SAG :: Volume #3 真人

#414: Feels at ease dead!

Bang The Formation light covers instantaneous shatter, spear|gun Gang is shocking, the sound is shocking. 阵法光罩瞬间破碎,枪罡惊世,声音震天。 Has the enemy to invade!” “有敌入侵!” Discovered that Ye Xing and Hua Tianfeng sentry post health/guard shouted. 发现叶星华天峰的哨卫大喊。 At this time, has not needed the sentry post to protect sounds an alarm, a moment ago that explosive sound, making in the sect all Martial Artist with one's own ears hear. 此时,已经无需哨卫报警,刚才那爆响声,让宗内所有武者都亲耳听闻。 Dubian Tan, Dubian Shu and Li Hanguang...... and other Star Astral Boundary Spiritual Master, all flushed from the dwelling, the Star Astral congealing wing, flies the sky. 渡边潭渡边姝李寒光……等六位星罡境真人,皆从住处冲了出来,星罡凝翅,飞上天空。 Another three Spiritual Master, all are Holding East Sect Elder, Two Stars Spiritual Master Dong Xuanhe, two One Star Spiritual Master Xi Fengyi and Liuchuan Zhu. 另外三位真人,皆是东扶宗长老,一位二星真人东玄鹤,两位一星真人西风易流川竹 Seven Spiritual Master, from the sky glide, then arrived at Ye Xing and Hua Tianfeng front quickly, intercepts them. 七位真人,在空中滑翔,很快便来到了叶星华天峰前方,将两人拦截下来。 In addition, Martial Saint and Half-Step Spiritual Master of massive nobilities level, forward here catch up. 除此之外,还有大量王侯级的武圣半步真人,正向这边赶来。 Hissing The youth, a snake hissing resounds, huge Four-Winged Soaring Snake, flew from the back side of the mountain. 少时,一声蛇嘶响起,一条巨大的四翼飞蛇,从后山飞了起来。 This once was Dubian Tan led the Holding East Sect disciple the flight mount that went to Clear Sky Ancient Land to ride, was equal to Three Stars Spiritual Master. 这曾是渡边潭东扶宗弟子前往青云古地乘坐的飞行坐骑,相当于三星真人 Sees the Ye Xing's form, the audiences Spiritual Master look all shakes. 看到叶星的身影,众真人的神色皆是一震。 About the struggle of Ye Xing life and death, has not drawn the conclusion, but Ye Xing appears in them now at present, is lives dies, the result has been clear. 关于叶星生死之争,未下定论,但现在叶星出现在他们眼前,是生是死,结果已见分晓。 In seven Spiritual Master, the only Dubian Shu vision, noted on Hua Tianfeng, she noticed that the Hua Tianfeng both feet was complete, is surprised. 七位真人中,唯独渡边姝的目光,注意到了华天峰身上,她看到华天峰的双脚完好,大吃一惊。 The Hua Tianfeng both feet, is she cuts off personally, ten several years, Hua Tianfeng has walked with the artificial limb, when did the both feet grow? 华天峰的双脚,是她亲手斩断,十数年来,华天峰一直以假肢行走,什么时候双脚重新长了出来? Must want to let the cutting off limb rebirth. Top Grade recovering Spirit Pill that Top Grade recovering Spirit Pill only then, which Hua Tianfeng comes? 要想让断肢重生。那得极品疗伤灵丹方可,华天峰哪来的极品疗伤灵丹 Dubian Tan looks at Ye Xing, in the vision completely is the color of gloomy and cold. Hey said with a smile: 渡边潭看着叶星,目光中尽是阴冷之色。嘿嘿笑道: Young brat, Soaring Cloud Sect said right, you have not really died! But you seek dead end today, looked how you escape from the palm of this place!” “小兔崽子,飞云宗说得没错,你果然没死!但你今天自寻死路,看你怎么逃出本座的手掌心!” Star Astral Boundary Martial Artist, Star Astral locks [lineage/vein], the aura does not leak, the bystander is hard to see cultivation base. 星罡境武者,星罡锁脉,气息不外泄,外人难以看出修为 Dubian Tan cannot see Ye Xing's cultivation base. But three months ago, Ye Xing is Eight Stars Martial Saint. Dubian Tan naturally did not think Ye Xing now breakthrough Star Astral Boundary. 渡边潭看不出叶星的修为。而三个月前,叶星才是八星武圣而已。渡边潭自然不认为叶星现在突破星罡境 But Hua Tianfeng, is Nine Stars Martial Saint, is nothing to speak. 华天峰,才是九星武圣而已,不值一提。 Ye Xing, only the one who made Dubian Tan attach great importance to was Silver-Winged Devil Vulture. Is equal to Three Stars Spiritual Master. 叶星这边,唯一令渡边潭重视的是银翅魔雕。相当于三星真人 But Dubian Tan, from is Three Stars Spiritual Master, in addition has six Star Astral Boundary Spiritual Master, is equal to Three Stars Spiritual Master Demon Beast(s) Four-Winged Soaring Snake. 渡边潭这边,自已便是三星真人,另外还有六位星罡境真人,并且,还有相当于三星真人妖兽四翼飞蛇 The nature, Dubian Tan has not paid attention to Ye Xing here strength, thinks that Ye Xing seeks dead end. 自然,渡边潭没有将叶星这边的力量放在眼里,认为叶星是自寻死路 However, Dubian Tan has not made Four-Winged Soaring Snake fly comes, but in the rear area brings up the rear. 不过,渡边潭并没有让四翼飞蛇飞上前来,而是在后方压阵。 Dubian Tan remembers. Ye Xing once made Four-Winged Soaring Snake go crazy, Ye Xing as if has anything to control the monster the ability, this point is Dubian Tan regards as important the Ye Xing's place only. 渡边潭可是记得。叶星曾让四翼飞蛇发狂,叶星似乎有什么控妖的本领,这一点是渡边潭唯一看重叶星的地方。 Ye Xing's vision. coldly has swept from seven Spiritual Master, killing intent in not mincing matter eye. 叶星的目光。冷冷的从七位真人身上扫过,毫不掩饰眼中的杀机 Ye Xing coldly [say / way]: „When Holding East Sect extinguishes my Falling Star Sect, may once think, some day, Holding East Sect will have such one day, was erased from the world!” 叶星冷冷的道:“东扶宗灭我落星宗时,可曾想过,有朝一日,东扶宗也会有这么一天,被人从世上抹除掉!” Dubian Tan remains unmoved. The face brings smiling expression as before, [say / way] that disdains: Holding East Sect will not have such one day. The boys, you also had any last words to say that opened the mouth as early as possible, otherwise you forever did not have the opportunity to say again.” 渡边潭不为所动。依旧脸带笑意,不屑的道:“东扶宗不会有这么一天。小子,你还有什么遗言可说的,趁早开口,否则你永远没有机会再说了。” Ye Xing eyes narrows the eyes, said: You have made a mistake, Holding East Sect this day, quick will arrive, today is your times of death, after three day, I meet after the wedding on Holding East Sect, cuts to kill Dubian Xiong, making Holding East Sect forever extinguish Yu Shi!” 叶星双眼一眯,道:“你错了,东扶宗的这一天,很快就会到来,今日是你们的死期,三日后,我会亲上东扶宗,斩杀渡边雄,让东扶宗永灭于世!” Ha Ha Ha Ha......!” “哈哈哈哈……!” Dubian Tan laughs, said: Boy, it seems like you wants to revenge to result in already the dementia, must be insane insanely, today is our times of death? Ha Ha......!” 渡边潭大笑起来,道:“小子,看来你想报仇想得已经精神错乱,得失心疯了,今日是我们的死期?哈哈……!” The Dubian Tan laughter stops suddenly, smiling expression on face turned into working off anger suddenly, shouted to clear the way: Today is your time of death!” 渡边潭的笑声突然一停,脸上的笑意突然间变成了杀气,喝道:“今日是你的死期!” , Dubian Tan shoots up to the sky suddenly, in hand presents a handle High Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword, a blade chops, blade light such as moon/month, radiant incomparable, the shining sky, chops to Ye Xing ruthlessly. 霍然间,渡边潭冲天而起,手中出现一柄上品灵兵宝刀,一刀劈出,刀光如月,璀璨无比,照耀天空,向叶星狠劈而来。 High Grade Spirit Martial Art Moon Obliterating Blade Technique! 上品灵武灭月刀法 Dubian Tan Moon Obliterating Blade Technique, cultivation to Small Accomplishment Realm, the might was out of the ordinary, blade potential startled day. 渡边潭灭月刀法,已修炼小成境界,威力非比寻常,刀势惊天。 Facing a Dubian Tan frightening blade, Ye Xing stands in same place has not moved, waves at will, nearby Silver-Winged Devil Vulture then shoots up to the sky. 面对渡边潭恐怖一刀,叶星站在原地未动,随意挥挥手,一旁的银翅魔雕便冲天而起。 …… Silver wing cutting, such as the sharp knife blade cuts horizontally, cuts instantaneously void, stops Dubian Tan. 银翅切割,如利刃横斩,瞬间划破虚空,将渡边潭阻拦下来。 Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, the strength is in the peak level in Three Stars Spiritual Master, compared with Dubian Tan even better, for the first time the confrontation, Dubian Tan is inferior, look one startled, the rearward regresses. 银翅魔雕,实力在三星真人中处于顶尖水平,比起渡边潭更胜一筹,首次交锋,渡边潭便处于劣势,神色一惊,向后方退步。 Dubian Tan drinks greatly: I cope with this bastard, you fast strike to kill them!” 渡边潭一声大喝:“我来对付这畜生,你们速速将他们击杀!” Hey hey......!” “嘿嘿嘿嘿……!” Two Stars Spiritual Master Dong Xuanhe looks at Ye Xing, exudes the gloomy laughter, said: Boy, did not have the protection of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, you can also raise any storm, said how you want dead!” 二星真人东玄鹤看着叶星,发出阴森森的笑声,道:“小子,没有了银翅魔雕的保护,你还掀得起什么风浪,说说,你想要怎么死!” The Dubian Shu also smiling trend comes, looks at Hua Tianfeng saying: My good Younger Brother, several years, your foot has also been able to cure, may not be really easy, yeah...... Has cured the foot with great difficulty, such sharply is actually coming to bring death, you are why, has wasted cutting off limb rebirth peerless Spirit Pill!” 渡边姝也笑盈盈的走向前来,看着华天峰道:“我的好弟弟,都十几年了,你的脚还能治好,可真不容易,哎……好不容易治好了脚,却又这么急着前来送死,你这是何必呢,浪费了一颗断肢重生的绝世灵丹!” Hua Tianfeng has not paid attention to Dubian Shu, vision coldly after looking at one, then fell on Li Hanguang. 华天峰并没有理会渡边姝,目光冷冷的看了一眼之后,便落在了李寒光身上。 Li Hanguang is Falling Star Sect Sect Management Elder, but has actually rebelled against Falling Star Sect, is in cahoots with Dubian Shu. 李寒光本是落星宗宗务长老,但是却反叛了落星宗,和渡边姝狼狈为奸。 The Dubian Shu book is the Holding East Sect person, is the Holding East Sect arrangement in the Falling Star Sect undercover, her betrayal to the Falling Star Sect could also convince by the nature of things, but Li Hanguang was actually the solid betrayal, ignominious. 渡边姝本就是东扶宗的人,是东扶宗安排在落星宗的卧底,她对落星宗的背叛在道理上还说得通,但李寒光却是实实在在的背叛,令人可耻。 Besides Dubian Shu, Falling Star Sect altogether has three Elder to betray \; first, Law Enforcement Elder Yu Pinghai \; first, Business Management Hall Elder Zhang Maosheng \; first, Sect Management Hall Elder Li Hanguang. 除了渡边姝外,落星宗共有三位长老背叛,一是执法长老余平海,一是事务堂长老张茂盛,一是宗务堂长老李寒光 Yu Pinghai was advocated Lu Tianyuan to strike to kill by Falling Star Sect personally, Zhang Maosheng was killed by Gu Tianshang, only Li Hanguang is also living. 余平海落星宗陆天元亲手击杀,张茂盛古天殇所杀,唯独李寒光还活着。 Hua Tianfeng looks at Li Hanguang, the coldly [say / way]: Li Hanguang, these three months can you cross relieved? Can you once be angrily rebuked by the Falling Star Sect generation in the sleep? Your this rebel!” 华天峰看着李寒光,冷冷的道:“李寒光,这三个月你可过得安心?你在睡梦中可曾被落星宗的列祖列宗怒斥?你这个叛徒!” Li Hanguang not ashamed look. Instead said with a smile: One who understands the times is outstanding, the Falling Star Sect potential is weak, Holding East Sect potential. Falling Star Sect was extinguished that is the affirmation, I comply with the situation, why isn't relieved? Hey...... I feel at ease very much!” 李寒光并没有一点羞愧的神色。反而笑道:“识时务者为俊杰,落星宗势弱,东扶宗势强。落星宗被灭那是肯定的,我不过是顺应大势而已,为何不安心?嘿嘿……我安心得很!” Ye Xing has not paid attention to Dong Xuanhe, but looked to Li Hanguang, said: Is very good, you feel at ease dead!” 叶星没有理会东玄鹤,而是向李寒光看了过去,道:“很好,那你就安心去死吧!” During speeches, Ye Xing's eyes. Presented two groups of clouds and mist vortex suddenly, has displayed Cloud Eye. 说话间,叶星的双眼。陡然间出现了两团云雾漩涡,施展了‘云瞳眼’。 Once. Ye Xing obtained Pupil of Clear Sky, can only regard a secret, cannot be known, because his strength cannot take the consequence that the Pupil of Clear Sky exposition causes. 曾经。叶星获得了青云之瞳,只能当成一个秘密,不能被人知晓,因为他的实力承担不起青云之瞳暴露所带来的后果。 However now. Ye Xing has enough strength to undertake, Pupil of Clear Sky does not need covertly to use again. 但是现在。叶星有足够的实力承担,青云之瞳再也不必偷偷摸摸的使用。 Hey......!” “嘿嘿……!” Li Hanguang sneers, then, his laughter just got up, was then sudden, in the eye has covered immediately also clouds and mist, the look became stupid. 李寒光冷笑,然后,他的笑声刚起,便突然一顿,眼中顿时也蒙上了一层云雾,神色变得痴呆起来。 Ye Xing's Pupil of Clear Sky, has reached the Basic level, has the effect of mental manipulation regarding preliminary Spiritual Master. Two Stars and Three Stars Spiritual Master controls to trouble slightly, but One Star Spiritual Master, how long actually could not resist. 叶星的青云之瞳,已经达到入门级,对于初阶真人有精神控制的效果。二星三星真人控制起来稍微麻烦一点,但一星真人,却是抵挡不了多久。 Pupil of Clear Sky! You actually obtained Clear Sky Sect Top Grade Spirit Martial Inheritance.” 青云之瞳!你竟然得到了青云门极品灵武传承。” Audiences Spiritual Master sees Ye Xing's eyes to present clouds and mist vortex. Calls out in alarm with one voice. 真人叶星的双眼出现云雾漩涡。齐声惊呼起来。 Pupil of Clear Sky, this was Clear Sky Region ten big Sect sought for over a thousand years in Clear Sky Ancient Land, the thing that had not found, was obtained by Ye Xing unexpectedly, how audiences Spiritual Master did not shock. 青云之瞳,这是青云地区十大宗门青云古地中寻找了上千年,都未曾找到的东西,竟然被叶星获得了,众真人如何不震撼。 Is time that audiences Spiritual Master calls out in alarm, Li Hanguang eyes then completely is covered by clouds and mist. Rapid rotation, already by the Ye Xing thorough control. Ye Xing can control his every action and every movement. 仅仅是众真人惊呼的时间,李寒光双眼便全部被云雾所笼罩。快速旋转起来,已被叶星彻底控制。叶星可以左右他的一举一动。 Li Hanguang puts out a Middle Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword immediately, has then divided to a nearby One Star Spiritual Master Xi Fengyi blade. 李寒光顿时拿出一把中品灵兵宝刀,向旁边的一星真人西风易一刀便劈了过去。 Middle Grade Spirit Martial Art Traceless Cool Breeze Blade! 中品灵武清风无影刀 This blade, speed fast, the blade light does not have the shade. 这一刀,速度飞快,刀光无影。 Xi Fengyi is displaying Pupil of Clear Sky to be surprised because of Ye Xing, where can expect a nearby Li Hanguang blade then to divide suddenly, is surprised. 西风易正因叶星施展青云之瞳而大吃一惊,哪能料到旁边的李寒光突然间一刀便劈了过来,大吃一惊。 When Xi Fengyi responded that instantaneous Star Astral revolved, speed erupted to the limit, dodged to the one side. 西风易反应过来,瞬间星罡运转,速度爆发至极限,向一旁闪去。 What a pity, lasts late already! 可惜,为时晚已! Xi Fengyi cannot avoid Li Hanguang this blade, has avoided the vital part attack merely, but this blade chops together the scar of deep obvious bone on him as before. 西风易并未能躲避李寒光这一刀,仅仅是避开了要害攻击,但这一刀依旧在他身上劈出一道深可见骨的伤痕。 Blood splattering, Xi Fengyi experiences personally the heavy losses. 鲜血喷溅而出,西风易身受重创。 But Li Hanguang is actually a blade chops, the next blade has divided in an instant, the goal as before is Xi Fengyi. 李寒光却是一刀劈出,刹那间下一刀又劈了出来,目标依旧是西风易 The Xi Fengyi look startles greatly, startled shouted: Saves me!” 西风易神色大骇,惊喊起来:“救我!” Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu see that to rescue Xi Fengyi, simultaneously got rid to kill to Li Hanguang. 东玄鹤流川竹见状,为救西风易,同时出手向李寒光杀了过去。 Dubian Shu also found out the palm reading to rescue, but, a sense of crisis gushes out from the heart suddenly, is makes her look one startled, does not dare to act rashly. 渡边姝原本也想出手相救,但是,突然间一股危机感从心中涌出,却是让她神色一惊,不敢轻举妄动。 Saw only Hua Tianfeng to put out a valuable bow, the nocking top chord, has aimed at Dubian Shu. 只见华天峰拿出了一把宝弓,搭箭上弦,对准了渡边姝 The Hua Tianfeng Dao of Bow attainments, early have been as one desires the third transformation degree, is big regarding the threat of preliminary Spiritual Master. 华天峰箭道造诣,早已经达到了随心三变的程度,对于初阶真人的威胁非常大。 And, in Hua Tianfeng eyes, presented two blue light vortex, has displayed Pupil of Clear Sky. 并且,华天峰双眼之中,也出现了两个青光漩涡,施展了青云之瞳 What although Hua Tianfeng displays is only Blue Eye, but Hua Tianfeng already cultivation to extremely high attainments, regarding some Dubian Shu somewhat influences. 虽然华天峰施展的只是青瞳眼,但华天峰已经修炼到极高的造诣,对于渡边姝多多少少都有些影响。 In that flash that Dubian Shu loses concentration, Hua Tianfeng immediately draws, arrows from out of the blue, explodes to Dubian Shu shoots to go. 就在渡边姝分神的那一刹那,华天峰立即开弓,箭矢破空,向渡边姝爆射而去。 Azure Dragon's Arrow Form, arrow Azure Dragon, the sound of Dragon recitation, overawes the four directions. 青龙箭式,箭化青龙,龙吟之声,威震四方。 Dubian Shu is not Watanabe Ying, in half in an instant, then recovers, the form dodges, avoids Hua Tianfeng arrows. 渡边姝可不是渡边英,在半个刹那之间,便回过神来,身影一闪,避开华天峰箭矢 Whiz arrows that Hua Tianfeng projects flies high a booklet, the instantaneous fluctuation direction , to continue to shoot at Dubian Shu. 华天峰射出的箭矢凌空一折,瞬间变幻方向,继续射向渡边姝 Dubian Shu is surprised, has not thought that the Hua Tianfeng Dao of Bow attainments were in so the situation unexpectedly. 渡边姝大吃一惊,没想到华天峰箭道造诣竟然到了如此地步。 At this time, blood-curdling scream resounds. 此时,一声惨叫响起。 Li Hanguang has not cut down Xi Fengyi, the attack of Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu, then in pairs rumbled on his body. 李寒光还未将西风易劈杀,东玄鹤流川竹的攻击,便双双轰在了他的身上。 Xi Fengyi after is a person on one's own side, but Li Hanguang is the person who Falling Star Sect surrenders, Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu life-saving is cherished, starts quite heavily, Li Hanguang caused heavy losses instantaneously fatally. 西风易毕竟是自己人,而李寒光不过是落星宗投降过来的人,东玄鹤流川竹救人心切,下手颇重,李寒光瞬间受到了致命的重创。 People often said that rises Mein, fights the rice enmity! Really so! 【人们常说,升米恩,斗米仇!果然如此! Other authors, have not made up basically said that because no one owes anyone, everybody can understand! 其他的作者,基本没有补更之说,因为谁也不欠谁,大家都能理解! But I, because cultivates the behavior sincerely, once little, pledged returns, once which day returns to normal, then immediately was scolded by the n many people shameless!!! He He, who is shameless? 而我,因为厚道做人,曾经少更的,都承诺还上,一旦哪一天恢复正常,便立即被n多人骂无耻!!!呵呵,谁无耻? Those words, once pledged that I must return, in the future, no longer will owe from now on one chapter certainly! 】 ( to be continued ) 还是那句话,曾经承诺的,我必还上,从今往后,绝不再欠更一章!】(未完待续)
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