SOD :: Volume #2

#109: E = 1.66

Under questioning of Gawain and Hetty, Jenny finally no longer silent, related this stories that writes down as well as its several masters ends the notebook for the first time presents before the person, but Gawain also knew many matter about that Wild Mage. 高文赫蒂的追问下,詹妮终于不再沉默,有关这本笔记以及它几任主人的故事第一次完完本本地呈现在人前,而高文也知道了更多关于那位野法师的事情。 The written down first master truly is that Wild Mage, but he still had not left oneself name in this note, Jenny only knows that is one goes down in the world, eccentric the pushed aside senior, that Wild Mage from continent northern Violet Kingdom, once was the biggest Human Race mage organization Mystic Guild, such that but knew on such as Gawain, his strength was mean, was pushed aside, its research also belonged to rebel against orthodoxy in legitimate mage, therefore lived goes down in the world extremely, and to treat own daughter finally left Mystic Guild, entered Ainz within the boundaries, but this that Jenny obtained. This note, is one of draft manuscripts that Wild Mage wandered about destitute long ago, if right, is he to collect the travel expense sells cheap to Ainz Kingdom mage. 笔记的第一任主人确实是那位野法师,但他在这本笔记中也仍然没有留下自己的名字,詹妮只知道那是一位落魄、怪僻而受人排挤的前辈,那位野法师来自大陆北方的紫罗兰王国,曾经是最大的人类法师组织“秘法会”的一员,但就如高文知道的那样,他实力低微,受人排挤,其研究在正统法师眼中又属于离经叛道,因此生活极为落魄,并最终为医治自己的女儿离开了秘法会,进入安苏境内,而詹妮所得到的这本笔记,便是那位野法师早年间流落出来的手稿之一如果没错的话,是他为了筹集路费而贱卖给安苏王国一名法师的。 perhaps only sold three copper coin, perhaps was not worth a red cent, acted as the complimentary gift of big bunch of books and note merely. 或许只卖了三个铜板,或许一文不值,仅仅充当一大堆书籍和笔记的赠品。 But where its second master circumstances to have not gone similarly, from writing down between the lines then can look, that mage is in progress similarly is rebel against orthodoxy research, but he conducts such research, the reason is also individual strength is also mean , to promote is hopeless. 而它的第二任主人境遇同样没有强到哪去,从笔记的字里行间便可以看得出来,那位法师在进行的同样是“离经叛道”的研究,而他进行这样的研究,原因也同样是个人实力低微、提升无望。 Advancement difficult mage on magic and rune, places hopes in the logic and math helps him explore the reality of this world, but Wild Mage lightened a lamp that in rune the research in universality and potential regular aspect to him shows the way, making him grasp indistinctly, even if did not draw support from powerful mana, did not have individual strength still to explore magic arcane road/s, but this second researcher actually cannot walk many on this road far. 一位在魔法符文上进境艰难的法师,寄希望于逻辑和数学来帮助他探索这个世界的真实,而野法师符文通用性和潜在规律方面的研究给他点亮了一盏指路的灯,让他隐约把握到了即便不借助强大魔力,不具备个人实力也能探索魔法奥秘道路,但这第二位研究者却并没能在这条路上走多远。 perhaps to collect to make the expense of research, some data that also perhaps to confirm obtains from the note, this nameless mage dies, in went out to explore one time, but few properties that he leaves behind were then carved up quickly cleanly, this precious note , then went through many places to fall in the teacher hand of Jenny. 或许是为了筹集做研究的费用,也或许是为了验证从笔记中得到的某条数据,这位无名法师死在了一次外出探险中,而他留下的为数不多的财产很快便被瓜分干净,这本宝贵的笔记则辗转落到了詹妮的导师手里。 But the Jenny teacher has not become the master of this note, because that „the teacher of orthodox writes down unusual disdaining to this, he does not think that two low rank mage write big pile of mathematical formulas to expose what truth on the paper, and thinks the second master who writes down because believes the nonsenses on these scrap papers discarded life that dead the pitiful creature in ruins in a adventure proved exactly error that wrote down the theory. 詹妮的导师并未成为这本笔记的主人,因为那位“正统派的导师”对这本笔记异常的不屑,他并不认为两个低阶法师在纸上写一大堆算式就能揭露出什么真理,并且认为笔记的第二任主人正是因为相信了这些废纸上的胡言乱语才在一次冒险中丢掉性命那个死在遗迹里的可怜虫恰恰证明了笔记中理论的谬误。 Therefore that teacher discarded the note directly, throws in Mage Tower outside garbage heap and Levinkes by his apprentice is picked. 所以那位导师直接把笔记扔掉,扔到了法师塔外面的垃圾堆里并被他的“学徒拉文凯斯捡了回去。 But this so-called apprentice, actually is also that Archmagician slave. 而这所谓的“学徒”,其实也就是那位大魔法师的奴隶。 This phenomenon is very common in orthodox Magician, their apprentice usually are divided into two types: True apprentice and is not apprentice of person, the former has the person of high magic talent, is the noble birth bloodline is either pure, but the latter hung the apprentice reputation in Mage Tower, in fact was actually treated as the slave and experiment material uses. Levinkes then belongs to the latter. 这种现象在正统派魔法师中很常见,他们的学徒通常分为两种:真正的学徒和不算人的学徒,前者是具备较高魔法天赋之人,要么就是出身高贵血统纯粹,而后者则只是在法师塔里挂了个学徒的名头,实际上却被当做奴隶和实验材料来使用。拉文凯斯便属于后者。 Because the magic talent is disappointing, is in itself not what prestigious family prominent family, well-respected of Levinkes never in Mage Tower, although and has the extremely high talent in the math logically, because the spell casting level and rune induction ability are inferior, he in all people by Mage Tower was called as retarded child and anomaly, Archmagician taught some Levinkes basic knowledge reluctantly, then expedited official mage it with sequela huge inexpensive magic medicine and ceremony forcefully, later then deferred to the foster Runeshaper way to its foster, planned that let him hold the post to draw up magic formation and manufactures the work of item. 因为魔法天赋差劲,本身又不算什么名门望族,拉文凯斯法师塔中从不受重视,尽管在数学和逻辑上有着极高的天赋,但因为施法水平和符文感应能力低劣,他被法师塔里的所有人称作“低能儿”和“怪胎”,大魔法师勉强教了拉文凯斯一些入门知识,然后便用后遗症巨大的廉价魔药和仪式强行将其催生成了正式法师,之后便按照培养符文师的方式对其培养,打算让他担任绘制魔法阵和制作道具的工作。 Levinkes then picks the note at that time, becomes the third master who writes down. 拉文凯斯便是在那时候捡到笔记,成为笔记的第三任主人的。 But after that after several years, the Jenny talent and Levinkes knows. 而在那之后又过了几年,詹妮才与拉文凯斯结识。 Unlike overwhelming majority can enter Mage Tower has talent, the Jenny family background is baser and lower lowly, she was not even selected into tower as „the mage servant: This emaciated girl from being away from the Royal Capital very far poor countryside, in the family/home for generations has not dealt with Extraordinary, need not said that had „the mage noble bloodline. 绝大多数能够进入法师塔的“有天赋者”不同,詹妮的出身更为卑微低下,她甚至不是作为“法师奴仆”被遴选入的:这个瘦弱的姑娘来自距离王都很远的贫穷乡下,家中祖祖辈辈都没有跟超凡者打过交道,更不用说拥有“法师的高贵血统”了。 She can enter Mage Tower is because the native place encountered the famine, the whole family must starve to death shortly, but at that time her teacher happen to the village from her native place passed by, and wants to show the kindness of heart, in the grain with hand trades something with the local famine victim. 她能进入法师塔是因为老家遭遇了灾荒,一家人眼看就要饿死,而当时她的“导师”正好从她老家的村子路过,并要“发善心,用手中的粮食跟当地饥民换些东西”。 Jenny records clearly, that is a calm actually very cold night, her parents concentrate the children, drawing lots, selecting was only 14-year-old she. 詹妮清楚地记着,那是一个无风却很冷的夜晚,她的父母把孩子们集中起来,抽了个签,抽中了年仅14岁的她。 Next morning, she was advanced demon Lord Mage in boxcar, and traded the grain of enough life for the family/home in: Two bags of wheat. 第二天早上,她就被推进了“魔法师大人”的篷车里,并为家里换到了足够活命的粮食:两袋麦子。 She still remembered in the boxcar to pile a lot of things at that time: Herbal medicine that does not know, the specimen of animal, stone, metal, bark, several facial expressions numb, and almost big child...... 她还记得当时篷车里堆着很多东西:不认识的草药,动物的标本,石头,金属,树皮,几个神情麻木的、和自己差不多大的孩子…… In the car(riage) piled up with the experiment material. 车里堆满了实验材料。 What that Magician trades with the grain makes the material of experimental, she was brought as the experiment material to Mage Tower. 那位魔法师用粮食换的是做实验用的材料,她是作为实验材料被带到法师塔的。 Again later, she then knew Levinkes in Mage Tower, an achievement mage servant, but actually compared with her position high apprentice. 再之后,她便在法师塔里认识了拉文凯斯,一个作为法师奴仆,但却比她地位高一些的“学徒”。 Levinkes is responsible for giving the experiment materials to throw food. 拉文凯斯负责给实验材料们“投食”。 The children who were led from the countryside is then applied by that Magician together quickly, almost every two or three days, the child will be brought to go out, some of them can live, some cannot, even if living these, still quickly then becomes acts like a madman weakly, incomparable, Jenny already conscious to own destiny, but she has not actually escaped. 一同从乡下被带过来的孩子们很快便被那位魔法师派上了用场,几乎每隔两三天,就会有一个孩子被带出去,他们有的能活着回来,有的不能,而即便是活着回来的那些,也很快便变得疯疯癫癫、虚弱无比,詹妮已经意识到了自己的命运,但她却没有逃跑。 Because Levinkes is reminding her every day: Do not run, dying is more fearful. 因为拉文凯斯每天都在提醒她:千万不要跑,会比死更可怕。 Then, was one's turn Jenny finally by applying time, she already unclear that day passed through specifically, because she almost immersed in the fear at that time with chaos, but cared for her luck: When was delivered experiments formation, she suddenly is examined very weak mana affinity. 就这样,终于轮到了詹妮被“派上用场”的时候,她已经记不清那天的具体经过了,因为她当时几乎完全沉浸在恐惧和混沌之中,但幸运眷顾了她:在被送上实验法阵的时候,她突然被检测出了非常微弱的魔力亲和 She actually has the magic talent. 她竟然是具备魔法天赋的。 Because has the magic talent, in addition, displays very honestly, Jenny saved the life like this, and turns into one of the Magician apprentice, moreover with the Levinkes position same servant apprentice, but she also obtained oneself surname: That Magician gave her to have a surname to call Perrault at will. In Human Race common language, this word is wheat because the meaning she was bought at that time with two pocket wheat by Magician. 由于具备魔法天赋,再加上之前表现得很老实,詹妮就这样保全了性命,并变成魔法师学徒之一,而且是和拉文凯斯地位一样的“奴仆学徒”,而她也得到了自己的姓氏:那位魔法师非常随意地给她起了个姓叫“佩罗”。在人类通用语中,这个词是“麦子”的意思因为当时她是被魔法师用两口袋麦子买回来的。 Was separated from the threat of death, to as experiments the material Jenny is the huge luck, but her situation still had not in fact marched into the light: She just from was the same thing to turn into one slave, but in many situations, these two actually also did not have much difference. 脱离了死亡的威胁,对身为实验材料的詹妮而言便已经是天大的幸运,但实际上她的处境仍然没有步入光明:她只不过是从一样“东西”变成了一个“奴隶”而已,而在很多情况下,这两者其实也没多大区别。 But then Jenny did not have many thoughts to ponder these, can live then to make her incomparably rejoice, but can by the mage apprentice status( although was servant apprentice) studies learn to read, to study magic is she never imagined the good matter, she started desire strongly to learn these knowledge, nearly the day and night studied, learn to read, to identify rune, to remember continuous magic spell, moreover was quick, she then discovered that Levinkes has with the similar hobby and thinking mode...... 可当时的詹妮却没多少心思来思考这些,能活下来便已经让她无比庆幸,而能够以法师学徒的身份(尽管是奴仆学徒)读书识字、学习魔法更是她想都没想过的好事情,她开始如饥似渴地学习那些知识,近乎昼夜不休地读书、识字、辨认符文、记忆法术,而且很快,她便发现拉文凯斯有着和自己差不多的爱好与思维方式…… They formed the good friend, the junction of forgetting year, Levinkes wrote down the demonstration that he collected excitedly to Jenny, and is telling in the note these inconceivable, took root in the thing of mathematical and logic, two magic spell strength were mean, and has not had the regular mage education from the start well apprentice absorption the knowledge in note, and was based on it is establishing own world outlook. 他们结成了好友,忘年之交,拉文凯斯兴奋地将他珍藏的那本笔记展示给詹妮,并讲述着笔记中那些不可思议的、扎根于数学和逻辑的事物,两个法术实力低微,而且压根没有好好接受正规法师教育的“学徒汲取着笔记中的知识,并以其为基础建立着自己的世界观。 They completely do not have conscious are close to the truth to this dependence formula and computation the research way, in legitimate, believes by the mages eye of individual strength pursue truth is how rebel against orthodoxy. 他们全然没有意识到这种依靠公式和计算来接近真理的研究方式在正统的、信奉以个人实力追求真理的法师们眼中是多么离经叛道 But in another side, Jenny teacher, that powerful Magician soon then discovered that the Jenny magic talent is actually mean and pitiful, this sickly person that crawls from the experiment material has, and only then that a wee bit the ability that induces mana perhaps, by her mental energy talent, for a lifetime can only grasp several apprentice levels magic spell trivial spell, but misses the official mage ranks. 而在另一边,詹妮的“导师”,那位强大的魔法师很快便发现詹妮魔法天赋其实低微又可怜,这个从实验材料中爬出来的病秧子有且只有那么一丁点感应魔力的能力而已,以她的精神力天赋,恐怕一辈子都只能掌握几个学徒级的法术戏法,而无缘正式法师的行列。 Therefore he then stopped quickly in Jenny investment, and wants to recoup the cost urgently, he gave Jenny one bottle of magic medicine and a formation blueprint, making Jenny drink magic medicine, catalyzes 1st Level mage forcefully, then starts the practice of Runeshaper. 所以他很快便停止了在詹妮身上的投入,并迫切地想要收回成本,他给了詹妮一瓶魔药和一份法阵图纸,让詹妮魔药喝下去,强行催化成一级法师,然后开始符文师的练习。 Has drunk magic medicine Levinkes to prevent Jenny in secret, and offers a bold suggestion: Why not to believe the knowledge that writes down, believes usually in acts according to writes down these formulas that the knowledge inferential reasoning summarizes, attempts not to draw support from magic spell, but only depends on the math and logic controls these rune? 已经喝过魔药拉文凯斯私下里阻止了詹妮,并给出一个大胆的建议:何不相信笔记上的知识,相信平日里根据笔记知识推导总结出的那些公式,尝试着不借助法术,而仅凭数学与逻辑来控制那些符文 Jenny obeyed the advice of Levinkes, and completed by the apprentice status to restructuring of formation. 詹妮听从了拉文凯斯的建议,并以学徒身份完成了对法阵的重构。 That probably is this world's first calculates formation. 那大概是这个世界上第一份“算出来”的法阵 But her teacher has therefore not rewarded her, instead flies into a rage, and verified quickly is Levinkes in practicing dirty tricks , he checked that note logically had this nearly betrayal the behavior made him be furious, he thinks the research that wrote all over the nonsense and from strength mean inferior mage wrote down can mislead his servant in his Mage Tower unexpectedly, this to him was a greatest insult. 但她的“导师”并没有因此而奖赏她,反而大发雷霆,并很快查明了是拉文凯斯在“搞小动作”,紧接着,他又顺藤摸瓜地查到了那本笔记的存在这近乎“背叛”的行为让他更为震怒,他认为一本写满了胡言乱语、来自实力低微的蹩脚法师的研究笔记竟然可以在他的法师塔中蛊惑他的仆人,这对他而言是一种莫大的侮辱。 Archmagician is burning with anger, prepares to destroy the note, and punishes own two ruthlessly apprentice, but Levinkes actually first brave stood at this time, faces itself on own initiative teacher anger. 大魔法师怒火中烧,准备摧毁笔记,并狠狠惩罚自己的两个“学徒”,但这时候拉文凯斯却第一次勇敢地站了出来,主动面对自己“导师”的怒火。 He accepted the penalty, and took an eye, four points of soul and two tendons preserves that to write down as the price with Jenny, he attempted to make that tyrannical Archmagician believe, wrote down and makes stupid apprentice reserved study to write down the thing that in the valuable note will perhaps have is worth investing little, he and Jenny can become such test piece, went to manufacture formation and rune according to the way in writing down recording, if like this succeeded, that all achievements belonged to Archmagician, if were defeated, Magician will also just lose two experiment materials. 他独自一人接受了惩罚,并以一只眼睛、四分之一灵魂和两条筋腱为代价保住了那本笔记和詹妮,他尝试让那个暴虐的大魔法师相信,保留笔记并让愚笨的学徒去研究笔记是有价值的笔记中说不定会有那么一点点值得投资的东西,他和詹妮可以成为这样的试验品,去按照笔记里记载的方式来制作法阵符文,这样如果成功了,那么所有成果都归属于大魔法师,如果失败了,魔法师也只不过会损失两个实验材料而已。 The Jenny teacher accepted this view, making two bold apprentice work this research, but he never gives up frequently taunt and attacks him to think that these do not have the means to control the rune research that the high level rune person makes from the start inevitably are absurd laughable, like serf guessed that King menu stupid, without the sensibility and controls the rune ability, how many mathematical formulas by guessed that baseless these rune strengths, what isn't this laughable is? 詹妮的导师接受了这种说法,让两个大胆的学徒将这种研究进行下去,但他从未放弃时时刻刻的嘲讽和打击他认为那些压根没办法控制高阶符文的人所作出的符文研究必然是荒谬可笑的,就像农奴猜测国王的菜单一样愚不可及,没有感悟并控制符文的能力,却凭借几个算式凭空猜测那些符文的力量,这不是可笑是什么? But said no matter how, Levinkes and Jenny can continue to study that note finally the content, and they soon discovered different magical material in the mana conduction and other in natures has obvious fault/chasm the issue, this fault/chasm seemed divided into positive and negative two sectors all magical material, but a mysterious constant is affecting these two sectors actual performance of magical material in magic formation, originally various magical material are affecting magic formation merely output power, but magic formation anti-jamming stability primarily depends on the distribution logic of rune, and relations between magical material merely by its positive and negative polarity. A constant affects...... 但不管怎么说,拉文凯斯詹妮终于能继续研究那笔记的内容了,并且他们很快发现了不同的导魔材料魔力传导等诸多性质上存在一个明显“断层”的问题,这个断层似乎将所有导魔材料分为了“正负”两个区间,而一个神秘的常数影响着这两个区间的导魔材料魔法阵中的实际表现,原来各种导魔材料仅仅影响着魔法阵的“输出功率”,而魔法阵本身的抗干扰稳定性则主要取决于符文的排布逻辑,和导魔材料之间的关系仅仅受其正负极性以及一个常数影响…… They start to infer this constant, and gradual approach final result, however in the successful eve, their teachers gave them suddenly a duty. 他们开始推导这个常数,并渐渐接近最终的结果,然而就在成功的前夕,他们的导师突然给了他们一个任务。 Goes to a out of control mana well, resets there rune formation. 去一处失控的魔力井,重设那里的符文阵列 This surpassed their Runeshaper skill completely, moreover resets mana well rune formation this matter is not the Runeshaper specialty: This is the work of official mage. 这完全超过了他们的符文师技能,而且重设魔力井符文阵列这种事情也不是符文师的专长:这是正式法师的工作。 But teacher's order is absolute, has a few words that as the order transmits together: 但导师的命令是绝对的,而且随着命令一同传来的还有一句话: You did not say that all rune can wrap/sets in your formulas? That goes to the wrap/sets.” “你们不是说所有的符文都能套在你们的式子里么?那就去套吧。” Levinkes accepted this order, his very clear that Archmagician has lost the patience, because the latter is not the person who can tolerate own servant free conduct, therefore he simply has not chosen, moreover goes to mana well, happen to can also make him confirm the most essential issue. 拉文凯斯接受了这个命令,他很清楚那位大魔法师已经失去耐心,因为后者并不是一个能容忍自己的奴仆自由行事的人,所以他根本没有选择,而且去魔力井,正好也可以让他验证一个最关键的问题。 The recollection of Jenny comes to an end, her tone is very tranquil, tranquil did not seem like saying related to own matter: „Before Levinkes mister leaves, told me, he will adjust these rune according to the first suspicion, if he is living, E was equal to 1.29, if he has not come back, E was equal to that 1.66 he cannot come back.” 詹妮的回忆接近尾声,她的语气已经很平静,平静的不像是在说有关自己的事情:“拉文凯斯先生离开前告诉我,他会按照第一种猜想去调整那些符文,如果他活着回来了,e就等于1.29,如果他没有回来,e就等于1.66他没能回来。” Gawain lowers the head, looks at that note, on that the record about constant E is the brand-new and delicate handwriting, that is Jenny writes down. 8) 高文低下头,看着那本笔记,那上面关于常数e的记录是崭新而清秀的笔迹,那是詹妮写下的。八)
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