SOD :: Volume #2

#133: Going home

About the Gawain's third request, Viscount Andrew complies similarly is very refreshed. 关于高文的第三个要求,安德鲁子爵答应的同样很爽快。 Although he does not know that Gawain the person who wants so many literate to know the number goes to Feudal Territory what are you doing, but he regarding this and has no interest, this in his heart is in three things the most insignificant part: Although the literate person belongs to a few, but regarding lively Tanzan Town, must find the person who such a crowd has studied lives to go down in the world is not difficult, is very easy to be able drawing a group of such people to come out from the chamber of commerce and Church. 虽然他不知道高文要那么多认字识数的人去领地干什么,但他对此并没什么兴趣,这在他心中是三件事情中最微不足道的部分:虽然认字的人属于少数,但对于繁华的坦桑镇而言,要找到那么一群读过书又生活落魄的人还是不怎么困难的,从商会和教会里很容易就能拉一批这样的人出来。 To long-term purchase magic material with low price massively, convenes the population, recruits the low level intellectual, after this most important three matters said that Gawain as if speaks thoughtlessly one raise to raise Viscount Andrew in these ancient ruins that under own Feudal Territory digs. 以低价长期大量收购魔法材料,召集人口,招募中低层知识分子,把这最重要的三件事说完之后,高文才仿佛随口一提般提起了安德鲁子爵在自己领地下面挖出来的那些古代遗迹 Perhaps these ruins you mentioned I know, Gawain has not raised in Dark Mountain Range to have the same ruins matter, but is directly with own „the ancient status opens the topic, you know, I enliven 700 years ago that am the Gondor Empire also prosperous time, according to the Empire history that I grasp, may be outpost research station that Gondor Empire Spark Age stays behind in ruins that this region presents ‚’, moreover mostly is in the mid and late part of Spark Age.” “你提到的那些遗迹我恐怕知道,”高文没有提黑暗山脉中存在同样遗迹的事情,而是直接用自己的“古人身份”来打开话题,“你知道,我活跃于七百年前那是刚铎帝国还兴盛的时候,根据我掌握的帝国历史,在这一区域出现的遗迹极有可能是刚铎帝国星火年代留下的‘前哨研究站’,而且多半是星火年代中后期的。” Viscount Andrew obviously is not an ignorant person( in fact besides Rebecca such rare and beautiful flowers, in the Kingdom aristocrat fears few history not well), he shows the surprised expression immediately: „Was that has the millenniums about?! In that these ancient magic mechanism are still revolving unexpectedly!” 安德鲁子爵显然不是个无知的人(事实上除了瑞贝卡那样的奇葩之外,王国贵族里恐怕没几个历史不好的),他立刻露出惊讶的表情:“那距今岂不是有千年左右?!那里面那些古老的魔法机关竟然还在运转!” Right, before 1000 ancient ruins, inside magic installment can also use, this regarding during that time Gondor Empire is not the unimaginable matter. Compared with these magic mechanism, was sealed Eternal Tablet fragment in ruins makes one care,” Gawain shakes the head, „, even if during that time Gondor Empire, quite cares about Eternal Tablet, their not for no reason for no reason that importantsacred item throws in abandoning the research institute disregards. ” “没错,一千年前的古代遗迹,里面的魔法装置还能用,这对于当年刚铎帝国而言不是什么无法想象的事。比起那些魔法机关,被封存在遗迹里的永恒石板碎片才更让人在意,”高文摇摇头,“哪怕是当年刚铎帝国,也是相当在意永恒石板的,他们可不会平白无故地把那么重要的“圣物”扔在废弃研究所里不管不顾。” The brow of Viscount Andrew tightens gradually, he has listened to the profound meaning in Gawain words, long time says: I also think oneself discovered a buried treasure, actually sits conscious to Leslie Family for generations on a volcano now......” 安德鲁子爵的眉头渐渐紧锁起来,他已经听出了高文话里的深意,良久才开口说道:“我还以为自己发现了一座宝藏,却现在才意识莱斯利家族祖祖辈辈都坐在一座火山上……” Then he looks up to Gawain, the expression is exceptionally serious earnestly: I know your meaning, moreover I also know that perhaps you have does not have any scholar to be able in this aspect to surpass your experience about person age that Gondor Empire most knows. Therefore I hope that at the related that place bottom ruins matter, can be under your instruction.” 接着他抬头看向高文,表情异常严肃认真:“我知道您的意思,而且我也知道您是对刚铎帝国最了解的人这个年代恐怕没有任何一个学者能在这方面超过您的见识。所以我希望在有关那座地底遗迹的事情上,可以得到您的指导。” Gawain smiled: This is really a wise decision, this Viscount obviously not that possible buried treasure became confused mind or him to become confused, but after was understood by this great change ruins truth, he has calmed down completely. 高文微微笑了起来:这着实是个明智的决定,这位子爵显然没有被那可能的“宝藏”冲昏头脑或者说他曾经被冲昏过,但在遭此巨变又了解到遗迹的真相之后,他已经完全冷静下来。 Together Eternal Tablet already here noisy pandemonium, but in that ruins likely also seals is being more dangerous than the terrible thing Eternal Tablet, this point need not person said, perhaps stands the person here also to want at this moment to obtain. 一块永恒石板已经把这里闹的鸡犬不宁,而那遗迹里很可能还封存着比永恒石板更加危险可怕的东西,这一点不用人说,此时此刻站在这里的人恐怕也都能想得到。 Side is standing Amber perhaps cannot think, she spacing out looks at ceiling does not know at this time ponders over anything, is mostly related with the dinner. 哦,旁边站着的琥珀或许想不到,她这时候正神游天外看着天花板不知道琢磨啥呢,多半跟晚饭有关。 I suggested that you explore these underground palace and corridors discretely, no matter but discovered the thing that anything does not know, asks me to discuss well,” Gawain is nodding saying that naturally, you can also stop the exploration in this aspect temporarily, this is a safer choice. in short these things in your Feudal Territory, how you want to handle.” “我建议你更加谨慎地探索那些地宫与走廊,但不管发现什么不认识的东西,都最好来找我商量商量,”高文点着头说道,“当然,你也可以暂时停止在这方面的探索,这是更安全的选择。总而言之那些东西在你的领地里,你想怎么处置都可以。” This moment weather is late, the party person kept this simply gradually castle that gets rid of evil magic, when next morning, Gawain then to Viscount Andrew say goodbye, leading the person to leave this place. 此刻天色已晚,一行人干脆就留在了这座正逐渐从邪恶魔法中摆脱的城堡中,等到第二天清晨,高文便向安德鲁子爵辞行,带着人离开了这个地方。 looks at is running in the town street, announced new order orderly loudly from Feudal Lord castle, Gawain relaxes slightly. 看着正在城镇街道中奔走,大声宣布来自领主城堡的新命令的传令兵们,高文微微松了口气。 In following some time, that Viscount Andrew that can foresee exceptionally will be perhaps busy. Under the Evil Cultist influence, then accumulates chaos that is inconceivable for several days sufficiently, but these chaos process is not easy, the martial law order must relieve, the big merchants and miners need to comfort, die the person in this crisis also need to bury......, but that need not worried. 在可以预见的接下来一段时间里,那位安德鲁子爵恐怕会异常忙碌。在邪教徒影响下,短短几天时间便足以积累难以想象的混乱,而这些混乱处理起来可不容易,戒严令要解除,大商人和矿主们需要安抚,死在这次危机里的人也需要安葬……但那就都不用自己操心了。 The party person left Tanzan Town, then had a look at the town front door that opened, Amber unable to bear turn head to look at Gawain one curiously: Words said you also really enough honest, that Viscount Andrew weakest time, but you were also pinching his small life a moment ago, if to be honest were the most sinister aristocrat seized the chance to annex the industry of Leslie Family to have the possibility at this time, finally you haven't taken advantage unexpectedly?” 一行人离开了坦桑镇,回头看看已经重新敞开的城镇大门,琥珀忍不住扭头好奇地看了高文一眼:“话说你还真够正派的啊,那个安德鲁子爵正在最虚弱的时候,而你刚才还捏着他的小命,说实话如果是最阴险的贵族这时候趁机吞并莱斯利家的产业都有可能,结果你竟然没有趁火打劫?” Gawain looked at Amber one, reveals meaningful smiling: No, you do not understand, I have taken by force.” 高文看了琥珀一眼,露出意味深长的笑:“不,你不懂,我已经打劫了。” Amber is knitting the brows sizes up Gawain up and down quite a while: „Hadn't you had a good sleep yesterday evening? Did this speak the nonsense?” 琥珀皱着眉上下打量高文半天:“你昨晚上没睡好吧?这说胡话呢?” Gawain actually smiles, does not have the detailed explanation. 高文却只是笑笑,没有详细解释。 We first return to Green Mill,” his raised the hand is pointing at the southeast, takes that small mute, that saved a person of Knight Byron life.” “我们先回戈林磨坊一趟,”他抬手指着东南,“把那个小哑巴带上,那可是救了拜伦骑士一命的人。” Knight Byron slightly some look moving to Gawain: Thank your benevolence. However the child is very possible is in Tanzan Town some big rich merchant property, we carry off directly......” 拜伦骑士略有些动容地看向高文:“感谢您的仁慈。不过那孩子很可能是坦桑镇里某个大富商的‘财产’,我们就直接带走……” Gawain beckons with the hand: I have mentioned this matter with Viscount Andrew, the master who he will find that child, helping us buy off that child's free body, this is the minor matter, does not need to care.” 高文摆摆手:“我已经和安德鲁子爵提起过这件事了,他会去找到那孩子的主人,帮咱们赎买下来那个孩子的自由身,这都是小事,无须在意。” In Green Mill that abandons ruined, they saw that Mute Child. 在破败废弃的戈林磨坊中,他们重新见到了那个哑孩子 Mute Child remembers completely Gawain confessed just before leaving to his matter, on this day a night stays in the mill to wait for them to come back, when Byron and Gawain these two tall and sturdy forms first drill from the woods, this child is raising pile of small bonfires in the open area before mill, is roasting one earnestly not a well-known dry fruit that picks from the grove. 哑孩子完全记得高文临走时交代给他的事情,这一天一夜都留在磨坊里等着他们回来,当拜伦高文这两个人高马大的身影首先从树林里钻出来的时候,这孩子正在磨坊前的空地上升起一堆小小的篝火,认认真真地烤着一把从林子里采回来的不知名干果。 Sees the Gawain party is well return, Mute Child exudes one to cheer immediately, then ran happily, he puts out a hand in front of Knight Byron, in the hand grabbed one just to roast the good dry fruit. 看到高文一行平安无事地归来,哑孩子顿时发出一声欢呼,然后高兴地跑了上来,他在拜伦骑士面前伸出手,手里抓着一把刚烤好的干果。 It seems like he likes you very much,” Amber looked at middle-aged Knight one grinningly, even gives back to you to remain to eat.” “看来他很喜欢你啊,”琥珀笑嘻嘻地看了中年骑士一眼,“甚至还给你留吃的。” I am not always a person who takes a concubine the child to like,” Byron received the dry fruit, a little sent with another hand flexure awkwardly difficultly, I do not know what's the matter.” “我一向不是个讨小孩子喜欢的人啊,”拜伦接过干果,有点尴尬地用另一只手挠了挠头发,“我也不知道怎么回事。” Knight Philip thought that inquired Byron very much earnestly: I remember that you should not get married?” 菲利普骑士思索了一下,很认真地询问拜伦:“我记得你应该没成家吧?” Without getting married how?” Byron looked at Philip one, which I have the person who one pile of girl paste with your type differently......” “没成家怎么了?”拜伦看了菲利普一眼,“我跟你这种走哪都有一堆姑娘贴过来的人不一样……” Clown is not a crime, need not cares,” Philip straightforwardly and comforted Byron one earnestly, and before the opposite party jumps said, was inferior you adopted this child, lets him, when your successor how?” “丑并不是罪过,不用在意,”菲利普耿直而认真地安慰了拜伦一句,并在对方蹦起来之前说道,“不如你收养了这孩子,让他当你的继承人如何?” Byron immediately at the scene: „Ah?” 拜伦顿时愣在当场:“啊?” This is quite fairly,” Philip serious said, first he rescued your life, as Knight, you cannot disappoint this benevolence, the next this child has many fine qualities his brave, good, honest, moreover there is certain wisdom, although now is very emaciated, but the strength on body can make up completely through acquired foster. Naturally, his disability is an issue, as matters stand regenerates magic to be invalid to him, therefore he must enter the aristocrat circle from now on probably......” “这是相当合情合理的,”菲利普一脸严肃地说道,“首先他救了你的命,作为一个骑士,你不能辜负这份恩情,其次这孩子有很多优良的品质他勇敢,善良,正直,而且有一定的智慧,虽然现在很瘦弱,但身体上的力量完全是可以通过后天培养弥补过来的。当然,他的残疾是个问题,事到如今再生魔法对他已经无效,所以他今后要进入贵族圈子大概……” Was well good you let alone you let alone, when” Byron conducted in the Philip lengthy speech to half of then breaks the opposite party, I also have not said good. Moreover before you had not come time...... I have actually thought of these.” “好好好你别说了你别说了,”拜伦菲利普的长篇大论进行到一半时便打断对方,“我又没说不行。而且之前你们没来的时候……其实我就想到过这些了。” Is saying, he while somewhat self-ridiculed that smiles: At that time had thought that if this time can live, must return to Feudal Territory really not to think this child belt/bring at that time oneself also really lived.” 一边说着,他一边有些自嘲地笑了笑:“当时就想过,这次如果能活下来,要把这孩子带回到领地里不过当时是真没想到自己还真活下来了。” Then, he then shifts to Gawain, kept a serious look, prepared to adopt the flow of adopted son according to general Knight, to own Feudal Lord proposed that the application and took an oath again, but before he opened the mouth, Gawain has then nodded with a smile: I have allowed. You might as well ask this child, how looks at his opinion.” 说完,他便转向高文,表情严肃起来,准备按照一般骑士收养义子的流程,向自己的领主提出申请并再次宣誓,但在他开口之前,高文便已经笑着点了点头:“我已经准许了。你不如问问这孩子,看他的意见如何。” „Did you hear our words a moment ago?” Byron lowers the head, a little adjusts the amiable condition own expression irritably diligently, squeezes the smile to say to Mute Child, I am willing to adopt you, do you want?” “你刚才都听到我们的话了吧?”拜伦低下头,有点别扭地把自己的表情努力调整到平易近人的状态,挤出笑容对哑孩子说道,“我愿意收养你,你愿意么?” Mute Child is gaining ground, a little looked at these Lord, later the low head, nods slowly. 哑孩子抬着头,有点愣愣地看了这些大人一圈,随后低下脑袋,缓慢地点了点头。 ...... …… Before riding, tied up several fast horses near mill, Gawain party uses day of time then to return to new Cecil territory situated in Clearwater River downstream. 骑上之前拴在磨坊附近的几匹快马,高文一行用了一天时间便返回了位于白水河下游的新塞西尔领 Hetty and Rebecca are hanging a heart put finally. 赫蒂瑞贝卡悬着的一颗心终于放了下来。 Rebecca puts Gawain even suspected especially thoroughly in fact this silly little girl has not been worried about herself from the start. Heard after the news that Ancestor comes back, this girl to/clashes the first matter to draw to speak the old castle adventure to fight the Evil Cultist story to her unexpectedly bravely, moreover at that time Hetty stood by her, the paternal aunt stares to stare the quick convulsion she had not felt that can only say silly roe deer skull just compares, before coming under attack, forever conscious does not arrive at the atmosphere. 瑞贝卡放的格外彻底事实上高文甚至怀疑这傻妞压根就没担心过自己。听说老祖宗回来的消息之后,这姑娘冲过来第一件事竟然是拉着自己给她讲古堡冒险勇斗邪教徒的故事,而且当时赫蒂就站在她旁边,姑妈瞪眼瞪的都快痉挛了她都没感觉出来只能说傻狍子脑壳刚的一比,挨打之前永远都意识不到气氛的。 However to Rebecca the bracelet, Gawain also smiles: Probably in this girl at heart, her 700 years ago the legendary ancestor who resurrects is really omnipotent, trivial Evil Cultist, is not fully worth being worried. 不过对瑞贝卡的这番跳脱,高文也只是会心一笑:大概在这姑娘心里,她那个从七百年前复活的传奇先祖真的是无所不能吧,区区邪教徒,完全不值得担心。 Let alone ultra fierce Ancestor brings crystal grenade that she is proud to go to battle. 更何况自家超厉害的老祖宗还是带着她引以为傲的结晶手雷出征的。 Speaking of crystal grenade, Gawain thought that must praise a boasts silly roe deer, therefore after returning to own tent, his first matter patted the head of Rebecca with a smile: Your crystal grenade truly played very major role.” 说到结晶手雷,高文觉得还是要夸夸傻狍子,所以在回到自己的营帐之后,他第一件事就是笑着拍了拍瑞贝卡的脑袋:“你的结晶手雷确实起了很大作用。” Really?!” The Rebecca eye must emit immediately up, „did you use that thing?!” “真的?!”瑞贝卡眼睛顿时要放出光来,“你们用上那东西了?!” Gawain smiles: Only uses up one, but is that blasted an arm of Evil Cultist directly. That is 5th Level degenerate Druid.” 高文笑笑:“只用掉一个但就是那一个,就直接炸掉了邪教徒的一条胳膊。那可是个五级堕落德鲁伊。” Among some specific factors, for example that Evil Cultist had certainly been injured at that time, for example he had not released more powerful guard magic spell at that time with enough time, for example he was gripped the explosive material......, but said no matter how, the fact will not change: 这中间当然有很多特定因素,比如那个邪教徒当时已经受伤,比如他当时没来得及释放更强大的护身法术,比如他是自己握住了爆炸物……但不管怎么说,有一个事实是不会改变的: crystal grenade that the children can learn to detonate, can injure to a body of 5th Level extraordinary expert. 就连小孩子都能学会引爆的结晶手雷,可以伤到一个五级超凡强者的躯体。 This made Rebecca cheer loudly, outside the tent that even cheered can hear. 这让瑞贝卡大声欢呼了起来,甚至欢呼的帐篷外面很远都能听到。 Has walked in tent outside Byron and Knight Philip hears the Miss Viscountess cheers, could not bear looked at each other one mutually. 已经走在帐篷外面的拜伦菲利普骑士听到子爵小姐的欢呼声,忍不住互相对视了一眼。 It seems like our eldest young lady were praised,” Byron is smiling, she recently every day face covered in smiles.” “看来我们的大小姐被夸奖了,”拜伦微笑着,“她最近每天都喜笑颜开的。” She also face covered in smiles, Philip had no expression before every day, but looked down kept up with small mute one side Byron, compared with other, you first brought your adopted son to wash changes the body clothes cleanly, starting today, he was Cecil territory one, moreover Knight child, attention image.” “她以前也每天都喜笑颜开,”菲利普没什么表情,只是低头看了跟在拜伦身旁的小哑巴一眼,“比起别的,你先带你的‘养子’去洗干净换身衣服吧,从今天开始,他可是塞西尔领的一员了,而且还是骑士的孩子,得注意形象。” Byron shows the expression that looks distressed: Oh...... who can think that my such a big age, the wife does not have, how instead must first study to lead the child......” 拜伦露出愁眉苦脸的表情:“唉……谁能想到我这么一大把年纪了,老婆没有,反而还得先学怎么带孩子……” But Gawain, after waiting for Rebecca and Hetty reports in Feudal Territory the two days situation and left, he then lowers the head, looks at just placed the two kinds thing on table. 而在高文这边,等瑞贝卡赫蒂汇报完领地里这两天的情况并离开之后,他便低下头来,看着自己刚放在桌上的两样东西。 One is Eternal Tablet fragment, another...... Mithril Ring obtained from Evil Cultist there. 一个是永恒石板碎片,另一个……是从邪教徒那里得到的秘银之环 All Things Finally Die Society Evil Cultist is the Mithril Treasury super client...... perhaps is the time relates unexpectedly that my 一个万物终亡会邪教徒竟然是秘银宝库的大客户么……或许是时候联系一下那位my little little Miss pony. pony小姐了。
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