SOD :: Volume #2

#110: When the storm gets up

After waiting for the Jenny lecture for a long time, Gawain and Hetty have not broken silent. 詹妮讲完之后很长时间,高文赫蒂都没有打破沉默。 However Hetty can feel, powerful aura is overflowing from the ancestor, his side as if ice cave, sits in the nearby merely, she felt own whole body mana is freezing gradually, but this unendurable feeling has continued to open the mouth till Gawain. 但是赫蒂能感觉到,一股强大的气息正在从先祖身上溢出,他身边就仿佛一处冰窟,以至于仅仅坐在附近,她都感觉自己浑身的魔力都在渐渐冻结而这种令人难以忍受的感觉一直持续到高文开口为止。 Gawain opened the mouth, tone unexpected is very tranquil: „Does your teacher name?” 高文开口了,语气出人意料的很平静:“你的导师叫什么名字?” „...... William, William Borken,” some Jenny nie said, he is not Court Mage, but has the position in St. Sunil City very much, he is the honorary adviser of imperial mage learned, moreover...... is very powerful.” “……威廉,威廉・勃肯,”詹妮有些嗫喏地说道,“他不是宫廷法师,但在圣苏尼尔城很有地位,他是皇家法师学会的名誉顾问,而且……很强大。” Gawain is only calmly nods: William Borken, the imperial mage learned honorary adviser, I knew.” 高文只是静静地点点头:“威廉・勃肯,皇家法师学会名誉顾问,我知道了。” Hetty thought that the atmosphere is extremely depressing, she must say that anything makes almost the air that freezes flow: After that? You also in continue study the content on note?” 赫蒂觉得气氛太过压抑,她必须说点什么来让几乎已经冻结的空气重新流动起来:“在那之后呢?你还在继续研究笔记上的内容么?” I pretended to abandon the theory in note, but I am studying secretly,” Jenny said in a low voice, teacher also had that little interest in the note, but he disdained in reads attentively it, but sat looked that we can do what positive result, the Levinkes mister death as if became an evidence, making the teacher confirm that the research on note was absurd wrong, therefore he shifted the attention in this aspect thoroughly, but I pretended to abandon these theories similarly.” “我假装放弃了笔记里的理论,但我在偷偷研究,”詹妮低声说道,“导师原本也对笔记产生了那么一点点的兴趣,但他不屑于去细读它,而是坐看我们能搞出什么名堂,拉文凯斯先生的死似乎成了个证据,让导师确认笔记上的研究是荒谬错误的,于是他彻底转移了这方面的注意力,而我则装作同样放弃了那些理论。” Therefore, he never possibly knows that existence of constant E, he disdains in examining carefully any elaboration in note, only completed the complete judgment depending on the impression, depending on his stupid impression,” the Gawain's tone is extremely contemptuous, he does not know what oneself despises is anything, does not know what oneself misses is anything, he does not even know oneself missed the thing I never to hear the so stupid ignorant person.” “所以,他永远不可能知道常数e的存在,他不屑于细看笔记里的任何一条论述,仅凭印象就完成了全部的判断,凭他那愚蠢的印象,”高文的语气极其轻蔑,“他既不知道自己蔑视的是什么,也不知道自己错过的是什么,他甚至不知道自己错过了东西我从未听闻过如此愚蠢无知之人。” Jenny opened the eye slightly, this is the first time that she heard some people to appraise own teacher with stupidly ignorant four characters, appraises one in the imperial mage learned prestige illustrious, even has Archmagician of honor seat in Mystic Guild...... 詹妮微微张大了眼睛,这还是她第一次听到有人会用“愚蠢无知”四个字来评价自己的导师,评价一个在皇家法师学会威名赫赫,甚至在秘法会中都有荣誉席位的大魔法师…… But she actually does not dare to echo the Gawain's words, but is lowering the head to continue to say slightly: Then I turned into skilled Runeshaper slowly, why the teacher was curious I to be able by magic skill of apprentice level to complete the rune adjustment, the matter that but he must pay attention to also has, but servant apprentice like me has numerous number in his Mage Tower, was quick he to move away from me the attention until a short time ago, King must form the news of Southern Region development team to transmit, had the right to have the aristocrat of potential to start one by one to form this team, the teacher found me suddenly......” 但她却不敢附和高文的话,只是微微垂着头继续说道:“然后我慢慢变成了个熟练的符文师,导师曾经好奇过为什么我能以学徒级的魔法技巧完成符文调整,但他要关注的事情还有很多,而像我这样的奴仆学徒在他的法师塔里多不胜数,很快他就把注意力从我身上移走了直到前不久,国王要组建南境开拓队的消息传来,各个有权有势的贵族开始着手组建这支队伍,导师就突然找到了我……” Hetty gently snort/hum: Therefore is that William Borken Archmagician, became middle rank Class Holder 4th Level Runeshaper packing of mage apprentice scratch coat, in team that arranges the aid.” 赫蒂轻轻哼了一声:“所以又是那位威廉・勃肯大魔法师,把一个法师学徒打底的四级符文师包装成了中阶职业者,安排进援助的队伍里。” He wants to get rid of a burden probably, after all I in his heart...... always calculate not only not obedient and does not have the talent,” Jenny is smiling bitterly nod, „, moreover makes mage apprentice serve as a stopgap with the rank of Runeshaper, this is the serious deceit and shame, therefore he also obtained in Royal Capital probably inciting and supporting of certain influential figure. Lord Duke, I want to remind your one, I am not an exceptional case, in these 100 people of teams has half is such to make up the number stopper comes, moreover basically belongs is pushed aside, the person of rebel against orthodoxy, either does not have the position, by burden that kicks, either has the profession rank spatially, person but who cannot apply actually. Like that 2nd Level official mage Sanctis mister , he although is 2nd Level Arcanist, but inborn mental energy is in fact emaciated, can only release 34 2nd Level magic spell continuously, carpenter Bruce mister, he spent half a lifetime to study mechanism, because actually the bad human relations were pushed aside by Carpenter Association, many years ago was expelled the association, until this time organized to construct the team, the association looks for temporarily him, after restoring the membership, forced in the team to serve as a stopgap......” “大概他只是想甩掉一个包袱吧,毕竟我在他心中……始终算既不听话又无天赋的,”詹妮苦笑着点点头,“而且让一个法师学徒符文师的等级充数,这已经是严重的欺骗和羞辱了,所以大概他还得到了王都里某些大人物的授意和撑腰。公爵大人,我想提醒您一句,我并不是个特例,这一百人的队伍中有一半都是这样充数塞进来的,而且基本上都属于受人排挤、离经叛道之人,要么就是没有身份地位,被一脚踢出来的包袱,要么就是空有职业等级,但实际派不上用场的人。像那位二级正式法师桑提斯先生,他虽然是二级奥术师,但实际上天生精神力羸弱,只能连续释放三四个二级法术,还有木匠布鲁斯先生,他花了半辈子研究机关,却因为不善交际被木匠协会排挤,很多年前就被逐出了协会,直到这次组织援建队伍,协会才临时把他找回来,恢复了会员身份之后就塞进队伍里充数……” Hetty is listening dumbfoundedly: Royal Capital that group of aristocrats as for......” 赫蒂听着目瞪口呆:“王都那帮贵族至于么……” However Gawain actually could not bear smile, I must thank them on the contrary, thank each family that meddled this matter, thanks Jenny your teacher these idiots never to know that they missed many wealth. rebel against orthodoxy? Good, this lands most do not fear is rebel against orthodoxy, if really these conservative also leads a big pile of relationship networks person to come, I have not wanted!” 然而高文却忍不住笑了起来,“我反倒要感谢他们,感谢每一个插手这件事的家族,也感谢詹妮你的导师那些白痴永远不会知道他们错过了多少财富。离经叛道?好啊,这片土地最不怕的就是离经叛道,真要是那些墨守成规还带着一大堆关系网的人过来,我还不要呢!” Hetty with worry look looks at Gawain: Ancestor your need not comforts himself......” 赫蒂用担心的眼神看着高文:“先祖您不用这么安慰自己……” Gawain: „...... Tendency of your a little Rebecca?” 高文:“……你怎么也有点瑞贝卡化的倾向了?” „Ah?” “啊?” I meant that an iron...... considered as finished to say you did not understand,” Gawain beckoned with the hand, turns the head looks at Jenny, „the past matter made it pass, Miss Jenny Perrault, you have arrived at the new home, you once all fears and worried about that threw one side, you can continue your research, frank and upright, studied as one pleases, I not only permitted, but also I will also support you, from now on you can go to Hetty there to draw the material that the rune research used every month, I only had a request “我是说头铁……算了说了你也不懂,”高文摆摆手,转头看着詹妮,“过去的事都让它过去,詹妮·佩罗小姐,你已经到新家了,把你曾经所有的恐惧和担忧都扔到一边去吧,你可以继续自己的研究,光明正大的、随心所欲地研究,我不但允许,而且我还会支持你,从今往后每个月你都可以去赫蒂那里支领符文研究用的材料,我只有一个要求” Jenny has not thought completely Gawain so will be unexpectedly frank even announced warmly to own support, she also immerses in the huge astonishment, this time was only subconsciously asked one: What requests?” 詹妮完全没想到高文竟然会如此坦率甚至热情地宣布对自己的支持,她还沉浸在巨大的惊愕中,这时候只是下意识地问了一句:“什么要求?” Reorganizes your research, the induction, summarizes as far as possible the simple easy to understand formula and theorem,” Gawain said that while looks to the notebook on table, from your writes down me to look, you are practical researcher, you are good at piling these mathematical formulas with the experience, but on my Feudal Territory happen to have one to be able with your supplementary person my descendant Rebecca Cecil, she is a mind is quite flexible, moreover excels at mathematical science girl very much, I will be studied these thing by both of you together. I hope the thing that you make finally can be......” “将你的研究整理出来,归纳,总结成尽可能简单易懂的公式和定理,”高文一边说一边看向桌上的笔记本,“从你的笔记我能看出来,你是一个实践性的研究者,你擅长用经验来堆出这些算式,而我的领地上正好有一个可以和你互补的人我的后裔瑞贝卡·塞西尔,她是个头脑极为灵活,而且也很擅长数理姑娘,我会让你们俩一起来研究这些东西。我希望你最终弄出来的东西可以是一本……” Gawain stops at this point suddenly, seems like considering the glossary carefully, after several seconds, in Hetty and Jenny curious line of sight, he found the glossary that comes in handy: Teaching material, I hope that you can reorganize teaching material all these, can by the teaching material that many people understand as far as possible. Naturally, this is only the final result, is my desire, real achieve will get up is very difficult, you can take your time, lack anything me to tell.” 高文说到这里突然停住,似乎是仔细斟酌着词汇,直到几秒钟后,在赫蒂詹妮好奇的视线中,他才找到最合用的词汇:“教材,我希望你能把这一切都整理成一本教材,可以被尽可能多的人看懂的教材。当然,这只是最终的结果,是我的一个愿望,真实现起来会很难,你可以慢慢来,缺什么都可以跟我说。” „Do these...... really have such important?” It is not deceiving itself Jenny conscious to Gawain finally, but when huge pleasant surprise she only felt that puzzled with inconceivable, „do you want Runeshaper of massive foster like me?” “这些……真的有这么重要么?”詹妮终于意识高文不是在骗自己,但在巨大的惊喜之余她却只感到困惑和不可思议,“您难道要大量培养像我这样的符文师?” Gawain shows a faint smile: foster Runeshaper? No, I planned that makes the content on this note from now in Feudal Territory each Spellcaster general knowledge, even is the general knowledge of everyone.” 高文微微一笑:“培养符文师?不,我打算让这本笔记上的内容成为今后领地上每一个施法者的常识,甚至是每一个人的常识。” Then, he stands up, and drives back that big book seriously to Jenny: Receives, protects, if the future will have the time to have the opportunity, best makes a transcription, the knowledge will be more precious than the books, the handwriting of its initial part has started becomes fuzzy.” 说完,他站起身来,并郑重其事地将那本大书推回给詹妮:“收好,保护好,而且如果今后有时间有机会,最好是做一份副本,知识比书本本身更为宝贵,它最初部分的字迹都已经开始变模糊了。” Jenny somewhat nods flustered again and again: Is......, I remember certainly your order.” 詹妮有些慌张地连连点头:“是……是的,我一定牢记您的命令。” I first walked, you rest well, then I introduced that Rebecca knew with you.” “那我先走了,你好好休息,回头我就介绍瑞贝卡跟你认识。” Gawain and Hetty left the small log cabin, leaves behind a heavy/thick big book in Jenny person looks at hand. 高文赫蒂离开了小木屋,留下詹妮一个人愣愣地看着手中的厚重大书。 The burn scar of left side cheeks as if starts to pain, this is the first time that she laboratory that walks into the teacher, to experiment the material the status to stand when the scar on magic formation leaving behind, has followed her entire five years, is not painful, painful why actually did not know, at this time unexpectedly again. 左侧脸颊的烧伤疤痕似乎开始隐隐作痛,这是她第一次走入导师的实验室,以实验材料的身份站在魔法阵上时留下的疤痕,已经伴随她整整五个年头,原本已经不痛了,却不知为何,这时竟再痛了起来。 Then she understands finally, these wounds actually continuously in pain, but is painful is being painful is becoming a custom, she regarded them completely naturally. 然后她终于明白,那些伤其实一直都在痛,只不过痛着痛着就成为一种习惯,以至于她完全把它们当成了理所当然。 Until today, in resurrecting from the 700 years ago ancient heroes in front, she as if lost the control, falls at heart altogether in many years of a lot of things the pressure, is used in the numbness and camouflage of pain-relieving these casts behind, she felt gradually oneself recovered a point...... the consciousness of living person. 直到今天,在一位复活自七百年前的古代英雄面前,她仿佛失去了控制,把压在心里多年的很多东西一股脑倾倒出来,把那些用于止痛的麻木和伪装都抛诸脑后,她才渐渐觉得自己找回了一点……活人的知觉。 Originally the living person meets the pain. 原来活人是会痛的啊。 She is holding that carrying/sustaining three generations of master behests and her several years painstaking care notes, suddenly cried. 她抱着那本承载了三代主人遗志和她数年心血的笔记,突然失声痛哭。 After leaving the Jenny small log cabin, the Gawain's complexion then again becomes gloomy, Hetty has the misconception that oneself whole body mana must be frozen again, the complexion of her cautiously looks at ancestor: „Are you...... angry very much?” 在离开詹妮的小木屋之后,高文的脸色便再度变得阴沉下来,赫蒂再次产生了自己浑身魔力都要被冻结的错觉,她小心翼翼地看着自家先祖的脸色:“您……很生气?” Gawain cannot bear shout abuse: Stupid! Ignorant! Stupid! Retarded that 100% ten do not water!” 高文忍不住破口大骂:“愚不可及!无知!蠢笨!十成十不掺水的弱智!” „Do you mean...... Jenny that teacher?” “您是说……詹妮的那个导师?” That goods also felt all right to say was Jenny teacher?” Gawain disdain snort/hum, I shamed and him simply with race.” “那货也好意思说是詹妮的‘导师’?”高文不屑地哼了一声,“我简直羞于和他同一种族。” I also thought that...... that named William Borken's mage is really stupid,” Hetty also follows to shake the head, I know that traditional faction mage is very stubborn, but actually cannot think that unexpectedly some people stubborn blind to this degree, Jenny and Levinkes have many achievements obviously, that William Borken can achieve unexpectedly looks but not see completely, moreover hasn't looked at that to write down him to be blind from beginning to end earnestly?” “我也觉得……那个叫威廉・勃肯的法师实在愚蠢,”赫蒂也跟着摇了摇头,“我知道传统派法师都很固执,但却想不到竟然会有人固执盲目到这种程度,詹妮拉文凯斯明明已经有了不少的成果,那个威廉・勃肯竟然能做到完全视而不见,而且从头到尾都没认真看过那本笔记一眼他是瞎了么?” Gawain snort/hum: Was blind? He naturally not blind, he just conforms to the conduct criterion of his social class you to think that perfectly that William Borken is because what reason neglects Jenny and Levinkes achievement, neglects these formulas the fact to exist?” 高文哼了一声:“瞎了?他当然没瞎,他只不过是完美符合他那个阶级的行事准则而已你认为那个威廉・勃肯是因为什么原因忽视掉詹妮拉文凯斯的成果,忽视掉那些公式的事实存在的?” Hetty is guessing: Because Jenny and Levinkes strength is mean? Therefore are their research incredible?” 赫蒂猜测着:“因为詹妮拉文凯斯实力低微?所以他们的研究也不可信?” This is only the secondary reason, the real reason is because Jenny and Levinkes status is servant apprentice, is a slave,” Gawain has completely understood all these, this has let that Magician sufficiently two people regard as with different another species, was he deliberately neglected Jenny their achievement? No, is completely not, he has not even noticed Jenny they to have what achievement from the beginning, he had not looked from the start, from the start has not thought. He notices, only has own slave not to obey order this point.” “这只是次要原因,真正的原因是因为詹妮拉文凯斯的身份是奴仆学徒,是奴隶,”高文早已看透这一切,“这已经足以让那个魔法师将二人视为和自己不同的‘另一个物种’,他是‘刻意’忽视了詹妮他们的成果么?不,完全不是,他甚至从一开始就没注意到詹妮他们有什么成果,他压根没看,压根没想。他所注意到的,唯有‘自己的奴隶不听从命令’这一点而已。” Hetty: „......” 赫蒂:“……” A moment later, she opens the mouth to ask: We can issue a protest copy clerk to King, with your Duke title, King must make a response, that Archmagician somewhat......” 片刻之后,她才开口问道:“我们可以对国王发出一封抗议文书,以您的公爵头衔,国王不可能不做出点反应,那个大魔法师多多少少……” No, I do not like protesting, because is useless,” Gawain makes an effort to wave, 100 people that since this puts all sorts of things together have arrived on Feudal Territory, you thought that King will be afraid my protest? Truly was the real power aristocrats in Royal Capital meddled this team, but since the team can set off, explain that Francis II at least tacitly consented to this matter, why he will tacitly consent?” “不,我不喜欢抗议,因为没用,”高文用力一挥手,“既然这东拼西凑的一百人已经到领地上了,你觉得那个国王会害怕我的抗议么?确实是王都里的实权贵族们插手了这支队伍,但既然队伍能出发,就说明弗朗西斯二世至少默许了这件事,那么他为什么会默许?” Hetty responded quickly: Because he already completely courtesy and custom, as King, he did not have other mistake again.” 赫蒂很快反应过来:“因为他已经尽了‘礼数’和‘规矩’,作为国王,他再无别的过错了。” Right, the courtesy and custom of aristocrat, everyone of this time only recognizes this.” “没错,贵族的礼数和规矩,这个时代的所有人都只认这个。” That this matter......” “那这件事……” need not is anxious, Hetty, need not is anxious,” Gawain grows the tone, slowly smiled, courtesy and custom will not protect forever their.” 不用急,赫蒂,不用急,”高文长出口气,慢慢笑了起来,“礼数和规矩不会永远保护他们的。”
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