SS :: Volume #23

#16: Cannot look down on super influence

Sky over the wilderness, Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng these two big universe tyrants walk each other look at each other, in the eye pupil has panic-strickenly with seriously. 荒野上空,歧血宫主卑酆尊者这两大宇宙霸走彼此相视,眼眸中有着惊骇和郑重 Really is fierce.” The Exalt Bei Feng light Judo, this Space Beast Alliance super expert, has domain type great treasure, has flight class Zenith Treasure, moreover battle armor that he maintains life even should be advanced Zenith Treasure!” “真是厉害。”卑酆尊者轻柔道,“这名星空巨兽联盟的超级强者,有领域类重宝,有飞行类至宝,而且他保命的战铠甚至应该是高等至宝!” Right, surely is advanced Zenith Treasure, and has urged to send the third shape.” Divergent Blood Palace Master said solemnly, „, if merely is ordinary Zenith Treasure, is impossible is so relaxed under my Divergent Blood Spear.” “对,必定是高等至宝,而且已经催发第三形态。”歧血宫主低沉道,“若仅仅是普通至宝,在我歧血之矛下不可能这么轻松。” They look at each other. 他们俩相视一眼。 Troubled in a big way! 麻烦大了! The advanced Zenith Treasure armor, urges to send to the third shape, to coordinate that huge Divine Body again...... these three big factors, makes other Universe Overlord desperate sufficiently. 高等至宝铠甲、催发到第三形态、再配合那巨大神体……这三大因素,足以让其他宇宙霸主们绝望。 Is apex super expert is difficult die, numerous Luo Universe Overlord originally difficult die, even if cannot stand off can still go all out to run away......, but looks like this type to have the advanced Zenith Treasure armor, and can urge to send will attack to weaken to 1/10000, Divine Body big odd. How does this kill? Only if the power gap is enormous. 越是顶尖的超级强者越是难陨落,众罗宇宙霸主本就难陨落,即使敌不过也能拼命逃窜……而像这种有高等至宝铠甲且能催发将攻击削弱到万分之一,神体又大的离谱的。这怎么杀?除非实力差距极大。 For example Universe Lord begins! 比如宇宙之主动手! For example goes against heaven's will Special Lifeform Universe Overlord! 比如一些逆天特殊生命宇宙霸主 We did not have the means.” Inferior nation Venerable light Judo, „, moreover because of this matter, but also makes him beforehand vigilant, perhaps our arrangement must expire.” “我们是没办法了。”卑邦尊者轻柔道,“而且因为这事,还让他事先警觉,我们的布置恐怕要失效了。” That what to do?” Divergent Blood Palace Master said solemnly. “那怎么办?”歧血宫主低沉道 One, we cannot acknowledge and this Golden-Horned Beast have begun, moreover does not have other expert to see, we did not say whom...... will not have to know.” Exalt Bei Feng said, two, we then the little darling listen to the alliance to order now, the Universe Lord overall plan arrangement of my Northern Border Alliance, in the vortex exit|to speak and closest of several vortex channels wait/etc. to that Sword River Net divine sword birth, has the arrangement, when the time comes Demon Covering Lord arrives personally, naturally cannot make that Golden-Horned Beast escape.” “一,我们不能承认和这金角巨兽动手过,而且也没其他强者看到,我们不说……没谁会知道。”卑酆尊者道,“二,我们现在便乖乖听联盟命令,我北疆联盟宇宙之主统筹布置,在漩涡出口、离那剑河罗神剑出世最近处的几个漩涡通道等等,都有布置,到时候覆魔之主亲自到来,自然不会让那金角巨兽逃掉。” Divergent Blood Palace Master also nod. 歧血宫主点头 Northern Border Alliance, is the universe most powerful nine situation small new watermarks, Swallowed Star one of the first Power Generation, must arrange a bureau, several can escape. 北疆联盟,乃宇宙最强大的九大势小新水印,吞噬星空吧首发力之一,要布置一个局,又有几个能逃出。 In Primordial Star an ancient forest of length and breadth, Golden-Horned Beast ambush in, in that pupil has an anxiety. 原始星的一片广袤的古老森林中,金角巨兽潜伏其中,那眼眸中有着一丝忧虑。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Original plan has not worked.” “原先计划已经行不通了。” Before Luo Feng in Virtual Universe knows that the Sword River Net divine sword news, then immediately decided to escape, the escaping point that at that time chose was leads to the vortex channel! 之前罗峰虚拟宇宙知道剑河罗神剑的消息,便立即决定逃跑,当时选的逃跑点是通往外界的漩涡通道! According to the Luo Feng earliest plan. 按照罗峰最早计划。 First when flies to approach the vortex channel...... then arrives quickly, Golden-Horned Beast and Demonic Killer Race clone and Nether Sea clone for the time being separate, Golden-Horned Beast transmits all Zenith Treasure and treasures, but Demonic Killer Race clone is carrying Nether Sea clone, turns into the soil first to go into hiding to hide directly temporarily. 先飞行逼近漩涡通道……然后快到时,金角巨兽魔杀族分身幽海分身暂且分开,金角巨兽将一切至宝、宝物转交出来,而魔杀族分身携带着幽海分身,直接变成泥土暂时先隐匿藏身起来。 Let Golden-Horned Beast first attempt to pass the vortex channel! 金角巨兽先尝试通过漩涡通道! If successful, lets on Demonic Killer Race clone again! 若是成功了,再让魔杀族分身上! If failure, falls into the crisis, could not escape, makes Golden-Horned Beast from exploding directly! Meanwhile will also penetrate Virtual Universe in Luo Feng Earthling true body immediately, Primordial Chaos City Lord, Teacher requests reinforcements! 若是失败,陷入危局,逃不出了,直接让金角巨兽自爆!同时在外界的罗峰地球人本尊也会立即透过虚拟宇宙向,混沌城主,老师求援! Notice 须知 That vortex channel is a Humanity area recent channel, after Primordial Chaos City Lord catches up, definitely may rely on the powerful strength surface forcefully to seize Luo Feng, in fact then rescued Luo Feng. 漩涡通道是和人类疆域最近的一个通道,混沌城主赶来后,完全可凭借强大实力表面上强行抓走罗峰,实际上便是救了罗峰 Although this plan simple is also direct, actually also effective. 这计划虽然简单却也算直接,却也有效。 But, just after Divergent Blood Palace Master and humble/despise a Qiu Venerable battle...... made Luo Feng immediately change the plan. 可是,刚刚和歧血宫主、卑邱尊者一次交战后……却让罗峰立即改变了计划。 They fly this to look for me, obviously the Northern Border Alliance movement is quick, it is estimated when was Sword River Net divine sword was born...... Northern Border Alliance Universe Exalt has recognized the black sword body.” Luo Feng thought to himself, and battles to determine from Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng “他们俩都飞到这来找我,显然北疆联盟的动作非常快,估计是剑河罗神剑出世时……北疆联盟宇宙尊者就已经认出了黑色剑体。”罗峰暗道,从歧血宫主卑酆尊者和自己交战能够判定 The Northern Border Alliance layout is very early! 北疆联盟布局很早! Perhaps Northern Border Alliance Universe Lord is also catching up as soon as possible, perhaps, will catch up Primordial Chaos City Lord is earlier. 恐怕北疆联盟宇宙之主也在尽快赶来,说不定,会比混沌城主赶来的更早。 I run now the vortex channel, being doomed is one slaughters crazily.” “我现在跑去漩涡通道,注定是一场疯狂杀戮。” Passes again earnestly, oneself look for the crime to receive purely.” “再埋头过去,纯粹自己找罪受。” I what to do?” “那我怎么办?” Goes to other recent vortex channels?” Luo Feng Enzo, on Primordial Star has, the ether, the vortex channel, each vortex channel distance has several hundreds of millions kilometers distance generally. From a vortex channel to another vortex channel, the most hour can fly generally. “前往最近的其他漩涡通道么?”罗峰恩索着,一颗原始星上是有着,醚,个漩涡通道,每个漩涡通道距离一般都有数亿公里距离。从一个漩涡通道到另外一个漩涡通道,一般得大半个小时才能飞到。 But now to oneself recent vortex channel, then needs to make, hopes that the bell can fly. 而现在离自己最近的漩涡通道,则需要约,盼钟就能飞到。 If Northern Border Alliance arranges more careful, then, to Sword River Net divine sword birth place near several vortex channels, under arrange/cloth bureau.” Luo Feng shakes the head secretly, that I overrun, walks into a trap. Moreover this probability is very big.” “如果北疆联盟布置小心些,那么,离剑河罗神剑出世地点较近的几个漩涡通道,都布下局。”罗峰暗自摇头,“那我冲过去,也是自投罗网。而且这概率很大。” Leads to the vortex channel! Danger! 去通往外界的漩涡通道!危险! Periphery goes to near vortex calamity channel! Also danger! 去周围较近的漩祸通道!也危险! But goes to the vortex channels of some distant places, feared that in the small new watermark, Swallowed Star in the first round entire flight, Northern Border Alliance Universe Lord arrived, a control side space and time, even if away from the remote distance to suppress itself to begin to oneself completely. 而去一些远处的漩涡通道,怕是在小新水印,吞噬星空吧首发飞行过程中,北疆联盟宇宙之主就降临了,掌控一方时空,即使隔着遥远距离都能完全压制自己对自己动手。 By the technique and innate talent secret skill Imitating Demonic Killer Race fluctuation?” Luo Feng shakes the head secretly, Demonic Killer Race merely is one of the universe innumerable ordinary ethnic groups, this innate talent secret skill, Imitating, and is only one of the quite low innate talent secret skill, is only the quite unique odd. Did not say that is unable to decode. “凭借魔杀族变幻之术、天赋秘法复制?”罗峰暗自摇头,魔杀族仅仅是宇宙无数普通族群之一,这天赋秘法,复制,且只是比较低等的天赋秘法之一,只是比较独特怪癖罢了。并非说无法破解。 Northern Border Alliance, that is one of the universe nine big super influence, once layout...... 北疆联盟,那可是宇宙九大超级势力之一,一旦布局…… Luo Feng wants to escape, difficult, difficult, difficult! 罗峰想要逃出去,难,难,难! Only can request reinforcements to Teacher.” Luo Feng thought to himself. “只能向老师求援了。”罗峰暗道 The summit of Virtual Universe Thunder Island, that covers in endless air current Primordial Chaos City Lord palace. 虚拟宇宙雷霆岛之巅,那笼罩在无尽气流的混沌城主宫殿中。 Luo Feng strides in the main hall threshold, enters in the palace, until arriving in the palace the deep place stops, shouts respectfully: Teacher!” 罗峰跨入大殿门槛,进入殿内,直至走到殿内深处停下,恭敬喊道:“老师!” La flying form leaves together specially. 一道喇飞身影专出。 Luo Feng.” Primordial Chaos City Lord looks at Luo Feng, slightly said with a smile, „does your little while should in Primordial Star, look for me, have the matter?” 罗峰。”混沌城主看着罗峰,微笑道,“你这会儿应该是在原始星,找我,有事?” disciple has the urgent matter to report.” Luo Feng does not dare to hesitate said hurriedly, disciple brings Demonic Killer Race clone wait/etc. to go to Primordial Star by Golden-Horned Beast clone.” 弟子有紧急事情禀告。”罗峰不敢迟疑连道,“弟子是以金角巨兽分身带着魔杀族分身等前往原始星。” Primordial Chaos City Lord nod is listening silently, this he works as the small new watermark, Swallowed Star the first round however knows, because Luo Feng Earthling true body is in Thousand Treasure Rivers. 混沌城主默默点头听着,这点他当小新水印,吞噬星空吧首发然知道,因为罗峰地球人本尊正在千宝河境内。 I on Primordial Star, under the accident of sorts captured the Sword River Net part.” Luo Feng said. “我在原始星上,机缘巧合下夺得了剑河罗的部件。”罗峰道。 „, Is you?” Primordial Chaos City Lord is amazed, haha smiled, I just obtained the information, said that was Space Beast Alliance two Space Beast obtains the Sword River Net part...... I still to think, if this Sword River Net part to my Humanity ethnic group, that is the important chip of Thorn Ring Alliance negotiations.” “哦,是你?”混沌城主惊诧,哈哈笑了,“我刚刚得到情报,说是星空巨兽联盟的两名星空巨兽得到了剑河罗部件……我还在想,若是这剑河罗部件到了我人类族群手里,那就是和刺环联盟谈判的重要筹码。” Luo Feng said hurriedly: But, disciple meets now troubled that Northern Border Alliance also to know this matter greatly and has started the layout to cope with disciple.” 罗峰连道:“可是,弟子现在遇到了大麻烦那北疆联盟也是知道了这事并且已然开始布局对付弟子。” Goes into particulars.” Primordial Chaos City Lord knits the brows. “详细说来。”混沌城主皱眉。 Son “儿” Luo Feng opened immediately however is saying in detail, mentioned Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng. 罗峰立即开然详细说着,提到了歧血宫主卑酆尊者 „Haven't you suffered a loss in their hands unexpectedly?” Primordial Chaos City Lord looks at Luo Feng amazed, Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng that is quite famous Universe Overlord...... is representing the normal Universe Overlord strength absolutely! Luo Feng can hard anti- under these two, making Primordial Chaos City Lord also feel that shakes depends on “你在他们手里竟然没有吃亏?”混沌城主惊诧看着罗峰,歧血宫主卑酆尊者那绝对是颇有名气的宇宙霸主……代表着正常的宇宙霸主战力!罗峰能硬抗下这两位,让混沌城主也不由感到震依 Almost the flash...... Primordial Chaos City Lord speculates, oneself this disciple Luo Feng has defense Zenith Treasure surely, moreover feared that is the advanced Zenith Treasure grade. If advanced Zenith Treasure armor! 几乎一瞬间……混沌城主就推测出,自己这弟子罗峰定是拥有防御至宝,而且怕是高等至宝品级。如高等至宝铠甲等! Although speculates, but Primordial Chaos City Lord has not closely examined...... 虽然推测出来,可混沌城主并没有追问…… Because his disciple Luo Feng has one pile of secrets, for example Undying stage is Divine Body like why powerful? Very more powerful than Luo Universe Exalt? 因为他这个弟子罗峰早就有了一堆秘密,比如不朽阶段神体为何那般强大?比很罗宇宙尊者强大? Notice Primordial Chaos City Lord sees with one's own eyes the Luo Feng breakthrough is Undying, when causes origin law arrives the fearful sound! Moreover Luo Feng in the Thousand Treasure Rivers position, his Divine Body of Divine Power holds...... by control of Primordial Chaos City Lord to side space and time, can definitely judge that Luo Feng Divine Body is stronger than some Universe Exalt. 须知混沌城主是亲眼看到罗峰突破为不朽,所引起本源法则降临时可怕动静的!而且罗峰更是在千宝河境地,他神体神力之强持……以混沌城主对一方时空的掌控,完全能够判断罗峰神体比一些宇宙尊者还强些。 All, Primordial Chaos City Lord has not closely examined. 一切,混沌城主都没追问。 Perhaps my disciple obtained some chances.” “或许我这弟子得到了一些机缘。” Or Xu Almighty chance.” “或许某个大能者的机缘。” „Before perhaps is the Great Cataclysm time,......” the Primordial Chaos City Lord small new watermark, Swallowed Star the first round is glad to see this very much, manages disciple to have any special spell of good or bad fortune, in brief, disciple is stronger that is naturally better. “或许是大破灭时代前……”混沌城主小新水印,吞噬星空吧首发是很乐意见到这一幕,管弟子到底有什么特殊际遇,总之,弟子越强那是自然越好。 Luo Feng is stronger, will then soon have new pillar/backbone super existence on behalf of the Humanity clan type. 罗峰越强,那代表人类族样即将拥有一位新的支柱般的超级存在。 „The disciple combat strength were inferior to Rong blood Palace Master they, but relies on Divine Body enough to resist greatly hardly.” Luo Feng is saying. 弟子战斗实力等还是不如嵘血宫主他们,只是凭借神体够大硬抗而已。”罗峰说着。 Divine Body greatly is also strength part.” Primordial Chaos City Lord said. 神体大也是实力一部分。”混沌城主却道。 Luo Feng is anxious said hurriedly: Teacher, the situation thinks that now Teacher also knew, that Northern Border Alliance expert chases down me to start the layout directly obviously early. What to do now should I? Goes to a Feng vortex channel as if to have the danger, but also asked Teacher to direct.” 罗峰则是急切连道:“老师,现在局势想必老师也知道了,那北疆联盟强者都直接来追杀我显然早早开始布局。现在我该怎么办?去酆一个漩涡通道似乎都有危险,还请老师指点。” You are wise, has not thought oneself clever.” Primordial Chaos City Lord said with a smile, only you ability, will definitely be held to strike to kill.” “你还算明智,没自作聪明。”混沌城主笑道,“单凭你自身能耐,肯定会被抓住击杀的。” That Northern Border Alliance with my Great Alliance compares sufficiently, moreover by the expert quantity, by ethnic group complicated/many compared with our Luo's Luo.” Primordial Chaos City Lord feeling...... various Special Lifeform life also some bloodline strong has the innate talent secret skill race, is extremely Luo Jiluo. Various innate talent secret skill ingenious.” “那北疆联盟足以和我鸿盟相比而且论强者数量,论族群繁罗更比我们罗的罗。”混沌城主感慨……“各种特殊生命还有一些血统强的拥有天赋秘法的种族,也是极罗极罗。各种天赋秘法巧妙的很。” Can look for you? Simply is virtually impossible to guard against.” “要找你?简直是防不胜防。” Your innate talent secret skill Imitating, is very fierce one concealment method, if results in to become Universe Lord by the normal strength, abandons a control side space and time. Can look to have problems.” Primordial Chaos City Lord said. “你的天赋秘法复制’,是很厉害的一种隐匿手段,如果靠正常实力得成为宇宙之主,完舍掌控一方时空。才能看出问题。”混沌城主道。 Luo Feng nod. 罗峰点头 After a control side space and time, indeed goes against heaven's will very much, like oneself innate talent secret skill, territory, will easily be decoded, like, Imitating, can easily be decoded. But innate talent secret skill, Strengtheningin fact Divine Body Amplifying is most Rodda, Tian Bei, will therefore not have Luo big use to the later period. 掌控一方时空后的确很逆天,像自己天赋秘法,域,也会被轻易破解掉,像,复制,也能轻易被破解。而天赋秘法,强化”实际上神体振幅是最罗达到,田倍,所以到了后期也将没罗大用途。 Therefore when Zhuluo innate talent secret skill, the strength is weak also good. 所以诸罗天赋秘法,实力弱时还行。 May arrive at the Universe Lord level...... also to have the big use innate talent secret skill, was few. However the Luo Feng life gene level reaches the perfect limit, the soul consciousness enters innate talent secret skill of place of bestowed child Universe God secret I Become Universe actually almost may be called one of the most apex innate talent secret skill. 可到了宇宙之主层面……还能起大用途的天赋秘法,就很少了。不过罗峰生命基因层次达到完美极限,灵魂意识进入宇宙神秘之地被赐子的天赋秘法我为宇宙’却是几乎堪称最顶尖天赋秘法之一。 innate talent secret skill, there are other innate talent secret skill to decode. Reads Primordial Chaos City Lord saying that „ in universe has all kinds of innate talent secret skill, because even some special spells of good or bad fortune, were granted innate talent secret skill by the universe are very normal.” 天赋秘法,也有其他天赋秘法来破解。看书混沌城主道,“宇宙中有各种各样的天赋秘法,甚至因为一些特殊际遇,被宇宙赐予天赋秘法是很正常的。” „The innate talent secret skill level is different, powerful energy is also different, even the use is also different.” 天赋秘法层次不同,威能也不同,甚至用途也不同。” Each other repels one another.” “彼此相克。” Each other similar, has.” “彼此相似的,都有。” These innate talent secret skill, more arrive later is useless.” „The innate talent secret skill itself that Primordial Chaos City Lord said with a smile...... that barking mirror throws likely is a soul attack method, but Universe Lord uses a soul attack at will, feared that wants exquisite Luo compared with this innate talent secret skill.” “不过这些天赋秘法,越走到后期越是无用。”混沌城主笑道……“像那吠镜丢的天赋秘法本就是一种灵魂攻击手段,而宇宙之主随意使用一种灵魂攻击,怕都比这天赋秘法要精妙的罗。” Luo Feng little darling nod. 罗峰乖乖点头 However Northern Border Alliance for your layout, you wants with various secret skill, wants to fish in troubled waters to escape secretly, is impossible!” Primordial Chaos City Lord shakes the head, you also looked down on the super influence ability.” “而北疆联盟为你布局,你想要用各种秘法,想要偷偷浑水摸鱼逃出去,根本不可能!”混沌城主摇头,“你也太小瞧超级势力的能耐了。” What to do should I?” Luo Feng said. “那我该怎么办?”罗峰道。 Is a master, naturally has the means.” Primordial Chaos City Lord slightly said with a smile. “为师,自然有办法。”混沌城主笑道
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