SOD :: Volume #2

#117: Cecil Mechanical Factory institute

Truly, this Iron Ball Alien transforms the metal shape the ability to make the Gawain impression profound at the extremely quick speed, moreover from the beginning he also truly exclaimed in surprise that is at the processed metals components efficient rate/lead in this fellow, but is quick his conscious, compared with this machining speed, his precision perhaps is a bigger wealth. 确实,这个铁球星人以极快的速度改造金属形态的能力让高文印象深刻,而且一开始他也确实是惊叹于这家伙在加工金属零件时的高效率,但很快他就意识到,比起这种加工速度来,他的精度恐怕才是更大的财富。 What Gawain the speed is not fully realizes this point, although the Nicholas Egg machining speed can scare to death everyone, but Gawain is very clear under the true industrial production pattern, even if the speed of individual does not have the significance again astonishingly, how many minutes process 100 components to be quick? Is truly quicker than the blacksmith hammer, but industrial age casual racket several production lines get down, this machining speed is known by the mothers who these machines will explode immediately! 速度不算什么高文深知这一点,虽然尼古拉斯蛋的加工速度可以吓死现场每一个人,但高文很清楚在真正的工业生产模式下,个体的速度哪怕再惊人也毫无意义,几分钟加工出一百个零件很快么?确实比铁匠的锤子要快,但工业时代随随便便拍几条生产线下去,这点加工速度立刻就会被那些机器爆的妈都不认识! Although Gawain does not have the means casual racket production line now, but the magic engine prototype has, he believes that oneself will have the big hand to wield one day pats the production line comes out, the Nicholas Egg efficiency advantage sooner or later after more and more machine place in operation becomes will vanish however the people, however his another advantage will not be is actually replaced by the machine easily, at least will compare with his efficiency, this advantage replaced will be slower 虽然现在高文没办法随随便便拍个生产线,但魔能引擎原型机已经有了,他相信自己总有一天会有大手一挥就拍个生产线出来的时候,尼古拉斯蛋的效率优势迟早会在越来越多的机器投入生产之后变得泯然众人,然而他另外一个优势却不是那么容易就会被机器取代的,起码和他的效率比起来,这个优势被取代的会慢一些 His precision. 他的精度。 He these components that uses bits and pieces pinching to come out are not make at will, Gawain saw that they are actually on the magic engine prototype the part appear externally the components the diminished version . Moreover the fine degree not these blacksmith handmade articles of each components may compare, these metal sculpture were even the hair silk do came out...... this brute to be simply good! 他用边角料“捏”出来的那些零件并不是随意制造,高文一眼就看出它们其实是魔能引擎原型机上部分外露零件的缩小版,而且每一个零件的精致程度都远非那些铁匠手工制品可比,那些金属雕塑更是连头发丝都做了出来……这简直鬼畜好么! Precision?” Nicholas Egg as if also conscious to anything, he seriously thought that quite replied confidently, this depends on simultaneous processing how many things, makes 100 one time, that will definitely have many errors, but only processes the number in the units place each time the components, moreover lets words that I process slowly...... error probably compared with your hair silk also thin dozens times. Naturally, the concrete speed depends on the components the order of complexity and volume, in the machine that but in my opinion, you make the most complex components are also very simple.” “精度?”尼古拉斯蛋似乎也意识到了什么,他认真思索一下,颇有自信地回答,“这取决于同时加工多少东西,一次弄一百个,那肯定会有不少误差,但每次只加工个位数的零件,而且让我慢慢加工的话……误差大概比你的头发丝还细几十倍。当然,具体速度取决于零件的复杂度和体积,不过在我看来,你们制造的这台机器中最复杂的零件也很简单。” Gawain: „?!” 高文:“?!” metal ball quite a while has not heard the Gawain sound, could not bear flutter to touch latter's arm: Aii, how don't you speak?” 金属球半天没听到高文动静,忍不住飘过来碰了碰后者的胳膊:“哎哎,你怎么不说话了?” „The first-generation industrial engine bed gave you!” “第一代的工业机床就交给你了!” Ha?” “哈?” Gawain are not many with the opposite party explanation, because his innermost feelings had jumped for joy to stuff completely, almost could not branch out the energy other. 高文没有跟对方解释太多,因为他的内心已经完全被雀跃所充塞,几乎分不出精力来说其他了。 Yes, first-generation industrial engine bed, or so-called work Machine Tool, all foundations, let most important one point that the entire industrialization chain can establish, makes Nicholas Egg go to make these mass production components with it massively, repeatedly, should make him display the advantage in precision and efficiency, in the shortest time can be used to produce work Machine Tool of other machine modules making, no matter engine bed that processes the components variously, is batch cutting simple rune rune graphic plotter, only then makes these things, he can oneself base industry tie up on rushing power that in magic engine provides, catches up in the mountain opposite. Before that not solid wall was finished, accumulates to put together energy! 是的,第一代的工业机床,或者所谓“工作母机”,一切的基础,让整个工业化链条能够得以建立的最重要的一环,与其让尼古拉斯蛋去大量地、重复地制造那些量产零件,更应该让他发挥精度和效率上的优势,在最短的时间内把能够用于生产其他机器组件的工作母机给制造出来不管是各种各样加工零件的机床,还是批量刻制简单符文的“符文制图机”,只有把这些东西造出来,他才能把自己的基业绑在魔能引擎所提供的澎湃动力上,赶在山对面那堵不怎么结实的墙完蛋之前攒出拼一把的底气! At this time he was a little even regrettable, why cannot morning conscious to this metal ball ability, allowing him directly to participate in the words of magic engine prototype research and development, on this day perhaps will arrive early. 这时候他甚至有点遗憾,为什么没能更早一点意识到这个金属球的才能,让他直接参与魔能引擎原型机研发的话,这一天或许会更早到来。 But he has not made this regrettable mood continue is too long, because sees with one's own eyes before today, who can think that control of this metal ball to the metal so will be unexpectedly powerful? Truly speaking, Gawain even suspected that Nicholas Egg have not thought...... 但他并没有让这种遗憾的情绪持续太久,因为在今天亲眼看到之前,谁能想到这个金属球对金属的控制能力竟然会这么强大?说实在的,高文甚至怀疑尼古拉斯蛋自己都没想起来…… Moreover, he had not a little become confused the mind by the Nicholas Egg ability: This Iron Ball Alien is a special individual, is not replicable, the non-renewable individual, but in all circumstances, presses the entire system on the one by one body is is extremely not sane. Nicholas Egg can process the first generation the industrial engine bed is very good, but if has the accident/surprise? What to do if he isn't able to control to some essential metallic material? What to do if he did have the accident/surprise? If by some chance some type of can't equipment that has this world characteristic what to do make with the metal? 而且还有一点,他并没有被尼古拉斯蛋的能力冲昏头脑:这个铁球星人是个特殊个体,是个不可复制、不可再生的个体,而在任何情况下,将整个体系都压在一个个体身上都是极不理智的。尼古拉斯蛋能加工出第一代的工业机床是很好,但万一出现意外呢?万一他对某种关键金属材料无法控制怎么办?万一他出了意外怎么办?万一某种独具这个世界特色的设备不能用金属制造怎么办? Therefore Gawain calms down rapidly, and conscious to Nicholas Egg mister( or young lady? The words saying that this is the biggest boost that the male ball female ball) perhaps is he meets until now, but he actually cannot completely rely on the opposite party. 所以高文迅速冷静下来,并意识尼古拉斯蛋先生(或者小姐?话说这到底是个男球还是女球嘛)或许是他迄今为止遇到的最大的助力,但他却不能完全依赖于对方。 He the entire journey of guarantee in establishing the process of industrial infrastructure has the average person to participate is good. 他还是得保证在建立工业基础的过程中全程有普通人参与才行。 Therefore he looked to uneasy old blacksmith and Runesmith, slight nod: need not was worried that from now on your craftsmanship will unable to apply Feudal Territory is short of manpower forever, the way of future work will have the little change at most.” 所以他看向了惴惴不安的老铁匠符文工匠们,微微点头:“不用担心今后你们的手艺派不上用场领地永远都是缺人的,顶多你们今后工作的方式会发生一点点变化。” Then he looks to Nicholas Egg: „Are you willing to be my Manager Machine Building?” 接着他又看向尼古拉斯蛋:“你愿意担任我的机械制造主管么?” Neat that Nicholas Egg replied: Works as, why did not work as found a matter to do rarely.” 尼古拉斯蛋回答的干脆利落:“当啊,为什么不当难得找到点事做。” Good, you are responsible for helping me make the machine, will be quick I to your some blueprints and processing duties, you will strive to make to consider the needed materials these things to be convenient in the quickest time, this used to you next to the Steelworks work shed. Moreover, your first duty makes three magic engine again, I must use in mine and Steelworks and so on essential place.” “那好,你就负责帮我制造机器,很快我就会给你一些图纸和加工任务,你争取在最快的时间内把那些东西弄出来考虑到用料方便,这座紧挨着钢铁厂的工棚就给你用了。另外,你的第一个任务是再制造三台魔能引擎,我要用在矿山钢铁厂之类关键的地方。” Although Gawain to the localization of Nicholas Egg is work Machine Tool Creator, but in the present stage, the latter also completely has the ample force help to expand the scales of these mass production machines, in line with person completely it with the principle that the ball also completely it used, Gawain to this ball arranged big pile of production tasks without hesitation. 虽然高文尼古拉斯蛋的定位是“工作母机制造者”,但在现阶段,后者还完全有余力帮忙扩大那些量产机器的规模,本着人尽其用球也得尽其用的原则,高文毫不犹豫地给这个球安排了一大堆生产任务。 The opposite party seem very happy...... 对方看起来还挺高兴的…… But looks at competitive Nicholas Egg, in the Gawain heart stabilizes gradually. 看着干劲十足的尼古拉斯蛋,高文心中渐渐安定下来。 Had such to hang to compel the crossed over egg help of rank, did not consider the form of society, but only considered that the words of technical tree, he felt himself, let alone was the jump type developed, jump development good...... 有了这么个挂逼级别的穿越蛋帮忙,不考虑社会形态而只考虑点科技树的话,他觉得自己别说是跃进式发展了,跃迁式发展都行…… But in such happy mood, he actually paid attention to arrive keenly on the old blacksmith Hammer face of corner still has the slight gloominess. 而在这样愉快的心情之中,他却敏锐地注意到站在角落的老铁匠汉默尔脸上仍然有着些微的灰暗。 But Gawain has not spoken to persuade finally. 高文最终还是没有出言相劝。 Hammer eventually is old blacksmith, hit old blacksmith of dozens years of social dealings with the iron hammer and anvil, he believes that oneself iron hammer and deeply thinks, such as Knight believes that own sword and skill in Wushu are ordinary, however Iron Ball Alien, can control the metal inborn metal Grandmaster suddenly appears, beat this old blacksmith confidence completely. 汉默尔终究是个老铁匠,跟铁锤、铁砧打了几十年交道的老铁匠,他相信自己的铁锤并深以为豪,就如骑士相信自己的刀剑与武艺一般,然而一个铁球星人,一个天生能够控制金属的“金属大师”突然出现,完全击垮了这个老铁匠的信心。 This perhaps is not fatal strikes, because before Nicholas Egg appears, in this world has had Dwarf smith such far ultra Human Race blacksmith profession, Hammer craftsmanship steamroll own individual was not stimulated by one, lets this blacksmith truly with a heavy heart, probably will be he indistinct conscious to the future 或许还不是致命一击,因为在尼古拉斯蛋出现之前,这个世界上就已经存在着“矮人工匠”这样远超人类铁匠职业了,汉默尔并不是被一个“手艺”碾压自己的个体所刺激,真正让这位铁匠心情沉重的,大概是他已经隐约意识到了未来 Actuates the sledgehammer with the machine, the manpower even more tiny that future, it does not seem far. 用机器驱动大锤,人力愈发渺小的那个未来,它似乎已经不远了。 Hammer has rare keen in the average person of this time. 汉默尔拥有在这个时代的普通人中难得的敏锐。 But how can Gawain say now? Telling Hammer must adapt to itself as soon as possible steel head the status, do not harbor intentions again own blacksmith enterprise, tells the opposite party the craftsmanship person not to decline completely, even if in another industrialization highly developed world, blacksmith will have the unshakeable survival soil? Now said these to Hammer too early. 高文现在能怎么说呢?告诉汉默尔要尽快适应自己“钢铁负责人”的身份,别再心心念念自己的铁匠事业,还是告诉对方手艺人并不会完全没落,哪怕在另一个工业化高度发达的世界,铁匠也会有不可动摇的生存土壤?现在跟汉默尔说这些都太早了。 Hopes him to be quicker adapts to the change of this world, because of a quicker change, quick must arrive. 但愿他能快些适应这个世界的变化吧,因为更快的变化,很快就要到来了。 In the Gawain heart sighed, later made noise to break silent: Recently created department needs a name, is called the Cecil Mechanical Factory institute temporarily. Nicholas Egg, you are the mechanical manager and first manager, with holding the post of Hammer draws level of steel manager, moreover you can choose some people to act as the long-term assistant from that hundred smith, but the list must give me to verify.” 高文心中叹息一声,随后出声打破沉默:“新组建的部门需要一个名字,就暂时叫做塞西尔机械制造所吧。尼古拉斯蛋,你是机械主管和第一任所长,与担任钢铁主管的汉默尔级,另外你可以从那百名工匠中挑选一些人充当长期助手,但名单要交给我审核。” Good, some people help complete the complete set to process after all quickly compared with my ball, they can help the assembly.” Nicholas Egg high and low fluctuated, expressed the support. “好,有人帮忙总归还是比我一个球完成全套加工快,他们可以帮着组装。”尼古拉斯蛋上下浮动了一下,表示赞同。 In leaving Machine Building on road, Hetty looks repeatedly to Gawain. 在离开机械制造所的路上,赫蒂频频看向高文 What's wrong?” Gawain asked her curiously. “怎么了?”高文好奇地问她。 It‘s nothing, but rarely saw you will have such happy time,” Hetty shows a warm smile, you are always very usually serious, board a face, but smiles many times today.” “没什么,只是很少看到您会有这么开心的时候,”赫蒂露出一个温暖的笑容,“您平时总是很严肃,板着一张脸,但今天笑了很多次。” Gawain is startled: „Am I very usually serious?” 高文大吃一惊:“我平常很严肃么?” He ponders over the usual psychological activity is very actually fierce, moreover all day long is suffering with Amber together disciplines, to present is almost half specialized fall-guy, although is insufficient to lose ancestor dignified frequently, but is insufficient is a putting on a serious face image is right? 他琢磨着自己平时的心理活动其实还挺剧烈的,而且成天跟琥珀在一块饱经磨练,到现在自己几乎已经是个半专业的捧哏了,虽然不至于经常丧失先祖威严,但怎么也不至于是个板着脸的形象才对吧? Has not actually thought that Hetty nods very much earnestly: Your perhaps has not noticed, but you expression is very usually serious.” 却没想到赫蒂很认真地点了点头:“您或许没注意到,但您平时表情真的很严肃。” Gawain a little worried immediately touched own sending border line, touches the chin, looking pensive: Ten have ** is the issue of country character face and whiskers......” 高文顿时有点担忧地摸了摸自己的发际线,紧接着又摸了摸下巴,若有所思:“十有**是国字脸和络腮胡的问题……” „Ah?” “啊?” Gawain beckons with the hand immediately: No, no.” 高文立刻摆摆手:“不,没什么。” The things in some Hetty then also many internal affairs must process, therefore says goodbye with Gawain on the halfway, the looks at Hetty form disappears in the line of sight gradually, on the Gawain face the joyful expression actually restrains gradually, and floated serious. 赫蒂接下来还有很多内务方面的事情要处理,所以在半路上就和高文道了别,看着赫蒂的身影渐渐消失在视线中,高文脸上喜悦的表情却渐渐收敛,并浮上了一丝严肃。 He does not have to return to oneself tent directly, but turns round on the road slightly, arrives before southwest a barracks area log cabin. 他没有直接返回自己的帐篷,而是在路上稍微拐了个弯,来到位于营区西南的一座木屋前。 This log cabin wants big compared with the surrounding house, the house also has the big piece plant nursery, in that plant nursery is growing all kinds of plant, the larger part has the medicinal herbs of various effects, but remaining one less than half is quite common, after the plant that the processing can act as the spell casting material. 这座木屋比周围的房屋要大一圈,屋前屋后还有着大片的苗圃,那苗圃中生长着五花八门的植物,其中一大半是具备各种功效的药材,而剩下一小半则是比较常见的、在加工之后可以充当施法素材的植物。 Only from these plant nurseries, can judge the specialness of this log cabin. 仅从那些苗圃上,就能判断出这间木屋的特殊。 Here is the Druid Pittman dwelling, is the place that he works, although the person seemingly does not support reliably, but this dwelling and work room is actually very decent. 这里是德鲁伊皮特曼的住处,也是他工作的地方虽然人看起来挺不可靠,但这住处兼工作室倒是挺有模有样的。 Before Gawain arrives at the log cabin, saw that in the gate is hanging a sign, above uses the flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes character to write several shoptalks: 高文来到木屋前,看到门上挂着一块牌子,上面用龙飞凤舞的字写着几行话: The Pittman medicine shop, sells various medicinal herbs and end product alchemy medicine, sells the Druid protective charm and transportation accessory, the concurrent job antique appraisal, the divination( study), the specialized unlocking, cultivates the lock, to make up the roof, the family chefs( can lead child while convenient, below three years old non- belts). 皮特曼药剂店,出售各类药草和成品炼金药剂,出售德鲁伊护符、转运饰品,兼职古董鉴定,占卜(正在学),专业开锁、修锁、补房顶,家庭厨师(可以顺便带孩子,三岁以下不带)。 Gawain seriously looks at that wooden sign, in the heart does not have the mighty waves. 高文表情木然地看着那木牌,心中毫无波澜。 That little old man clearly knows that not learn to read civilians cannot understand the character on signboard, actually hangs up this thing in the entrance steadfastly, can this only explain to like personally? 那个小老头明知道不识字的平民根本看不懂招牌上的字,却还是坚定不移地在门口挂上这玩意儿,这大概只能解释为个人爱好? Gawain shakes the head, puts out a hand to prepare to knock on a door, but before his hand will soon contact the door leaf, that leaf of wooden door has then opened from inside. 高文摇摇头,伸出手准备敲门,但在他的手即将接触到门扇之前,那扇木门便已经从里面打开了。 Pittman that wrinkled face appears in the line of sight: „, I have waited for you to be very long.” 皮特曼那张皱巴巴的脸出现在视线中:“啊,我已经等您很久了。” Gawain stares: You know that I can come?” 高文一愣:“你知道我要来?” Did the divination of this old boy also really complete study? 难道这老小子的占卜还真学成了? Finally Pittman shakes the head: I the lying window saw you to walk toward here a moment ago.” 结果皮特曼摇摇头:“我刚才趴窗户边看见您往这边走。” Gawain: „......” 高文:“……”
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