SOD :: Volume #2

#112: Talents and population

Hetty and Rebecca were called the Gawain's tent, but after hearing the Gawain's idea, two people of just as expected had a scare. 赫蒂瑞贝卡被叫到了高文的营帐,而在听到高文的想法之后,二人果不其然被吓了一跳。 Education? Taught each civilian even serf?” The eye of Hetty stares the eldest child, almost must lose the demeanor thoroughly, „, moreover must list as the law on Feudal Territory, does everyone want to be educated like the tax payment?!” “教育?对每一个平民甚至农奴进行教导?”赫蒂的眼睛瞪得老大,差一点就要彻底失了风度,“而且要列为领地上的法律,所有人都要像纳税一样接受教育?!” Right, from now on studies learn to read is not only a right, is a duty,” Gawain is smiling, can see that mature steady Hetty was always frightened one by oneself for the first time actually startled one is also a quite warms the heart and delights the eye matter, „everyone on present Feudal Territory must meet the read-write, in the future arrives at the person on this lands also to achieve this point, in the new order that otherwise they are unable to carry out in me survives.” “没错,从今往后读书识字将不仅是一种权利,更是一种义务,”高文微笑着,能看到一向成熟稳重的赫蒂被自己吓得一惊一乍其实也是一件颇为赏心悦目的事,“现在领地上的每一个人都要会读写,将来来到这片土地上的人也必须做到这一点,否则他们根本无法在我推行的新秩序中生存下去。” Hetty shows expression looking pensive: New order......” 赫蒂露出若有所思的表情:“新秩序……” But actually immediately nearby Rebecca, she thinks is this difficult: Lord Ancestor, must teach that not learn to read civilians the rich knowledge knows the person who the book reaches the principle is not easy, this needs the literary teacher, the mathematical science teacher, the history and geography teacher, but must have teacher sword arts and horsemanship teacher as well as one to two natural science teachers, even if completed the curricula of these comparison foundations, Art, etiquette and heraldry such ultra difficult ultra difficult curriculum, these class not more than ten years, but insufficient!” 而旁边的瑞贝卡则实际多了,她立刻想到的就是这有多难:“祖先大人啊,要把一个不识字的平民教导成富有学识知书达理的人可没那么容易,这需要文学教师,数理教师,历史和地理教师,还要有教习剑术骑术的教师以及一到两个博物导师,哪怕把这些比较基础的课程学完了,还有艺术、礼仪、纹章学这样超难超难的课程,这几门课没个十几年可是不够的啊!” Gawain hear of dumbfoundedness, when explained, front Hetty covered the forehead to open the mouth: Rebecca...... is not everyone learn/study etiquette Art and heraldry must study for more than ten years, moreover in fact you have not learned them to the present......” 高文听的目瞪口呆,正待解释,面前的赫蒂就捂着脑门开口了:“瑞贝卡……并不是每个人学习礼仪艺术和纹章学都要学十几年的,而且事实上你到现在也没学会它们……” Rebecca startled: „? Is this? How I remember that my etiquette teacher said I have finished an apprenticeship......” 瑞贝卡一愣一愣的:“诶?是这样嘛?我怎么记得我的礼仪老师说我已经出师……” A Hetty face expects too much: Because he really cannot be victorious you!” 赫蒂一脸恨铁不成钢:“因为他实在打不过你!” Rebecca: „......” 瑞贝卡:“……” Stands smiles in Gawain behind Amber immediately doubles with laughter, in the entire tent filled the merry air. 站在高文身后的琥珀顿时笑得前仰后合,整个帐篷里充满了快活的空气。 But Gawain has to hurry to break two big granddaughters already more and more leaning topic: „Side Stop stop stop, more said more does not have, I think that you misunderstood the education that my meaning I said to be completely different from the education of that respected family foster successor you knew, I did not want the foster children of the nobility or practice Priest come out, but was foster has the talent of read-write ability as well as mathematical science logic, moreover remember, was massive foster.” 高文则不得不赶紧打断两个大孙女已经越来越偏的话题:“停停停,越说越没边了,我想你们是误会了我的意思我所说的教育跟你们所知的那种大家族培养继承人的教育完全不一样,我不是要培养个贵族子弟或见习神官出来,而是培养具备读写能力以及数理逻辑的人才,而且记住,是大量培养。” Saying, him is shaking the head: That type looks for big group of well known teachers, every day from studies the tail early, the way that more than ten years educate several young master young ladies is here invalid. The education that I request is very simple: Regarding undertaking adult of work, every day after putting down work , conducts two hours of foundation General Education, learn to read, recognizes the number then, regarding child who was unable to undertake the work, then conducts quite a while educates, moreover quite a while leaves them to help the parental work in home.” 说着,他摇了摇头:“那种找一大堆有名望的导师,每天从早学习到尾,十几年教育出几位少爷小姐的方式在这里行不通。我要求的教育很简单:对于承担工作的成年人,每天下工之后进行两小时基础的通识教育,识字、认数即可,对于还不能承担工作的儿童,则进行半天教育,另外半天留给他们在家中帮助父母做工。” This type shallow and inexpensive the educational mode really hears something never heard of before, Hetty cannot bear knit the brows: In other words, their lowest standards only need to study learn to read, but what does the teacher also only need this level...... such elementary education to have to affect?” 这种“粗浅”、“廉价”的教育方式真是闻所未闻,赫蒂忍不住皱起了眉:“也就是说,他们的最低标准只需要读书识字就可以,而教师也只需要这个水平……这样的基础教育会有什么作用呢?” She actually also has half a word words not saying: The civilians and do serf want the learn to read ability to do? 她其实还有半句话没说出来:平民和农奴识字的能力干嘛? If before were she blurted out mostly directly, but she has not actually affirmed now, because she had seen the civilian and serf other aspect earnestly, moreover before Gawain, has proposed one plan that let on Feudal Territory everyone learn to read, was equal to calling a preventive inoculation her is only she does not have to think own this Ancestor was serious unexpectedly, moreover must be serious quickly. 如果是以前的她多半就直接脱口而出了,但如今她却没这么肯定,因为她已经切切实实见到了平民与农奴的另一面,而且高文之前就提过一次让领地上所有人都识字的计划,等于是给她打了个预防针只是她没想到自家这位老祖宗竟然玩真的,而且这么快就要玩真的。 Studying learn to read can be reasonable, can undertake a more complex work, can understand that we transmit to their thought that can live clearly, can become a more useful talent,” Gawain is smiling, looks to Hetty, some perhaps people truly lived to be doomed Magician and Knight, could not become Priest, could not awaken the extraordinary talent, but the overwhelming majority life got down can master the knowledge through the acquired learn/study , the destiny relatively was at least in this regard fairer.” “读书识字就可以懂得道理,可以承担更复杂的工作,可以理解我们传达给他们的思想,可以更明白地活着,可以成为更有用的人才,”高文笑着,看向赫蒂,“或许有些人确实生下来就注定成不了魔法师骑士,成不了神官,觉醒不了超凡天赋,但绝大多数人生下来都可以通过后天学习掌握知识,至少在这方面,命运相对公平一些。” Hetty did not have conscious to refer to anything to Gawain from the beginning, but her thinking of person just has then met quickly today, silver-haired young girl from Royal Capital. 赫蒂一开始还没意识高文在指什么,但她很快便联想到了一个人一个今天才刚刚见过面,来自王都的银发少女。 She shows the panic-stricken look finally: Ancestor, you should not plan that...... also joins the rune theory to these knows in the curriculum?” 她终于露出惊骇的神色:“先祖,您该不会打算……把符文理论也加入到那些通识课程里吧?” That is the high-level curriculum, but why not?” Gawain smiles, phenomenally is upbeat with happily, recalls carefully, Hetty, in that note recording...... has which in the formula and theorem of related with the magic talent?” “那是中高级的课程,但为什么不呢?”高文微笑起来,心情空前振奋和愉快,“仔细回忆一下,赫蒂,在那本笔记上所记载的公式和定理……有哪一条是跟魔法天赋相关的么?” Hetty is opening the mouth, long time makes the sound finally: No, no, these...... are completely the pure computations!” 赫蒂张着嘴巴,半晌才终于发出声音:“不,没有,那些……全部是纯粹的计算!” Right, before that note verified me , a some idea, that is big that barrier between extraordinary force and mortal has not imagined, perhaps this strength truly favors these to have the person of special talent, but since it is a natural phenomenon, then without truth world over 90% average people because only talent issue was isolated by it outside,” Gawain is saying, the tone took sighing with regret, rune and magic are orderly, but the summary rule...... must is wisdom, rather than strength.” “没错,那本笔记印证了我之前就有的一个想法,那就是超凡力量和凡人之间的隔阂并没有想象的那么大,或许这种力量确实更加青睐那些拥有特殊天赋的人,但既然它是一种自然现象,那么没有道理这个世界九成以上的普通人都只因为区区一个天赋问题就被它隔绝在外,”高文说着,语气带上了慨叹,“符文魔法是有规律的,而总结规律……要的是智慧,而非力量。” Yes, the mortal can also contact extraordinary domain, even if they cannot emit magic spell forever, they can also through the math and logical lever, come and extraordinary force establish the non- direct contact, so long as had the contact, that huge to fearful mortal number almost can easily accomplished levelling off old order Gawain believe in firmly. 是的,凡人也可以接触超凡领域,哪怕他们自身永远也放不出一个法术,他们也可以通过数学与逻辑这个“杠杆”,来和超凡力量建立非直接的接触,而只要有了接触,那庞大到可怕的“凡人数量”几乎可以摧枯拉朽般地夷平旧秩序高文对此深信不疑。 Hetty is thinking in the astonishment, finally hesitated was asking a question: „Does the great majority person...... really have this wisdom?” 赫蒂在惊愕中思索着,最后犹豫着问了个问题:“大多数人……真的具备这种智慧么?” Your tone very hesitates, had explained that you had the answer,” the Gawain faint smile looked to Hetty, in these days contacts, you were indefinite they with your my same person?” “你的语气很犹豫,就已经说明你有答案了,”高文似笑非笑地看向赫蒂,“在这些日子的接触中,你还不确定他们都是跟你我一样的人么?” I understood,” Hetty breathes deeply, I will prepare, first from coming from Royal Capital that 100 people chooses to have the person of read-write ability to be the most basic teacher, moreover convenes various foreman, schedules everyone's work and study schedule.” “我明白了,”赫蒂深吸口气,“我会去做准备,首先从来自王都的那一百人中挑选出具备读写能力的人来担任最基础的教师,另外召集各监工,安排大家的劳动和学习时间。” Remember, the most basic read-write ability,” Gawain nods satisfied, and emphasized that „, moreover we cannot delay the construction of Feudal Territory, no matter the teacher or the student, the present stage cannot be out of production to teach that the read-write teacher must participate in the work being good after finishing class.” “记住,最基础的读写能力,”高文满意地点头,并强调道,“而且我们不能耽误领地的建设,不管老师还是学生,现阶段都不能脱产教导读写的教师在下课之后也得参与劳动才行。” Please relax, I will complete.” “请放心,我会做好的。” Rebecca looked at Hetty, has a look at Gawain, a little silly flexure sent difficultly: What that you finally said? rune theory? How I cannot understand......” 瑞贝卡看了看赫蒂,又看看高文,有点糊涂地挠了挠头发:“你们最后说的什么啊?符文理论?我怎么听不懂……” Being able to understand is normal, because you have not gone with us this morning together,” Gawain body in the future one supine, by the chair, smilingly looks at Iron-headed Fireball Girl, Rebecca, I looked for a friend to you, she with domain that you excel at same......” “听不懂是正常的,因为今天上午你没跟我们一起去,”高文身子往后一仰,靠在椅子上,笑眯眯地看着铁头火球娃,“瑞贝卡,我给你找了个朋友,她跟你擅长的领域一样……” Did not wait for Gawain saying that Rebecca on eye one bright: „Does she also meet three to launch in salvos Big Fireball?!” 不等高文说完,瑞贝卡就眼睛一亮:“她也会三连发大火球?!” Gawain: „...... The volume, I did not mean that launches the Big Fireball ability.” 高文:“……额,我不是说发射大火球的能力。” The Rebecca eye rumble transferred the half-turn, wants to ask, since not Big Fireball, that meets the crawling tree to pull out the bird nest to roast the grasshopper, because feared that takes a beating does not dare to say idea at heart, but Gawain when saw that this girl expression profoundly understood how this child has the talent unable to change the bracelet temper at present again( moreover head had also been clamped by gate) the fact, has to speak frankly: „The friend who I said does not accompany you to wanton mischief, is she who and you study together calls Jenny Perrault, is hundred people of the member who constructs the group, 4th Level Runeshaper, she has in mathematical science computation with you equally high talent, moreover she studies the magic way also to have many supplementary and common places with you......” 瑞贝卡眼睛咕噜噜转了半圈,想问问既然不会大火球,那是不是会爬树掏鸟窝烤蚂蚱,但因为怕挨揍就没敢把心里的想法说出来,而高文则在看到这姑娘表情的时候就深刻认识到了眼前这孩子再怎么有天赋也改不了跳脱性子(而且脑袋还被门夹过)的事实,只好直说:“我说的朋友不是陪你瞎胡闹的,是跟你一起研究的她叫詹妮·佩罗,是百人援建团的成员,四级符文师,她在数理计算方面有着和你一样高的天赋,而且她研究魔法的方式也和你有很多互补和共通的地方……” In order to avoid this girl mind loses control again, the Gawain one breath all said the Jenny Perrault situation. 为了避免这姑娘再次头脑失控,高文一口气把詹妮·佩罗的情况全都说了出来。 But Rebecca startled is listening, end sudden racket palm of the hand: You said that she studied the dependence computation, rather than did magic spell come the structure rune blueprint technology?” 瑞贝卡一愣一愣地听着,末了突然一拍巴掌:“您说她研究出了依靠计算,而非法术来构架符文蓝图的技术?” Although the process is tortuous, but Gawain excessively had not explained at this time: Almost one meaning.” 虽然其中过程曲折,但高文此时并没有过多解释:“差不多一个意思。” Hey! I must see that person!” Rebecca really shows the quite happy look, felt that she is quite fierce!” “噫!我要见见那个人!”瑞贝卡果然露出相当高兴的神色,“感觉她好厉害!” Gawain saw very much happily Rebecca has the full interest in this matter, but ran away in the silly roe deer beforehand reminded one: Do not delay magic engine and cement development.” 高文很高兴看到瑞贝卡对此事有十足的兴趣,但还是在傻狍子脱缰之前提醒了一句:“不要耽误了魔能引擎和‘水泥’的研制。” Relax! I know!” “放心吧!我知道的!” Then this matter discussed here,” Gawain nods satisfied, then looked to Amber, Amber, you ran again, went to call Knight Byron.” “那么这件事就讨论到这里,”高文满意地点了点头,接着看向琥珀,“琥珀,你再跑一趟,去把拜伦骑士叫来。” A Amber face does not prefer, but the form gradually becomes pale in the air: Oh, is really the calamity.” 琥珀一脸不情愿,但身影还是渐渐在空气中变淡:“唉,真是劳碌命啊。” Quick, is then being brought in Knight Byron of barracks rest to the tent, middle-aged Knight of this mercenary family background salutes to Gawain: Lord Duke, do you look for me?” 很快,正在营房休息的拜伦骑士便被带到营帐中,这位佣兵出身的中年骑士高文行礼:“公爵大人,您找我?” „Are you familiar with the serf market and refugee?” “你对农奴市场和流民熟悉么?” Knight Byron gawked, is following close on nod: „Very ripe to serf, before I once the generation of Miss Rebecca father went to other noble territory to purchase the slave, the refugee words...... out of the question ripe with is not ripe, that is some flows everywhere, with the savage similar person, Green Mill there that old mine of Tanzan Town north side and abandons......” 拜伦骑士愣了一下,紧跟着点点头:“对农奴很熟,之前我曾代瑞贝卡小姐的父亲去别的贵族领中购买奴隶,流民的话……谈不上熟与不熟,那都是些四处流动,和野人差不多的人,坦桑镇更北边的旧矿山和废弃的戈林磨坊那里……” Gawain broke him: I do not want these to take to the heather, but must for the time being also well-born.” 高文打断了他:“我不是要那些已经落草为寇的,而是要暂且还身家清白的。” refugee does not have well-born, but I think that I understand your meaning, you wanted these also to wander the in the city village peripheral, hasn't given up in the person who in the civilization world asked for a livelihood?” 流民没有身家清白的,但我想我明白您的意思了,您是要那些还徘徊在城镇村落周边,还没放弃在文明世界里讨一份生计的人?” Had made mercenary worthily, has dealt with various poor people, in the person who the gray area uses all might, Byron then understands immediately the Gawain's request, and follows close on is putting forward a proposal: Lord, if you really prepared to recruit refugee, I had a suggestion: Might as well try Tanzan Town to issue mercenary to entrust, said that must purchase the slave massively by less than the market price 30% price purchase slaves. This will not compare to send out to announce that posts the bulletin everywhere, and regional noble territory Lord communication negotiations spends . Moreover the efficiency will be very high.” 不愧是曾经做过佣兵,跟各种贫苦人打过交道,在灰色地带摸爬滚打的人,拜伦立刻便明白了高文的要求,并紧跟着提出个建议:“大人,如果您真的准备招收流民了,那我倒有个建议:不如试试去坦桑镇发布佣兵委托,就说要大量购买奴隶以不到市价30%的价格购买奴隶。这样并不会比派出宣告员到处张贴告示、和各地贵族领主沟通交涉多花钱,而且效率会特别高。”
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