SS :: Volume #23

#15: The lance of Qi blood

Divergent Blood Palace Master and outstanding range Venerable wins great reputation, is not absolutely affable. 歧血宫主、卓鄂尊者名声在外,绝对不好惹。 " Roar ~ ~ ~immediately the golden pair of wings shakes, Ge passed/lived an arc, flies directly in another direction, " has not thought that such early was discovered, likely led to that vortex channel to stare. I go to that can only walk into a trap. Snort, at the worst, I immediately pass other vortex channels, goes to other Primordial Star! ” "吼~~~”当即金色双翼一震,戈过一道弧线,直接朝另外一个方向飞去,"没想到这么早被发现,很可能通往外界的那漩涡通道被盯上了。我去那,只能是自投罗网。哼,大不了,我就立即通过其他的漩涡通道,去其他的原始星!” Divergent Blood Palace Master and inferior range of Venerable distant place actually looks at this indifferently, obviously all perform in control. 远处的歧血宫主、卑鄂尊者却冷漠看着这一幕,显然一切尽在掌控中。 " Gave you. ” Divergent Blood Palace Master said. "交给你了。”歧血宫主道。 Inferior range Venerable looks at Luo Feng distantly, in the eye pupil the silver light flashes faintly together. 卑鄂尊者遥遥看着罗峰,眼眸中隐隐一道银光一闪。 Suddenly 忽然 The surrounding time speed of flow twisted, an invisible soul attack passes through space instantaneously from, caught up with Golden-Horned Beast, drills into Golden-Horned Beast internal directly, starts to corrode every minute Divine Power. Divine Power holds Life Mark spirit Soul Imprint to record every minute fiercely), once were corroded, Luo Feng died. 周围时间流速扭曲了,一道无形灵魂攻击瞬间穿过空间距离,追上了金角巨兽,直接钻入金角巨兽体内,开始侵蚀每一分神力。每一分神力都猛含着生命印记魂印记),一旦被侵蚀,罗峰就死定了。 " Guards! ” Golden-Horned Beast internal urges to distribute in Divine Power, Tower Orb sends out the innumerable silk threads and entire Divine Body immediately connects completely. "镇守!”金角巨兽体内神力催发下,塔珠顿时发出无数丝线和整个神体完全连接。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! That soul corrodes to probably times attack, however Luo Feng Will consciousness on extremely powerful, let alone Tower Orb guards, whatever that soul corrodes, not shakes Luo Feng one radically. 灵魂侵蚀一次次欲要侵袭,然而罗峰本身意志意识就极为强大,更别说还有塔珠镇守,任凭那灵魂侵蚀,根本无撼动罗峰一丝。 Inferior range Venerable satisfaction looks at the distant place stupidly in the midair, but defers to the inertia to fly in a direction, because of resistance speed more and more slow Golden-Horned Beast, sound transmission gives nearby Divergent Blood Palace Master and immediately: " I felt that should unable to corrode, but he while resisting my soul attack, came under the influence, below gave you. ” 卑鄂尊者满意看着远处傻乎乎愣在半空中,只是依照惯性朝一个方向飞去,且因为阻力速度越来越慢的金角巨兽,当即传音给旁边的歧血宫主:"我感觉到应该没能侵蚀成,不过他在抵抗我灵魂攻击的同时,也受到了影响,下面交给你了。” " Ha ha ha, looks my. ” Divergent Blood Palace Master works as industry stream of light, charges into Golden-Horned Beast of distant place directly. "哈哈哈,看我的。”歧血宫主当业过一道流光,直接冲向远处的金角巨兽 Inferior range Venerable is also following in behind. 卑鄂尊者也在后面跟随着。 " Golden-Horned Beast! ” Divergent Blood Palace Master holds up the ancient lance in his hand high, the three bloodstains on lance point is starting to appear innumerable blood-color secret runes, bloody aura covers Divergent Blood Palace Master, making Divergent Blood Palace Master eyes gradually become is also red and crazy, is sending out endless baleful aura, simultaneously approached Golden-Horned Beast rapidly. "金角巨兽!”歧血宫主高高举起着他手中的古老长矛,矛尖上的三道血痕开始显现出无数血色则秘纹,一股血腥气息笼罩歧血宫主,令歧血宫主双眸也渐渐变得赤红而又疯狂,散发着无尽煞气,同时迅速逼近金角巨兽 " Gives me...... ” "给我……” " Broken!!! ” "破!!!” The Divergent Blood Palace Master crazy low roar, the entire body and spirit strength perfect combustion, the Divine Power energy oar starts vigorously the lance, fiercely is wields begins the strange lance. 歧血宫主疯狂一声低吼,全身神力完全燃烧,大力神力能量濯入手中长矛,猛地就是挥动手中诡异的长矛。 ! 噗! The lance just like the blood-color lightning sharp, the direct thorn as if just awakened only the pair of wings to close up to that to with enough time protect own Golden-Horned Beast. 矛尖犹如血色闪电,直接刺向那似乎刚刚惊醒只来得及双翼合拢欲要保护自己的金角巨兽 " Clang! ” Lance sharp powerful energy goes against heaven's will[ immortal goes against], mistake, by Primordial Star the stability of space, twisted directly, had the visible space revolving ripple, finally punctured forcefully on the Golden-Horned Beast pair of wings. "锵!”矛尖威能逆天[仙逆],所过处,以原始星空间之稳定,都直接扭曲了起来,产生了肉眼可见的空间旋转波纹,最后硬生生刺在了金角巨兽的双翼上。 Peng!!! 彭!!! This strikes, powerful energy is dreadful. 这一击,威能滔天。 A Golden-Horned Beast as if meteor, directly by impulse hitting flies by far. 金角巨兽就仿佛一颗流星,直接被冲击力给撞的远远飞去。 " Pursues quickly, do not let him escape with the strength. ” Divergent Blood Palace Master said hurriedly. "快追,别让他借力逃掉。”歧血宫主连道 Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖! outstanding range Venerable and Divergent Blood Palace Master pursues in behind continually. 卓鄂尊者歧血宫主连在后面追。 " Very powerful might. ” Golden-Horned Beast while this impulse changes into that a meteor throws to fly away by far, is feeling own damage, " I the camouflage was just affected, wants to feel downloading saying that powerful energy of Divergent Blood Palace Master that fearful lance...... lives up to reputation, my Shi Wu Wing as if no big hindrance function. ” "好强的威力。”金角巨兽在这股冲击力化为一颗流星远远抛飞开去的同时,则是感受着自身的损伤,"我刚刚伪装受到影响,想要感受下传说中的歧血宫主那可怕长矛的威能……果真是名不虚传,我的弑吴羽翼似乎都没起多大阻碍作用。” Luo Feng knows early, that as is attacked is stronger, the ordinary Zenith Treasure armor line will use to be lower. 罗峰早知道,随着遭到的攻击越强,普通至宝铠甲行用会越低。 But Shi Wu Wing is flight Zenith Treasure, although pair of wings, when the shield uses, can play the hindrance role, may be inferior to true armor armor type Zenith Treasure in the defense after all! Came to see...... Shi Wu Wing to weaken half powerful energy that with the Luo Feng's feeling the enemy attacked a moment ago merely. But Tribulation Armor is weakens that attack to 1/10000 as before! 弑吴羽翼本身乃飞行至宝,虽说将双翼当盾牌用,也能起到阻碍作用,可在防守上毕竟不如真正的铠甲类至宝!刚才以罗峰的感觉来看……弑吴羽翼应该仅仅削弱了对方攻击的一半威能。而劫甲则是依旧将那攻击削弱到万分之一! Two unify, truly what Golden-Horned Beast Divine Body undergoes is 1/20000Divergent Blood Spear powerful energy! 两相结合,金角巨兽神体真正经受的是两万分之一的‘歧血之矛威能 " That powerful energy condenses such as the drill. ” "那威能凝聚如钻。” " After powerful energy penetrates Shi Wu Wing and Tribulation Armor, surplus wreaks havoc in my Divine Body as before, finally was annihilated by my Divine Body completely. ” Luo Feng dark startled, " may that actually make me have some damages a moment ago. ” "威能穿透弑吴羽翼劫甲后,剩余的依旧在我神体内肆虐,最终被我神体完全湮灭。”罗峰暗惊,"可刚才那一下,竟然令我有了些许的损伤。” Compares the Golden-Horned Beast huge god to rest, this damage is not worth mentioning. 相比金角巨兽庞大的神休,这点损伤不值一提。 But Luo Feng is very shocking. 罗峰还是很震惊。 After this is weakens to 1/20000 powerful energy, without Tribulation Armor...... merely is only the ordinary Zenith Treasure armor, urges to send the second shape by oneself merely Special Power, can perhaps weaken to 1/10 is even good. 1/20000 and ten points...... differ 2000 times! 这可是削弱到两万分之一后的威能,若是没有劫甲……仅仅只是普通至宝铠甲,以自己仅仅催发第二形态的能力,恐怕能削弱到十分之一就算不错了。两万分之一和十分之……相差两千倍! 2000 times of what concepts? 两千倍什么概念? The strength has differed thousand times, can definitely hold the annihilation opponent, oneself do not lose slightly! If Champion winnows the peak to strike to kill some Conferred Noble Undying, does not need to consume Divine Power, can easily strike to kill. 实力相差过千倍,完全能一掌湮灭对手,自己不损耗丝毫!如封王簸峰击杀一些封侯不朽,都根本不需要耗费神力,就能轻易击杀。 " Un, his aura how not weak? ” In behind is pursuing rapidly Divergent Blood Palace Master in great surprise, " he even stimulates to movement the ordinary Zenith Treasure armor's third shape, in my strikes, the Zenith Treasure armor can weaken to 1% is even good. Even so, I consumed about 0/1000 Divine Body to show this Extreme unique skill, coordinated Divergent Blood Spear...... his also this/should severe wound. ” "嗯,他气息怎么没弱?”在后面迅速追着的歧血宫主大惊,"他即使催动普通至宝铠甲第三形态,在我这一击下,至宝铠甲能削弱到百分之一就算不错了。即使如此,我消耗了近千分之一神体施展这一究极绝招,配合歧血之矛……他也该重伤。” Xiū! 咻! The Golden-Horned Beast pair of wings inspires, speed rises suddenly unceasingly. 金角巨兽双翼一振,速度不断暴涨。 " Acceleration is quite quick. ” "加速好快。” Divergent Blood Palace Master said hurriedly, " inferior range Venerable, quickly, blocks him. ” 歧血宫主连道,"卑鄂尊者,快,拦住他。” " Gives me. ” "交给我。” Inferior range Venerable looked runs away Golden-Horned Beast that distantly to the front, uses the soul attack method again, wanting to make Golden-Horned Beast be affected, is this time, Golden-Horned Beast speed simply has not accelerated, and continues to accelerate, has approached the speed of light quickly. 卑鄂尊者遥遥看向前方逃窜的金角巨兽,再度施展灵魂攻击手段,欲要令金角巨兽受到影响,可是这次,金角巨兽速度根本没有丝毫加速,且继续在加速,已然快逼近光速。 " Not affected? ” outstanding range Venerable reveals the surprised color. "不受影响?”卓鄂尊者露出吃惊色。 " Was swindled. ” Divergent Blood Palace Master low roar sound transmission said, " looked like him simply is not affected a moment ago, perhaps was self-contained defense goes against heaven's will[ immortal went against], met Is insulting me!!! ” "上当了。”歧血宫主低吼传音道,"看来刚才他就根本没受影响,恐怕是自持防御逆天[仙逆],故意来接我一矛……可恶的家伙,他是在侮辱我!是在侮辱我!!!” " Inferior range Venerable, you block him immediately. I must make him know, insulted my consequence! ” Divergent Blood Palace Master gloomy is roaring, in the eye pupil has bloody light, since having Divergent Blood Spear, his in his heart hostility is stronger and stronger, usually can also control, but once was detonated, that must go crazy completely. "卑鄂尊者,你立即拦住他。我要让他知道,侮辱我的后果!”歧血宫主低沉咆哮着,眼眸中有着血光,自从拥有歧血之矛后,他心中戾气是越来越强,平常还能控制,可一旦被一引爆,那就要完全发狂了。 But he who the violent anger goes crazy, will be most fearful. 而暴怒发狂的他,也将是最可怕的。 outstanding range Venerable also sees the distant place Golden-Horned Beast form indifferently, immediately waves, whiz! Dense and numerous enough 30,000 black. The head emerges out of thin air, follows close on to fly air-splitting, this is inferior hundred degrees celsius swallows Mental Weapon Zenith Treasure that first round range Venerable has, as expert that excels at the soul attack class, will not be certainly weak in the Mental Weapon aspect. 卓鄂尊者也冷漠看着远处金角巨兽身影,当即一挥手,嗖!密密麻麻足足三万柄黑色。首凭空出现,紧跟着破空飞去,这是卑百度吞首发鄂尊者拥有的念力兵器至宝,作为一名擅长灵魂攻击类的强者,在念力兵器方面当然也不会弱。 expert speed, is ratio Mental Weapon. 强者速度,是比不过念力兵器的。 Sees only Mental Weapon to approach unceasingly. 只见念力兵器不断逼近逼近。 Quick, then other day covers covers to Luo Feng. 很快,便彼天盖地笼罩向罗峰 " It is not good. ” Golden-Horned Beast that runs away rapidly saw that the following that dense and numerous several tens of thousands shadows fly, does not know wonderfully. "不好。”飞速逃窜的金角巨兽看到后面那密密麻麻的数万黑影飞来,就知道不妙。 " The lid of wing! ” Golden-Horned Beast can only haunch the pair of wings, the shining pair of wings increases crazily, blocks most black. The head, some shadows from below direct thorn to the Golden-Horned Beast abdomen, see only the innumerable black daggers, as if stars hit ruthlessly on Golden-Horned Beast. "羽翼之盖!”金角巨兽只能撑起双翼,金灿灿的双翼疯狂变大,挡住绝大多数黑色。首,还有些许黑影从下方直接刺向金角巨兽的腹部,只见无数的黑色匕首,仿佛一颗颗星辰狠狠撞击在金角巨兽身上。 Under endless wilderness hundred degrees celsius swallowed the first round to pass over gently and swiftly unceasingly, in the upper air that spread the wings flight Golden-Horned Beast speed actually to sharply fall rapidly, behind is pursuing inferior range Venerable and Divergent Blood Palace Master approached rapidly. 下方无尽荒野不断百度吞首发被掠过,高空中那展翅急速飞行的金角巨兽速度却是锐减,后面追着的卑鄂尊者歧血宫主则是迅速逼近。 " Two hateful fellows, but also is pursuing! ” "两个可恶的家伙,还在追!” " My Tribulation Armor in the body, their two also thinks can do to I? ” "我劫甲在身,他们两个还以为能奈何的了我?” " Before was to feel downloading saying that Divergent Blood Spear powerful energy, is installing to come under the influence of soul attack intentionally. Otherwise, where has the opportunity to attack me? ” "之前不过是想要感受下传说中的歧血之矛威能,在故意装受到灵魂攻击的影响。否则,哪有机会攻击到我?” " Mental Weapon does Zenith Treasure hinder me? Snort, if I displayGolden Thread Aurora Mirror, the domain type treasure hindered Special Power to be possible compared with your Mental Weapon. ” "念力兵器至宝阻碍我?哼,若是我施展‘金线极光镜,领域类宝物阻碍能力可比你的念力兵器强多了。” The Golden-Horned Beast head looked at the eye toward the rear area indifferently, he simply has not regarded the threat Divergent Blood Palace Master and inferior range Venerable, although oneself must miss in the attack method, may rely onTribulation Armor and Golden-Horned Beast powerful Divine Body! Lets inferior range Venerable and Divergent Blood Palace Master two despairs completely sufficiently. 金角巨兽头颅朝后方冷漠看了眼,他根本没将歧血宫主、卑鄂尊者当成威胁,虽说自己在攻击手段上要差的很,可凭借‘劫甲金角巨兽强大的神体!完全足以让卑鄂尊者歧血宫主两个绝望。 Before was to want under the feeling merely Divergent Blood Spear powerful energy, since has felt, naturally must leave. 之前仅仅是想要感受下歧血之矛威能罢了,既然感受过了,自然就得走人。 " No matter what, must throw off them, otherwise my layout, by the purity that they look. ” "不管怎样,都得甩掉他们两个,否则我的布局,将会被他们看的一清二楚。” " Before throwing off them, first teaches under city two well. ” "甩掉他们前,先好好教市两个下。” " Roar ~ ~ ~ "吼~~~” Golden-Horned Beast roars suddenly lowly, the pair of wings inspires fiercely. 金角巨兽忽然低吼一声,双翼猛地一振。 Whish! 哗! Has drawn an arc unexpectedly directly, transfers directly, rumble charges into inferior section Venerable and Divergent Blood Palace Master, this made the Divergent Blood Palace Master great happiness immediately, immediately exclaimed: " Stupid Golden-Horned Beast courts death unexpectedly, I will certainly satisfy his desire. ” Bang! Divergent Blood Palace Master under combustion Divine Power greets directly to Golden-Horned Beast. 竟然直接划过一道弧线,直接转回来,轰隆隆冲向卑部尊者歧血宫主,这顿时令歧血宫主大喜,当即吼道:"愚蠢的金角巨兽竟然找死,我当然会满足他的愿望。”轰!燃烧神力下的歧血宫主直接迎接向金角巨兽 " Roar ~ ~ ~Golden-Horned Beast pair of wings like blade. "吼~~~”金角巨兽双翼如刀。 " Ha ha ha...... , the Divergent Blood Palace Master eyes China , Mongolia bloody light, in the hand entire Divergent Blood Spear had bloody light to hoodwink, enters the craziest position completely. "哈哈哈……、,歧血宫主双眸中蒙了一层血光,手中整个歧血之矛都有一层血光蒙着,完全进入最疯狂境地。 As if collisions of two Planet(s)! 仿佛两颗星球的碰撞! Bang! 轰! space vibrates, sees only Golden-Horned Beast to roar with that sharp wing cutting, Divergent Blood Palace Master is times dodges the crazy thorn to act simultaneously the lance, he punctures the hand of lance to be very strange, is one by one quicker, the Divine Body aura also becomes stronger and stronger, that lance powerful energy also rises suddenly unceasingly. 空间震动,只见金角巨兽咆哮着用那锋利的翅膀一次次切割,歧血宫主则是一次次闪躲同时疯狂刺出手中长矛,他刺出长矛的手很是诡异,一次比一次更快,神体气息也变得越来越强,那长矛威能也不断暴涨。 " ! ” " ! ” " ! ” " ! ” " ! ” " ! ”...... "噗!”"噗!”"噗!”"噗!”"噗!”"噗!”…… Slaughters instantaneously for several seconds. 瞬间厮杀数秒。 When Divergent Blood Palace Master first suddenly/violently to retreat expunges, bloody light in his eye pupil has dissipated, did not have the beforehand tyranny, some instead are the startled anger. 歧血宫主当先暴退开去,他眼眸中的血光已经消散,没有了之前的暴虐,有的反而是惊怒。 " What's the matter? Divergent Blood, are your Extreme secret art consecutively ten three-edged reeds useless? ” outstanding range Venerable flies, " your ten three-edged reeds, what utilization are in this Divergent Blood Spear contain special secret combustion Divine Body that you did not say, more combustion Divine Body will consume in the future is bigger, ten three-edged reeds get down, no Universe Overlord dares to resist hardly, hard anti- died? ” "怎么回事?歧血,你的究极绝学连续十三矛都没用?”卓鄂尊者飞来,"你的十三矛,运用的乃是这歧血之矛中蕴含的特殊秘燃烧神体,你不是说,越往后燃烧神体消耗越大,十三矛下去,没什么宇宙霸主敢硬抗么,硬抗都死了么?” That ten three-edged reeds. UU reads 那十三矛。UU看书 The first lance consumes 0/1000 Divine Body merely, but the second lance starts to consume increases progressively, more will consume...... ten three-edged reeds to get down in the future many, the consumption nearly fools Divine Body! 第一矛仅仅消耗千分之一神体,可第二矛开始消耗就递增,越往后消耗越多……十三矛下去,足足消耗近唬神体 " This, this...... ” in Divergent Blood Palace Master eye pupil full is the startled anger, " is impossible, is impossible, I, I consumed cable Divine Body, is he...... his aura unexpectedly not weak! ” "这,这……”歧血宫主眼眸中满是惊怒,"不可能,不可能,我,我消耗了缆的神体,可是他……他气息竟然没弱!” Inferior range Venerable and Divergent Blood Palace Master is startled the anger to look at distant place Golden-Horned Beast. 卑鄂尊者歧血宫主都惊怒看着远处金角巨兽 Golden-Horned Beast ice-cold looked at their one eyes, simultaneously sends out a low roar, simultaneously that enormous and powerful Golden Thread Aurora Domain covers the surrounding More than one hundred million kilometer range instantaneously, suddenly inferior range Venerable and Divergent Blood Palace Master falls is completely one of them, they are the complexion big changes: " Is the domain type treasure! ” 金角巨兽冰冷看了他俩一眼,同时发出一声低吼,同时那浩浩荡荡的金线极光域瞬间笼罩周围上亿公里范围,一时间卑鄂尊者歧血宫主完全落在其中,他俩都是面色大变:"是领域类宝物!” Whiz! 嗖! A Golden-Horned Beast pair of wings show/unfolds, in the vast and endless gold thread aurora, flies away rapidly goes far away, simultaneously is whispering secretly. 金角巨兽双翼一展,在无穷无尽的金线极光中,迅速飞离远去,同时暗暗嘀咕着。 " Taught, should leave. ” "教训了,该走人了。” " This Divergent Blood Palace Master is also fierce, my Tribulation Armor protects the body, actually made me lose 0/10000 Divine Body, if Universe Overlord of volume dot, feared that must annihilate. ” "不过这歧血宫主也算厉害,我劫甲护体,竟然令我损失万分之一神体,若是体积小点的宇宙霸主,怕是得湮灭。” Two chapters finished, tomorrow is the holiday on Saturday, the statistical next this week renews the situation, the tomato are not indeed powerful, asked for leave for day, to renew on the 29 th on the 30 th lately...... 两章完毕,明天是休息日星期六,统计下这个星期更新情况,番茄的确不给力,29号请假一天、30号更新迟了…… Therefore the tomato need to make up three chapters. 所以番茄需要补三章。 Tomorrow's three chapters. 明天三章。
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