SOD :: Volume #2

#111: One half step

If personally did not experience, personally sees, even if there is Gawain Cecil memory, Gawain also is very difficult to realize why this world will get sucked in civilization backs up in the mire that cannot extricate oneself, why after so many years, civilization not only does not have slightly to return to warmer weather, instead presents the indication that the ossification withdraws. 如果不是亲身体会,亲眼所见,哪怕有着高文·塞西尔的记忆,高文恐怕也很难体会到为什么这个世界会深陷在文明倒退的泥潭中不可自拔,为什么这么多年过后,文明非但没有丝毫回暖,反而呈现出僵化退后的征兆。 A research draft manuscript, four masters, dozens years of accumulation and study and summary, produces skids the world setup sufficiently the achievement, actually nearly destroys in the stale expert hand of this time, Jenny and her seniors perhaps are the rare talents, but their bitter experiences are not rare in this world. 一本研究手稿,前后四任主人,几十年的积累和钻研、总结,所产生的足以撬动世界格局的成果,却险些毁在这个时代的陈腐强者手中,詹妮和她的前辈们或许是稀有的人才,但他们的遭遇在这个世界却并不少见。 Some such typical examples: On land of aristocrat, serf thinks suddenly the good way of Management land, or discovered issue that receives the tax officer, he decides to tell oneself Feudal Lord oneself discovery, what then can be finally? 有这样一个典型的例子:在一位贵族的土地上,一名农奴突然想到了管理土地的好办法,或者发现了收税官的问题,他决定将自己的发现告诉自己的领主,那么结果会是什么? Many people think that this serf because of bribing the Feudal Lord property, or the slander receives the tax officer to be punished, but actually often is not this, because they radically to Feudal Lord in front, basic until said the idea the time. 很多人会以为这位农奴将因染指领主的财产,或者诽谤收税官而遭受惩处,但其实往往不是这样因为他们根本到不了领主面前,根本到不了说出自己想法的时候。 The penalty that they face often is another matter you dares to step on barefooting of horse dung to step on with your in the garden of aristocrat! 他们面对的惩罚往往是另一件事你竟敢用你那踩过马粪的赤脚踩在贵族的庭院上! If he is putting on shoes? 如果他穿着鞋呢? Then they will drag away you really to have the shoes by the guards similarly?! Where steals! 那么他们同样会被卫兵们拖走你竟然有鞋?!哪偷的! Obviously, no one cared from beginning to end this serf discovered anything, some people do not know truly what he wants to say is anything, as serf, he is not punished for an offense because of the word, he is punished for an offense because of the breath. 显然,从头至尾都没有人关心这个农奴发现了什么,也不会有人知道他真正想说的是什么,作为农奴,他不是因言而获罪,他是因呼吸而获罪。 serf could not have achieved because of the qualifications that the word is punished for an offense. 农奴还达不到因言而获罪的资格。 This is the person unreadable society ecology of letting from modern civilization society, it is absurd, stupid, strange, pitiful, but real. 这是一种让来自现代文明社会的人难以理解的社会生态,它荒唐,愚蠢,诡异,可悲但真实。 Did the research of Jenny and Levinkes have the actual effect? Naturally, although these shallow primitive theories have not reorganized, will also have unable to explain presently the achieve alike situation, will have the significant reality to hold the error, but in the great majority time, these formulas is to become effective at least, otherwise Jenny is impossible to become 4th Level Runeshaper: Only has Runeshaper of apprentice level spell casting ability as one, she can rely on formula and logic that only then three generations of seniors summarize. 詹妮拉文凯斯的研究产生了实效么?当然,尽管那些粗浅原始的理论还未整理,还会出现无法解释现实现象的情况,甚至会产生重大的实操误差,但起码在大多数时候,那些公式都是生效的,否则詹妮也不可能成为四级符文师:作为一个只具备学徒施法能力的符文师,她能依赖的只有三代前辈总结出来的公式和逻辑。 Jenny teacher really stupid? Naturally no, at least from the intelligence, Archmagician is not possible stupid, the stupid person could not grasp complex magic pattern and rune computation, therefore that Archmagician inevitably was an intelligence very high person. 詹妮的导师真的愚蠢么?当然不,起码从智力上,一位大魔法师是不可能愚蠢的,愚蠢的人掌握不了复杂的法术模型符文计算,所以那位大魔法师必然是一个智力很高的人。 Causes the final tragedy, is not that note has problems, is not Jenny teacher really stupid to the value of not being able to see writing down, but is the latter has not paid attention to that note from the start, he has not even paid attention to Jenny, what he pays attention is only own slave is doing to pass the matter of moment, such as in the story that barefoots to step into the garden the aristocrat who because of serf, but to its grants the flogging is the same. 导致最终悲剧的,既不是那本笔记出了问题,也不是詹妮的“导师”真的愚蠢到看不出笔记的价值,而是后者压根没有关注过那本笔记,他甚至也没关注过詹妮,他关注的只是自己的奴隶在做逾矩之事而已,就如故事中那个因农奴赤脚踏入庭院而对其施予鞭刑的贵族一样。 Gawain walks on the road, in the heart the train of thought non-stop, he discovered such that the situation truly such as expect: This world has arrived could have the transformation the time, no matter on technology the ideological breakthrough has very big accumulation, in a small number of low rank level communities, this transformation is happening, even has had them to produce quietly, finished quietly, transforms being incapable of community to cause these should the epoch-making thing unable to spread to proliferate upwardly, the so-called change time is also out of the question, but this is the crux of this world. 高文走在路上,心中思绪不停,他发现情况确实如自己所料的那样:这个世界已经到了可以发生变革的时机,不管是技术上还是思想上的突破都已经有了很大积累,在少数低阶级群体中,这种变革正在发生,甚至已经发生过了它们悄无声息地产生,又悄无声息地结束,变革群体的无力导致那些本应该划时代的东西根本无法向上蔓延扩散,所谓改变时代也就无从谈起,而这正是这个世界的症结所在。 But the situation such as expect actually unable to make him happy. 但情况如自己所料却并不能让他开心起来。 God knows many talent like Jenny was being pressed in that stale mire, was buried, was lost, was sacrificed, like Levinkes! 天知道还有多少像詹妮一样的天才正被压在那陈腐的泥潭中,被埋没,被损耗,被牺牲掉,就像拉文凯斯一样! But in his plan real, completely before changing this present situation, won't how many people be able to wait to sneak a peek at daybreak that day? 而在他的规划成真,彻底改变这一现状之前,有多少人会等不到窥见黎明的那一天? He had slightly the somewhat heavy heart to return to oneself tent, went, saw that small maid Betty is squatting by his desk: little girl should just clean here hygiene, on the clothes appears the dust to throw, but she does not have to think, but squats peacefully on the ground, outlines on the land with that small branch practices to write. 他带着略有些沉重的心情回到了自己的帐篷,一进去,就看到小女仆贝蒂正蹲在他的书桌旁边:小姑娘应该是刚刚打扫完这里的卫生,衣服上显得灰尘扑扑,但她却毫无所觉,只是安安静静地蹲在地上,用那根小树枝在土地上勾勾画画地练习写字。 Until Gawain approaches, Betty awakens, she looked up one, hurried to set out: Lord!” 直到高文走近,贝蒂才惊醒过来,她抬头看了一眼,慌忙起身:“老爷!” looks at this face pure little girl, Gawain felt inexplicably the own somewhat depressing mood relaxes slowly, he pressed gently according to the hair of Betty: Didn't give you one stationery? How also to write with the branch here?” 看着这个一脸单纯的小姑娘,高文莫名觉得自己有些压抑的心情慢慢舒缓起来,他轻轻按了按贝蒂的头发:“不是给了你一套文具么?怎么还在这里用树枝写字?” Betty is blinking the eye, probably is a little shy: I...... cannot write, always makes a mistake in writing, was worried that wastes the ink and paper. I want first to practice on the ground, when can write the letter, then with ink and paper......” 贝蒂眨巴着眼睛,好像有点害羞:“我……写不好,总是写错,担心把墨水和纸都浪费掉。我想先在地上练习一下,等能把字母写正了,再用墨水和纸……” Gawain a little opens mouth accidentally/surprisingly, wants to tell the opposite party, although Feudal Territory was unable to produce the paper ink now, but is not short of money actually, the after wharf of Clearwater River shore constructs, has facilitated compared with before from the Tanzan Town purchase thing many, but thinks, he actually shakes the head with a smile, looked for the root small wooden club from side, squats down side Betty. 高文有点意外地张了张嘴,本想告诉对方虽然领地现在还不能生产纸张墨水,但其实一点都不缺钱,白水河岸的码头建好之后从坦桑镇采购东西已经比之前方便很多了,但想想之后他却只是笑着摇了摇头,也从旁找了根小木棍,在贝蒂身旁蹲下。 You grasp the posture of pen not, although with wooden club, in the ground writes with using writes differently on the paper, but if you want to write the character, must first practice to grasp the literary talent line.” “你握笔的姿势不对虽然用木棍在地上写字跟用笔在纸上写字不一样,但如果你想把字写好,还是得先练习握笔才行。” He is saying, while empty grips the hand of Betty, guiding little girl to grasp pen according to the correct method in the hand, and writes down the one by one letter on the ground. 他一边说着,一边虚握住贝蒂的手,引导着小姑娘按照正确的方法把“笔”握在手上,并在地上写下一个个字母。 need not makes an effort, writes and works differently, is not strength can write greatly, strength too will instead shake greatly.” 不用太使劲,写字和干活不一样,不是力气大就能写好的,力气太大反而会抖。” Writes the slow point not to relate, you just studied, take your time.” “写慢点也没关系,你刚学,慢慢来。” Betty is studying attentively, the eye sparkles to shine, this always by clumsy and rash image known small maid, at this moment actually earnest as if changed a person, she so invests, even on the tip of the nose seeped out the tiny beads of sweat unable to attend to scratching. 贝蒂全神贯注地学着,眼睛闪闪发亮,这个从来都以笨拙、冒失形象为人所知的小女仆,此刻却认真的仿佛换了一个人,她是如此投入,以至于连鼻尖上渗出了细小的汗珠都没顾得上擦。 Gawain loosens the hand, looks at little girl is slowly complete these letter spellings, and wrote several slightly somewhat crooked words on the ground: Betty...... likes...... here.” 高文松开手,看着小姑娘慢慢地将那些字母拼写完整,并在地上写出了几个略有些歪歪扭扭的单词:“贝蒂……喜欢……这里。” Finally wrote the complete sentence, little girl seems very happy, she raised the head, the eye sparkles shining looks at Gawain: Finished.” 终于写出了完整的句子,小姑娘显得很高兴,她抬起头,眼睛闪闪发亮地看着高文:“写完啦。” Gawain looks at little girl shining eye: „Do you like here very much?” 高文看着小姑娘发亮的眼睛:“你很喜欢这里么?” Un,” Betty makes an effort to nod, then thought that makes an effort to nod, likes.” “嗯,”贝蒂用力点点头,接着又想了一下,还是用力点点头,“喜欢。” Why?” “为什么?” Because everyone is a good person, Miss Rebecca is, Lady Hetty is also, Lord you, Miss Amber, Knight Philip and Knight Byron, everyone who works outside, Gordon Old Gramps, Hammer Old Gramps, Norris......” Betty said that while is breaking off the finger, as if must her be able to remember everyone who name said one, finally really could not count, she stopped, everyone was very good, moreover everyone also liked this place very much.” “因为大家都是好人,瑞贝卡小姐是,赫蒂夫人也是,还有老爷您,还有琥珀小姐,还有菲利普骑士拜伦骑士,还有在外面干活的大家,戈登老爷子,汉默尔老爷子,诺里斯……”贝蒂一边说一边掰着手指头,仿佛要把她能记住名字的每一个人都说一遍似的,最后实在数不过来了,她才停下,“大家都很好,而且大家也都很喜欢这个地方啊。” „Does everyone also like?” “大家也都喜欢么?” Un! Everyone worked chatted said that saying Lord was coming, was how...... said is powerful and honest aristocrat Lord, the commitment that so long as said that will certainly cash, but can also on the battlefield protect everyone, moreover what most important was can also make everyone eat to sate the appetite.” “嗯!大家干完活聊天的时候都说了,说老爷是个……怎么说的来着,是个又强大又正直的贵族老爷,只要说出的承诺就一定会兑现,还能上战场保护大家,而且最重要的是还能让大家吃饱饭。” Gawain has not done right after something else. 高文并没有接茬。 Feudal Territory grain also not self-sufficient, no matter now the grain or the meats also or other non-staple food actually come from the purchase of Tanzan Town, what flower is the initial capital in treasure in the mountain, but regarding these only expected that can eat the civilians who sate the appetite, they did not think that has anything to distinguish. 领地的粮食还没有自给自足,如今不管粮食还是肉类亦或其他副食其实都来自坦桑镇的采购,花的是山中宝库里的老本,但对于那些只期望能吃上饱饭的平民而言,他们并不觉得这其中有什么区别。 But according to the view of Norris, when so long as Frost Month, the first batch of fast-growing crops can the fast harvest under the Druid magic spell accelerate ripening, at that time the food in Feudal Territory was also not the issue. 而按照诺里斯的说法,只要等到霜月,第一批速生作物就可以在德鲁伊法术的催熟下快速收获,那时候领地里的食物也就不是问题了。 Let everyone eat to sate the appetite, then harvests sufficiently loyally in this time. 让大家吃饱饭,在这个时代便足以收获忠诚。 Betty has not heard Gawain's to answer, but she has not cared, because she has lowered the head to start to practice to write, little girl that a looks at face invests, Gawain asked one suddenly very much earnestly: Betty, do you want to go to school?” 贝蒂没有听到高文的答复,但她也没有在意,因为她已经重新低下头开始练习写字了,看着一脸投入的小姑娘,高文突然很认真地问了一句:“贝蒂,你想上学么?” Small maid all of a sudden has not responded: Goes to school? What studies?” 女仆一下子没反应过来:“上学?学什么?” Read-write, computation, history, even may be...... rune and magic formation,” Gawain said slowly, rune and magic that average person can also study, believe me, will have.” “读写,计算,历史,甚至有可能是……符文魔法阵,”高文慢慢说道,“普通人也能学的符文魔法,相信我,会有的。” Betty thinks carefully, lowers the head: I cannot learn, they said that I am very stupid.” 贝蒂仔细想了想,低下头:“我学不会,他们说我很笨。” „Do you want to study?” “那你想学么?” „...... Thinks, who prepares food?” “……想,但是谁来做饭啊?” You can, when idles to go to study, before for example the evening sleeps for two hours,” Gawain smiled, „, so long as wants to study, the time would.” “你可以在闲下来的时候去学,比如晚上睡觉前的两个小时,”高文笑了起来,“只要想学的话,时间就总会有的。” This time, Betty only had the nod. 这一次,贝蒂只剩下点头了。 However two people have not continued in this topic, because quick arrived must prepare the time of dinner, heard outside as Betty of female cook sounds the sound of bronze bell, then set out to receive own small branch quickly, bows with Gawain, ran fast. 不过两人并没有在这个话题上继续下去,因为很快就到了要准备晚饭的时间,作为厨娘的贝蒂听到外面敲响铜铃的声音,便赶快起身收好了自己的小树枝,跟高文鞠了一躬,飞快地跑了出去。 Until the Betty form disappears outside the tent curtain, Gawain slightly is excessive, said to the tent pole that seemingly is empty: Comes out, planned how long in that to stay?” 直到贝蒂的身影消失在帐篷门帘外面,高文才微微偏过头,对着看似空无一物的帐篷支柱说道:“出来吧,打算在那呆多久?” There air swayed from side to side slightly, the Amber form also appeared baseless, she by the pillar/backbone of tent, on face , then brings thick surprised: How do you discover my? How long did you discover my?” 那里的空气微微扭动了一下,琥珀的身影随之凭空浮现出来,她靠在帐篷的支柱上,脸上则带着浓浓的惊讶:“你怎么发现我的?你发现我多久了?” From you just depended , on the pillar and makes faces to me secretly saw,” Gawain ill-humoredly white this Half-Elf, I know you to own sneaks skill to be very self-confident, but didn't open shadow camoflauge to stand in broad daylight carelessly a little insults my IQ to my less than three meters away place this well? You think that the Knight perception ability is very bad?” “从你刚靠在柱子上并偷偷对我做鬼脸的时候就看见了,”高文没好气地白了这个半精灵一眼,“我知道你对自己的潜行技巧很自信,但大白天不开暗影遮蔽就这么大大咧咧站在离我不到三米远的地方这就有点侮辱我智商了好吧?你以为骑士感知能力很差么?” „, I also think that you were teaching that little girl to write a moment ago completely with single-hearted devotion, from the start will not notice here.” Amber curled the lip, whispered, later figure then sat on Gawain desk in a flash, then sat there keeps silent, was only eye with fixed eyes looks at Gawain, in one whole body infant who the latter looked. “切,我还以为你刚才完全在专心教那个小姑娘写字,压根不会注意到这边呢。”琥珀撇撇嘴,嘀咕了一句,随后身形一晃便坐到了高文身旁的书桌上,接着就坐在那里不言不语,只是眼睛直勾勾看着高文,没过一会就把后者看的浑身毛毛的。 What do you look at?” Gawain cannot bear the opens the mouth, on my face has the thing?” “你看什么呢?”高文忍不住开口,“我脸上有东西?” You are really strange...... aristocrat.” Amber braves one without reason suddenly. “你真是个奇怪的……贵族。”琥珀没头没脑地突然冒出来一句。 „Ah?” “啊?” It‘s nothing,” Miss Half-Elf beckons with the hand, I am curious, you said before must make everyone literate know the number...... is not cracked a joke?” “没什么,”半精灵小姐摆摆手,“我就是好奇,你之前说要让所有人都认字识数……原来不是开玩笑的啊?” Why can crack a joke?” Gawain smiled, not only does not crack a joke, but also I want you now call Hetty and Rebecca, I must discuss this matter with them.” “为什么要开玩笑呢?”高文笑了起来,“不但不开玩笑,而且我要你现在就把赫蒂瑞贝卡叫来,我要跟她们谈谈这件事。”
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