SAG :: Volume #3 真人

#415: Has not expected!

The severe pain lets Li Hanguang instantaneously revives from the mental controlled condition. 剧痛让李寒光瞬间从精神被控制的状态苏醒过来。 Looks at two fatal wounds, in the Li Hanguang eye full is panic-stricken. 看着身上两道致命的伤口,李寒光眼中满是惊恐。 Clang Li Hanguang receives the fatal heavy losses at the same time, a resounding, Dubian Shu when thousand uniformly send, will blocks arrows that Hua Tianfeng has shot, the body retrocedes again and again. 李寒光受到致命重创的同时,一声脆响,渡边姝在千均一发之际,堪堪挡住了华天峰射来的箭矢,身体连连后退。 But at this time, Hua Tianfeng second drawing, has shot to Dubian Shu. 而此时,华天峰已经第二次开弓,向渡边姝射了过去。 Is...... Why?” “为……为什么?” Li Hanguang incredible asking, has not thought that he has surrendered Holding East Sect, finally actually by Holding East Sect Spiritual Master, had been delivered unexpectedly dead end. 李寒光不可置信的问道,万万没有想到,他投降了东扶宗,最后竟然却被东扶宗真人,送上了死路 However, at this moment, Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu they, did not have the time to listen to the Li Hanguang death confession. 然而,此时此刻,东玄鹤流川竹两人,却是没时间听李寒光的死亡告白。 Merely two time of breath, Ye Xing then thoroughly controlled Li Hanguang, where Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu dare to waste for one minute one second, after Li Hanguang caused heavy losses, then immediately launches to kill to incur, has attacked to Ye Xing. 仅仅两个呼吸的时间,叶星便彻底控制住了李寒光,东玄鹤流川竹哪敢浪费一分一秒的时间,将李寒光重创之后,便立即展开杀招,向叶星攻了过去。 Moon Obliterating Blade Technique! 灭月刀法 Slashing Sky Sword Technique! 斩天剑法 What Dong Xuanhe displays is High Grade Spirit Martial Art, his Moon Obliterating Blade Technique attainments are inferior to Watanabe Tan, but also leaves small accomplishment not to be far, a blade chops, might is astonishing. 东玄鹤施展的是上品灵武,他的灭月刀法造诣不如渡边谭,但也离小成不远,一刀劈出,威势惊人。 Liuchuan Zhu displays is Middle Grade Spirit Martial Art, his Slashing Sky Sword Technique attainments close Perfect, displays, the might could not miss many compared with Dong Xuanhe Moon Obliterating Blade Technique. 流川竹施展的则是中品灵武,他的斩天剑法造诣接近圆满,施展出来,威力比东玄鹤灭月刀法差不了多少。 A blade sword, jointly attacks, from the different angles, kills to Ye Xing. 一刀一剑,同时合击,从不同的角度,杀向叶星 Although Ye Xing's Pupil of Clear Sky is fearful, but also requires certain time, the thought of control Martial Artist can succeed, Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu have attacked by quickest speed. Does not give Ye Xing one minute one second. 叶星的青云之瞳虽然可怕,但也需要一定的时间,才能够成功的控制武者的思维,东玄鹤流川竹以最快的速度攻了过来。不给叶星一分一秒的时间。 Then, they then do not fear the Ye Xing's Eye Technique attack. 如此一来,两人便不怕叶星的瞳术攻击。 And, in they opinion. Lost Pupil of Clear Sky, Ye Xing is younger generation Martial Artist, is nothing to speak. 并且,在两人看来。失去了青云之瞳,叶星不过是个后辈武者,不值一提。 Facing jointly attacking of blade sword, the Ye Xing look is usual, slightly fearless, even, is indistinct also to disclose color of the disdaining. 面对一刀一剑的合击,叶星神色如常,丝毫无惧,甚至,隐约间还透露出一丝不屑之色。 Ye Xing does not draw back instead enters. The steps forward, in two erupts together the fine glow. frightening might erupts instantaneously. 叶星不退反进。踏步向前,两眼之中爆发一道精芒。恐怖威势瞬间爆发。 Gang is mad propels powerfully, the Star Astral Boundary Spiritual Master aura, reveals without doubt. 罡气劲射,星罡境真人气息,显露无疑。 Star Astral Boundary, One Star Spiritual Master? 星罡境,一星真人 Ye Xing is so young. Unexpectedly breakthrough Star Astral Boundary, became Spiritual Master, making Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu be surprised. 叶星如此年轻。竟然已经突破星罡境,成为真人,令东玄鹤流川竹大吃一惊。 However, at this time they have gotten rid, the impossible midway to stop. 不过,此时两人已经出手,不可能中途停下。 Blade Gang, sword Gang, continue maliciously chops to Ye Xing. 刀罡、剑罡,继续狠狠的向叶星劈来。 High Grade Spirit Martial Art Flame Astral Fist! 上品灵武焰罡拳 Flame Condensing Astral! 聚焰成罡 Hissing Tiger and Roaring Dragon! 虎啸龙吟 Ye Xing both hands also attack, the left hand displays Flame Condensing Astral, a fist bang to Liuchuan Zhu, the right hand displays Hissing Tiger and Roaring Dragon. A fist bang to Dong Xuanhe. 叶星双手同时出击,左手施展聚焰成罡,一拳轰向流川竹,右手施展虎啸龙吟。一拳轰向东玄鹤 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two explosives, sword Gang blade Gang, instantaneous shatter. 两声爆响,剑罡刀罡,瞬间破碎。 Which Liuchuan Zhu is the enemy of Ye Xing fist. Even if Flame Condensing Astral is only in Flame Astral Fist quite ordinary one move, but Grand Accomplishment Realm Flame Astral Fist, might frightening, Liuchuan Zhu the mouth spits the blood immediately, the body instantaneous rearward explodes shoots to go. 流川竹哪是叶星一拳之敌。哪怕聚焰成罡只是焰罡拳中较为普通的一招,但大成境界焰罡拳,威力非常恐怖,流川竹顿时口吐鲜血,身体瞬间向后方爆射而去。 Dong Xuanhe is Two Stars Spiritual Master, is higher than realm Liuchuan Zhu. But in front of Ye Xing, actually does not have much difference. 东玄鹤二星真人,比流川竹高一个境界。但在叶星面前,却是没有太大的区别。 Especially Ye Xing attacks to Dong Xuanhe. Is the ultimate in Flame Astral Fist kills to incur Hissing Tiger and Roaring Dragon, the might is much more powerful. 尤其是叶星攻向东玄鹤的。是焰罡拳中的终极杀招‘虎啸龙吟’,威力更是强大得不可思议。 Therefore, Dong Xuanhe cannot withstand compared with Liuchuan Zhu, the High Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword in his hand, fought with the fists by Ye Xing directly Beng Duan, frightening fist Gang attacks above the Dong Xuanhe chest, hits deep hollow getting down the chest of Dong Xuanhe. 所以,东玄鹤流川竹都更加不堪,他手中的上品灵兵宝刀,直接被叶星一拳打得崩断,恐怖的拳罡冲击在东玄鹤胸膛之上,将东玄鹤的胸膛打得深深的凹陷下去。 In the Dong Xuanhe mouth puts out the blood again and again, the look completely is panic-stricken and painful, within the body spreads the skeleton veins disruption the sound. 东玄鹤口中连连吐出鲜血,神色尽是惊恐与痛苦,体内传出骨骼筋脉碎裂的声音。 Sad and shrill blood-curdling scream, the Dong Xuanhe body rearward exploded shoots to go, after falling to the ground, did not have the sound again, was killed by a Ye Xing fist bang. 一声凄厉的惨叫,东玄鹤的身体向后方爆射而去,落地之后再也没有了动静,被叶星一拳轰杀。 Liuchuan Zhu falls to the ground, the body has struggled, how unable to crawl, Five Viscera and Six Bowels in within the body, was broken by a Ye Xing fist similarly. 流川竹落地,身体挣扎了一下,怎么都爬不起来,体内的五脏六腑,同样被叶星一拳震碎。 When said ruler, at that time was quick, Ye Xing left the move to counter-attack Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu, but was in a flash, they then already a dead First Layer wound. 说时尺,那时快,叶星出招反攻东玄鹤流川竹,不过是弹指之间,两人便已经一死一重伤。 Experiences personally the heavy losses Xi Fengyi not to be attacked by Ye Xing's, but is actually to call at this time out in alarm, the look startles greatly. 身受重创的西风易并没有受到叶星的攻击,但此时却是惊叫起来,神色大骇。 He is unable to imagine, Ye Xing unexpectedly is Star Astral Boundary Spiritual Master, really has such frightening strength. 他无法想象,叶星竟然已是星罡境真人,竟然有如此恐怖的实力。 Similarly the look startles greatly, Dubian Shu, Dong Xuanhe and Liuchuan Zhu result makes her be surprised, when facing the arrows attack of Hua Tianfeng, the response was slightly slow a racket. 同样神色大骇的,还有渡边姝,东玄鹤流川竹的结果让她大吃一惊,以至于面对华天峰箭矢攻击时,反应稍慢了一拍。 Hua Tianfeng arrows, is so quick, Dubian Shu facing the attack of arrows, was on the verge of death, at this time responded that a racket, then had hit slowly a target by arrows immediately the chest. 华天峰箭矢,何等之快,渡边姝面对箭矢的攻击,原本就危在旦夕,这时反应慢了一拍,顿时便被箭矢射中了胸膛。 frightening strength of Azure Dragon's Arrow Form implication, breaks in Dubian Shu within the body along with arrows, then causes heavy losses to her Five Viscera and Six Bowels instantaneously. 青龙箭式蕴含的恐怖力量,随着箭矢冲入渡边姝体内,瞬间便将她的五脏六腑都重创。 Dubian Shu blood-curdling scream, the body retrocedes again and again, looks to insert arrows on chest, the look is panic-stricken. 渡边姝一声惨叫,身体连连后退,看着插在胸膛上的箭矢,神色惊恐。 At this time, Hua Tianfeng nocking top chord, has aimed at Dubian Shu. 这时,华天峰又已经搭箭上弦,瞄准了渡边姝 Dubian Shu felt aura of death, looked to Hua Tianfeng, shouted: Tianfeng, I am an elder sister, I am Tianshu, I am Tianshu......!” 渡边姝感受到了死亡的气息,向华天峰看了过去,喊道:“天峰,我是姐姐,我是天姝,我是天姝啊……!” The Hua Tianfeng look changed countenance, but quick then returns to normal, clenches teeth saying: From beginning to end, I never have the elder sister, dies, cheap person!” 华天峰的神色动容了一下,但很快便恢复平静,咬牙道:“从始至终,我从未有过姐姐,去死吧,贱人!” Whiz arrows from out of the blue, explodes to shoot! 箭矢破空,爆射而出! You dare!” “你敢!” The distant place, Dubian Tan roars. 远处,渡边潭一声怒吼。 He under the attack of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, is inferior, is hard to rescue. 他在银翅魔雕的攻击下,处于劣势,难以救援。 But in this roars, the Dubian Tan aura explodes suddenly rises, the strength extraordinary display, has flashed through the attack of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, displays Moon Obliterating Blade Technique, separates then to cut spatially to arrows that Hua Tianfeng projects. 但在这一声怒吼间,渡边潭的气息陡然间爆涨,实力超常发挥,闪过了银翅魔雕的攻击,施展灭月刀法,隔空便向华天峰射出的箭矢斩去。 Blade glow such as moon/month, twinkling from out of the blue, a Three Stars Spiritual Master blade, Hua Tianfeng arrows, if were cut, definitely is the result of clean break. 刀芒如月,瞬息破空,三星真人的一刀,华天峰箭矢若被斩中,肯定是一刀两断的结果。 „!” “老贼!” Ye Xing also gives a loud shout, a fist to but from out of the blue to blade Gang rumbled in the past. 叶星同时大喝一声,一拳向破空而至的刀罡轰了过去。 Flame fist Gang rumbles, before blade Gang chops arrows, then has rumbled with blade Gang in the same place, blasts out in pairs. 火焰拳罡轰出,在刀罡劈中箭矢之前,便已经与刀罡轰在一起,双双炸开。 arrows has not received any impediment, injects in the throat of Dubian Shu, kills Dubian Shu. 箭矢没有受到任何的阻挡,射入渡边姝的咽喉之中,将渡边姝射杀。 Li Hanguang, Dong Xuanhe and Dubian Shu, were killed one after another, Xi Fengyi and Liuchuan Zhu also in pairs serious injury. Six Spiritual Master, remaining Dubian Tan are only complete, but also appears very distressed under the attack of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture. 李寒光东玄鹤渡边姝,相继丧命,西风易流川竹也双双重伤。六位真人,只剩下渡边潭还完好,但也在银翅魔雕的攻击下显得十分狼狈。 Ye Xing and Hua Tianfeng bring Silver-Winged Devil Vulture to kill. Dubian Tan thinks that Ye Xing seeks dead end, where can expect that finally is actually such result, Holding East Sect here disastrous defeat! 叶星华天峰带着银翅魔雕杀来。渡边潭认为叶星是自寻死路,哪能料想到,最终却是这样的结果,东扶宗这边惨败! But this wrong estimate, was on Ye Xing's, has not expected, Ye Xing actually obtained Top Grade Spirit Martial Art Pupil of Clear Sky, actually breakthrough Star Astral Boundary, actually to have such frightening strength...... 而这错误的估计,便是出在了叶星的身上,万万没有料到,叶星竟然得到了极品灵武青云之瞳’、竟然突破星罡境、竟然拥有如此恐怖的实力…… Dubian Tan roars: Ye Xing. Hua Tianfeng, the old man will break to pieces the corpse ten thousand to break you. Let your skeleton not save!” 渡边潭怒吼:“叶星华天峰,老夫会将你们碎尸万断。让你们尸骨无存!” Four-Winged Soaring Snake that in the rear area brings up the rear, was summoned by Dubian Tan, flew to here. 在后方压阵的四翼飞蛇,受到渡边潭的召唤,向这边飞了过来。 Dubian Tan the might eruption of Astrology, Star Astral and Martial Arts to the limit, fiercely attacks a blade to Silver-Winged Devil Vulture. Compels to draw back Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, then the Star Astral congealing wing, goes to the Four-Winged Soaring Snake glide. 渡边潭星相星罡武学的威力爆发至极限,向银翅魔雕猛攻一刀。将银翅魔雕逼退,然后星罡凝翅,向四翼飞蛇滑翔而去。 , Dubian Tan then converged in a flash in Four-Winged Soaring Snake together, stepped the back of Four-Winged Soaring Snake. 弹指间不到,渡边潭便已经和四翼飞蛇汇合在一起,踏上了四翼飞蛇的后背。 Although Dubian Tan shouted ominously, but has not continued to kill with Four-Winged Soaring Snake, but ran away to the distant place. 渡边潭虽然喊得凶,但并没有和四翼飞蛇继续杀来,而是向远方逃去。 Ye Xing meets Pupil of Clear Sky, can control Four-Winged Soaring Snake, Dubian Tan, if counter-attacks Ye Xing using Four-Winged Soaring Snake. Seeks dead end completely. 叶星青云之瞳,可以控制四翼飞蛇,渡边潭若是利用四翼飞蛇反攻叶星。完全是自寻死路 Whiz Ye Xing behind presents the wing of black feather, the form such as lightning dodges, shoots up to the sky. 叶星身后出现黑羽之翼,身影如电光一闪,冲天而起。 Middle Grade Flight Spirit Tool. Coordinates the circumstances of boundary of Minute Subtlety, speed is quicker than Four-Winged Soaring Snake. 中品飞行灵器。配合入微之境的风势,速度四翼飞蛇更快。 Dubian Tan escapes while Four-Winged Soaring Snake is about several li (0.5km), was intercepted by Ye Xing. 渡边潭四翼飞蛇才逃出不过数里,便被叶星拦截下来。 Ye Xing's eyes, presented clouds and mist vortex immediately, displayed Pupil of Clear Sky, in the Dubian Tan heart has startled. Immediately then had not the wonderful feeling. 叶星的双眼,顿时出现了云雾漩涡,施展了青云之瞳,渡边潭心中一骇。顿时便有了不妙的感觉。 Really, Pupil of Clear Sky to the Demon Beast(s) effect. The ratio is much stronger to Martial Artist, is only suddenly, Four-Winged Soaring Snake was then affected, a body pendulum, then casts off Dubian Tan. 果然,青云之瞳妖兽的效果。比对武者要强得多,仅是眨眼间,四翼飞蛇便受到了影响,身体一摆,便将渡边潭甩开。 Then, Four-Winged Soaring Snake long hissing, then threw to Dubian Tan. 然后,四翼飞蛇一声长嘶,便向渡边潭扑了过去。 Meanwhile, Silver-Winged Devil Vulture has also attacked to Dubian Tan, silver wing cutting, is similar to the Spirit Armament sharp knife blade is ordinary, cuts void. 与此同时,银翅魔雕也向渡边潭攻了过来,银翅切割,如同灵兵利刃一般,划破虚空。 Dubian Tan facing the attack of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, completely dropped the wind, where can resist Silver-Winged Devil Vulture and Four-Winged Soaring Snake simultaneous attack. 渡边潭面对银翅魔雕的攻击,就已经尽落下风,哪能够抵挡得了银翅魔雕四翼飞蛇同时的攻击。 Quick, Dubian Tan then because of avoiding the attack of Four-Winged Soaring Snake, but hit the mark by the silver wing of Silver-Winged Devil Vulture, was cut two to break around the middle. 很快,渡边潭便因躲避四翼飞蛇的攻击,而被银翅魔雕的银翅切中,被拦腰斩成两断。 Unwilling roaring sound from the sky reverberates, the Dubian Tan two halves corpse, crashes from the sky. 不甘的怒吼声在空中回荡,渡边潭的两半尸体,从天空坠落。 Holding East Sect here six Spiritual Master, four dead Second Layer wounds, look at these Star Whirlpool Boundary Martial Saint greatly, dumbstruck, the look startle, scatter in all directions to run away. 东扶宗这边六位真人,四死二重伤,看得那些星漩境武圣,目瞪口呆,神色大骇,四散而逃。 A wing of racket black feather, Ye Xing then returned quickly same place, falls in front of Xi Fengyi. 黑羽之翼一拍,叶星很快便回到了原地,落在西风易面前。 Silver-Winged Devil Vulture and Four-Winged Soaring Snake all behind fall in Ye Xing, is similar to two Protector to defend in the one side. 银翅魔雕四翼飞蛇皆在叶星身后落下,如同两尊护法守在一旁。 Experiences personally serious injury Liuchuan Zhu to send out blood-curdling scream, was killed by a Hua Tianfeng arrow, Holding East Sect Spiritual Master, only remaining Xi Fengyi. 身受重伤流川竹发出一声惨叫,被华天峰一箭射杀,东扶宗真人,只剩下了西风易一个。 The Xi Fengyi breath shortness, in the eye completely is the panic-stricken color, in the heart is shivering. 西风易呼吸急促,眼中尽是惊恐之色,心中在颤抖。 He experienced personally the heavy losses, moves about with difficulty, ran away continually does not run away. 他已身受重创,行动不便,连逃都逃不了。 In fact, even if Xi Fengyi has not been injured, is impossible to have the hope of running away. 实际上,就算西风易没有受伤,也不可能有逃的希望。 Dubian Tan as Three Stars Spiritual Master, becomes a fugitive while Four-Winged Soaring Snake, by Ye Xing easy overtaking has killed, let alone is Xi Fengyi. 渡边潭作为三星真人,乘四翼飞蛇逃亡,都被叶星轻而易举的给追上杀了,何况是西风易 The Hua Tianfeng nocking top chord, aims at Xi Fengyi, said: „An arrow has killed this Holding East!” 华天峰搭箭上弦,指向西风易,道:“一箭杀了这东扶狗贼!” Ye Xing shakes the head, said: No, he also a little affects!” 叶星摇摇头,道:“不,他还有一点作用!” Xi Fengyi hear that, the vision one bright, desperate has had the hope immediately. 西风易闻言,顿时目光一亮,绝望中生出了希望。 Ye Xing coldly looks at Xi Fengyi, said: Gives you a life the opportunity, do you want?” 叶星冷冷的看着西风易,道:“给你一个活命的机会,你要不要?” Xi Fengyi nods again and again, said: Wants...... Wants!” 西风易连连点头,道:“要……要!” Ye Xing to Four-Winged Soaring Snake one finger, said: While Four-Winged Soaring Snake, returns to Holding East Sect, told Dubian Xiong, three days later, I will go to Holding East Sect, killed piece armor not to flow, making him take care the life, three days later I will take his dog's life personally!” 叶星四翼飞蛇一指,道:“乘四翼飞蛇,回东扶宗,告诉渡边雄,三天之后,我会前往东扶宗,杀个片甲不流,让他把命保管好,三天后我会亲手取他狗命!” Xi Fengyi stares, Ye Xing gives his life opportunity, is puts him to return to Holding East Sect unexpectedly, has such good matter? 西风易一愣,叶星给他的活命机会,竟然就是放他回东扶宗,有这么好的事? Xi Fengyi is astonished saying: Only then these?” 西风易讶道:“只有这些?” Ye Xing nods: Only then these, do you do?” 叶星点头:“只有这些,你做不做?” Does, naturally does!” “做,当然做!” Xi Fengyi look great happiness. 西风易神色大喜。 Some today's many brothers cast monthly ticket, thanked very much! My trying hard symbol repayment!】 ( to be continued ) 【今天有不少兄弟投月票,很是感谢!我会努力码字回报!】(未完待续)
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