SS :: Volume #23

#17: Meet on Primordial Star

" Also asked Teacher to direct. ” Luo Feng listens respectfully carefully. "还请老师指点。”罗峰仔细聆听。 Primordial Chaos City Lord said with a smile: " Which vortex channel no matter you go, that Northern Border Alliance estimate has the arrangement! Therefore what you must do is...... does not approach any vortex channel! ” 混沌城主笑道:"不管你前往哪一个漩涡通道,那北疆联盟估计都有布置!所以你要做的是……不靠近任何漩涡通道!” Luo Feng is startled, understands the idea of Teacher faintly. 罗峰一怔,隐隐明白老师的想法。 " Teacher, you mean...... ” Luo Feng said, " I aimless flying distant point on Primordial Star, do not approach any vortex channel. ” "老师,你的意思是……”罗峰道,"我在原始星上漫无目的的飞远点,不要靠近任何一漩涡通道。” " Right. ” "对。” Primordial Chaos City Lord nod, " you do not go to any vortex channel, instead far away from the beforehand Sword River Net divine sword birth place. At least these Universe Overlord want to bump into you, is very difficult. Holds your means only..., can only wait for Northern Border Alliance Universe Lord to arrive. ” 混沌城主点头,"你不去任何漩涡通道,反而远离之前剑河罗神剑出世地点。至少那些宇宙霸主们想要碰到你,都很难。唯一抓住你的办法…,就只能等北疆联盟宇宙之主降临。” Luo Feng nod. 罗峰点头 Oneself do not go to the vortex channel, indeed not big danger, but enemy Universe Lord will arrive finally, " ... can only be without a fight when the time comes. 自己不去漩涡通道,的确没多大危险,可敌方宇宙之主终会降临,"…到时候自己只能束手就擒了。 " Your camouflage method, in front of Universe Lord useless. ” Primordial Chaos City Lord said that " , therefore you do not need to camouflage, so long as you let your Golden-Horned Beast clone and Nine Nether clone, separates the action then. ” "你的伪装手段,在宇宙之主面前无用。”混沌城主道,"所以你根本不需要伪装,你只要让你金角巨兽分身九幽分身,分开行动即可。” " All keeps Nine Nether clone that the treasure. ” "将宝物等一切都留在九幽分身那。” " However Northern Border Alliance Universe Lord, will only stare at two Space Beast to seek, even if sees your Nine Nether clone, cannot recognize. ” Primordial Chaos City Lord said, " on Primordial Star has Universe Exalt of various clans, if you camouflage to be detected, but your Nine Nether clone does not need to camouflage, but reveals[ really] solid all. ” "而北疆联盟宇宙之主,只会盯着两头星空巨兽来寻找,即使看到你的九幽分身,也认不出来。”混沌城主道,"原始星上有着各族的宇宙尊者,若是你伪装或许会被察觉,可你九幽分身根本无需伪装,而是露出〖真〗实一切。” Luo Feng smiled. 罗峰笑了。 " Even if therefore he struck to kill Golden-Horned Beast clone, could not find any treasure. ” Primordial Chaos City Lord said, " when the time comes he will start to investigate on entire Primordial Star carefully all expert. ” "所以即使他击杀了金角巨兽分身,也找不到任何宝物。”混沌城主道,"到时候他就会开始仔细探查整个原始星上所有强者。” " He does not dare to act unreasonably. ” "不过他不敢乱来。” " Your two big clone separated the action definitely to delay some time. I at that time, definitely arrived. ” Primordial Chaos City Lord said that " you, so long as insisted that I arrive at that Primordial Star , you then succeeded. ” "你两大分身分开行动完全能拖延较长一段时间。我那时,肯定走到了。”混沌城主道,"你只要坚持到我降临那颗原始星,那么,你便成功了。” Luo Feng nod: " Is Teacher. ” 罗峰点头:"是老师。” This method is very simple. Is makes Luo Feng kill the time, kills a time do not go to the vortex person of same belief place to walk into a trap! So long as endured Primordial Chaos City Lord to arrive succeeds. 这方法很简单。就是让罗峰熬时间,多熬点时间不要去漩涡同道处自投罗网!只要熬到混沌城主降临就成功了。 Very simple way......,... because just simple, the flaw are also few. 很简单的办法……,…正因为简单,破绽也少。 " Goes. ” Primordial Chaos City Lord told, " remembered me say, Northern Border Alliance Universe Lord possibly compared with me first, once he arrived at ......... is discovered the flaw by him. ” "去。”混沌城主吩咐,"记住我说的,还有北疆联盟宇宙之主可能比我先到,一旦他降临了………可别被他发现破绽。” " I understand. ” Luo Feng nod. "我懂。”罗峰点头 Humanity area Primitive Mystical Region, Thousand Treasure Rivers position. 人类疆域原始秘境,千宝河境地。 " Rumblethat enormous and powerful Thousand Treasure Rivers vanished baseless does not see, changed to a clothing cover in a height over ten thousand kilometers palatial form, Primordial Chaos City Lord, the body, saw only Primordial Chaos City Lord to wear Thousand Treasure Cloth, grasped ruined stone spear, barefooting stands in the midair, remote looked at Void. "轰隆隆”那浩浩荡荡的千宝河凭空消失不见,化作了一件衣衫罩在一身高上万公里的巍峨身影,混沌城主,身上,只见混沌城主身披千宝衣,手持破败石棍,赤脚站在半空中,遥看虚空 Simultaneously opens the mouth saying: " I go to Primordial Star then to come back quickly, and you temporarily stop research your secret art, helping me guard this Primitive Mystical Region. ” 同时开口道:"我去一趟原始星很快便回来,你且暂时停止研究你的绝学,帮我镇守这原始秘境。” " Yes, Senior Brother. ” The sound resounds around Primordial Chaos City Lord together directly. "是,师兄。”一道声音直接在混沌城主周围响起。 Primordial Chaos City Lord nodded. 混沌城主点点头 Immediately takes a step...... then to vanish in Void does not see. 当即在虚空中一迈步……便已消失不见。 " Thousand Treasure Rivers? ” "千宝河呢?” " Thousand Treasure Rivers disappearance point "千宝河消失尖” " Teacher feared. ” Some Universe Exalt also many retinues in Thousand Treasure Rivers domestic these palace discovered that enormous and powerful Thousand Treasure Rivers has vanished does not see. "老师怕走出去了。”千宝河境内那些宫殿中的一些宇宙尊者还有诸多仆从都发现那浩浩荡荡的千宝河已消失不见。 Luo Feng Earthling true body also stands outside palace, remote looks at outside Void. 罗峰地球人本尊也站在宫殿外,遥看外面虚空 " Hopes smoothly all. ” Luo Feng said silently. "希望一切顺利。”罗峰默默道。 To other end that the vortex channel of place of closest area Sword River Net divine sword birth leads. 剑河罗神剑出世之地最近处的一漩涡通道所通往的彼端。 With approaching of stream of light. 随着一道流光的逼近。 " Vine nest revered looked like, had his domain type Zenith Treasure...... our third stage arrangement also to have, all had confidence. Whatever that Space Beast method is fierce, even if goes against heaven's will[ immortal goes against] Special Lifeform our six Universe Overlord even cannot stand off, may rely on many methods to surround him absolutely. He cannot escape absolutely! ” "蔓窠尊看来了,有他的领域类至宝……我们的第三重布置也有了,一切更加有把握。任凭那星空巨兽手段再厉害,就算是逆天[仙逆]特殊生命我们六位宇宙霸主即使敌不过,可凭借诸多手段绝对能困住他。他绝对逃不掉!” " Has the news to transmit, on that Primordial Star, Great Alliance some expert as if also prepares to hunt and kill that two Space Beast. ” "有消息传来,在那颗原始星上,鸿盟的一些强者似乎也准备猎杀那两头星空巨兽。” " Was troublesome. ” "麻烦了。” " What to do do we, cling to tenaciously in this? ” "我们怎么办,在这死守?” " Feels relieved Primordial Star in a big way, also isn't able Teleportation and Divine Country transmission, which so to be good to encircle kills? We cling to tenaciously in this according to the plan. ” "放心原始星大的很,又无法瞬移神国传送,哪是这么好围杀的?我们按照计划在这死守。” vortex channel in mountain forest to under outside world. 通往外界的漩涡通道下方山林中。 " Divergent Blood Palace Lord and inferior Venerable, both of you came, properly speaking you should arrive most quickly, listening to Exalt Wang Jia saying that you to surroundings observation? ” In the mountain forest has been ambushing enough seven forms, but inferior Venerable and under Divergent Blood Palace Lord that actually rapid landing just flew, simultaneously Divergent Blood Palace Lord coldly snorted and said: " Naturally observes the situation, how you think that we will cope with Space Beast? ” "岐血宫主、卑尊者,你们俩来了,按理说你们该最快到达,听忘珈尊者说你俩到周围观察情况去了?”山林中已然潜伏着足足七道身影,而刚飞来的卑尊者岐血宫主却迅速降落下,同时岐血宫主冷哼道:"当然是观察情况,怎么你以为我们会去对付星空巨兽?” " Was difficult to say. ” "难说。” Snort. ” Divergent Blood Palace Lord and inferior pi Venerable is coldly snorted. 哼。”岐血宫主、卑郫尊者都是冷哼一声 " If I cope with Space Beast, so will be quick? Solely flies to the place of Sword River Net divine sword birth from this back and forth, must for a long time. ” Divergent Blood Palace Lord looked indifferently to that the matter that alien race life that has enough about thousand hoof claws " not shadow, leaves the chaotic idle talk. ” "若是我去对付星空巨兽,会这么快回来?从这到剑河罗神剑出世之地单单飞一个来回,都得许久。”岐血宫主冷漠看向那名有着足足近千个蹄爪的异族生命"没点影子的事,别乱废话。” Divergent Blood Palace Lord and inferior Venerable also looked at Exalt Wang Jia one at this time, Exalt Wang Jia also knew " ...... their failure immediately. 岐血宫主、卑尊者这时也看了忘珈尊者一眼,忘珈尊者也立即知晓"……他俩失败了。 " I consumed some resources treasures to make Divine Body restore luckily completely. ” Divergent Blood Palace Lord takes a fast look around surrounding one, immediately sits cross-legged to sit, bypass, " , if my Divine Body is damaged by them is detected, definitely will have a big trouble. ” At this moment hōng hōng! "幸好我耗费了些资源宝物令神体恢复完好。”岐血宫主扫视周围一眼,当即盘膝而坐,付道,"若是我神体受损被他们察觉,肯定会有不小的麻烦。”就在这时轰轰 In the above midair the vortex channel, two forms appear suddenly. 上方半空中漩涡通道,忽然两道身影出现。 " Look! ” "看!” " Has the sound. ” Northern Border Alliance nine super expert look up simultaneously to the midair. "有动静。”北疆联盟的九位超级强者同时抬头看向半空。 " No rush, enters Primordial Star Universe Exalt from the outside world, is two Great Alliance Universe Exalt. ” "别着急,是从外界进入原始星宇宙尊者,是两名鸿盟宇宙尊者。” " Well, is Great Alliance two Universe Exalt, what's the matter, how Great Alliance will expert arrive one after another? ” This command ambush feels uneasy in this Northern Border Alliance expert, inferior juan Venerable gentle sound transmission said: " We discovered that perhaps the Sword River Net part news, Great Alliance also discovered. ” "咦,又是鸿盟的两个宇宙尊者,怎么回事,鸿盟强者怎么会接连到来?”这令潜伏在这的北疆联盟强者们感到不妙,卑鄄尊者轻柔传音道:"我们发现剑河罗部件讯息,说不定鸿盟也发现了。” " Exalt Wang Jia, hurries reply in the alliance this news, once Great Alliance and we struggle, troubled. ” "忘珈尊者,赶紧回禀联盟内这消息,一旦鸿盟和我们争,就麻烦了。” " Good. ” "好。” Since when Virtual Universe, the Great Alliance City inner city Sword River Net news spread at that time, at that time had massive Universe Exalt to catch up with some also to join in the fun purely, they know this, the Sword River Net part, will definitely cause a big sound, how can this matter easily miss? 自从当时在虚拟宇宙中,鸿盟城内城剑河罗消息传开时,当时就有大量的宇宙尊者想要赶来有些也纯粹是凑热闹,他们都知道这,剑河罗部件,肯定会引起一场大的动静,这种事怎么能轻易错过? Therefore, some nearest Universe Exalt rushed actually one after another, many expert also on the way of catching up to come. 于是,一些距离最近的宇宙尊者们倒是接连赶到了,还有很多强者们还在赶来途中。 On the Primordial Star that Luo Feng is at has started the undercurrent to be turbulent, Great Alliance expert fly toward the place of Sword River Net birth, Northern Border Alliance organized conducts the layout. 罗峰所在的这颗原始星上已然开始暗流汹涌,鸿盟强者们很多都朝剑河罗出世之地飞去,北疆联盟的则是有组织的进行布局。 After Luo Feng and Primordial Chaos City Lord talked . 罗峰混沌城主交谈完后。 " Whiz! ” Wilderness above stream of light flies rapidly to the remote place. "嗖!”荒野上空一道流光迅速飞向遥远处。 " Does not have to have a mountain forest to this many. ” Golden-Horned Beast looks out the distant place, flies rapidly at the sub-light speed, " flies the mountain forest place, then lets Golden-Horned Beast and my Nether Sea clone separates the action. ” Golden-Horned Beast speed is extremely quick, then arrived at sky over the mountain forest quickly, along with even dives under. "离这没多远就有一座山林。”金角巨兽遥望远处,以亚光速迅速飞去,"飞到山林处,便让金角巨兽和我的幽海分身分开行动。”金角巨兽速度极快,很快便到了山林上空,随即便俯冲而下。 " Whish! ” When dives to the mountain forest in Golden-Horned Beast stops the hoof claw to step on fiercely directly on a sturdy ancient big tree crotch, simultaneously Golden-Horned Beast turns head to look that...... sees only the golden wing to tremble slightly to own wing slightly. "哗!”俯冲到山林内时金角巨兽猛地停下蹄爪直接踩踏在一棵粗壮古老的大树树杈上,同时金角巨兽微微扭头看向自己的翅膀……只见金色羽翼微微震颤。 " What's the matter? ” Luo Feng incomparably shocks at this moment. "怎么回事?”罗峰此刻无比震惊。 Is trembling with Shi Wu Wing that scales wing fuses together crazily, raising is high-spirited ~ trembles is quite fast, moreover was not controlled by Luo Feng, as if has an unusual source in some distant place direction, is attracting Luo Feng's Shi Wu Wing crazily. 和鳞甲翅膀融为一体的弑吴羽翼正在疯狂震颤,昂昂昂~震颤极为快速,而且根本不受罗峰控制,就仿佛在远处某一个方向有一股奇特的源泉,在疯狂的吸引着罗峰的弑吴羽翼 Just like loadstone. 宛如吸铁石。 Goes all out to attract Shi Wu Wing. 拼命吸引着弑吴羽翼 " Shi Wu Wing already owner recognition. ” The Luo Feng shock extremely, " owner recognition Zenith Treasure, presses Master to order absolutely. How to have the uncontrolled situation to appear? Moreover that direction one "弑吴羽翼早已认主。”罗峰震惊万分,"认主至宝,是绝对按主人命令。怎么会有不受控制的情况出现?而且那个方向一” Golden-Horned Beast looks up seeks the direction he to feel to the sky distant place, if oneself will not suppress ......... Shi Wu Wing to lead to fly directly in that direction. 金角巨兽抬头看向天空远处一牟方向他感觉,如果自己不压制………弑吴羽翼将会带着自己直接朝那个方向飞过去。 " This, this what's the matter? ” In that direction that Luo Feng Sense arrives, in the distant place midair, is having form together to stand in the midair. "这,这怎么回事?”就在罗峰感应到的那个方向,远处半空中,正有着一道身影站在半空中。 He has approximately eight meters high Divine Body to have the sturdy both legs, to have enough eight arms, the whole body does not cast hair just like the metal, the head is luminous! Full Automaton race person appearance...... this bald Automaton race person who has eight arms puts on black battle armor has a pair of black wing in his conducting the back. 他有着约八米多高的神体有着粗壮的双腿、同时有着足足八只手臂,全身宛如金属铸就没有一根毛发,脑袋更是光亮!十足的机械族人模样……这名有着八条手臂的光头机械族人穿着一身黑色战铠在他的背上更是有着一对黑色羽翼。 Áng is high-spirited 昂昂昂 This black wing is also trembling slightly, although the trembling scope is small, but is actually trembling crazily. 这黑色羽翼也正在微微震颤着,震颤幅度虽小,可却疯狂震颤着。 " Oh?eight arm bald Venerable turned head to look at oneself wing, remote looked to transmitting the attraction direction, " what's the matter, my wing was Zenith Treasure, I controlled the trillion years never to encounter the uncontrolled situation. ” "嗯?”八臂光头尊者扭头看了看自己的翅膀,又遥看向传来引力方向,"怎么回事,我的羽翼乃是至宝,我操控亿万岁月从未遇到不受控制情况。” He, position venerates powerful. 他实力强大、地位尊崇。 Primordial Star opens, he also experiences even more dangerous a more fearful situation he to experience eight times, but his Ran Zenith Treasure wing appears uncontrolled is actually in history the first time. 原始星开启,他也足足经历过八次甚至更危险更可怕的情况他都经历过,而他苒至宝羽翼出现不受控制却是有史以来第一次。 " What reason? ” Eight arm bald Venerable eye pupils passed over gently and swiftly a cold light. "到底什么原因?”八臂光头尊者眼眸掠过一丝冷光。 Whiz! 嗖! A pair of wings show/unfolds delimits minor offense together strange black flowing light, flies rapidly in the direction that his Sense arrives. UU reads 双翼一展划小过一道诡异黑色流光,迅速朝他感应到的方向飞去。UU看书 The Golden-Horned Beast four hooves stand on the twig, the pair of wings launches slightly, raised the head looks at the midair distantly, he can feel clearly that attraction was stronger and stronger, as if that attraction source is approaching unceasingly. 金角巨兽四蹄站在枝杈上,双翼微微展开,抬头遥遥看着半空,他能够清晰感觉到那股吸引是越来越强了,似乎那引力源泉在不断逼近。 " Is that direction. ” "就是那个方向。” " black dot! ” Golden-Horned Beast sees black flowing light instantaneously, in flowing light has black dot to approach faintly rapidly, that obviously is super expert. "黑点!”金角巨兽瞬间看到一个黑色流光,流光中隐隐有着一个黑点正在迅速逼近,那显然是一位超级强者 " Is he. ” Golden-Horned Beast raised the head is staring distantly. "就是他。”金角巨兽抬头遥遥盯着。 But distant place black light approaches unceasingly, overlook to this direction, saw Golden-Horned Beast that has a pair of golden wing. 而远处黑光不断逼近,同时也俯瞰向这个方向,也看到了有着一对金色羽翼的金角巨兽 The two saw each other. 二者都看到了彼此。 Line of sight relative! 视线相对! " It is not right, is his back wing. ” The Golden-Horned Beast vision falls on that expert form back black wing rapidly. "不对,是他背后的羽翼。”金角巨兽目光迅速落在那强者身影背后的黑色羽翼上。 But eight arm bald expert overlook to , the vision also fall on Golden-Horned Beast that golden color wing, the two almost Sense to...... is a wing attracts simultaneously again mutually. 而八臂光头强者俯瞰向下方,目光也落在金角巨兽那金色羽翼上,二者几乎同时感应到……是再个羽翼相互吸引。 " Is my wing merely the part of some Zenith Treasure? ” Luo Feng, is in great surprise wild with joy immediately. "难道我的羽翼仅仅是某件至宝的部分?”罗峰大惊,随即狂喜。 " Is my wing, incomplete? ” Eight arm bald expert also reveal the wild with joy color. "我的羽翼,难道是残缺的?”八臂光头强者也露出狂喜之色。 The two look faces each other across a great distance. 二者眼神遥遥相对。 killing intent has not covered each.! ~! 杀意没有丝毫掩每。!~!
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