SS :: Volume #23

#14: Fast escapes

While Luo Feng when Virtual Universe, on the Primordial Star that in Luo Feng is, in that leads to under the vortex channel that survival[ eternal life] in the trillion year mountain forest was gathering three aura stern fearful expert, these three expert appearances vary, at this moment is actually gathering. 正当罗峰虚拟宇宙中时,在罗峰所在的这颗原始星上,在那通往外界的漩涡通道下方那一片生存[永生]了亿万年的山林内正聚集着三道气息森严可怕的强者,这三名强者模样各异,此刻却正聚集在一起。 " According to the alliance orders, we rush by quickest speed, it seems like...... our three arrive in this earliest. ” "按照联盟命令,我们以最快速度赶到,看来……我们三个是最早抵达这的。” " Un. ” "嗯。” " That two Space Beast, once discovered that black divine sword is Sword River Net part, definitely frightens jumps, will rush to this vortex channel immediately, escapes directly to the outside world. Escapes to then Teleportation and Divine Country transmission wait/etc., who arrests them. We must be good this guard! ” "那两头星空巨兽一旦发现那黑色神剑乃是剑河罗的一部分,肯定吓得一跳,会立即赶往这个漩涡通道,直接逃向外界。一逃到外界即可瞬移神国传送等等,谁都抓捕住他们。我们必须将这看守好!” " Continuously in this? ” The gloomy sound resounds together, " when the time comes will have one crowd of Universe Overlord to arrive, even Demon Covering Lord can. How many point contribution values that merely one Sword River Net divine sword...... can we divide to? In my opinion- forgets gal Venerable, you guard this temporarily. I and Exalt Bei Feng first initiate an attack, by me and Exalt Bei Feng ability, strikes to kill that two Space Beast completely hopefully. ” "难道就一直在这等?”一道低沉声音响起,"到时候会有一群宇宙霸主抵达,甚至连覆魔之主都会到。那仅仅一柄剑河罗神剑……我们能分到多少点贡献值?依我看-忘伽尊者,你暂时镇守这。我和卑酆尊者先主动出击,以我和卑酆尊者的能耐,完全有希望击杀那两头星空巨兽。” " This...... ” "这……” " What to hesitate, other quick Universe Overlord will draw near, Exalt Bei Feng, do you agree? ” The gloomy sound said. "还犹豫什么,很快其他宇宙霸主都快到了,卑酆尊者,你同意吗?”低沉声音道。 " I agreed. ” The gentle sound resounds. "我同意。”轻柔声音响起。 " Good, I also agreed that but if when the time comes obtains divine sword, may result in according to our three together divine sword that unites efforts to obtain. "好,我也同意,可到时候如果得到神剑,可得按照我们三者共同协力得到的神剑 " That is natural! ” "那是当然!” Three Universe Overlord each other look at each other, smiled. 三名宇宙霸主彼此相视,都笑了。 Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖! And two forms fly simultaneously air-splitting, more than 30 meters high, have three toward dead ahead curving sharp horn, the appearance is ugly, eyes swiftly and fiercely just like eagle-eyed, the arm as if steel carving becomes sturdy powerful, simultaneously is grabbing a plain lance, the lance lance has three bloodstains sharp. 其中两道身影同时破空飞起,一者约有三十多米高,有着三根朝正前方弯曲的尖角,容貌丑陋,双眸凌厉犹如鹰眼,手臂仿佛钢铁雕刻而成粗壮有力,同时正抓着一柄古朴的长矛,长矛矛尖有着三道血痕。 Another approximately in ten meters high, the whole body is covering the black battle dress, even the face wears the black mask. 另一位则约在十米高,全身罩着黑色战袍,连面孔都戴着黑色面具。 " Exalt Bei Feng, your soul attack...... can kill that two Space Beast to be best a while directly. If cannot kill, may affect their resistance Special Power, when the time comes I then with their close combat! ” That grasps triangle Venerable said solemnly of plain lance, " by my Divergent Blood Spear powerful energy, I displays combustion Divine Body to show my Extreme secret art unique skill again......, even if on them puts on the ordinary Zenith Treasure armor, in I compare favorably with under the fearful attack of Universe Lord, perhaps exceeds the limit of their Zenith Treasure armor...... only to weaken to 1/1000 completely, even can only weaken to 1% powerful energy. ” "卑酆尊者,等会儿你灵魂攻击……能直接杀死那两星空巨兽最好。若是杀不死,也可影响他们的反抗能力,到时候我便和他们近身战!”那手持古朴长矛的三角尊者低沉道,"以我歧血之矛威能,我再施展燃烧神体施展我的究极绝学绝招……就算他们身上穿着普通至宝铠甲,在我媲美宇宙之主的可怕攻击下,完全超过他们至宝铠甲的极限……恐怕只能削弱到千分之一,甚至只能削弱到百分之一的威能。” " Divergent Blood Spear, is advanced Zenith Treasure, powerful energy is incomparable. ” Exalt Bei Feng also said with a smile of black battle dress, " can at one fell swoop the merit become surely. ” "歧血之矛,乃是高等至宝,威能无匹。”黑色战袍的卑酆尊者笑道,"定能一举功成。” Divergent Blood Palace Master, is Northern Border Alliance fame enormous Universe Overlord. 歧血宫主,是北疆联盟名气极大的一位宇宙霸主 He has three Zenith Treasure in the body, moreover his close combat weapon is advanced Zenith Treasure! Coordinates his close combat secret art......, even if meets Universe Lord, can still the fight moment. Once he all-out attack indeed will exceed the withstanding limit of ordinary Zenith Treasure armor, in withstanding the limit category the ordinary Zenith Treasure armor of third shape can weaken the material attack to 1/10000 generally! 他有三件至宝在身,而且他近身战的兵器更是高等至宝!配合他的近身战绝学……就算遇到宇宙之主,也能交手片刻。他一旦全力攻击的确会超过普通至宝铠甲的承受极限,在承受极限范畴内第三形态的普通至宝铠甲一般能将物质攻击削弱到万分之一! But once exceeds this limit, the Zenith Treasure armor will weaken Special Power to drop suddenly, even can only weaken to 1/1000, 1% and ten points...... Peng's sound disrupts even directly! This is ordinary Zenith Treasure, is by the reason that Universe Lord do not spare a glance. 可一旦超出这个极限,至宝铠甲削弱能力会急剧下降,甚至只能削弱到千分之一、百分之一、十分之……甚至于彭的声直接碎裂!这就是普通至宝,被宇宙之主们根本不屑一顾的原因之所在。 " Exceeds its Zenith Treasure battle armor limit, although their Divine Body is bigger, are most my Divergent Blood Spear to puncture several times. ” Notice of Divergent Blood Palace Master high-speed flight, sound transmission said with a smile simultaneously, " Exalt Bei Feng, depends on your soul attack when the time comes, do not let them escape, heard that in them Golden-Horned Beast has wing class Zenith Treasure. ” "超过其至宝战铠极限,虽说他们神体大些,最多我的歧血之矛多刺几次。”歧血宫主高速飞行的通知,也笑着同时传音道,"卑酆尊者,到时候就靠你的灵魂攻击,别让他们逃掉了,听说他们中的金角巨兽可是有羽翼类至宝的。” " Gives me. ” "交给我。” Exalt Bei Feng and Divergent Blood Palace Master changes to two stream of light in the midair shoulder to shoulder, flies rapidly in the direction toward Luo Feng. 卑酆尊者歧血宫主在半空中并肩化作两道流光,迅速朝罗峰所在方向飞去。 The must know Luo Feng first arrived in the place of black sword body birth at that time, therefore Northern Border Alliance is very easy to infer...... the place of Luo Feng's temporary reside, definitely in black sword body surroundings not far away. Therefore Exalt Bei Feng and Divergent Blood Palace Master also has the destination to follow. 须知当时罗峰是最先抵达黑色剑体出世之地的,所以北疆联盟的很容易推断出……罗峰的暂居之处,肯定就在黑色剑体周围不远处。所以卑酆尊者歧血宫主也都是有目的地可循。 In Virtual Universe. 虚拟宇宙中。 Luo Feng looks at distant place that bald person Universe Exalt amazed: " Is he? At that time competed for the treasure to besiege one of my Great Alliance two Universe Exalt with me? ” Simultaneously Luo Feng also notices, around that baldheaded Universe Exalt is lively, is gathering huge group Universe Exalt, seems discussing something excitedly. 罗峰惊诧看着远处那秃顶宇宙尊者:"是他?当时和我争夺宝物围攻我的鸿盟两位宇宙尊者之一?”同时罗峰也注意到,那位秃顶宇宙尊者周围非常热闹,聚集着一大群宇宙尊者,似乎正在激动议论着某件事。 " Sword River Net! ” "剑河罗!” " Sword River Net divine sword, that Sword River Net compass, was it is reported that obtained by Thorn Ring Alliance Universe Lord! That Universe Lord...... definitely wants other divine sword, is willing to pay the extremely high price to trade this divine sword. ” "剑河罗神剑啊,据传那剑河罗的罗盘,是被刺环联盟的一位宇宙之主得到!那位宇宙之主……肯定是非常想要得到其他一柄柄神剑,愿意付出极高代价来换这神剑。” " Seemingly ordinary Zenith Treasure, but the real value, at least compares favorably with advanced Zenith Treasure. ” "看似普通至宝,可实际价值,至少媲美高等至宝啊。” " Right, moreoverSword River Net, only then all divine sword collection simultaneous/uniform Cai are the perfect shapes, a difference is not the perfect shape, so long as hides this divine sword in our Great Alliance, that Thorn Ring Alliance also affirms to lower the head to find the way to exchange. ” "对,而且‘剑河罗只有所有神剑集齐才是完美形态,差一柄都不是完美形态,只要将这一柄神剑藏在我们鸿盟,那刺环联盟也肯定得低头想办法来交换走。” " Pitifully, by two Space Beast making. ” "可惜,被两头星空巨兽给弄走了。” Clarity that the discussion, Luo Feng also listens. 议论声,罗峰也听的清清楚楚。 " Sword River Net divine sword? ” Luo Feng shakes, " was walked by two Lane Space Beast? ” "剑河罗神剑?”罗峰一震,"被两头星空巨兽走?” " Pitifully I went late, if my luck were good, this Sword River Net divine sword was my. ” Baldheaded Universe Exalt shakes the head, in front of him also float that picture, is the picture of black sword body. "可惜我去晚了,如果我运气好,这剑河罗神剑就是我的了。”秃顶宇宙尊者摇头,他面前还悬浮着那一图片,正是黑色剑体的图片。 Luo Feng in his heart that looks in the distant place actually raised the dreadful monstrous waves. Day. 在远处看着的罗峰心中却是掀起了滔天巨浪。天。 That black divine sword that oneself obtain, right, is that black divine sword, unexpectedly is Sword River Net in which divine sword! 自己得到的那黑色神剑,对,就是那柄黑色神剑,竟然是剑河罗的其中一柄神剑 " Sword River Net? ” Luo Feng talked over in a soft voice, in the mind also appeared rapidly some materials, that was Cosmotwist Exalt gives him the record in material, in 10081 Primordial Star has 12 large-scale bloody battles in more than 100 years that Primordial Star opened, the sword tomb was born, was one time. "剑河罗?”罗峰轻声念叨,脑海中也迅速浮现出一些资料,那是狃宙尊者给他资料中的记载,在原始星开启的这一百多年中10081颗原始星中有过十二次大规模血战,剑冢出世,便是其中一次。 About Sword River Net, merely is some simple descriptions, makes Luo Feng know Sword River Net overbearing powerful energy. That isTop Level domain type Zenith Treasure, compares favorably to attack pinnacle Zenith Treasure in attack! On the value, is as good as Thousand Treasure Rivers. Perhaps also slightly ultra. Naturally the premise integrates all divine sword. 关于剑河罗,仅仅是些简单描述,却也让罗峰知道剑河罗的霸道威能。那可是‘顶级领域类至宝,在攻击方面更是媲美攻击巅峰至宝!论价值,不亚于千宝河。或许还略超些。当然前提是融入所有的神剑 The distant place broadcasts sound " quickly, told us quickly, which Primordial Star you were, what place that was divine sword born in? ” 远处传来声音"快,快告诉我们,你在哪颗原始星,那神剑出世是在什么地点?” " When, we hurry. ” "时,我们赶紧过去。” " Killed that two Space Beast jointly, captures divine sword. "联手杀了那两头星空巨兽,夺得神剑 When the time comes does not worry that Thorn Ring Alliance the high price, if gives to Great Alliance, Great Alliance is also certainly willing to give us at extremely high contribution value. ” 到时候不愁那刺环联盟不出高的代价,若是献给鸿盟,鸿盟也一定愿意以极高贡献值给我们的。” Immediately is bustling. 顿时一片沸腾。 " Escapes! ” "逃!” " Hurries to escape. ” Luo Feng understands instantaneously. "赶紧逃。”罗峰瞬间明白。 " Blade River! ” Cosmotwist Exalt runs. "刀河!”狃宙尊者跑来。 " I have the matter, Cosmotwist Exalt will chat next time. ” Luo Feng is actually then vanishes immediately baseless does not see, stirs up the Cosmotwist Exalt whole face to doubt the feeling. "我还有事,狃宙尊者下次聊。”罗峰却是立即便凭空消失不见,惹得狃宙尊者满脸疑感。 In Primordial Star that Luo Feng is. 罗峰所在的原始星中。 In that low mountain forest. 那片低矮山林中。 " Quickly, quick sea Luo Feng and Golden-Horned Beast stand up rapidly. "快,快海罗峰金角巨兽都迅速站起。 " Great Alliance many expert will gather me to hurry quickly. Moreover before obtained the treasure, saw the black sword body including Prison Clan, Great Alliance and Northern Border Alliance this 3 sides, Great Alliance expert just starts to gather now, feared that blocked me without enough time. Northern Border Alliance and Prison Clan likely. ” Nether Sea Luo Feng rapid rapid change becomes merely two meters to sit cross-legged to sit high conducts the back in Golden-Horned Beast. "鸿盟的很多强者很快会聚集我得赶紧走。而且之前得到宝物时,包括狱族鸿盟北疆联盟三方在内都看到了黑色剑体,鸿盟强者现在才刚刚开始汇聚,怕是来不及拦我。只是北疆联盟狱族的很可能会到。”幽海罗峰速变成仅仅两米高盘膝坐在金角巨兽背上。 This time is the escape. 这次是逃命。 But Golden-Horned Beast escapes speed to be extremely quick, even if meets suddenly dangerously, Golden-Horned Beast still most can resist the danger. 金角巨兽逃命速度极快,就算遇到突然危险,金角巨兽也是最能抵抗危险的。 " Whiz! ” Golden-Horned Beast turns into approximately ten meters, the pair of wings unfolds dozens meters, immediately combustion Divine Power flies rapidly air-splitting...... "嗖!”金角巨兽变成约十米长,双翼一展数十米,当即燃烧神力迅速破空飞去…… Again tyrannical combustion Divine Power stimulation of movement and under acceleration of Zenith Treasure Shi Wu Wing. 再强横燃烧神力催动和至宝弑吴羽翼的加速下。 Whiz! 嗖! Changes to golden light to fly rapidly together air-splitting. 迅速化作一道金光破空飞行。 At this moment, Northern Border Alliance two Universe OverlordDivergent Blood Palace Master, ‚ Exalt Bei Feng is flying to come shoulder to shoulder air-splitting. Is this Primordial Star is extremely mainly broad...... to export the Luo Feng's mountain forest from that vortex channel, the sole speed of light flight must near most hour, this also be the reason that Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng have not rushed. 这一刻,北疆联盟的两位宇宙霸主歧血宫主、‘卑酆尊者正并肩破空飞行而来。主要是这原始星太过广阔……从那漩涡通道出口到罗峰的山林,单单光速飞行就得近大半个小时,这也是歧血宫主卑酆尊者还没赶到的原因。 In fact Northern Border Alliance some super exists quickly in catches up in this Primordial Star toward Luo Feng! Including that Demon Covering Lord...... 实际上北疆联盟的一些超级存在都在急忙朝罗峰所在这颗原始星赶!包括那位覆魔之主…… But Demon Covering Lord, must even slowly flies first to fly that to Luo Feng in Primordial Star ‚ the vortex channel. 可即使是覆魔之主,也得慢慢飞先飞到那颗通往罗峰所在原始星的‘漩涡通道。 Notice each Primordial Star diameter is 100 billion kilometers, even if 300,000 kilometers per second of speed one hour of can fly merely just about 1 billion kilometers, if from the vortex channel, must for a long time be able to rush. expert of Northern Border Alliance arrangement, is one crowd that can rush to most quickly exists. 须知每颗原始星直径都是1千亿公里,就算是30万公里每秒的速度一小时仅仅能飞刚10亿公里左右罢了,若是距离漩涡通道远一点,都得很久才能赶到。北疆联盟安排的强者,已然是最快能赶到的一群存在了。 " Looks quickly, golden light! ” "快看,金光!” " Is that Golden-Horned Beast. ” Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng saw. "是那金角巨兽。”歧血宫主卑酆尊者一眼看到了。 They catch up toward Luo Feng that from the vortex channel place. 他俩是从漩涡通道处朝罗峰那赶。 Luo Feng catches up toward the vortex channel! 罗峰是朝漩涡通道赶! The natural meeting can see each other! 自然会能看到彼此! " Oh?Nether Sea clone and Golden-Horned Beast see that two stream of light distantly, " perhaps is other alien race expert, where not too possible is chases down my is so quick, if the matter cannot, me drill to other Primordial Star directly goes also good. ” "嗯?幽海分身金角巨兽都遥遥看到那两道流光,"或许是其他一些异族强者,不太可能是追杀我的哪有这么快,若是事不可为,那我直接钻到其他原始星去也行。” Whiz! 嗖! Golden-Horned Beast continues to fly, but makes a turn slightly and that two flowing light spreads out. 金角巨兽继续飞行,只是略微转弯和那两位流光拉开点距离。 ! ! 呼!呼! But that two powerful aura actually curves approach fiercely rapidly. UU reads 可那两道强大气息却是猛地转弯迅速逼近而来。UU看书 " It is not good. ” "不好。” " Stares at me to come, that three sharp horn, are Divergent Blood Palace Master, Northern Border Alliance Divergent Blood Palace Master, side that is Exalt Bei Feng! ” Vigilant Luo Feng has recognized that two instantaneously , the definite opposite party is towards oneself approaches but cannot attend to other, immediately first received Nether Sea clone World Ring. "是盯着我来的,那三尖角的,是歧血宫主,北疆联盟歧血宫主,旁边那位是卑酆尊者!”一直警惕的罗峰瞬间认出那两位,也确定对方是朝自己逼近而来顾不得其他,立即先将幽海分身收入世界戒指中。 Divergent Blood Palace Master and Exalt Bei Feng...... are the Universe Overlord level exist. 歧血宫主卑酆尊者……都是宇宙霸主级存在。 Moreover is not general Universe Overlord! 而且是还不是一般的宇宙霸主 Universe Overlord and Universe Overlord have differently, generally regarding achieves Universe Exalt Rank pinnacle peak in the law sensibility and secret skill creation, the combat strength compares favorably with most common Universe LordUniverse Exalt calls it Universe Overlord. 宇宙霸主宇宙霸主也是有不同的,一般对于在法则感悟、秘法创造上都达到宇宙尊者级一个巅峰极致,战斗力媲美最普通宇宙之主的‘宇宙尊者都称之为宇宙霸主 But has ordinary Zenith Treasure Universe Overlord, with having advanced Zenith Treasure, the striking power nature is different! Humanity Universe Overlord, with the life gene level achieves 8000 times goes against heaven's will[ immortal goes against] Special Lifeform Universe Overlord, has the difference. 可是拥有普通至宝宇宙霸主,和拥有高等至宝的,攻击力自然不同!一个人类宇宙霸主,和生命基因层次达到8000倍的逆天[仙逆]特殊生命宇宙霸主,也是有区别。 This Divergent Blood Palace Master, then has advanced Zenith Treasure! 歧血宫主,便有一件高等至宝 Exalt Bei Feng, is Universe Overlord that is good at the soul attack corroding! 卑酆尊者,更是擅长灵魂攻击侵蚀的宇宙霸主 " Space Beast, you cannot run away. ” "星空巨兽,你逃不了了。” " Hands over divine sword! ” "交出神剑!” A sound of a gloomy vigorous sound and gentle invasion mind, sound transmission comes simultaneously! ~! 低沉雄浑声音、一轻柔侵入心灵的声音,同时传音而来!~!
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