SAG :: Volume #3 真人

#413: Returns sect Men

Martial Artist in square, looks shock, in the heart by big, had been stressed probably maliciously, incomparably trembles with fear. 广场上的武者,一个个神色震撼,心中好像被一只大手,狠狠的抓了一把,无比惊颤。 This was also too strange! 这也太诡异了! The Ye Xing gearing has not moved, Xiong Qisheng, dozens Xiong Family Martial Artist, have committed suicide unexpectedly completely, is simply unthinkable. 叶星连动都没动,熊奇圣,还有几十个熊家武者,竟然全部都自杀了,简直匪夷所思。 Pupil of Clear Sky, is Top Grade Spirit Martial Art, is giving up study of Clear Sky Sect, has been lost for more than 1000 years. 青云之瞳,是极品灵武,是青云门的绝学,失传了1000多年。 Even if Martial Saint, not necessarily recognizes this giving up study, on the scene including country bumpkin that Martial Saint little sees, which knows Pupil of Clear Sky. 哪怕是武圣,都未必认得这门绝学,在场的都是连武圣都很少见到的土包子,哪知道‘青云之瞳’。 Therefore, saw that Ye Xing's eyes two groups of blue light vortex dodge, Xiong Qisheng and dozens Xiong Family Martial Artist then commit suicide, if the guests see the ghosts and gods, which look has not shocked, in the heart trembles with fear. 所以,看到叶星的双眼两团青光漩涡一闪,熊奇圣和几十个熊家武者便纷纷自杀,众宾客如见鬼神,哪还不神色震撼,心中惊颤。 Xiong Qisheng held suddenly a oneself blade, Xiong Family Martial Artist has cut own head, this strange picture, Ye Family audiences Martial Artist, had a scare. 熊奇圣突然间捅了自己一刀,熊家武者纷纷斩下了自己的头颅,这诡异的画面,把叶家武者,也吓了一跳。 However, they are only astonished in Ye Xing's this ability, is actually not full of the fear like other Martial Artist to Ye Xing. 不过,他们只是惊异于叶星的这种能力,却不像其他的武者叶星充满恐惧。 Ye Yundie and Ye Yunjuan saw Xiong Qisheng to be killed, responded, ran to Ye Xing hastily. 叶云蝶叶云娟熊奇圣丧命,反应过来后连忙向叶星跑了过去。 Ye Family audiences Martial Artist, gathered to Ye Xing, the look is very pleasantly surprised. 叶家武者,也都向叶星聚了过来,神色无比惊喜。 In Ye Family, Ye Xing is legend, the Ye Family prosperity, is closely linked with Ye Xing, Ye Xing is also living, the representative Ye Family future will be also prosperous. 叶家,叶星就是一个神话,叶家的兴荣,与叶星息息相关,叶星还活着,代表叶家的未来又将昌盛。 Elder Brother Xing!” 星哥!” Ye Feng also in this batch of imprisoned Ye Family Martial Artist, pleasantly surprised shouts one, beckons to Ye Xing. 叶峰也在这批被囚禁的叶家武者中,惊喜的呼喊一声,向叶星招手。 Ye Feng is Eight Stars Martial Scholar, besides Ye Xing, Ye Feng is Ye Family most expert(s). Naturally belongs to the Ye Family high level. 叶峰已是八星宗师,除了叶星外,叶峰便是叶家强者。当然属于叶家高层。 Ye Xing is smiling nod to Ye Feng. 叶星叶峰微笑着点了点头。 At this time, the guest in great hall flushed. 这时,大堂中的宾客已经冲了出来。 Qi Jingyang and Wang Feng two Martial Saint, push to the front. Half-Step Martial Saint Wang Haiqing, follows. 齐景阳汪枫两位武圣,一马当先。半步武圣汪海清,紧随其后。 They heard shouting of Xiong Qisheng a moment ago, hears clearly is two saves a life, Xiong Qisheng shouted in a big way. 他们刚才听到熊奇圣的呼喊,听得最清晰的便是两声救命,熊奇圣喊得最大。 As for the Ye Xing two characters, Xiong Qisheng shouted the exit / to speak first, the intonation was the minimum time, Qi Jingyang and Wang Feng as if heard the Ye Xing two characters indistinctly. Their look is surprised. 至于叶星两字,熊奇圣最先喊出口,声调是最低的时候,齐景阳汪枫隐隐约约似乎是听到了叶星二字。两人神色都是一诧。 Didn't Ye Xing die? 叶星不是死了么? Because they think that Ye Xing died, therefore did not have to want then to clash. 正因为两人都认为叶星已经死了,所以没有多想便冲了出来。 Waits for Qi Jingyang and Wang Feng to run out of the great hall to go to the square. When saw Ye Fang Ye Xing, is the same with Xiong Qisheng, body immediately then fierce shakes, look megascism. 齐景阳汪枫冲出大堂来到广场之中。看到了叶方的叶星之时,和熊奇圣一样,身体顿时便猛的一震,神色剧震。 They have not misunderstood. Xiong Qisheng shouted that unexpectedly is really Ye Xing! 他们没听错。熊奇圣喊的,竟然真是叶星 Ye Xing is also living! 叶星还活着! Qi Jingyang and in the Wang Feng eye, has revealed terrified expression immediately. 齐景阳汪枫眼中,顿时露出了惊惧之色 Especially Qi Jingyang, he and Ye Xing entered Clear Sky Ancient Land together, participated in Ten Sects Grand Competition, knows that the Ye Xing's strength is the what kind fearfulness. 尤其是齐景阳,他和叶星一同进入了青云古地,参加了十宗大比,知道叶星的实力是何等的可怕。 When Ten Sects Grand Competition, the Ye Xing's strength has swept away Nine Stars Martial Saint, now were three months pass by, fiercer? 十宗大比之时,叶星的实力就已经横扫九星武圣,现在三个月过去,岂不是更加厉害了? Even if Qi Jingyang already breakthrough Star Whirlpool Boundary Seventh Layer. Is labeled as the nobilities, but saw that Ye Xing was actually is similar to the mouse sees the cat to be ordinary. 齐景阳纵然已经突破星漩境七重。被封为王侯,但看到叶星却是如同老鼠见了猫一般。 Leaf...... Senior Brother Ye Xing!” “叶……叶星师兄!” In the Qi Jingyang heart ping jumps, wants to turn around to run away very much. But his clear Ye Xing's speed quick, in Ye Xing under the hand/subordinate, the hope that simply has not escaped, can only depress the fear in heart, shows a smile to Ye Xing forcefully. 齐景阳心中砰砰直跳,很想转身就逃。但他清楚叶星的速度有多快,在叶星手下,根本没有逃脱的希望,只能压下心中的恐惧,向叶星强行露出一个微笑。 Ye Xing loathing looked at Qi Jingyang one, said: Falling Star Sect the disciple of rebel. Some of did your also qualifications call me the fellow apprentice? My fellow apprentices are the Falling Star Sect disciples, without your this rebel!” 叶星厌恶的看了齐景阳一眼,道:“落星宗的叛逆之徒。你也有资格称我为师兄?我的师兄弟都是落星宗弟子,没有你这个叛徒!” Qi Jingyang complexion one stiff. Also wants to say anything, Ye Xing has actually sentenced his death penalty: 齐景阳脸色一僵。还想说什么,叶星却已经判了他的死刑: „After you surrender Holding East Sect, if defends contented already, although I loathe you, is actually disinclined to lower oneself to the same level with you, but you actually must bully on Ye Family, this is you seeks dead end.” “你投降东扶宗后,若是安份守已,我虽然厌恶你,却也懒得跟你一般见识,但你却偏偏要欺压到叶家身上来,这是你自寻死路。” Qi Jingyang the look is panic-stricken immediately, holds the fist in the other hand to beg for mercy saying: Fellow apprentice forgives, the fellow apprentice forgives......!” 齐景阳顿时神色惊恐,抱拳求饶道:“师兄饶命,师兄饶命……!” Most Martial Artist, do not know Ye Xing strongly, but knows that Amethyst Mountain Marquis is not only Martial Saint, is the nobilities in Martial Saint, powerful inconceivable. 大多数武者,并不知道叶星到底有多强,但是都知道,紫山侯不仅是武圣,还是武圣中的王侯,实力强大得不可思议。 However, present Amethyst Mountain Marquis, does not have facing the courage that Ye Xing actually continually begins, only dares to beg for mercy, made these country bumpkin Martial Artist incomparably shock. 然而,眼前的这位紫山侯,面对叶星却是连动手的勇气都没有,只敢求饶,着实令这些土包子武者无比震撼。 Ye Xing remains unmoved, starts to display Pupil of Clear Sky, Qi Jingyang begs for mercy as before: Asked the fellow apprentice to look in my Qi ancestry......!” 叶星不为所动,开始施展‘青云之瞳’,齐景阳依旧求饶:“请师兄看在我齐氏祖辈……!” The Qi Jingyang words have not said that in Ye Xing eyes then emerged two groups of clouds and mist vortex, Qi Jingyang eyes then lost the appearance immediately, appeared stupid, stopped the speech. 齐景阳话未说完,叶星双眼中便涌现出两团云雾漩涡,齐景阳双眼顿时便失去了神彩,显得痴呆起来,停止了说话。 Qi Jingyang is Seven Stars Martial Saint, what Ye Xing displays is Cloud Eye, has controlled easily then his energetic thought. 齐景阳才是七星武圣,叶星施展的是‘云瞳眼’,轻而易举便控制了他的精神思维。 azure...... Pupil of Clear Sky, this is...... Cloud Eye!” “青……青云之瞳,这是……云瞳眼!” Wang Feng looks at Ye Xing's eyes, calls out in alarm, he is Martial Saint, and is the Falling Star Sect disciple, the experience naturally is not ordinary Martial Artist can compare. 汪枫看着叶星的双眼,惊呼起来,他身为武圣,并且是落星宗弟子,见识自然不是普通武者可以相比。 Wang Feng knows that Pupil of Clear Sky has division of Blue Eye and Cloud Eye, what Ye Xing displays is Cloud Eye, explained that Ye Xing obtained complete Pupil of Clear Sky Inheritance. 汪枫知道,青云之瞳青瞳眼云瞳眼之分,叶星施展的是云瞳眼,说明叶星获得了完整的青云之瞳传承 Complete Pupil of Clear Sky, is Top Grade Spirit Martial Art, this makes in the Wang Feng heart shock ping jumps. 完整的青云之瞳,是极品灵武,这让汪枫心中震撼得砰砰直跳。 When the Qi Jingyang surface does not have lets turns around to look to Wang Feng, Wang Feng is the look is more panic-stricken, begs for mercy to Ye Xing: 齐景阳面无更让转身看向汪枫时,汪枫更是神色惊恐,也向叶星求饶起来: Senior Brother Ye Xing, I surrender compel having no choice, in my heart has had Master, asking you not to kill me, looked in the Master face, do not kill me......!” 叶星师兄,我投降是逼不得已的,我心中一直只有师父,求求你别杀我,看在师父的面子上,别杀我……!” Ye Xing cold snort|hum, said: Master trains you conscientiously, but you actually choose into the Dubian Shu running dog, do not think that I do not know, when Falling Star Sect has not extinguished, you are the Dubian Shu running dog, you have any honor in my surface premise Master!” 叶星冷哼一声,道:“师父尽心尽力的培养你,而你却选择成为渡边姝的走狗,别以为我不知道,落星宗未灭之时,你便已经是渡边姝的走狗,你有什么脸面在我面前提师父!” During the speeches, Qi Jingyang gets rid suddenly, a Middle Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword appears suddenly, cut an extremely overbearing blade to Wang Feng. 说话间,齐景阳陡然出手,一把中品灵兵宝刀陡然出现,向汪枫斩出了极其霸道的一刀。 The blade chops like the dragon, Gang glow is radiant, might startled day! 刀劈如龙,罡芒璀璨,威势惊天! Middle Grade Spirit Martial Art Sky Astral Snapping Dragon Blade! 中品灵武天罡断龙刀 Seven Stars Martial Saint, gets rid fully, which was Three Stars Martial Saint can resist, Wang Feng was set up by a Qi Jingyang blade cuts under the blade. 七星武圣,全力出手,哪是三星武圣能够抵挡得了,汪枫齐景阳一刀立斩于刀下。 …… A Qi Jingyang blade chops, divided the second blade. 齐景阳一刀劈出,紧接着又劈出了第二刀。 Illegitimate child who Wang Haiqing saw first die, latter is sees the nephew dead at present, in pain, was cut to kill by a Qi Jingyang blade. 汪海清先是看到了已经死亡的私生子,后是看到侄子死于眼前,正在痛苦之中,也被齐景阳一刀斩杀。 Marquis!” “侯爷!” Audiences Martial Artist sees Qi Jingyang to go crazy, performs all withdraws. 武者齐景阳发狂,尽皆退避。 Is quite near to Qi Jingyang, is the Xiong Family high level, Qi Jingyang continuously brandishes a sword, the blade glow able to move unhindered, in an instant continually kills the Xiong Family ten several high levels, including taking office Xiong Family Patriarch Xiong Baolong, dies under the Qi Jingyang blade completely. 齐景阳比较近的,都是熊家高层,齐景阳连续挥刀,刀芒纵横,刹那间连杀熊家十数位高层,包括上任熊家家主熊暴龙,全部都死于齐景阳刀下。 Last blade, Qi Jingyang fierce dividing has approached itself. 最后一刀,齐景阳猛的劈向了自己。 Entered that moment of body in the blade glow, Qi Jingyang presented the energetic market of moment because of the death frightened, looks helplessly this blade will cut to kill, the life lost Yellow Springs. 在刀芒入体的那一刻,齐景阳因死亡恐惧而出现了片刻的精神回醒,眼睁睁看着这一刀将自己斩杀,命丧黄泉 New Amethyst Mountain Marquis, Martial Saint Wang Feng, Vice-President Amethyst Mountain Academy Wang Haiqing, the Xiong Family numerous position high levels, was killed completely, the guest completely soul startled balls mourning, was all screaming fleeing, tumbled, a bang dispersed. 新任紫山侯,武圣汪枫,紫山学院副院长汪海清,熊家众位高层,全部丧命,众宾客尽皆魂惊胆丧,尖叫着逃离,连滚带爬,一轰而散。 The matter of today, the deep brand mark in their hearts, regarding Ye Family, they do not dare to have any contempt and trampling in the future, some are only the awe and fear. 今日之事,将会深深的烙印在他们心中,日后对于叶家,他们再也不敢有任何的轻视与践踏,有的只是敬畏与恐惧。 Regarding the help of Ye Family, Ye Xing only stops in this, the Xiong Family high level extinguished, does not make a name, later can Ye Family pull out Xiong Family including root, no matter Ye Xing, does not pay attention, this is the Ye Family matter, has nothing to do with him. 对于叶家的帮忙,叶星仅止于此,熊家高层已灭,不成气候,之后叶家会不会将熊家连根拔,叶星不管,也不理会,这是叶家的事情,与他无关。 He cares only, is Ye Family can develop well, but this point, is not the issue. 他唯一在乎的,就是叶家能够好好的发展下去,而这一点,并不是问题。 Tomorrow, he then must return Sect, reconstructs Falling Star Sect, Falling Star Sect, Ye Family is then impossible to have the danger. 明日,他便要杀回宗门,重建落星宗,落星宗在,叶家便不可能有危险。 Discussed with Ye Feng and other acquaintances some words, Ye Xing have not returned to Ye Family again, but leaves in light of this, returned to Star Crystal Ore Vein. 叶峰等熟人谈了一些话,叶星没有再回叶家,而是就此离开,回到了星晶矿脉 Next day, a day that finally takes, finally arrival. 次日,最终要的一天,终于到来。 In the morning, when Ye Xing saw Master Hua Tianfeng, in the heart gushed out the joy. 清晨,当叶星看到师父华天峰,心中涌出了浓浓的喜悦。 The Rebirth Pill really wonderful effectiveness, night of time, the Hua Tianfeng both feet then grew, restores as usual. 复生丹果然神效,一夜的时间,华天峰双脚便重新长了出来,恢复如常。 From now on the future, Hua Tianfeng does not need to depend upon that pair of artificial limb to move. 从今往后,华天峰再也不需要依靠那双假肢来行动。 Ye Xing cheerful [say / way]: Master! Congratulates your both feet to restore such as beginning!” 叶星乐呵呵的道:“师父!恭喜你双脚恢复如初!” Hua Tianfeng is smiling the nod, compared in the past, Hua Tianfeng is in high spirits today, is full of the vitality, the both feet of being cut off is cured, from the body, was psychologically, the Hua Tianfeng makings had the huge change. 华天峰微笑着点头,相比往昔,华天峰今日神采飞扬,充满了朝气,断掉的双脚被治愈,无论是从身体上,还是心理上,华天峰的气质都有了巨大的变化。 Hua Tianfeng beckons to Ye Xing, said: Ye Xing, we walk, should be gives Holding East Sect to counterattack!” 华天峰叶星一招手,道:“叶星,我们走,该是给予东扶宗还击的时候了!” Ye Xing draws on Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, jumps onto with Hua Tianfeng together carves the back, in an instant, Silver-Winged Devil Vulture shoots up to the sky, flies into the upper air. 叶星招来银翅魔雕,和华天峰一同跃上雕背,刹那间,银翅魔雕冲天而起,飞入高空。 Star Crystal Ore Vein is guarded by Gu Tianshang, as for Lin Tongyu, she is only Six Stars Martial Saint, regarding recapturing Sect does not have the solid qualitative function, but today will certainly launch big decisive battle, Ye Xing and Hua Tianfeng naturally is unsuitable to divert attention to take care of her, therefore, only goes by Ye Xing and Hua Tianfeng. 星晶矿脉古天殇镇守,至于林彤钰,她只是六星武圣,对于夺回宗门没有实质的作用,而今日必将展开一场大决战,叶星华天峰自然不便分心来照顾她,所以,仅由叶星华天峰前去。 Silver-Winged Devil Vulture speed is extremely quick, only used the half day less, then arrived at outside Falling Star Sect. 银翅魔雕速度极快,仅用了半日不到,便已到了落星宗外。 Clear Sky Region goes Nine Heavens City Martial Artist, Ye Xing is quickest, because of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture speed, exceeds other Martial Artist flight mounts, therefore, Ye Xing in the Nine Heavens City fact, has not passed to Clear Sky Region. 青云地区前去九天城武者,叶星是最快回来的,因为银翅魔雕速度,胜过其他武者的飞行坐骑,所以,叶星九天城的事迹,还没有传到青云地区来。 But Ye Xing's comes back, nobody knows, even if Ye Xing came in Sky-Blue City yesterday afternoon, but Sky-Blue City is the Falling Star Country border district, passed an evening merely, the news feeds in Sect radically without enough time. 叶星的回来,也没有人知晓,纵然叶星昨日下午在天沧城现身,但天沧城属于落星国的边缘地区,仅仅过了一个晚上,消息根本来不及传回宗门 Therefore, guards in Falling Star Sect Holding East Sect Martial Artist, does not know that Ye Xing came back, even, many people think that Ye Xing died. 所以,驻守在落星宗东扶宗武者,根本不知叶星已经回来,甚至,不少人都认为叶星已死。 Although Soaring Cloud Sect said that Ye Xing has not died, but this is only a suspicion, does not have the evidence. 虽然飞云宗叶星未死,但这只是个怀疑,并没有证据。 Ye Xing arrives at outside Falling Star Sect, the first matter then explains Formation. 叶星到达落星宗外,第一件事便是破解阵法 Formation of Holding East Sect under Falling Star Sect former site cloth, uses Falling Star Sect original Formation as the foundation. 东扶宗落星宗旧址布下的阵法,是以落星宗原有的阵法为根基。 But Falling Star Sect original Formation, many are Lin Fenghua under the cloth, Ye Xing takes the Lin Fenghua disciple, regarding this is very familiar. 落星宗原有的阵法,不少都是林风华所布下,叶星作为林风华的弟子,对此十分熟悉。 And, the Ye Xing's vision perspective, the Superbrain scanning, regarding the Formation strength strong and weak, the flaw weakness, is very easy to look. 并且,叶星的目光透视,超脑扫描,对于阵法力量强弱,破绽弱点,都很容易找出来。 Regarding Ye Xing, Holding East Sect in Formation that on the Falling Star Sect original Formation foundation arranges, exists in name only simply general. 对于叶星而言,东扶宗落星宗原有阵法根基上布置的阵法,简直形同虚设一般。 Waits for some people to discover that the arrival of Ye Xing and Hua Tianfeng, Formation had been explained almost by Ye Xing, finally that point, Ye Xing puts out Dark Dragon Spear, the direct spear|gun breaks forcefully. ( to be continued ) 等有人发现叶星华天峰的到来,阵法已经被叶星破解得7788,最后那一点,叶星拿出暗龙枪,直接一枪给强行破开。(未完待续) ps: Thanks leap widely and not far Buddha and life style!!, Boundary of abccd5432 and in the living simply moon/month and other local tyrant brothers hit to enjoy, thank fellow bosses!!!】 ps:【感谢腾宽、无远佛届、生活方式!!、abccd5432、淡泊明志之境中月等土豪兄弟打赏,谢谢各位老板!!!】
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