SS :: Volume #23

#13: Sword River Net

Luo Feng's Divine Power drills into the black sword body rapidly, in the Life Mark direct brand mark, owner recognition succeeds. 罗峰的一丝神力迅速钻入黑色剑体中,生命印记直接烙印上,认主成功。 " Oh?hung down in the Golden-Horned Beast eye pupil of head to pass over gently and swiftly doubts. "嗯?”低垂着脑袋的金角巨兽眼眸中掠过一丝疑惑。 " What's the matter, in this Zenith Treasure actually does not have the message transfer...... ” Nether Sea Luo Feng also doubts overlook this black sword body, like many great treasure and Zenith Treasure, generally owner recognition time will have the message transfer into the consciousness. Generally is some detailed descriptions of related this weapon, even is one set of revolution treasure secret skill wait/etc.. "怎么回事,这至宝中竟然没有讯息传递过来……”幽海罗峰也疑惑俯瞰着这黑色剑体,像许多重宝至宝,一般认主的时候会有讯息传递入意识。一般是有关这兵器的一些详细描述,甚至是一套运转宝物的秘法等等。 Naturally some treasures do not have the news, for exampleStar ChartShi Wu WingTower Orb wait/etc. one pile. 当然有些宝物是没有讯息的,比如‘星辰图弑吴羽翼塔珠等等一堆。 Has the news, looked that initially created this treasure expert whether leaves behind the news. 是否有讯息,就看当初创造这件宝物的强者是否留下讯息。 Tower Orb, is Star Tower part, will not contain the news. 塔珠,乃是星辰塔的一部分,是不会蕴含讯息的。 Star Chart, is Zuo Shanke by ordinary Zenith Treasure that picture rolls and many Suppressing-Seal Stars unions become. 星辰图,也是坐山客凭借一图卷和诸多镇封星辰结合而成的一件普通至宝 Therefore- 所以- Perhaps some Zenith Treasure and great treasure do not have the news to be one of them. But according to the Luo Feng examinationCosmotwist Exalt collection material of related Primordial Star, Zenith Treasure and great treasure that as long as reveals itself on Primordial Star...... this is universe nurturing the fresh treasure, these treasures are inborn have the news. 有些至宝重宝或许没有讯息在其中。可是按照罗峰查看的‘狃宙尊者搜集的有关原始星的资料,但凡是在原始星上出世的至宝重宝……这可是宇宙孕育而生的宝物,这些宝物是天生就拥有讯息的。 " Strange. ” Luo Feng somewhat wonders secretly. "怪事。”罗峰暗自有些纳闷。 " Bang! ” " Bang! ” " Bang! ” " Bang! ” " Bang! ” " Bang! ” That three team eight universe advanced Venerable are attacking crazily, bombardments on the Golden-Horned Beast pair of wings, interrupted the Luo Feng's thinking. "轰!”"轰!”"轰!”"轰!”"轰!”"轰!”那三支队伍共八名宇宙高等尊者正疯狂的攻击,一次次轰击在金角巨兽的双翼上,也打断了罗峰的思索。 Whiz! 嗖! The Golden-Horned Beast intention moves, making that black great sword rapid shrink integrate Golden-Horned Beast internal simultaneously, fusion on scales. 金角巨兽心意一动,令那件黑色巨剑迅速缩小同时融入金角巨兽体内,融合在一枚鳞片上。 ...... …… " Roarmade one that the world vibrated angry roar to resound, simultaneously that opened just like giant shining pair of wings rapid shrink of day lid, contracted several tens of thousands kilometers width from the divergence hundreds of thousands of kilometers, naturally also revealed Golden-Horned Beast and Nether Sea clone these two big palatial forms. "吼”令天地震动的一声怒吼响起,同时那撑开的犹如天盖的巨大金灿灿的双翼迅速缩小,从幅散数十万公里收缩成数万公里宽,自然也露出了金角巨兽幽海分身这两大巍峨的身影。 Eight universes that before also besieged super existed to see that somewhat are immediately disappointed. 之前还围攻的八名宇宙超级存在见状顿时有些失望。 " That Zenith Treasure was received! ” "那至宝被收了!” " Already owner recognition. ” "已经认主了。” " Hateful Space Beast, we walk! ” "可恶的星空巨兽,我们走!” Eight universes super existed looked at Nether Sea clone and Golden-Horned Beast these two palatial form ruthlessly, first Prison Clan three super expert then flew away directly. Nearby Great Alliance and Northern Border Alliance five Universe Exalt have a disappointment, they have not captured the treasure the idea. 八名宇宙超级存在狠狠看了幽海分身金角巨兽这两巍峨身影一眼,首先狱族的三名超级强者便直接飞离开去。旁边的鸿盟北疆联盟的五位宇宙尊者也有着一丝失望,他们都没有夺得宝物的想法了。 They are clear, before the treasure does not have owner recognition, they can also struggle a struggle! 他们都非常清楚,在宝物没认主之前,他们还能争一争! But since now owner recognition, then wants to capture the treasure only means that is strikes to kill that Golden-Horned Beast! The must know beforehand that Golden-Horned Beast hard anti- eight big Universe Exalt attacks are all right, obviously its defense has strongly......, moreover opposite party, if really wants to escape, they cannot block. 可现在既然认主了,那么想要夺得宝物唯一的办法,就是击杀那名金角巨兽!须知之前那金角巨兽硬抗八大宇宙尊者攻击都没事,可见其防御有多强……而且对方如果真的想逃,他们也根本拦不住。 Most lets they cannot rise to seize the heart of treasure slightly then Is Golden-Horned Beast Divine Body volume! 最让他们升不起丝毫夺宝之心的便是-金角巨兽神体体积! " Such big Divine Body, is consumes with us slowly, has not killed him, our Divine Body burnt up. ” "这么大的神体,就是慢慢跟我们耗,还没杀死他,我们神体都燃烧光了。” " Our time came late, was earlier good. ” "我们这次来晚了,早点就好了。” " Zenith Treasure, fell in Space Beast. ” "至宝啊,落在星空巨兽手里了。” Great Alliance and Northern Border Alliance somewhat is unwilling. 鸿盟北疆联盟的都有些不甘。 " Haha, five, your speed was slow. ” Golden-Horned Beast makes the gloomy sound. "哈哈,五位,你们速度慢了。”金角巨兽发出低沉的声音。 " Calculates that you are in luck! ” "算你走运!” " We walk. ” "我们走。” Northern Border Alliance three Universe Exalt and Great Alliance two Universe Exalt also depart rapidly. 北疆联盟的三名宇宙尊者鸿盟的两位宇宙尊者也迅速离去。 Golden-Horned Beast and Nether Sea clone also looked that...... this moment distant place is having teams to approach to come distantly to the distant place , because the Zenith Treasure aura and combat sound attract. 金角巨兽幽海分身也遥遥看向远处……此刻远处正有着一支支队伍逼近而来,都是因为至宝气息和战斗动静吸引来的。 " Hurries! ” "赶紧走!” Nether Sea clone rapid shrink becomes more than nine meters high, Golden-Horned Beast fiercely shrink more than over a hundred meters are also long, sees only a golden pair of wings show/unfolds...... Nether Sea clone to sit cross-legged to sit conducts the back in Golden-Horned Beast. 幽海分身迅速缩小成九米多高,金角巨兽也是猛地缩小成百米多长,只见金色双翼一展……幽海分身盘膝坐在金角巨兽背上。 Whiz! 嗖! Rapid goes air-splitting...... 迅速破空而去…… " Treasure has fallen into that Space Beast. ” "宝物已经落入那星空巨兽手里。” " Walks. ” "走。” " This time seized the treasure to finish. Waited next. ” "这次夺宝已经结束了。等下次了。” " Does not know that this being born treasure, is Top Level great treasure, is ordinary Zenith Treasure. ” Some these afterward alien race Universe Exalt and companion is talking, each one has doubts secretly, actually also can only depart. "不知道这次出世的宝物,是顶级重宝,还是普通至宝。”那些后来的一些异族宇宙尊者们和同伴交谈着,个个暗自疑惑,却也只能离去。 On Primordial Star, gets there first, must also probably depend on the luck by the strength, Zenith Treasure reveals itself, if from the near-point, naturally takes advantage. 原始星上,近水楼台先得月,既要靠实力也要靠运气,至宝出世若是距离近点,自然占大便宜。 Northern Border Alliance three Universe Exalt are flying away, returns to their temporary rests places- that is a summit of low mountain range. 北疆联盟的三名宇宙尊者正飞离开去,回他们的暂时休息的地点-那是一座低矮山脉的山巅。 " That two Space Beast are really in luck. ” "那两头星空巨兽真是走运。” " But, Space Beast Alliance is indeed mystical and powerful, is the domain type treasure, is wing Zenith Treasure, this time also obtained black sword Zenith Treasure. ” Three Universe Exalt are talking, that high approximately more than ten meters whole body seems Universe Exalt that the metal casts to knit the brows the thinking. "不过,星空巨兽联盟的确神秘而又强大,又是领域类宝物,又是羽翼至宝,这次又得到了一件黑剑至宝。”三名宇宙尊者交谈着,其中那名高约十余米全身好似金属铸就的宇宙尊者正皱眉思索。 " Yes, is...... such type...... ” "是,是……那样式……” " Right, is it! ” "对,是它!” " Is it! ” purple metal Venerable eye one bright, first is Divine Power periphery will isolate completely, immediately looked lies continually to nearby that on the ground, the mouth has several hundred soft strip variant beast Venerable, said hurriedly, " Jackalhorde Exalt, you have clone in my Northern Border Alliance core center, you hurry to pass on the news to the alliance interior, we just discovered Sword River Net in which divine sword. ” "就是它!”紫色金属尊者眼睛一亮,先是神力将周围完全隔绝,随即连看向旁边的那趴在地上,嘴边有着数百根软条的异兽尊者,连道,"百貉尊者,你有分身在我北疆联盟核心腹地,你赶紧传消息给联盟内部,我们刚刚发现了剑河罗的其中一柄神剑。” " Sword River Net? ” Nearby two Universe Exalt stare, immediately the eye stares fiercely perfectly round. "剑河罗?”旁边的两名宇宙尊者都一愣,随即都猛地眼睛瞪得滚圆。 A row of dense and numerous eye of especially that Jackalhorde Exalt is bright as snow: " Top Level Zenith Treasure in legendSword River Net? ” 特别是那百貉尊者的一排密密麻麻的眼睛更是雪亮:"传说中的顶级至宝剑河罗?” Sword River Net...... may be called this Primordial Star open more than 100 years most dazzling Zenith Treasure! 剑河罗……堪称这次原始星开启100多年来最耀眼的一件至宝 At that time appeared a giant mausoleum from the place bottom, that is the mausoleum of sword- sword tomb! The sword tomb has ancient monument, the monument record...... sword Tsukauchi has massive great treasure divine sword, even several ordinary Zenith Treasure, as well as most precious Sword River Net part! Sword River Net has the compasses and nine divine sword these two parts of compositions. 当时从地底浮现了一巨大的陵墓,那是剑的陵墓-剑冢!剑冢有一古老石碑,石碑记载……剑冢内有大量的重宝神剑,甚至于还有数件普通至宝,以及最最珍贵的-剑河罗部件!剑河罗有罗盘、九柄神剑这两部分组成。 Nine divine sword melt in the compass, once the actuation displays sword river that may change into vast and endless, powerful energy is dreadful. 九柄神剑融在罗盘中,一旦驱动施展可化为无穷无尽的剑河,威能滔天。 Once nine swords unites. 一旦九剑合一。 The powerful energy overlay...... is inconceivable. 威能叠加……更是不可思议。 It is not only domain type Top Level Zenith Treasure, can compare favorably with pinnacle Zenith Treasure in attack. 它既是领域类顶级至宝,在攻击方面也能媲美巅峰至宝 Solely one compass, is domain type ordinary Zenith Treasure! Handle divine sword integrates, can make its powerful energy promote, divine sword that as integrates are more...... powerful energy to be stronger, until nine swords integrates completely, can achieve the most perfect position. 单单一件罗盘,就已经是领域类普通至宝!一柄神剑融入进去,便可令其威能提升,随着融入的神剑越多……威能越强,直至九剑完全融入,才能达到最完美境地。 On the compass that like this super Zenith Treasure, that sword tomb reveals itself is carrying black divine sword merely, another eight divine sword do not have. 这样的超级至宝,那次剑冢出世的罗盘上仅仅携带着一柄黑色神剑,另外八柄神剑都没有。 ...... …… " Sword River Net is divine sword, which, us at which discovers? ” That Jackalhorde Exalt closely examines continually. "剑河罗的一柄神剑,在哪,我们在哪发现的?”那百貉尊者连追问。 " Which we were at...... ” another Universe Exalt just to open the mouth, this seemed purple metal Universe Exalt then unable to bear say: " Was a moment ago that Space Beast Alliance that two carrying off Zenith Treasure black sword Ah! Sword River Net picture, I have also looked with own eyes, on Narro plate are inserting that black sword and black sword, exactly the same! ” "我们在哪……”另一名宇宙尊者刚开口,这好似紫色金属的宇宙尊者便忍不住道:"就是刚才那星空巨兽联盟的那两位带走的至宝黑剑啊!剑河罗的图片,我还亲眼看过,那罗盘上插着的那柄黑剑和刚才的黑剑,一模一样!” Jackalhorde Exalt in great surprise. 百貉尊者大惊。 " Quickly, passes quickly reports to the alliance. ” That purple metal Venerable shouted continually. "快,快通禀给联盟。”那紫色金属尊者连喝道。 " Okay. ” Jackalhorde Exalt including nod. "好好。”百貉尊者点头 Enters Primordial Star super expert of various universe clans, is leaves leeway incarnation in the clan, there are few has clone in the clan! incarnation has been able the simple bush telegraph...... some important things, incarnation actually is not possible to achieve. 进入原始星的宇宙各族的超级强者们,很多都是留有化身在族内,也有极少数是有分身在族内!化身已然能够简单传递讯息……不过一些重要事情,化身却不一定能做到。 " My clone has entered the place of alliance core. ” "我的分身已经进入联盟核心之地。” " Will soon have Universe Lord to see me. ” "即将有宇宙之主见我。” Jackalhorde Exalt low voice is saying. 百貉尊者低声说着。 For a long time- 许久- " Passes to report, I simulate by the consciousness the beforehand black divine sword appearance. Universe Lord had confirmed that indeed is a Sword River Net in which part! The Zenith Treasure quantity were extremely small, style almost same Zenith Treasure is almost impossible. Moreover is in tandem born in Primordial Star...... surely is Sword River Net in which divine sword. ” "通禀完毕,我将之前的黑色神剑的模样透过意识模拟出来。宇宙之主已经确认,那的确是剑河罗的其中一个部件!至宝数量本来就极少,样式几乎完全一样的至宝几乎不太可能。而且一前一后都是在原始星出世……定是剑河罗的其中一柄神剑。” " Universe Lord orders us- for the time being do not move. Now is arranging to our Primordial Star recent many Universe Overlord as well as Demon Covering Lord catches up. ” "宇宙之主命令我们-暂且勿动。现在正在安排离我们这颗原始星最近的好些宇宙霸主以及覆魔之主赶来。” " Under our contributions have recorded. ” "我们的贡献已经记录下。” Jackalhorde Exalt looks to other two, each other shows the exciting smiling face. 百貉尊者看向其他两位,彼此都露出兴奋笑容。 At this time, Northern Border Alliance starts to arrange expert immediately as far as possible quickly arrives in Luo Feng to be at that Primordial Star that. 此时,北疆联盟则是立即开始安排强者尽量快的抵达罗峰所在的那颗原始星 ...... …… Virtual Universe, open-air liquor of Great Alliance City inner city, massive Universe Exalt gather at this. 虚拟宇宙,鸿盟城内城的一露天酒,大量的宇宙尊者聚集在这。 This time Great Alliance expert that enters Primordial Star, almost leave leeway incarnation, incarnation connects Virtual Universe...... by this bush telegraph. 这次进入原始星鸿盟强者们,几乎都留有化身,化身连接虚拟宇宙……以此来传递讯息。 " Another Zenith Treasure reveals itself, has a look, is this Zenith Treasure, I see with one's own eyes. ” "又一件至宝出世啦,看看,就是这件至宝,我可是亲眼看到。” " What Zenith Treasure? ” "什么至宝?” " Comes to see quickly? ” "快来看看?” " In which Primordial Star? ” "在哪颗原始星?” Various sounds resound, about Primordial Star some sound everyone is very interested. 各种声音响起,关于原始星的一些动静大家都是很有兴趣的。 " Look, this is the picture. ” On a bald person full is the hair, has alien race expert of golden eye to demonstrate in that a secondary picture, " this Zenith Treasure appeared from the swamp at that time slowly, what a pity, I am away from far, gone slow. This Zenith Treasure was won by Space Beast Alliance two expert jointly. ” "看,这就是图片。”一名秃顶身上满是毛发,有着一双金色眼睛的异族强者在那显示着一副图片,"这柄至宝当时是从沼泽中缓缓浮现,可惜,我距离远,去的慢。这至宝星空巨兽联盟的两位强者联手夺走。” " Zenith Treasure. ” "至宝。” " Pitifully, Zenith Treasure at present, you have not really taken. Unexpectedly by Space Beast Alliance taking away. ” "真可惜,一件至宝在眼前,你都没弄到手。竟被星空巨兽联盟的给夺去了。” " I do not have the means that Space Beast Alliance that two expert, is the Divine Body length is over ten thousand kilometers...... such strong Divine Body, the treasure to their hands, but also seizes hopefully? Even if Universe Overlord goes all out, must make that big Divine Body consume the light to fear that completely still spends very big strength. UU read www.uukanshu.netthat baldheaded Universe Exalt to say in that. "我也没办法,星空巨兽联盟的那两位强者,都是神体长度达到上万公里……这么强的神体,宝物到他们手里,还有希望夺回来?就算是宇宙霸主拼命,要令那么大的神体完全耗费光怕也花费很大力气。UU看书”那名秃顶宇宙尊者在那说着。 " Isn't that Sword River Net divine sword? ” "那不是剑河罗神剑?” " Right, Sword River Net divine sword! ” "对,剑河罗神剑!” ...... …… Immediately exploded boils. 顿时炸开锅了。 But at this time, the form walked together in the open-air liquor, was Luo Feng. 而这时候,一道身影行走在露天酒中,正是罗峰 " Strange, the treasure on Primordial Star, owner recognition, unexpectedly no news. ” Luo Feng doubts, because just has doubts, therefore he connected Virtual Universe...... to arrive at Great Alliance expert in the Virtual Universe news alternating earth, wants to ask some familiar friends to ask, many friends also stayed Cosmotwist Exalt in this. "怪事,原始星上的宝物,认主了,竟然没一点讯息。”罗峰疑惑,正因为疑惑,所以他连接虚拟宇宙……来到了鸿盟强者们在虚拟宇宙的消息交流地,想找些熟悉的朋友问问,很多朋友连狃宙尊者也是呆在这。 " Cosmotwist Exalt. ” Luo Feng sees the distant place, is hearing others rapid news Cosmotwist Exalt, immediately shouts. "狃宙尊者。”罗峰一眼看到远处,正在听别人迅速消息的狃宙尊者,当即喊道。 Cosmotwist Exalt then looks, eye one bright: " Blade River. ” 狃宙尊者回头一看,眼睛一亮:"刀河。” Luo Feng smiled in the past. 罗峰一笑走过去。 Suddenly his brow wrinkle, the form attracted his attention together. 忽然他眉头一皱,一道身影吸引了他的注意。 " Is he? ” Luo Feng recognized that baldheaded Universe Exalt, before is, attacks one of the own Great Alliance two Universe Exalt in Primordial Star. "是他?”罗峰认出了那秃顶宇宙尊者,就是之前在原始星攻击自己的鸿盟两名宇宙尊者之一。 : Two chapters finished.! ~! :两章完毕。!~!
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