曼身边渐渐充盈起魔力的光辉,这些能量在符文的引导下排列出特殊的几何图形,并在半成品药剂周围震颤、影响,药剂的色泽也随之从淡绿向着墨绿转变。 When transforms forthcoming, Druid stopped the incantation to recite, and withdrew that two white crystal, started to read the praying word about nature God seriously: Great natural Gods, asylum of life, great Spirit of Nature...... not Heart of Forest, direction of life, your devout believer prayed in this, the response of hope nature Gods, hoping you from the oak...... the palm wooden......, or the oak, wishing you to bestow the gospel from your oak throne, lets this potion full life the energy, making it...... finish?” 在转变即将完成的时候,德鲁伊停下了咒语吟唱,并将那两枚白水晶撤走,一本正经地开始念关于自然神灵的祷词:“伟大的自然诸神啊,生命的庇护者,伟大的自然之灵……啊不林木之心啊,生命的指引者,您虔诚的信徒在此祈祷,祈求自然诸神的回应,愿您从橡木……棕榈木……要不还是橡木吧,愿您从您的橡木王座上赐下福音,让这药水充盈生命的能量,让它……哦已经完工了?” Pittman lowers the head looked, confirmed potion has completed the transformation completely, therefore stops that neatly already the pray that cannot arrange quickly, takes to give Gawain to look from the altar medicine with a laugh: You take a look, the plant growth that comes out freshly catalyzes medicine, but also hot.” 皮特曼低头一看,确认药水已经完全完成转化,于是干脆利落地停下那已经快编不下去的祈祷,笑呵呵地把药剂从祭坛上拿下来递给高文看:“您瞧瞧,新鲜出炉的植物生长催化药剂,还热乎着呢。” Gawain takes medicine, felt that the entire cheek is shaking, even if that the country character face and full beard could not save shakes. 高文拿着药剂,感觉整个面皮都在抖,哪怕是国字脸和络腮胡子都拯救不了的那种抖。 Is this old boy that prayer finally noisy?! 这老小子最后那段祈祷词是闹呢么?! But the 70-80 times was, puts on normal believer that opposite party that nearly acted sloppily finally is extinguished prayers by own God, making the idea in Gawain heart determine completely. 但就是对方最后那段近乎胡来的、搁在正常信徒身上已经被自家上帝灭了70-80次的祈祷词,让高文心中的想法完全确定下来。 Once Druid Divine Spell...... has really vanished thoroughly. 曾经的德鲁伊神术……果然已经彻底消失了。 Now preserves in world, only has Druid magic. 现在留存于世的,只有德鲁伊魔法 He still braved the steam medicine to place side that small cup, the eye of looks at Pittman: If I have not remembered incorrectly, your prayer was actually Druid Religion Heart of Forest faction Sacred Book, «Jungle Saint Word» pericope.” 他将那一小杯仍然冒着热气的药剂放在旁边,看着皮特曼的眼睛:“如果我没记错的话,你刚才的祈祷词其实是德鲁伊教派林木之心派系教典,《丛林圣言》中的选段吧。” Pittman is a little surprised: Your this does know?!” 皮特曼有点惊讶:“您连这个都知道?!” This book I have looked,” Gawain beckons with the hand , indicating that this issue not important, what I want to say is Druid magic spell really emerges in Divine Spell?” “这本书我看过,”高文摆摆手,表示这个问题并不重要,“我想说的是德鲁伊法术真的脱胎于神术么?” ( Pushes the book, «I who ten governing write, Gods, Redemption» right, wrote small froth god initially, this book was still gu god, culture invaded the preaching class/flow.) 8) (推书,十御写的《我,神明,救赎者》没错,就是当初写小泡泡神教的,这本书仍然是咕吖神教,文化入侵传教流。)八)
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