SOD :: Volume #2

#113: Gawain's morals

The proposal that Byron put forward let present everyone a little to have doubts, particularly Hetty, she directly asked: By market price 30% price purchase slaves? Moreover to issue the form of mercenary request? Some are this how people possibly willing to accept? Let alone this lowered to not the normal price, perhaps the mercenary remuneration for services rendered must pull out...... this does business at a loss regarding these mercenary from this Samseong-ri surface completely the business.” 拜伦提出的这个建议让在场所有人都有点疑惑,尤其是赫蒂,她直接就问了出来:“以市价30%的价格购买奴隶?而且还是以发布佣兵委托的形式?这样怎么可能有人愿意接受?别说这低到不正常的价格了,佣兵们的酬金恐怕还得从这三成里面抽吧……这对于那些佣兵而言完全是赔本买卖。” Facing this question, Byron said one lightly: Therefore we must add on one additionally: Does not request slave and contract.” 面对这个疑问,拜伦只是淡淡地说了一句:“所以我们要额外加上一条:不要求奴籍和契约。” Hetty and Rebecca look at each other in blank dismay, but Amber has understood, this Half-Elf thief just wants to say anything, has not actually thought that is Gawain opens the mouth before her: In this case, mercenary will plunder refugee to act as the slave to sell for money.” 赫蒂瑞贝卡面面相觑,而琥珀则已经明白过来,这位半精灵盗贼刚想说些什么,却没想到是高文在她之前开口:“这样的话,佣兵们就会掳掠流民充当奴隶卖钱。” Amber somewhat looked at Gawain one surprisedly, seems like has not thought that this Duke will understand unexpectedly this matter, but Knight Byron nods when surprised: Vigorous and healthy, has the complete slave contract procedure, to have serf or the slave laborer of explicit family background usually needs 20 to 30 to inlay the flowered small silver coin, or 77 silver plaque coins, but the maximum cost is actually their slave, because has the status to compile a register, must therefore from the regular channel purchase, besides purchasing slave's money, Slave Owner and Feudal Lord tax collector, place Church and slave market even vagabond rascal compose slave laborer association will also pull out layer upon layer in this, that is several times even more than ten times of prices, but refugee...... refugee does not need the cost. No one will protect them, they have no status information, was missing or died will not arouse any interest.” 琥珀有些惊讶地看了高文一眼,似乎是没想到这位公爵竟然会了解这种事情,而拜伦骑士则在惊讶之余点了点头:“一个健壮、有完备奴籍契约手续、有明确出身的农奴或奴工通常需要二十到三十个镶花小银币,或者十六七个银盾币,而其中最大的成本其实就是他们的奴籍,因为是有身份造册的,所以必须从正规的渠道购买,除了购买奴隶本身的钱之外,奴隶主领主的税务官、地方教会、奴隶市场甚至地痞无赖们组成的‘奴工协会’还会在这中间层层抽成,那是数倍甚至十几倍的价钱,但流民……流民是不需要成本的,没有任何人会保护他们,他们也没有任何身份信息,失踪或是死亡都不会引起任何关注。” Speaking of here, Byron stopped, seems like to Hetty and Rebecca some time of ponder, then continues saying: Normally, the aristocrats will not purchase not to have the slave of slave contract, because such slave not only does not have the family background safeguard, and will appear the aristocrat parsimoniously, poor and pedantic the personal status is also low, moreover this slave, once were massacred or seized by other Slave Owner, has no way to be compensated. But even so, some people will still send out the purchase not to have request this of record/native place slave inexpensive is a default black custom, actually refers to is...... refugee.” 说到这儿,拜伦停顿了一下,似乎是给赫蒂瑞贝卡一些思考的时间,接着继续说道:“正常情况下,贵族们不会购买没有奴籍契约的奴隶,因为这样的奴隶既无出身保障,又会显得贵族吝啬、穷酸又品位低下,而且这种奴隶一旦被别的奴隶主杀掉或者抓走,也没法得到赔偿。但即便这样,仍然会有人发出购买廉价无籍奴隶的委托这是一种默认的黑规矩,其实指的就是……流民。” Hetty is covering the chest, although she is in the aristocrats and civilians walks near model very much, but she has also never contacted the dark fact of this type of most deep layer: Will really have this matter?” 赫蒂捂着胸口,尽管她已经是贵族中与平民走得很近的典范,但她还从未接触过这种最深层的黑暗事实:“竟然还会有这种事?” Not only has, but also has year after year, has everywhere, Madame,” the Knight Byron voice said low and deep, in some immoral mercenary circles, this refugee is called ‚the money of long leg, they will even treat as paid intelligence to circulate the refugee rallying point sanctuary secretly, stares at people who these are destitute and homeless like the shark and hyena, whom will only wait to probably purchase does not have record/native place slave usually to purchase them to close in inexpensive massively.” “不但有,而且年年都有,处处都有,夫人,”拜伦骑士嗓音低沉地说道,“在一些不道德的佣兵圈子里,这种流民被称作‘长腿的钱’,他们甚至会把流民的聚集点庇护所当做有偿情报在暗地里流通,就像鲨鱼和鬣狗一样盯着那些流离失所的人们,只等着有谁要购买廉价无籍奴隶通常都是大量购买他们就会一拥而上。” Rebecca subconsciously got hold of iron magic staff in hand, the knuckle even because of making an effort, but some blanches, her as if talk to oneself said in a low voice: mercenary...... I listen to their stories in the tavern, listening to them to exterminate the robber, kills the monster, explores the story that in the old castle and mystical place, I think that is the life of mercenary, is......” 瑞贝卡下意识握紧了手中的铁法杖,指节甚至因用力而有些发白,她低声仿佛自言自语般地说道:“佣兵……我在酒馆里听他们的故事,听他们剿灭强盗,杀死怪物,在古堡和秘境中探险的故事,我以为那就是佣兵的生活,可是……” Viscount Lord, when you in the tavern, mercenary in tavern were not mercenary,” Knight Byron profoundly looked at Rebecca one, not all mercenary will do these matters that I said a moment ago, these that you said also truly were the life of portion mercenary, but a little hand of mercenary was also doomed is unclean, nothing but did evil many issue.” 子爵大人,当您在酒馆里的时候,酒馆里的佣兵就不是佣兵了,”拜伦骑士深深地看了瑞贝卡一眼,“并不是所有佣兵都会做我刚才说的那些事,您说的那些也确实是一部分佣兵的生活,但还有一点佣兵的手注定是不干净的,无非作恶多少的问题罢了。” Afterward this middle-aged Knight raised the head, looks to Gawain: Lord, your meaning? About issue request......” 随后这位中年骑士抬起头,看向高文:“大人,您的意思呢?关于发布委托……” Gawain faint smile looks at this Knight, opposite party these darkest is really equivalent to everyone's surface saying that actually subtext is very obvious, but he does not want to puncture this as if to have past halfway Knight very much: I do not plan to save this sum of money.” 高文似笑非笑地看着这位骑士,对方把那些最黑暗的真相当着所有人的面说出来,其实潜台词就已经很明显了,但他并不想戳穿这位似乎很有过去的半路骑士:“我不打算省这笔钱。” Hetty and Rebecca obviously relax very much. 赫蒂瑞贝卡都很明显地松了口气。 We are not short of money, gold and silver enough entire Feudal Territory in treasury spends for a long time is very very long, but if with encouraging the evil way economizes, the debt that on our soul must shoulder may not be easy to redeem in full,” Gawain said at a moderate pace, defers to the normal flow, approaches Feudal Territory to post the bulletin and sends people to read out, goes to the aristocrats who and can make contact with the line to negotiate, rents carriages and horses arrangement dry rations, if purchases serf, defers to the normal channel to buy, the need not parsimonious wealth, I only have a request: Must guarantee the people who each will soon arrive at this lands understand a matter: No matter they had made anything before, they must obey here law.” “我们并不缺钱,宝库中的金银足够整个领地花用很久很久,但如果用助长邪恶的方式省了钱,我们灵魂上要背负的债务可就不是那么容易赎清了,”高文不紧不慢地说道,“就按照正常的流程,去临近领地张贴告示并派人宣读,去和能搭上线的贵族们交涉,去租借车马筹备干粮,如果购买农奴,就按照正常渠道去买,不用吝啬钱财,我只有一个要求:要保证每个即将来到这片土地的人都明白一件事:不管他们以前做过什么,他们都必须服从这里的法律。” Byron caresses the chest to lower the head: This is their duties.” 拜伦抚胸低头:“这是他们的本分。” Gawain nods: You are good at having to do with this person in aspect, therefore this matter on plenary powers gives you, needs how much money to look for Hetty to draw, but must have the explicit account and draws the plan. Moreover, if you have the channel, had better be able inquire the refugee rallying point.” 高文点点头:“你擅长和这方面的人打交道,所以这件事就全权交给你,需要多少钱就去找赫蒂支领,但要有明确的账目和支领计划。另外,如果你有渠道的话,最好能打听到流民们的聚集点。” Because the capital construction work marches into the right track, manpower also had a remainder, the minting work of Feudal Territory the small scale had launched, Gawain designed and life person casting few days ago the initial several currencies, and these currencies delivered to close to Tanzan Town as well as several other far cities , conducted the notarization in the merchant and aristocrat there, now these currencies have been able to use. 由于基建工作步入正轨,人手方面也有了点余量,领地铸币工作已经小规模展开,高文前些日子设计并命人铸造了最初的几种货币,并将这些货币送到临近的坦桑镇以及另外几座较远的城镇中,在商人和贵族那里进行了公证,现在这些货币已经可以使用了。 After Byron and the others left, in the tent was only left over Gawain and Amber, the latter has sized up Gawain with the strange look up and down, is not comfortable the whole body of Lane Gawain: What do you look at?” 等到拜伦等人离开之后,帐篷里只剩下了高文琥珀,后者一直用古怪的眼神上下打量高文,把高文的浑身不自在:“你又看什么呢?” Makes these only recognize money mercenary to grasp refugee to deliver, obviously sends for compared with you are the propaganda searches, moreover the arrangement carriages and horses dry rations must reduce effort to save money convenient, I also think that you will definitely choose a more actual plan you always not to say are oneself a pragmaticist?” “让那些只认钱的佣兵去抓流民送过来,显然比你自己派人又是宣传又是搜寻,而且还得筹备车马干粮要省事省力省钱多了,我还以为你肯定会选更实际的方案你不是一向说自己是个实用主义者么?” I truly am a pragmaticist, but I am not ruffian, what way these mercenary with will seize refugee to act as the slave, after I use , the molar thinks that can imagine, how many people will have to be killed in this process at the scene? Will how many people break up a family? Some how many people in these mercenary crude ‚does transportation in process die of the hunger and disease? Even if I in the request specially emphasized must guarantee slave health, but you thought how many mercenary has really to listen? But these matter perhaps are not I does personally, but is actually I urges, this is contrary to my conduct criterion.” “我确实是个实用主义者,但我不是恶棍,那些佣兵会用什么方式抓捕流民充当奴隶,我用后槽牙想想都能想象得到,在这个过程中有多少人会被当场杀死?有多少人会妻离子散?有多少人会在那些佣兵粗暴的‘运输’过程中死于饥饿和疾病?即便我在委托中刻意强调必须保证‘奴隶’的健康,但你觉得有多少佣兵真的会听?而这些事情或许不是我亲手做的,但却是我促使的,这有违我的行事准则。” But you know that even if you do not do, still has others to do, the parsimonious farm operator and black mine will look for mercenary to purchase not to have record/native place slave every year, the quantity that they purchase, enough fills up your small camp several times.” “但你知道么,即使你不做,也有别人在做,吝啬的农场主和黑矿山每年都会找佣兵们购买无籍奴隶,他们购买的量,足够填满你这片小小的营地好几次。” Therefore I prepare to destroy this present situation, constructs the new order, not only my own conduct must obey these criteria, on each lands that in I establish, must obey these criteria, no matter they are Slave Owner, mercenary, vagabond rascal, the robbers and bandits profiteer, is what hereditary nobility profession expert, must so. I do not do evil they is not accurate.” “所以我准备摧毁这种现状,建设新的秩序,不只是我自己的行事要遵照这些准绳,在我所建立的每一片土地上,都必须遵照这些准绳不管他们是奴隶主,佣兵,地痞无赖,盗匪奸商,还是什么世袭贵族职业强者,都要如此。我不作恶他们也不准。” Amber is opening the mouth, looks at Gawain, long time opens the mouth startled: Your tone is very big......, but will you why so dedicated in protecting the weak one? Really because of these so-called classical aristocrat moral excellence or Knight spirit?” 琥珀张着嘴巴,愕然地看着高文,半晌才开口:“你口气挺大……但你为何会这么执着于保护弱者?真的是因为那些所谓的‘古典贵族美德’或者‘骑士精神’?” No, this is only the basic morals.” “不,这只是基本的道德。” Amber spiteful same must pick up a problem probably intentionally: Your this is simply naive, how can your one person change so many? Must know that in this world, the law of the jungle is the custom, expert dominates in the weak one is the morals.” 琥珀就好像故意赌气一样非要挑出点毛病来:“你这样简直天真,你一个人怎么能改变这么多?要知道在这个世界上,弱肉强食是规矩,强者凌驾于弱者本身就是道德啊。” Gawain looks at Amber, could not bear smile suddenly: Right, the law of the jungle, this truly is the custom of this world, even is the custom of nature, expert should formulate the rule, but share that the weak one only then obeys.” 高文看着琥珀,突然忍不住笑了起来:“没错,弱肉强食,这确实是这个世界的规矩,甚至是自然界的规矩,强者是应该制定规则的,而弱者只有服从的份。” Amber is blinking the eye: You......” 琥珀眨巴着眼睛:“那你……” The Gawain's smile may not restrain: Therefore my hasn't started to formulate the rule?” 高文的笑容更加不可抑止:“所以我这不是已经开始制定规则了么?” Amber: „...... Also can operate like this!?” 琥珀:“……还可以这样操作!?” But at the same time, in has been far away from Cecil territory, to hoist the sails to navigate in the Clearwater River surface white oak number, Veronica is in own pray room. 而在同一时刻,在已经远离塞西尔领、正扬帆航行在白水河面的白橡木号上,维罗妮卡正待在自己的祈祷室里。 She was still a simple white nun took, the pale golden long hair threw over mild-mannered after the brain, did not bring to decorate luxuriously, she knelt before the God of Holy Light idol, both hands overlap placed the chest, is imitating in the Saint emblem two Holy Light overlapping images, but the light element of full then circled to dance in the air in her side, as if the one by one translucent cherub regarding her, is surrounding and protecting this devout incomparable Holy Light believer generally. 她仍然是一身朴素的白色修女服,淡金色的长发柔顺地披在脑后,不带一点奢华装饰,她跪在圣光之神的神像前,双手交叠放在胸口,模仿着圣徽上两道圣光交叉的形象,而充盈的光元素便在她的身边盘旋飞舞,仿佛一个个半透明的小天使一般围绕着她,拱卫着这位虔诚无比的圣光信徒 She prayed devotionally, making the brilliance gradually cover in that appearance fuzzily, is unable with the God of Holy Light statue of naked eye resolution appearance on, after finishing a praying word, she opens the eye, before the looks at statue, thick candle that is burning. 她虔诚地祈祷,让光辉逐渐笼罩在那尊面目模糊、无法用肉眼分辨容貌的圣光之神雕像上,当结束了一节祷词之后,她才张开眼睛,看着雕像前正在燃烧的粗大蜡烛。 The flame of that thick candle jumped several, suddenly turned into the pure white from the orange yellow, flame also all of a sudden expanded several times, turned into one bunch of pure brilliance, this brilliance vibration contraction, formed an image of old man gradually. 那粗大蜡烛的火焰跳跃了几下,突然从橙黄色变成纯粹的白色,火焰也一下子扩大了好几倍,变成一束纯粹的光焰,这光焰抖动收缩,渐渐形成了一位老者的形象。 The old men sit on a chair, seems like, although has dignified, but actually obvious old weak, if there is any God of Holy Light believer here, can perhaps first recognize this is at present Holy Light Church highest rule, Pope Saint Ivan III. 老者坐在一把椅子上,看上去虽然颇有威严,但却明显的苍老虚弱,而如果有任何一位圣光之神信徒在这里,恐怕都会第一眼认出这正是目前圣光教会最高的统治者,教皇圣·伊凡三世 Veronica slightly dangling head: Pope Your Excellency.” 维罗妮卡微微垂下头:“教皇冕下。” Broadcast Pope slightly some sounds of distortion from the brilliance: Holy Light's Favoured child, you already return trip?” 从光焰中传来了教皇略有些失真的声音:“圣光眷顾的孩子,你已经返程了?” Yes, I have left Cecil territory, now the fleet should soon approach the Dorgen River river mouth.” “是的,我已离开塞西尔领,如今船队应该快要靠近多尔贡河的河口了。” „Are the trip all smooth? The enemy of that Gawain Cecil whether My Lord?” “此行一切是否顺利?那个高文·塞西尔是否吾主之敌?” Veronica hesitated for two seconds, the voice replied gently: All smooth, Gawain Cecil firmly is 700 years ago that legend, rather than stole heroic body, to muddle through life ignobly the Mortal World wicked soul, under he in Holy Light shone the style of speaking to be free, and was a moral noble and pure person.” 维罗妮卡沉吟了两秒,嗓音柔和地回答:“一切顺利,高文·塞西尔确系七百年前那位传奇,而非窃取了英雄躯壳、苟存人间的恶魂,他在圣光照耀下谈吐自若,并且是一位品性高洁的人。” That, then good. I heard the Lord sound in recent years repeatedly, It wants me the Taoism and world of Holy Light, but Gawain Cecil recovers in this time, is really a matter that made one care about, but you confirm now he was not the Lord enemy, I felt relieved.” “那么,便好。我近年来频频听到主的声音,祂要我将圣光的正道教与世人,而高文·塞西尔在此时复苏,着实是一件令人在意的事,但现在你确认了他并非主的敌人,那我就放心多了。” The Veronica both hands overlap, deeply lowers the head: „The My Lord correct path decides however will spread over the whole world.” 维罗妮卡双手交叠,深深低头:“吾主的正道定然会传遍整个世界。” The candle is burning through gradually, the Divine Spell strength also arrived at the end, broadcasts the sound that from the brilliance becomes gets down weakly: Comes back as soon as possible, do not delay on the road, to guard the filthy world to affect your pure Holy Light, returns to Holy Light Cathedral......” 蜡烛正在渐渐燃尽,神术的力量也到了尽头,从光焰中传来的声音变得微弱下去:“尽快回来吧,不要在路上耽搁,以防污浊的世人影响了你纯粹的圣光,回到圣光大教堂……” The brilliance vanished, the candle only had some pale ashes, Pope aura was also far away from this place. 光焰消失了,蜡烛只剩下一些苍白的灰烬,教皇气息也远离了这个地方。 Veronica waited for several seconds, this stands slowly, calmly is gazing at the God of Holy Light idol. 维罗妮卡又等了几秒钟,这才慢慢站起来,静静地注视着圣光之神的神像。 She opens the mouth in a soft voice, as if talk to oneself: 她轻声开口,仿佛自言自语: That is actually an irreligious person, right?” “那其实是个无信仰的人,对么?” Yes, not only has not believed that but also is conflicting Way of Holy Light.” “是啊,不但没有信仰,而且抵触着圣光之道。” He as if in contradiction god, rather than Holy Light......” “他似乎只是在抵触神,而非圣光……” In brief is not the Holy Light servant, is not the dark lackey.” “总之既不是圣光的仆人,也不是黑暗的爪牙。” Very amusing......” “很有趣……” Very amusing.” “很有趣。”
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