SOD :: Volume #2

#115: Wheel and bearing of revolving

Actually to be honest, after meeting this metal egg, Gawain finally conscious to the present circumstances how lucky- he has not lost recalled, he falls in a same Human Race leadership world, he also has can integrate the status of smoothly when previous life( although this status many a little frightened strange ingredients) as well as a possibility will have satellite viewpoint that big uses, and most important, he has the memory from Gawain Cecil. 其实说实话,在遇到这个金属蛋之后,高文才终于意识到了自己如今的境遇是多么的幸运-他没有失忆,他落在一个同样人类主导的世界中,他还有着可以顺利融入当前世界的身份(虽然这个身份多少有点惊悚灵异的成分)以及一个可能会有大用的卫星视角,并且最最重要的,他拥有来自高文·塞西尔的记忆。 Finally this especially important, because simultaneously had the memories from two world, he can quite with ease has the enormous difference space and time facing this physical rule and Earth on, he can, when is unable to experience with Earth solves the problem, with this world the experience got through the difficult time. 最后这点尤为重要,正是因为同时拥有了来自两个世界的记忆,他才能够较为轻松地面对这个物理规则与地球上有着巨大差异的时空,他才能够在无法用地球经验解决问题的时候,用“这个世界”的经验来渡过难关。 However Nicholas Egg absolutely does not have means this, this metal ball circumstances and Gawain compare simply are another extreme: 然而尼古拉斯蛋却完全没办法这样,这个金属球的境遇和高文比起来简直是另一个极端: He loses recalled, he cannot in the experience and knowledge that this world becomes effective, he arrived here to be treated as the test piece to grasp, moreover most important, he fell by style of egg-shaped lifeform in the place of terrifying straight ape...... 他失忆,他没有能在本世界生效的经验和知识,他一来到这儿就被当做试验品抓了起来,而且最最重要的,他以一个蛋形生物的画风掉在恐怖直立猿的地头上…… If Gawain must farm to climb the science and technology to enter the hell difficulty in a physical rule different world, that this ball was one pounds to put on the hell simply the ceilings of all kings, is swaying back and forth falls into the hell in the Lord cauldron, bottom of the pot hot durian. 如果说高文要在一个物理规则迥异的世界种田攀科技就已经是进了地狱难度的话,那这个球简直是一头砸穿了地狱里所有君王的天花板,然后打着滚地掉进地狱之主的大锅里面,锅底还是麻辣榴莲的。 Therefore Gawain has to admire this ball the adaptiveness and spirit tenacious degree: Suffered the so desperate situation, he can also so live unexpectedly confidently, and becomes an outstanding main speaker...... to be difficult to be inadequate is because the nerve of metal lifeform is quite hard? 因此高文就不得不佩服这个球的适应能力和精神坚韧程度:遭遇了如此绝望的处境,他竟然还能如此坦然地活着,并且成为了一个优秀的逗哏……难不成是因为金属生物的神经比较硬? Aii, how don't you speak suddenly?” The Nicholas Egg sound awakens from the thinking Gawain, this metal big ball floats to flutter around the circle in the latter side, I also want to listen to your suggestion, you thought that what I can do? To be honest, I really very want to look for a matter to do now......” “哎哎,你怎么突然不说话了?”尼古拉斯蛋的声音将高文从思索中惊醒过来,这个金属大球在后者身边绕着圈飘来飘去,“我还想听听你的建议,你觉得我可以干点什么?说实话,我现在是真的挺想找点事做……” Gawain seriously thinks immediately, in fact before today he is thinking: This, has metal ball of marvelous ability from the different world in these Gondor Sorcerer eyes probably is only the experiment material, but in the Gawain eye is actually the potential high technology talent...... the ball talent, but he knows that this ball just woke up from the deep sleep, perhaps requires some time to adapt to and adjust the mentality, does not have to compel others to work anxiously, but now Boss Egg driving opens the mouth, he is reorganizing the train of thought while opens the mouth saying: You have to control the ability of mana flowing and metal, these two skills can have the big use here, but I have not known that you control mana as well as control the metal the concrete parameter, therefore is not good to give you to arrange.” 高文立刻认真思索起来,事实上在今天之前他就在思索了:这个来自异世界、有着奇妙能力的金属球在那些刚铎魔导师眼中大概只是个实验素材,但在高文眼里却是个潜在的高技术人才……球才,只不过他知道这个球刚从沉睡中醒来,恐怕需要些时间来适应和调整心态,也就没急着逼人家干活,但现在蛋总主动开口,他就一边整理着思绪一边开口道:“你有控制魔力流动和金属的能力,这两种本事在我这儿都能派上大用场,但我还不知道你控制魔力以及控制金属的具体参数,所以不好给你安排。” Controlling mana aspect actually me is not very clear,” metal ball replied, you managed these energies to be called mana, but our world actually did not have this type of thing from the start, I affected mana mobile time is actually vibrating own Magnetic Cell Body- this was my within the body one type can produce the organ of high frequency magnetic field. In our world, Magnetic Cell Body vibrates the time can in the body surface form one to protect barrier, but here me discovered that barrier vanished, can actually affect in your mouth calls it mana that energy, making it expire shortly......” “控制魔力方面其实我也不是很明白,”金属球回答道,“你们管那些能量叫做魔力,但我们那个世界其实压根没有这种东西,我影响魔力流动的时候其实是在震动自己的磁胞体-这是我体内一种可以产生高频磁场的器官。在我们那个世界,磁胞体震动的时候可以在体表形成一层防护屏障,但在这儿我发现屏障消失了,却可以影响到你们口中称之为‘魔力’的那种能量,让它短暂失效……” Gawain breaks the opposite party immediately: „Did you say the magnetic field? Are you actually mobile to mana with the effect on magnetic field?” 高文立刻打断了对方:“你说磁场?你其实是用磁场影响到魔力流动的?” Right- uses mana including you ‚’ with I talked, actually I also with Magnetic Cell Body feel its fluctuation...... to mention am very regrettable, although I can feel mana, can use the effect on magnetic field it, actually no means magesame used magic to come with your ‚, that female...... called Hetty Magician to explain that to me what was mental energy and magic pattern, but my character could not understand.” “没错-包括你用‘魔力’跟我对话的时候,其实我也是用磁胞体感受到了它的波动……不过说来挺遗憾的,虽然我能感受魔力,也能用磁场影响它,却没办法跟你们那些‘法师’一样用出魔法来,那个雌性……叫赫蒂魔法师跟我解释什么叫精神力法术模型,但我一个字都听不懂。” After Gawain has not actually cared about the opposite party, half a word words, he completely by effect on magnetic field mana this fact attracting the attention, and fell into the huge confusion: You confirmed you produce magnetic field is really that this world everyone knows magnetic field? The same noun in is completely the clearly opposite phenomenon that two world likely refer to!” 高文却没有在意对方后半句话,他已经完全被“磁场影响魔力”这个事实给吸引了注意力,并陷入巨大的困惑中:“你确认你产生的‘磁场’真的就是这个世界大家所知道的那种‘磁场’?要知道,同一个名词在两个世界很可能指的完全是截然相反的现象!” This really can confirm, Nicholas Egg made an effort high and low to fluctuate, seemed like imitating the Human Race nod movement, magnetic field was a magnetic field, naturally the person in this world did not have the concept of magnetic field probably, they only knew the magnetic force, the iodestone can attract that magnetic force of iron hardware, but I have confirmed that I the magnetic field that used Magnetic Cell Body to produce with the natural magnet of this world is the same...... how?” “这个真的可以确认,”尼古拉斯蛋使劲上下浮动了一下,似乎是在模仿人类的点头动作,“磁场就是磁场,当然这个世界的人好像没有磁场的概念,他们只知道磁力,天然磁铁可以吸引铁器的那种磁力,但我确认过了,我用磁胞体产生的磁场和这个世界的天然磁石是一样的……怎么了?” Where I do not know have problems,” Gawain smiles bitterly is spreading out the hand, I use the magnetic field to perform many experiments, completely without discovering it can affect mana flows, is the magnetic field that I use weak?” “我不知道哪出了问题,”高文苦笑着摊开手,“我用磁场做过不少试验,完全没发现它能影响到魔力流动,难道是我用的磁场不够强?” He also had half a word words not saying: Besides using effect on magnetic field mana, he makes the magnetism to live the experiment of electricity not to succeed...... 他还有半句话没说完:除了用磁场影响魔力之外,他做磁生电的试验也没成功…… Intensity? I thought that are little significance, the magnetic field that Magnetic Cell Body produces is not strong,” metal ball sways said, perhaps because of the frequency, you hasn't used the high frequency magnetic field? I before 1000 these Sorcerer uses a shake magnetic field to scan me, frequency multi- tall to come...... every second several million shakes? That was the maximum frequency that they can make led probably, but has not arrived at 1/10 of Magnetic Cell Body frequency- or you are trying diligently, raised the frequency of magnetic field?” “强度?我觉得没多大关系,磁胞体产生的磁场并不强,”金属球晃来晃去地说道,“说不定是因为频率,你没有用高频磁场吧?我记着一千年前那些‘魔导师’就用过一种震荡的磁场想要扫描我,频率多高来着……每秒几百万次震荡?那好像就是他们能弄出来的最高频率了,但还没到磁胞体频率的十分之一呢-要不你试着努力一下,把磁场的频率调高一些?” Gawain forehead blue veins: In broken place that such medieval also technology divided into periods, where on him made several million hertz high frequency magnetic field! 高文一脑门子青筋:在这么个中世纪还技术断代的破地方,他上哪弄个几千万赫兹的高频磁场去! Perhaps Nicholas Egg was in this world only one can produce so the RF source of frequency magnetic field! 尼古拉斯蛋恐怕就是这个世界上唯一一个能产生如此频率磁场的高频源了! Knows that cannot cause to conform to the condition at this moment the experiment environment, Gawain first takes down in the heart this matter silently, later prepares to inquire that the opposite party controls the metal the ability, but when prepares to open the mouth, he actually noticed that suddenly the Brick Kiln Factory door was opened, a silly roe deer...... the fireball launcher...... iron-headed...... Rebecca runs over toward here hurriedly. 知道此时此刻根本弄不出符合条件的实验环境,高文就先把这件事在心中默默记下,随后准备询问一下对方操控金属的能力,但就在准备开口的时候,他却突然看到砖窑厂的门被人一把推开,一个傻狍子……火球发射器……铁头……瑞贝卡风风火火地朝这边跑了过来。 Lord Ancestor! Lord Ancestor!” Miss Viscountess runs while is yelling excitedly, you are quick! Comes with me quickly!!” 祖先大人祖先大人!”子爵小姐一边跑一边兴奋地喊叫着,“您快来!快跟我来!!” looks at this girl exciting appearance, the Gawain's first response hides toward side: His for fear that this silly roe deer brain pulls out, flings 70-80 Big Fireball to stick same place on own face...... 看着姑娘兴奋的样子,高文的第一反应就是往旁边躲:他生怕这傻狍子脑筋一抽,原地甩70-80个大火球糊在自己脸上…… When Rebecca runs up to itself in front, and after with great difficulty is uniform the asthma, Gawain asked her one at a moderate pace: „A your finally fireball the Hetty laboratory exploding?” 而等到瑞贝卡跑到自己面前并且好不容易把气喘匀之后,高文才不紧不慢地问了她一句:“你终于一个火球把赫蒂的实验室给炸了?” „......?!” Rebecca just breathed to be given to have a scare by the Gawain's words, makes an effort to beckon with the hand, „! I very careful- I told you, that magic engine that you proposed, our that side assembled!” “啊……啊?!”瑞贝卡刚喘过来就被高文的话给吓了一跳,紧接着使劲摆手,“没有没有!我很小心的-我跟您说,您提出的那个魔能引擎,我们那边组装出来啦!” Gawain also calculates the calm expression instantaneously with astonishment and replaces pleasantly surprised. 高文原本还算淡定的表情瞬间被惊愕和惊喜所取代。 Has finished?! Testing?” “已经完工了?!试机了么?” Also no,” Rebecca is beckoning with the hand, your passing testing! However Aunt Hetty has tested its each part, according to blueprint, can achieve the effect of correspondence, should not have the issue......” “还没有,”瑞贝卡摆着手,“等您过去试机呢!不过赫蒂姑妈已经把它的各个部件测试过,都按照设计图来的,也都能达到对应的效果,应该没问题……” Let alone hurried,” Gawain could not have suppressed own excitement, draws Rebecca to walk toward Brick Kiln Factory outside, arrives at half to remember also has a ball, therefore then incurs, you also come you also to come- has a look good thing that we design!” “别说了赶紧走,”高文已经抑制不住自己的兴奋之情,拉着瑞贝卡就往砖窑厂外走去,走到一半才想起还有个球,于是回头招着手,“你也来你也来-看看我们设计的好东西!” Perhaps no one can think, first-generation magic engine assembly workshop meets simple and crude to be in so the situation. 恐怕谁也想不到,第一代魔能引擎的“组装车间”会简陋到如此地步。 It by a wooden shed situated in Cecil Steelworks, guards besides some soldiers, could not see completely here and other wigwams have any difference, in this also nothing can let person thinking of high technology or the state-of-art magic thing: Besides precisest rune partially completes in the Hetty laboratory, the complete components of magic engine depend upon both hands of blacksmith and Runesmith strike the formation, therefore here does not have the engine bed, does not have the precision die, Rebecca and Hetty brought smith to complete each processing line of prototype with the most strenuous means primitively. 它就是位于塞西尔钢铁厂旁边的一座木棚,除了有些士兵把守之外,完全看不出这里和其他棚屋有任何不同之处,这里面也没有任何能让人联想到技术或者尖端魔法的事物:除了最精密的符文部分是在赫蒂的实验室中完成之外,魔能引擎的全部零件都依靠铁匠符文工匠的双手来敲打成型,因此这里既没有机床,也没有精密模具,瑞贝卡赫蒂带着工匠们用最原始最费力的办法完成了样机的每一个加工流程。 If not this world has magic to be auxiliary, the Hetty flame and evocation magic spell can play a big boost, the final assembly welding work of prototype perhaps is an issue. 如果不是这个世界有着魔法辅助,赫蒂的火焰与塑能法术可以起到不小助力的话,样机的最后组装焊接工作恐怕都是个问题。 Which world no matter , the birth of any same thing is not easy. 不管是在哪个世界,任何一样事物的诞生都不容易。 In assembly workshop in the central open area, a bulk burlap is covering the same less than two meters high things, its outline is somewhat strange, Gawain can only identify vaguely under a big bulge should be the flywheel structure, but its true colors were also being covered. 在“组装车间”的中央空地上,一大块粗麻布盖着一样不到两米高的事物,它的轮廓有些怪异,高文只能依稀辨认出其中一块较大的凸起下面应该是飞轮结构,而它的真面目还被遮挡着。 Old blacksmith Hammer and Hetty stand in side of this prototype, their side is also standing some people, some are Hammer apprentice, the other two just joined Feudal Territory, Runesmith from Royal Capital. 铁匠汉默尔赫蒂都站在这台样机的旁边,他们身旁还站着一些人,其中一些是汉默尔学徒,另外两人则是刚刚加入领地的、来自王都符文工匠 Rebecca wants to run is looking for you,” some Hetty apologies nod to Gawain, this child is some forthright.” 瑞贝卡非要自己跑着去找您,”赫蒂有些歉意地对高文点点头,“这孩子就是有些冒冒失失的。” She wants to tell me this good news personally, as can be appreciated,” Gawain inspires, looks to such machine, lifts, making me have a look.” “她想亲自把这个好消息告诉我,可以理解,”高文吸了口气,看向那样机,“掀开吧,让我看看。” Hetty waves, translucent Hand of Evocation also appears in the air, and lifts that cover cloth. 赫蒂挥了挥手,一只半透明塑能之手随之浮现在空气中,并将那块盖布一把掀开。 Under that is a grotesque machine. 那下面是一台怪模怪样的机器。 It has on an Earth vaguely distant relative the shadow, the gigantic flywheels, as well as with the connecting rod and crank and that the crankshaft structure the flywheel connects, but it in any power machine on Earth with the Gawain memory is also entirely different: It does not have the air cylinder, what replaces it is situated in machine mid-level one with repulsion mechanism that” the rail track and piston and base compose, that piston is together the square iron slab, four rail tracks across its four corners/horns, and fix in both sides on a base respectively, that base faces one side of piston to see slightly twinkle magic formation, but in two repulsion formation outflow boundaries, then has rune that extends, a metal plate connection of long linearity between two repulsion formation, above runic trigger structure and repulsion formation is maintaining the connection, but this metal plate passes the connecting rod. With striking gear connection on the crank of flywheel. 它依稀有着一点地球上“远亲”的影子,有一个硕大的飞轮,以及与飞轮连接的连杆和曲柄、曲轴结构,但它又和高文记忆中地球上的任何一台动力机器都截然不同:它没有气缸,取而代之的是位于机器中端的一个用滑轨和活塞、基座组成的“斥力机关”,那活塞是一块正方形的铁块,有四条滑轨穿过它的四个角,并在两端各固定在一个基座上,那基座朝向活塞的一侧则可以看到微微闪烁的魔法阵,而在两个斥力法阵的外缘,则有着延伸出去的符文,一条长条形的金属板连接在两个斥力法阵之间,上面的符文扳机结构和其中一个斥力法阵保持着连接,而这个金属板又通过连杆和拨动装置连接在飞轮的曲轴上。 Whenever the crank has transferred the half-turn, runic trigger will be moved, corresponding rune can with repulsion formation establishes the connection, transfers other half-turn to the crank, runic trigger has then left this formation, enters another formation connection range, activates opposite repulsion mechanism...... 每当曲轴转过半圈,符文扳机就会被拨动,对应符文会与其中一个斥力法阵建立连接,一直到曲轴转过另外半圈,符文扳机便离开这个法阵,进入另外一个法阵的连接范围,激活对面的斥力机关…… Except that for switch over repulsion direction beside runic trigger, runic trigger is controlling two repulsion formation total energy, its similar dependence connecting rod control, but control stick side situated in this machine. 除了那个用于“切换斥力方向”的符文扳机之外,又有一个符文扳机控制着两个斥力法阵的“总能量”,它同样依靠连杆控制,而控制杆就位于这台机器的侧面。 Special repulsion mechanism makes this machine not need the air cylinder structure, dodged the biggest accuracy threshold: The mechanical accuracy, displaces, is it requests to the magic rune accuracy- however this actually exactly is this world characteristic. 特殊的斥力机关让这台机器不需要气缸结构,也就规避了最大的精密度门槛:机械精密度,取而代之的,则是它对魔法符文的精密度要求-而这却恰好是“这个世界”的特色 Hetty somewhat looks at present magic engine, it has in any magic creation entirely different outward appearance and inherent mechanism lost with this world, even she participated in the manufacture of engine, at this moment actually still unavoidably somewhat absent-minded, but is quick she then to recover, and looks to Gawain: Lord Ancestor, please pull mechanism.” 赫蒂有些出神地看着眼前的魔能引擎,它有着与这个世界上任何一件魔法造物都截然不同的外观和内在机理,即便她自己就参与了引擎的制造,此刻却也仍然难免有些失神,但很快她便回过神来,并看向高文:“先祖大人,请扳下机关吧。” Here is located in the Cecil Steelworks edge, the engine places this place definitely to receive the energy from magic circuit, although does not have in the Steelworks yard that type increase board to strengthen the energy transfer efficiency, but as a confirmation machine of low power, these energies is enough. 这里位于塞西尔钢铁厂的边缘,引擎放在这个地方完全可以接收到来自魔网的能量,虽然没有钢铁厂大院里那种“增幅板”来增强能量传输效率,但作为一台低功率的验证型机器,这些能量已经足够了。 Gawain actually shakes the head: This is we designs together, you two come with me together.” 高文却摇了摇头:“这是我们一起设计的,你们两个跟我一起来。” Hetty seems somewhat hesitant, Rebecca has not actually thought so many from the start, she could not have controlled oneself curiosity, obtained Gawain's to allow then two steps to flee by the machine, but also made an effort to beckon: Aunt Hetty! You come quickly!” 赫蒂显得有些犹豫,瑞贝卡却压根没想那么多,她已经控制不住自己的好奇心了,得到高文的允许便两步窜到了机器旁边,还使劲招手:“赫蒂姑妈!你快来呀!” Hetty smiles, puts down all sorts of hesitant, arrives at side Gawain. 赫蒂笑了笑,放下种种犹豫,来到高文身旁。 Three hands place that to control on the handle of total energy connection together, later Gawain three integers, three people made an effort to depress the handle from the bottom together. 三只手一同放在那控制着总能量连接的手柄上,随后高文倒数了三个数,三人一同用力将手柄压下。 The mana circuit was put through instantaneously, engine core repulsion mechanism was also lightened, with magic formation shines, that crude benzene simple iron slab piston moves in the people at present slowly. 魔力回路被瞬间接通,引擎核心的斥力机关随之被点亮,随着其中一个魔法阵的亮起,那个粗苯朴实的“铁块活塞”在众人眼前缓缓动了起来。 It seems like at first to drive the heavy flywheel, it moves is very slow, but after the flywheel moves, the piston then moved the entire repulsion mechanism end fast- runic trigger that switch over used also became effective, magic formation that was first bright also extinguished, but another repulsion formation was almost bright simultaneously. 似乎是为了带动沉重的飞轮,它最初动的很慢,但当飞轮活动起来之后,活塞便飞快地移动到了整个斥力机关的尽头-切换用的符文扳机也随之生效,最先亮起来的魔法阵随之熄灭,而另外一个斥力法阵则几乎同时明亮起来。 Flew to rotate entire, then the revolutions was quicker, the revolutions was quicker- entire stage machine along with giant noise and rocking, but actually truly revolved! 飞轮转过了整整一圈,接着越转越快,越转越快-整台机器伴随着巨大的噪音和晃动,但却确确实实地运转起来!
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