SOD :: Volume #2

#116: Metal Grandmaster

Old blacksmith Hammer stared in a big way the eye, brings astonished and vacant looks at that the strange machine that revolved fast. 铁匠汉默尔瞪大了眼睛,带着惊愕与茫然看着那正在飞快运转的怪异机器。 Its core is full the mana brilliance, can under simplistic formation and function of a series of mechanism is conducting the reciprocal motion with repulsion mechanism that simple and crude described, the heavy flywheel is revolving under the drive of connecting rod and crank fast, the velocity of whirl surpassed the crank that any windmill, waterwheel and manpower shook, his profoundly knows that big iron-tire has the big weight, that was transfers to be able easily the thing that the bone of person destroyed, but it on was actuated like this, moreover ease that actuated. 它的核心充盈着魔力的光辉,可以用简陋形容的斥力机关正在一个简易法阵一系列机械结构的作用下进行往复运动,沉重的飞轮在连杆和曲轴的带动下飞快地旋转着,旋转速度超过任何风车、水车和人力摇动的曲柄,他深深地知道那个大铁轮子有着多大的重量,那是转起来可以轻易将人的骨头打碎的东西,但它就这样被驱动了,而且驱动的轻而易举。 But stands two Runesmith looks by him are more, thought are also more. 而站在他旁边的两名符文工匠则看的更多,想到的也更多。 They are the servants who Magician foster comes out, if Runeshaper is designs the formation blueprint electric circuit engineer, then Runesmith is responsible for making the magic mechanism machine part mechanical engineer, they in this aspect, the nature are much more than ordinary blacksmith. 他们是魔法师培养出来的仆人,如果说符文师是设计法阵蓝图的“电路工程师”的话,那么符文工匠就是负责制造魔法机关机械部分的“机械工程师”,他们在这方面所懂的,自然比普通铁匠多得多。 Runesmith usually in makes all kinds of mechanism and magic item, is completely not naturally strange to repulsion formation this most basic small thing, but they have never thought that this simple, the thing of trivial spell rank can have such mysterious function only to need one set of effective mechanism unexpectedly, then lets only be able to be used to promote the mechanism gate or falls the repulsion formation automatic circulation switch over of stone trap, although entire magic engine bases on magic power to promote, but its intrinsic principle actually and any magic item of past was entirely different! 符文工匠平日里制造各种各样的机关魔法道具,对斥力法阵这种最基础不过的小玩意儿自然完全不陌生,但他们从未想过,这个简单的、戏法级别的东西竟然可以产生这样神奇的作用只需要一套行之有效的机械结构,便让原本只能够用于推动机关门或落石陷阱的斥力法阵自动的循环切换,尽管整个魔能引擎是基于魔法力量推动的,但它内在的原理却和以往的任何魔法道具都截然不同! In magic engine, mana no longer is only, the complete strength, it was no longer used crudely, but was transformed with a more ingenious and indirect method, by magnify, was turned into...... the practical thing. 魔能引擎中,魔力不再是唯一的、全部的力量,它不再是被粗暴地使用,而是用更加巧妙和间接的方法被转化,被放大,被变成了更……实用的东西。 From the beginning was requested and one crowd of blacksmith as well as blacksmith apprentice works together, in Runesmith heart somewhat also complaint, but after seeing finished-products magic engine, their complaints then cannot help but became aware to replace by some clear(ly): When their finally conscious to just arrived in this piece of Feudal Territory, that named Hetty female Manager to regardless all old some thought and binding that they said that obeys in the new order of this lands is what meaning compared in the brand-new thing that on this lands sees, these customs and binding are really not worth mentioning. 一开始被要求和一群铁匠以及铁匠学徒共同工作,符文工匠心中多多少少还有一丝怨念,但在看到完成品的魔能引擎之后,他们的怨念便不由自主地被某种明悟所取代了:他们终于意识到在刚刚抵达这片领地时,那个名为赫蒂的女总管跟他们说的“抛开一切旧有的思想和束缚,服从于这片土地的新秩序”是什么意思比起在这片土地上见到的全新事物,那些规矩和束缚真是不值一提。 blacksmith apprentice is staring looks at magic engine that revolves unceasingly, cannot bear mutter: This is we make......” 一名铁匠学徒瞪着眼睛看着正在不断运转的魔能引擎,忍不住喃喃自语:“这就是我们造出来的……” Hammer hurried to break own apprentice: No, this is Duke and Viscount Lord, Lady Hetty wisdom.” 汉默尔赶紧打断了自己的学徒:“不,这是公爵子爵大人,还有赫蒂夫人智慧。” No,” Gawain interrupted the Hammer words, this is you make, need not suspected, the honor belongs to everyone who puts in the work, thinks that makes the person who magic engine makes the contribution not just to obtain the reward, will also obtain the glory each of you's name to be recorded, makes the data plate to inlay on first-generation magic engine, and was recorded in the Cecil's history book.” “不,”高文则打断了汉默尔的话,“这就是你们造出来的,不用怀疑,荣誉归于每一个付出劳动的人,所以为制造魔能引擎而做出贡献的人不单可以获得奖赏,还将获得荣耀你们每一个人的名字都会被记录下来,制成铭牌镶在第一代的魔能引擎上,并被记录在塞西尔的历史书中。” smith and apprentices look at each other in blank dismay, Hammer makes an effort to twist own beard, even did not entrain several not to detect carefully, until two from Runesmith of Royal Capital, many seeing the world saluted the acknowledgment, old blacksmith responded finally, hurried to follow to express thanks. 工匠学徒们面面相觑,汉默尔用力地捻着自己的胡子,甚至不小心拽掉了几根都没察觉,直到两位来自王都的、多少见过世面的符文工匠行礼致谢,老铁匠才终于反应过来,赶紧跟着致谢。 But Gawain takes back the line of sight, brings unquenchable joyful and excitement looks at still in the magic engine prototype of normal operation. 高文则收回视线,带着难以抑制的喜悦和兴奋之情看着仍然在正常运转的魔能引擎原型机。 Its noise is very big, the flywheel also drives the entire machine to vibrate in revolving fiercely, because error in the parts accuracy, these are the issues that has no way to avoid, Gawain is certain this machine will have the considerable portion power to be lost in these not compliant components friction, but its output power and overall life span will also certainly sell at a discount, what these will be minor details most important will be, this machine such as will expect such revolved. 它的噪声很大,飞轮在旋转中也带动着整个机器剧烈地震动着,由于零件精度上的误差,这些都是没法避免的问题,高文可以肯定这台机器有相当一部分动力都会在那些不合规的零件摩擦中被损耗掉,而它的输出功率和整体寿命也必将打个折扣,但这些都是细枝末节最重要的是,这台机器如自己预料的那样运转了起来。 Whether there is first solution, then considers the quality. 先解决有无,再考虑好坏。 Gawain nearly fascinated looks at that stage primitive machine, but suddenly, doubts and appear anxiously in his eyeground. 高文近乎入迷地看着那台原始的机器,但突然间,一丝疑惑和忧虑浮现在他的眼底。 But this slight mood change then vanished quickly. 只不过这细微的情绪变化很快便消失了。 But in another side, Hetty has started to test the strength of this machine: She directly slow exerts pressure on the output shaft of machine with Hand of Evocation or the gravity technique, after trying several times, continuously cannot bear bring to acclaim the opens the mouth: „The strength of this machine is very big, I tried probably, its entire transmit immediately gets up time even can vertical draw directly half ton iron slab, the block and tackle or the reduction gear that if passes with your premise, its strength has not known to be able magnify many. Moreover this is because we used quite inexpensive rune material, the connecting rod is also the ordinary steel that uses rather than firmer purple steel, therefore its room for improvement is quite huge.” 而在另一边,赫蒂已经开始测试这台机器的力量:她直接用塑能之手或重力术缓慢给机器的输出轴施压,连续试了几次之后忍不住带着赞叹开口:“这台机器的力量很大,我大概试了一下,它全速转起来的时候甚至可以把半吨重的铁块直接垂直拉起来,而如果用上您之前提过的滑轮组或减速齿轮,它的力量还不知能放大多少。另外这还是因为我们使用了较为廉价的符文材料,连杆也是用的普通钢铁而非更加坚固的紫钢,所以它的提升空间是相当巨大的。” Various Rebecca easy-to-use assistance magic, cannot fling Big Fireball to test the blood strip of machine at this time, therefore the chin is deliberately considering a more actual matter in side flexure: Lord Ancestor do you feel this machine to be able what are you doing?” 瑞贝卡不会各种好用的辅助魔法,这时候也不能甩个大火球上去测试一下机器的血条,所以在旁边挠着下巴寻思起更加实际的事情:“祖先大人您觉得这台机器能干什么啊?” Gawain looked at this girl one funnily: You said your view.” 高文好笑地看了这姑娘一眼:“你说说你的看法。” Many monotonous redundant needs the work of very big strength to give it probably, for example makes it bring the mill? Drives saw mill that big saw? Its strength is absolutely big enough . Moreover the influence of complete need not consideration wind direction and river water!” “很多单调重复又需要很大力气的工作好像都能交给它,比如让它带磨坊?带动锯木厂的那个大锯子?它的力气绝对够大,而且完全不用考虑风向和河水的影响!” Use are many, it can drive waterwheel, can tow mine that side miner's cart, can be used to pump water from the mine tunnel, can drive the sledgehammer to hammer the steel, in the coordination the appropriate mold, it can also like pressing the biscuit presses the armor or other anything components an entire steel plate directly it can also place Brick Kiln Factory, actuates other machine suppression unfired brick, but need more than ten serf of need not like the present makes the semifinished product with wooden frame mold one by one......” “用处多着呢,它可以带动水车,可以牵引矿山那边的矿车,可以用来从矿洞里抽水,可以带动大锤来锻打钢铁,配合上合适的模具,它还可以像压饼干那样直接将一整块钢板压成盔甲或者别的什么东西的零件它还可以放在砖窑厂,驱动别的机器压制砖坯,而不用像现在那样需要十几个农奴用木框模具一个个地制坯……” Gawain spoke thoughtlessly he thinks current most important application, but during surrounding person one by one fell into was confused, they never had have replaced the artificial concept with the machine, even if in this world had the windmill mill water conservation mill and so on thing, that was also the quite shallow crude thing, their possible all of a sudden associate to leave to be able with various machines of magic engine connection? 高文随口说着他认为当前最重要的应用方向,而周围的人则一个个地陷入了迷茫之中,他们从未有过用机器来代替人工的概念,哪怕这个世界上有风车磨坊水利磨坊之类的东西,那也都是相当粗浅粗暴的事物,他们怎么可能一下子联想出能够和魔能引擎连接的各种机器来? Actually Hammer, when hears with the machine drives the sledgehammer to hammer the steel as well as becomes the armor components unable to bear the eye the steel plate forging and stamping directly one brightly, intuition on profession lets his instantaneous conscious to this is a bright road. 倒是汉默尔,在听到用机器带动大锤锻打钢铁以及直接将钢板锻压成盔甲零件的时候忍不住眼睛一亮,职业上的直觉让他瞬间意识到这是一条光明的路。 But Rebecca is the eye entire journey is actually sparkling to shine so long as basically the Gawain mouth jumps a usage, in her mind can follow to jump big pile of lever bearings and gears, although these thing also group inadequate available machines, but she thought that wants slightly to oneself time, she can thing one by one in Ancestor conception tossing about! 瑞贝卡却是眼睛全程都在闪闪发亮基本上只要高文嘴里蹦出一个用法来,她脑海里就能跟着蹦出一大堆的杠杆轴承和齿轮,虽然那些东西都还组不成可用的机器,但她觉得只要稍微给自己一点时间,她就能把老祖宗构想中的东西一个个给折腾出来! But at this moment, Hetty is actually knitting the brows somewhat worries opens the mouth: Key is we have a machine...... to make new magic engine to be time-consuming, moreover it must be able to revolve situated in the magic circuit coverage scope, this is a problem very much.” 但就在这时,赫蒂却皱着眉有些发愁地开口了:“关键是我们只有一台机器啊……制造一台新的魔能引擎费时费力,而且它必须位于魔网覆盖范围内才能运转,这很成问题的。” Is saying, she while moved lever to shut off the magic engine energy, making it gradually tranquil: This thing noise is not general big, it here revolutions, the surroundings person is speaking must with shouting. 一边说着,她一边扳动拉杆切断了魔能引擎的能量,让它渐渐平静下来:这玩意儿的噪声不是一般的大,它在这儿转着,周围人说话都得用喊的。 Lays down magic circuit in less than many costs, after all is foundation rune, the blueprint also has ready-made, the machine building was not easy is actually an issue...... mainly builds these components too fee/spent time manually,” Gawain is stroking gently the chin, matter that but this did not have the means that we must build with artificial now......” “铺设魔网用不了多少成本,毕竟都是基础符文,蓝图也有现成的,机器制造不易却是个问题……主要是手工打造这些零件太费时间了,”高文摩挲着下巴,“但这是没办法的事,我们现在还必须用人工来打造……” At this moment, a sound that has the metal vibrato inserted suddenly: cough cough, I had the words to say.” 就在这时,一个带着金属颤音的声音突然插了进来:“咳咳,我有话说。” Nicholas Egg of whole body silvery bright silvery bright fluttered slowly. 浑身银亮银亮的尼古拉斯蛋慢慢飘了过来。 Rebecca saw this sparkles shining metal ball to cheer up: egg egg do you have the idea?!” 瑞贝卡一看到这个闪闪发亮的金属球就高兴起来:“蛋蛋你有主意?!” I did not call egg egg!”( Perhaps Nicholas Egg lifts off 2-3 meters to have roof to keep off it immediately high also to plan the sound that flying high spot, in the spheroid broadcasts again) is breathless, you also called me Boss Egg at least!” “我不叫蛋蛋!”尼古拉斯蛋顿时升空2-3米高(要不是有房顶挡着它恐怕还打算再飞高点),球体内传来的声音气急败坏,“你起码也叫我个蛋总!” Rebecca had not been daunted by this ball completely: Good egg egg, do you have the means?” 瑞贝卡完全没被这个球吓住:“啊好的蛋蛋,你有办法?” Nicholas Egg: „......” 尼古拉斯蛋:“……” Do not compete with her, you said that your means that” Gawain broke this forthcoming bickering, and looks at is returning to normal high metal ball very much earnestly slowly floating, I know that you are good at controlling the metal,......” “别跟她较劲,你说你的办法,”高文打断了这即将展开的口水仗,并很认真地看着正慢慢飘回到正常高度的金属球,“我知道你擅长控制金属,难道说……” Right, I know finally I can do here!” The Nicholas Egg sound sounds especially happy, he is saying at the same time, in the work shed various places then resound dingdong the chaotic sound that various metals collided, these pile up in the corner metal bits and pieces one by one that prepares to remelt floated to be towed this silver white metal ball surroundings, I can help your forge ironware!” “对啊,我终于知道我在这儿能干啥了!”尼古拉斯蛋的声音听上去格外愉快,他一边说着,工棚内各处便响起了各种金属碰撞的叮当乱响声,那些堆积在角落的、准备回炉的金属边角料一个个漂浮着被牵引到了这个银白金属球的周围,“我可以帮你们打铁啊!” As his voice falls, these floats made the sound in the in the air metal bits and pieces one after another, has the huge pressure on be ordinary in their surface probably, they start to distort slowly, moreover Gawain soon discovers this distortion, not only some exogenic process metals had the obvious fusing sign, not only they were being extruded, was being forged! 随着他的话音落下,那些漂浮在空中的金属边角料一个接一个地发出了吱吱嘎嘎的声音,就好像有巨大的压力作用在它们表面一般,它们开始缓缓变形,而且高文很快就发现这种变形不只是外力作用一些金属发生了明显的熔融迹象,它们不只是在被挤压,更是在被锻冶! After for several minutes, these metals turned every large or small, structure exquisite complex components and various grotesque small thing, even there is everyone, a lifelike metal sculpture. 短短几分钟之后,这些金属就变成了大大小小的、结构精巧复杂的零件和各种奇形怪状的小玩意儿,甚至有现场每一个人的、栩栩如生的金属雕塑。 In the work shed is completely peaceful. 工棚里完全安静下来。 Nicholas Egg seems to be satisfied with own performance effect, it places the ground these components complacently, later delivered to the metal sculpture the hand of everyone: What kind of? Was this efficiency higher than you?” 尼古拉斯蛋似乎对自己的表演效果非常满意,它得意洋洋地将那些零件放在地上,随后将金属雕塑送到了每一个人的手上:“怎么样?这效率比你们高多了吧?” Hammer received own metal sculpture, however after both hands can actually 't bear shivers slightly the so strong ability...... this, on Feudal Territory also need blacksmith?! 汉默尔接过了属于自己的金属雕塑,然而双手却忍不住微微颤抖起来这般强大的能力……这以后领地上还需要铁匠么?! Really to Feudal Lord previous time said that brandished the iron hammer to strike the thing blacksmith to be useless? Quickly was so useless? 真跟领主上次说的一样,抡着铁锤敲打东西的铁匠就要没用了?这么快就要没用了? Runesmith of scene are also the similar terrified ideas, even Hetty and Rebecca felt when the shock, perhaps had this ball, on Feudal Territory all the metal with smith that had to do must be unemployed...... 现场的符文工匠们也是同样的惶恐想法,甚至就连赫蒂瑞贝卡都在震惊之余觉得,有了这个球,领地上所有跟金属打交道的工匠们恐怕就都要失业了…… Only has Gawain, although he is also shocked in Nicholas Egg molds the metal shape fast the speed, but his attention then placed completely on the other hand 唯有高文,他虽然也震惊于尼古拉斯蛋飞快塑造金属形态的速度,但紧接着他的注意力便完全放在了另一方面 In his looks at hand that lifelike metal sculpture, looks at its defers to the strict proportion reduced precisely the eyebrow and hair, suddenly raised the head to stare at Nicholas Egg: How many can your precision achieve?!” 8) 看着手中那栩栩如生的金属雕塑,看着它那按照严格比例精确缩小了的眉毛和头发,突然抬头盯着尼古拉斯蛋:“你的精度能够达到多少?!”八)
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