SOD :: Volume #2

#114: Typhon dark clouds

White oak number navigation when Veronica rides when the Dorgen River broad water surface, when Cecil territory first Brick Kiln Factory emits the mist and dust, when the real power aristocrat and Adviser King in St. Sunil City discussed endlessly South the situation, northern these dragon sorcerer and Magician present situation and border contradiction, Typhon Empire most powerful Knight Feudal Lord Ferdinand Wendell Grand Duke is actually falling into the deep anxiety. 维罗妮卡所乘坐的白橡木号航行在多尔贡河宽阔的水面上,当塞西尔领的第一座砖窑厂冒出烟尘,当圣苏尼尔城中的实权贵族和国王顾问们喋喋不休地讨论南方的现状、边境的局势、北方那些龙巫师和魔法师的矛盾时,提丰帝国最强大的骑士领主裴迪南温德尔大公却正陷入深深的忧虑之中。 He in himself mansion situated in Imperial Capital, stands on that high tower, is overlooking under foot grand Imperial Capital, occasionally is looking into that darkly, covers the imperial palace in dignified. 他在自己位于帝都宅邸里,站在那座高高的塔楼上,俯视着脚下宏伟的帝都,偶尔又眺望着那座黑沉沉的、笼罩在威严中的皇宫。 Here is Typhon Imperial Capital, Aldernan. 这里是提丰帝都,奥尔德南 The name of this city stemmed from the ancient Giant language, the meaning was millennium cities, although it took new Imperial Capital to tower on this lands only 200 years of time, but the proud Empire person is believing without doubt the Giant dynasty that the great city that they constructed such as in the myth will record was ordinary, stood erect at least millennium in the land, but all in this city are also as if demonstrating this proud spirit. 这座城市的名字源于古代巨人语,意为“千年城”,尽管它作为新帝都耸立在这片土地上才只有区区两百年时光,但骄傲的帝国人无疑相信着他们所建造出的伟大城市将如神话中记载的巨人王朝一般,在大地上矗立至少千年之久而这座城市中的一切也似乎都在显示着这种骄傲的精神 In this city, has sharp tower that innumerable tower high, innumerably with the heroic statue that giant stone carves, they rise straight from the ground on the ground, like must challenge the sky to aim at the horizon straightly, in the gothic style constructions of that close arrangement, is plan orderly, broad enough to can for Imperial Avenue that” ten horse-drawn vehicles keep pace, this main road is divided into the thing two city area entire Aldernan, but the massive straight, smooth and broad stone tablet roads then extend from Imperial Avenue, outlined one by one orderly to be full of the sharp qi in the entire city the region. 在这座城市中,有着无数座高高耸立的尖,无数用巨石雕琢成的英雄雕像,它们在地上拔地而起,就像要挑战天空般笔直地指向天际,在那鳞次栉比排列的哥特式建筑之间,是规划整齐、宽阔到可以供十辆马车并驾齐驱的“帝国大道”,这条大道将整个奥尔德南分为东西两个城区,而大量笔直、平坦、宽阔的石板路便从帝国大道延伸出去,在整个城市中勾勒出一个个整齐而充满锐气的区域。 An entire city as if structure is full, edges and corners distinct complex geometry graph, all planned neat and tidy , the stale and crowded obsolete capital city is entirely different from other Kingdom that chaos, because this city is really brand-new: 500 years ago old Imperial Capital sink in the big avalanche underground, has preparation Your Majesty The Emperor early before the disaster erupts then constructed new Imperial Capital on this plain, and bestows named Aldernan( millennium cities). Because Empire strength is abundant, the initial plan considered minutely, Aldernan then becomes on continent starting from the day of completion grandest and one of the grandest cities, until now, Ferdinand Grand Duke also deep by can live in such a great country, lived in such a great city, but proud. 整座城市就仿佛一个结构饱满、棱角分明的复杂几何图形,一切都被规划的井然有序,与其他王国混乱、陈腐、拥挤的老旧都城截然不同,因为这座城市确是全新的:五百年前的旧帝都在大崩塌中沉入地下,早有准备的皇帝陛下在灾难爆发前便在这片平原上建造了新帝都,并赐名为“奥尔德南”(千年城)。由于帝国实力雄厚,当初的规划又考虑周详,奥尔德南自建成之日起便成为了大陆上最壮丽、最宏伟的城市之一,一直以来,裴迪南大公也深以能够生活在这样一个伟大的国家,生活在这样一座伟大的城市中而自豪不已。 However today, he actually felt that a sense of crisis is filling the air from the bottom of the heart, lets him, even if looks at this lively capital city is also difficult to be cruel enough anxious. 但是今天,他却感觉一种危机感正从心底弥漫上来,让他哪怕看着这座繁华的都城也难忍心中不安。 That great skill and strategy Your Majesty The Emperor, Roseta the Augustus Great Emperor seems to have decided to with Ainz launch a war, he rejected the ministers of all anti-war factions, even advocating strongly peace Winterfort Count expelled the imperial palace, its attitude firm unprecedented. 那位雄才大略皇帝陛下,罗塞塔奥古斯都大帝似乎已经打定主意要和安苏展开一场大战,他驳回了所有反战派的大臣,甚至把力主和平的冬堡伯爵赶出了皇宫,其态度之坚决前所未有。 To be honest, Ferdinand Grand Duke was not worried that the trend of this war, he believes emperor ** the team, such as he believes that own skill in Wushu and sword, he knows that the northwest direction Ainz Kingdom is a stale and weak state, it has and Typhon equally ancient history, actually tied up the hands and feet by this history, turned into the old person of slow-acting aura feeble breathing, their for several hundred years the army and weapon of no progress at all are not the opponents of Empire soldier, but reviewed Typhon Empire several times the successful military system reform and administration innovates to be glowed the unprecedented vitality and vigor by this country, army soldiers official and domestic at all levels. People, Typhon by far strong in that old age neighboring country, the result of this war is completely the need not worry. 说实话,裴迪南大公并不担心这场战争的走向,他相信帝**队,就如他相信自己的武艺和刀剑,他知道西北方向的安苏王国是一个陈腐又虚弱的国度,它有着和提丰一样古老的历史,却被这历史拴住手脚,变成了个行动迟缓气息奄奄的老人,他们那数百年来毫无长进的军队和武器根本不是帝国士兵的对手,而反观提丰帝国数次成功的军制改革以及行政革新让这个国家正焕发出前所未有的生机与活力,不论是军队士卒还是各级官员、国内民众,提丰都远远强于那个垂暮的邻国,这场战争的胜负是完全不用担心的。 What Ferdinand is worried is only that Your Majesty The Emperor, what worry is Roseta Augustus oneself condition. 裴迪南担心的只是那位皇帝陛下,担心的是罗塞塔奥古斯都本人的状态。 Your Majesty The Emperor is always dignified, but resolute person, but he situation of acting arbitrarily, he earnestly will also listen to each suggestions of minister, even if these opinions will not be enough to knock his determination he also to listen patiently, but will not reject all opposition sounds directly, he will take seriously the bloodline of each aristocrat, will unable to make decisively under big crowd of people shames on the spot real power Count and expels the matter of imperial palace it, but...... his both matters do now. 皇帝陛下一向是个威严而果决的人,但他还不到独断专行的地步,他会认真听取每一个大臣的意见,哪怕这些意见不足以动摇他的决心他也会耐心去听,而不会直接驳回所有的反对声音,他又重视每一位贵族的血统,断然做不出在大庭广众之下羞辱一位实地实权伯爵并将其逐出皇宫的事情,可是现在……他两件事都做了。 Ferdinand Duke thinks oneself previous time sees Roseta when the Augustus Emperor scene, that dignified Your Majesty The Emperor sits in his black Iron Throne, the whole body is covering by the throne the shadow of seat back cushion and royal crown, although he bears the Duke words that the temper is listening to itself most to trust, the interest of reply is ill and weary, as if a character is not willing to say much. 裴迪南公爵想到了自己上次见到罗塞塔奥古斯都皇帝时的景象,那位威严皇帝陛下坐在他的黑铁王座中,浑身都被王座靠背和王冠的阴影笼罩着,他虽然耐着性子听完了自己最信任的公爵的话,却回复的兴致恹恹,似乎连一个字都不愿意多说。 When Ferdinand leaves, he hears that Your Majesty The Emperor clearly to front washbasin talk to oneself, seems in that washbasin to hide audience, is ordinary with that Emperor conversation. 而在裴迪南离开的时候,他清清楚楚地听到那位皇帝陛下在对着面前的一个水盆自言自语,就好像那水盆中藏着一位听众,在和那位皇帝交谈一般。 Takes back from the imperial palace in distant place the line of sight, Ferdinand profoundly sighed. 将视线从远方的皇宫上收回,裴迪南深深地叹了口气。 He thinks spreads that curse that in Augustus family bloodlines to appear 200 years ago, curse that only then the small number of people knows. 他想到了流传在奥古斯都家族血脉中的那个诅咒那个在两百年前才出现的,只有少数人知道的诅咒 They will hear the sound that the average man cannot be heard, they will see the average man not obvious thing, in the way that they in the average man is unable to understand understood that taboo knowledge, they obtain rare wisdom and insight, even can achieve the advanced ponder and layout, but finally...... 他们会听到常人不可听的声音,他们会见到常人不可见的事物,他们会在常人无法理解的途径中了解禁忌的知识,他们由此获得超乎寻常的智慧和见地,甚至能做到超前的思考和布局,但最终…… Their spirit will draw in the world that cannot listen to obviously, only leaves behind body that in this world falls into crazy. 他们的精神会被拖入那个不可见不可听的世界,只在这个世界留下一具陷入疯狂躯壳 When on previous time sees Roseta Emperor, your majesty is the train of thought is clear, the conversation is normal, perhaps however the Ferdinand profoundly anxious crazy indication has appeared on the body of that king. 在上上次见到罗塞塔皇帝的时候,陛下是思绪清楚,言谈正常的,然而裴迪南深深地忧虑疯狂的征兆恐怕已经在那位君王的身上显现了。 He has turned around, draws a rope on hand, summoned the bronze bell of servant also dingdong to make a sound, the terrace gate was shoved open, attendant that wore the blue overalls appeared in front of Ferdinand. 他转过身,拉动手边的一根绳索,召唤仆人的铜铃随之叮叮当当地响了起来,露台的门被推开,一个身穿蓝色罩衫的侍从出现在裴迪南面前。 Lord,” attendant lowers the head, has what instruction?” 老爷,”侍从低下头,“有何吩咐?” Brings my coat, moreover goes to prepare the carriage, I must see Winterfort Count.” “拿来我的外套,另外去把马车准备好,我要去见见冬堡伯爵。” ...... …… North Dark Mountain Range, new Cecil territory. 黑暗山脉北麓,新塞西尔领 Gawain is inspecting Brick Kiln Factory that constructs newly, with him together, recently was busy supplement local knowledge on Feudal Territory Nicholas Egg. 高文正在巡视新建设起来的砖窑厂,与他一起的,还有最近正忙着在领地上“补充本土知识”的尼古拉斯蛋 The brick kiln that installed the magic catalysis and runic trigger installment is arranging in the open area, with the aid of embedment in underground magic circuit No. 2 the actuation, they are conducting the first time trial fever. 一座座加装了魔法催化与符文扳机装置的砖窑在空地上排列着,借助埋设在地下的“魔网二号”的驱动,它们正在进行第一次“试烧”。 Because the present could not have done a more precise temperature control and reliable transport equipment, in addition Feudal Territory constructs the ability to be limited at present, Gawain oneself had not devised directly magic type tunnel furnace takes, but prepares first to conduct simplistic to transform with the quite traditional dry kiln, first solves whether there is problem to conduct the transition of present stage. 由于现在还搞不出更加精确的控温以及可靠的运输装置,再加上领地目前建设能力有限,高文并没有直接把自己构想中的“魔法式隧道窑”拿出来,而是准备先用较为传统的炉窑进行简易改造,首先解决“有无问题”来进行现阶段的过渡。 However although the dry kiln used the quite primitive form, but considering future expansion and transformation, this Brick Kiln Factory underground embedment magic circuit strict according to high standard construction, its power is even higher than Steelworks that side because just the work of mana digitization did not have the clue, Gawain did not have the means to determine two sets of magic circuit concrete power temporarily big. 不过虽然炉窑采用了较为原始的形式,但考虑到将来的扩展和改造,这座砖窑厂地下埋设的魔网还是严格按照高标准建造的,它的功率甚至比钢铁厂那边更高一些只不过由于魔力数据化的工作还无头绪,高文暂时还没办法确定两套魔网的具体功率有多大。 Is feeling in the surrounding air ordered flowing of magic power, clear translucent tile bright Nicholas Egg shook the body in the midair from top to bottom, transmits from the spheroid has the sound of metal vibrato: Must acknowledge......, although all are very primitive, but this world is really amusing very much, these mobile energies, you make the way that the tool and uses the tool, is to have no way to think in my world outlook.” 感受着周围空气中魔法力量的有序流动,浑身上下澄明瓦亮的尼古拉斯蛋在半空晃了晃身子,从球体内部传来带着金属颤音的声音:“必须承认……虽然一切都很原始,但这个世界着实是有趣的很,这些流动的能量,还有你们制造工具和使用工具的方式,在我的世界观里都是没法想的。” This is the physical rule was different,” Gawain quite approved sighed, actually you should feel rejoiced your such from rule different different world a Transmigrator, after falling can survive unexpectedly safe and sound to this world, but did not have, because the rule different had the self- disintegration, this was the greatest luck.” “这就是物理规则的不同了,”高文颇为认同地感叹了一下,“其实你应该感到庆幸你这样一个来自规则不同的异世界的‘穿越者’,在落到这个世界之后竟然能安然无恙地存活下来,而没有因为规则不同发生自我崩解,这可是莫大的幸运。” Transmigrator? Good that your word uses,” Nicholas Egg humming sound said, you are really my soul mate, not only can understand, can approve my experience, but also can always think that speaks the truth with my same matter, is this that I initially was different most is worried after my native place rule conscious to here, at that time I will be my body bang all of a sudden will for fear that give to decompose suddenly, after all the two sides were different the material structure, but I want to understand afterward, if really must decompose, that I fell to the flash of this world also on decomposing, since were all right at that time, That explained me to have good luck ever, worry ball......” 穿越者?你这个词用的好,”尼古拉斯蛋嗡嗡地说道,“你还真是我的知音啊,不光能听懂,能认同我的经历,还总能想到跟我一样的事情说实话,我当初意识到这边跟我老家规则不同之后最担心的也就是这个,那时候我是生怕自己的身体会突然‘砰’一下子就给分解了,毕竟两边连物质结构都不一样,但后来我就想明白了如果真要分解,那我落到这个世界的一瞬间也就分解了,既然当时没事,那就说明我命大,担心个球嘛……” You want to understand reason that oneself can survive safely?” Gawain was asking one. “那你想明白自己能安然存活的原因了么?”高文笑着问了一句。 That God knows goes,” about metal ball shakes, I name forgot, does the time think these?” “那谁知道去,”金属球左右晃晃,“我连自己名字都忘了,还有工夫想这些?” To be honest, your lost recalls what degree to seriously?” Gawain is knitting the brows, asked that curious for a long time issue, you also record some general knowledge of native place, for example environment, physical rule and history, but did thing in addition forget?” “说实话,你的‘失忆’到底严重到了什么程度?”高文皱着眉,问出自己好奇已久的问题,“你还记着自己老家的一些常识,比如环境、物理规则、历史,但除此之外的东西就都忘了么?” metal ball pondered for a long time opens the mouth very much: „, The fact, what means do I have? Loses recalls the most fearful place here: You do not even know oneself forgot anything. Now I can remember only then some life general knowledge, but these general knowledge belongs to another world, I still remember one set of language, but also does not have the function here......” 金属球思考了很久才开口:“啧,事实如此,我有什么办法?失忆最可怕的地方就在这儿:你甚至不会知道自己都忘了什么。我现在能记得的就只有一些生活常识,可这些常识却都是属于另一个世界的,我还记得一套语言,但在这边同样毫无作用……” Was saying to be saying, he then as if fell into greatest losing, is gradually silent, after a half minute he particularly user-friendly sighed: Oh...... I am also actually trying hard, wants to do to understand that who diligently I am, I make anything, I will make anything, is good at making anything, however this middle difficulty you have no way to imagine , if good in the familiar world, thing many can some prompts, but here, all are completely to me strange, I could not find to help me recall the passing thing slightly. These days I have roved in the camp, to have a look at your livelihoods, wants to find the matter that oneself can handle, is finally? Does not have the result I to seem like anything not to do, does not have any works I to insert begins...... me not to have the hand!” 说着说着,他便似乎陷入了莫大的失落中,渐渐沉默下来,直到半分钟后他才特别人性化地叹了口气:“唉……其实我也在努力,努力想搞明白我到底是谁,我到底是做什么的,我会做什么,擅长做什么,然而这中间的难度你根本没法想象假如是在熟悉的世界还好,身边的事物多少能给一些提示,但在这里,一切的一切对我而言都完全陌生,我根本找不到丝毫可以帮助我回忆起过往的东西。这些日子我一直在营地里转来转去,就是为了看看你们的生产生活,想借此找到自己会做的事情,可是结果呢?毫无结果我似乎什么都不会做,没有任何一项工作我能插得上手……我也没手啊!” Gawain feels the chin: You guess that your previous life is what are you doing?” 高文摸着下巴:“那你猜你上辈子干什么的?” Where since this does make me from guess?” metal ball as to spread out both hands, however he does not have the hand, therefore can only sway, I do not have to be engaged in some work slightly or excel at some type of thing the impression, is difficult to be inadequate my previous life need not work, the need not learn/study, even does need not go out?” “这让我从哪猜起?”金属球似乎很想摊开双手,然而他没有手,所以只能晃来晃去,“我没有丝毫从事某项工作或者擅长某种事物的印象,难不成我上辈子不用工作,不用学习,甚至不用出门?” Gawain could not bear sized up metal ball two up and down, in the heart one cold: Listens to this ball to describe, before his crossed over, feared that isn't damn fat otaku?( Fog) 高文忍不住上下打量了金属球两眼,心中一凛:听这球如此描述,他穿越前怕不是个死肥宅?(雾) Why as for is fat otaku looks at the build! 8) 至于为啥是个肥宅看体型啊!八)
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