Ye Qingwas held the wrist|skill of left handbyYe Xing, his right handfistsweeps awayto the Ye Xing'shead.叶青则被叶星抓住了左手的手腕,他右手一拳向叶星的脑袋横扫而来。
The Ye XingSuperbrainscanning, alreadycalculated the Ye Qing'sattacking track, a fist strikeleaves, centerYe Qingwrist|skill.叶星超脑扫描,早就计算出了叶青的攻击轨迹,一拳击出,正中叶青手腕。
咔嚓一声!Ye Qingblood-curdling scream, wrist|skilldislocation, right handweakfell.叶青一声惨叫,手腕脱臼,右手无力的坠了下去。„Do not apply makeup......!”
The blood-curdling screamflash, seesYe Xingto grabhisleft handwrist|skillto be motionless, a right handpalm of the handhas clapped, the Ye Qingcomplexionis pallid, a scream!惨叫的一瞬间,见叶星抓着他的左手手腕不动,右手一巴掌拍了过来,叶青脸色煞白,一声尖叫!At the Green Leaf TownYe Familyclanmeeting, hecurrentlyalsopulled outfliesin the airborne720degreesswivel, in the heartby a Ye Xingear and area around itto have the shadow!
在青叶镇叶家族会上,他被叶星一耳光抽得飞在空中720度转体,心中现在还有阴影!Nowthinks that do not apply makeup? Late!
啪On the Ye Qingfaceare many a blood redPalestineto have been in chargeimmediately, the headpulled outchangedone side!叶青脸上顿时多了一个血红的巴掌印,脑袋都被抽得转向了一边!„Yousaidthatyouare the Green Leaf Townperson, is?”
The Ye Xinganger asked that said‚is’at the same time , an ear and area around ithas pulled outon the Ye Qingface!叶星怒问,说出‘是不是’的同时,又已经一耳光抽在叶青脸上!„!!!!!!!! Is!”
“是不是!是不是!是不是!是不是!是不是!是不是!是不是!是不是!是不是!”Ye Xingaskedoneevery time, thenruthlesslyslapped a face! On the Ye Qingface, has slappedtenfaces, stopped!叶星每问一句,便狠抽一巴掌!在叶青脸上,足足抽了十个耳光,才停了下来!Ye QingisGreen Leaf Townyounger generation, todoes not come fromGreen Leaf TownYe Fengto look aftersimilarly, thishas become bankrupt, unexpectedlyandYe Man, Ye Baiyuan, etc.cameto beatYe Feng, what is this?叶青身为青叶镇的后辈,不对同样来自青叶镇的叶峰加以照顾,这倒罢了,竟然和叶蛮、叶百元等前来殴打叶峰,这是什么?Typicalserving the interest of outsiders!
典型的吃里扒外!Ye Xingmostmust not exposed tothistype of trash! Beforealthoughhewas unhappytoYe Qing, buthas not been inloathingsituation! Nowwasto actually loathe the extreme!叶星最见不得这种垃圾!以前他虽然对叶青不喜,但也没有到厌恶至极的地步!现在却是厌恶到了极点!Ye Qingwas hitfull mouthbrokentoothandbloody water, the skin on facepulls outbroke, blooddirecting current, mixes upwith the tears.叶青被打得满口碎牙和血水,脸上的皮都被抽破了,鲜血直流,与眼泪混在一起。
The Ye Xing'smovementstops, Ye Qingslowone breath, swallows the [say / way]: „Is is, Iam......, Elder Brother Xing, do not hitagain, Ihave made a mistake, Iam the Green Leaf Townperson, Iam!”叶星的动作一停,叶青才缓过一口气来,咽呜着道:“是是是,我是……,星哥,不要再打了,我错了,我是青叶镇的人啊,我是!”Was trampledYe Baiyuan that has chest pains while breathingto crawlfrom the groundby a Ye Xingfootat this time, looks that the Ye Xinglookis panic-stricken, hurriesto runto the institute.
被叶星一脚踹岔气的叶百元这时从地上爬了起来,看着叶星神色惊恐,赶紧向院外跑去。„Youthink that thisdid suffice?”Ye XingthrowsYe Qingin the ground, an arrowstep, interceptedin front ofYe Baiyuan.
“你以为这样就够了吗?”叶星将叶青一把扔在地面,一个箭步,拦截在了叶百元面前。Ye Baiyuanfrightens a scream, turns the headto run, since Ye Xingovertakesfrombehind, flies a foot, thentrampledto go fall flat on one's faceYe Baiyuan.叶百元吓得一声尖叫,转头就跑,叶星从后面追上,飞起一脚,便将叶百元踹了个狗吃屎。Ye Baiyuanhas not crawled, was kickedby a Ye Xingfootstood up from failure, the Ye Xingbodythrows, the both legsthensuppressedboth hands of Ye Baiyuan, the bodysaton the belly of Ye Baiyuan, brandished the bigpalm of the handthento approachon the face of Ye Baiyuan the draw off.叶百元还没有爬起来,又被叶星一脚踢得翻了个身,叶星身体一扑,双腿便压住了叶百元的双手,身体坐在了叶百元的肚子上,抡起大巴掌便向叶百元的脸上抽去。„Yousaidthatyouarewaste, is?”
“你说,你是不是废物,是不是?”„!!!!!!!! Is!”
The Ye Xing'sangererupts, the consequenceis very serious, is the same withYe Qing, Ye Baiyuanwas also enjoyedtenear and area around itbyYe Xing.叶星的怒火爆发,后果很严重,和叶青一样,叶百元也被叶星赏了十个耳光。Ye Baiyuanwas hitis completely muddled, the brokentoothandbloodQiFei, the eyefultears, have crieddirectly.叶百元被打得晕头转向,碎牙与鲜血齐飞,满眼泪水,直接哭了出来。„Iam...... Iam the waste, Senior Brother Ye Xing, do not hitagain, askedyou, do not hitagain......!”Ye Baiyuanalsocries more miserable than Ye Qing.
“我是……我是废物,叶星师兄,不要再打不,求求你,不要再打了……!”叶百元哭得比叶青还惨。„Bum, does not hitcomfortably!”
“贱骨头,不打不舒服!”Ye Xingsets out, a footkicksYe Baiyuan, thiswalkedtoYe Feng.叶星起身,一脚将叶百元踢飞,这才向叶峰走了过去。At this time, Ye Fengheld the wallto stand, althoughhissemblancewas distressed, butboth eyeswere fiery, in high feather, has been full ofhappyintent.
这时,叶峰扶着墙壁已经站了起来,虽然他的外表狼狈,但双目炯炯有神,精神焕发,充满了喜意。HealwaysbelievesthatYe Xingwill create the miracle, finallyso, compared withyesterday, Ye Xing was also indeed fierce, stems from the personto anticipate.
他始终相信,叶星会创造奇迹,结果的确如此,比起昨天,叶星又厉害了许多,出乎人意料。„Elder Brother Ye Xing......!”
“叶星哥……!”Ye Fengshoutedexcitedly, thenresembledhas rememberedanything, the vision, etc.swepttoYe Man, excitedsaying: „Isaidright, in front ofElder Brother Ye Xing, you are the excrement, a footwas stepped on the dregs! Yourtheseexcrementdregs!”叶峰激动的喊了一句,然后似是想起了什么,目光向叶蛮等一扫,兴奋的说道:“我说得没错吧,在叶星哥面前,你们就是屎,一脚就被踩成了渣!你们这些屎渣!”Ye ManandYe Qingsitinground, the whole facebulgered, Ye Baiyuan is still lyingin the distant place, had not caught one's breath.叶蛮、叶青都坐在地面,满脸胀得通红,叶百元则还在远处趴着,没有缓过气来。Ye Xingarrives in front ofYe Feng, has pattedlatter'sshoulder, asked: „Has the woundwithin the body?”叶星走到叶峰面前,拍了拍后者的肩膀,问道:“有没有伤着体内?”Ye Fengshook the head saying: „No, wassomeskinflesh wounds, quick, Elder Brother Xing, thistimereallymany thanksyou, otherwiseImustbe hitbythemmiserably.”叶峰摇了摇头道:“没有,都是些皮外伤,很快就会好了,星哥,这次真是多谢你了,否则我就要被他们打惨了。”Ye Xinglightsmiles, has not spoken, thenhears a sound of footstepsto transmit, turns aroundto look, severalyouthwalked.叶星淡淡的一笑,还未说话,便听到一阵脚步声传来,转身望去,几个少年走了进来。Whatis the headis a 16 or 17-year-oldyouth, wears the blacktight-fittinglong gown, the sleeve cuffis embroideringnear a wisp of artificial flower with gold-foil, on the waistis entangling a greenbrocadeweb waist belt, the manneris extraordinary.
为首的是个十六七岁的少年,身穿黑色紧身长袍,袖口绣着缕金花边,腰上缠着一条青色的锦布腰带,气宇非凡。Behindthisyouth, several other people of ageswantto be smaller, formerlythin and smallyouth of thatrunning awaythen.
在这少年后方,另外几人年纪都要小一些,其中,先前那个逃走的纤瘦少年便在其中。„Senior Brother Ye Man......!”
“叶蛮师兄……!”Thatthin and smallyouthhalf stepran up tosideYe Man, heldYe Man, points atYe Xing saying: „Senior Brother Yunkong, heisYe Xing, washeSenior Brother Ye Manhitting!”
那纤瘦少年快步跑到了叶蛮身旁,将叶蛮扶了起来,指着叶星说道:“云空师兄,他就是叶星,就是他把叶蛮师兄给打了!”Ye Yunkong?叶云空?Ye Xing and Ye Fengvision, sizes upon the black robeyouth, originallyheis the Ye Wenyinggrandson.叶星、叶峰的目光,重新打量在黑袍少年身上,原来他就是叶文鹰的孙子。Arrived atYe Familymain family, the Ye Xingnaturehas knownabout the Ye Yunkongnews.
来到叶家主族,叶星自然对叶云空的消息更了解了一些。Ye Yunkong, has not reached17 years old, Martial Dao Fifth LayerMiddle-stageMartial Artist, is the elitedisciplefirstten.叶云空,还未满17岁,武道五重中期的武者,名列精英弟子前十。InYe Clan, only then the Martial Dao Fifth Layerdisciple, caninclude the elitedisciple, the populationmustbe shorta lotcompared with the ordinarydisciple, has30.叶族之中,只有武道五重的弟子,才能列入精英弟子,人数比普通弟子要少得多,只有30来个。And, the reputationis most prominent, without doubtisYe Yunlong, isYe ClanYoung Lord, isyounger generationfirst, isGod's favored one who entireSky-Blue Cityis well-known.
其中,名声最显赫的,无疑是叶云龙,即是叶族少主,又是后辈第一,是整个天沧城都闻名的天之骄子。However, Ye Clanyounger generation, eachelitedisciplesisreputationprominentcharacter, caninclude the elitedisciplefirstten, thatis the prestigeillustrious.
不过,在叶族后辈而言,每一个精英弟子都是声名显赫的人物,能够列入精英弟子前十,那更是威名赫赫。Especiallyyoung of Ye Yunkong, is the elitedisciplefirstinten, youngest, will be full of potentialin the future, whenhisis older, evenmaychase the elitedisciplefirstthree.
尤其叶云空的年纪不大,是精英弟子前十中,年纪最小的一个,未来潜力十足,等他年纪再大些,甚至有可能争逐精英弟子前三。Ye YunkongSix Starsdestiny, so long asheis not lazy, the familyvigorouslytrainshim, in the futurewill becomeMartial Dao Sixth LayerMartial Artist, thatwill be the affirmativematter.叶云空六星天命,只要他自己不懒惰,家族又大力培养他,日后成为武道六重的武者,那是肯定的事。IfAstrologyis not bad, orissomechancegood fortunes, ormakesenoughmanyefforts, in the futurewill becomeMartial Dao Seventh LayerGreat Master, will have the possibility.
若是星相不差,或者是有些机缘造化,又或者是付出足够多的努力,未来成为武道七重的大师,都有可能。Inmain family, many peoplecall the familyYe Yunkongnext day the talent, thinks that heis next toYe Yunlong, althoughthisviewencountered other elitedisciplefirsttendisciplesto oppose, but can also see, Ye Yunkongwas the intelligenceis indeed uncommon.主族之中,有不少人将叶云空称之为家族第二天才,认为他仅次于叶云龙,虽然这个说法遭到了精英弟子前十的其他弟子反对,但也可以见得,叶云空的确是资质不凡。„Senior Brother Yunkong!”
“云空师兄!”„Senior Brother Yunkong!”
“云空师兄!”WhenYe XingandYe Fengsize uptoYe Yunkong, Ye QingandYe Baiyuancrawledhastily, bowsto salutetoYe Yunkong.
在叶星、叶峰向叶云空打量的时候,叶青和叶百元连忙爬了起来,向叶云空躬身行礼。Regarding the ordinarydisciple, anyelitedisciplesareexistence of set up on high, the elitedisciplefirstten, thatisunattainable, seesYe Yunkong, mostordinarydiscipleswill put downtheirdignity, wantsto grasp the thigh of Ye Yunkong.
对于普通弟子而言,任何一个精英弟子都是高高在上的存在,精英弟子前十,那更是高不可攀,见到叶云空,绝大多数普通弟子都会放下自己的尊严,想要抱住叶云空的大腿。Ifgrasped, thisisfuturemain familyElder, livesinYe Clan, is of great advantageabsolutely!
若是抱住了,这可是一尊未来的主族长老,在叶族中过日子,绝对大有好处!However, Ye Yunkonghas not actually looked atYe QingandYe Baiyuan, butwas the visionsuch asstaring of swordhas approachedYe Xing: „You! Bigcourage!”
不过,叶云空却是没有瞧叶青、叶百元一眼,而是目光如剑的盯向了叶星:“你!好大的胆子!”Ye Xingstares atYe Yunkong, howin the heartis consideringis dealing.叶星凝视着叶云空,心中思量着如何应对。ButYe YunkongMartial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, Internal Strengthbuilt upinto the flesh and bloodfrom the meridians, is much more formidable than Fourth Layer Martial Artist, is not goodto cope!叶云空可是武道五重的武者,内劲已经从经脉炼入血肉,比四重武者要强大得多,不好对付!And, Ye Yunkongis notFifth StageInitial-stage, butisFifth StageMiddle-stagecultivation base, thatformidaberesulted in!
并且,叶云空并非五重初期,而是五重中期的修为,那就更难对付得了!Ye Xing'sSuperbrainWanNian, the lookis instantaneously relaxedimmediately, said: „Senior Brother Yunkong, myYe Clanhas the respected family of custom, all thingsspeaks a principlecharacter, onlyallowsthemto bullyus, but can't weactuallyhit back?”叶星的超脑瞬间万念,随即神色轻松起来,道:“云空师兄,我叶族是有规矩的大家族,万事讲一个理字,难道就只允许他们欺压我们,而我们却不能还手么?”Ye Xingis without turning a hairinhimunexpectedlyat present, makingYe Yunkongflash through a being astonishedcolor, hesaid: „It seems likeyoudo not fearme!”叶星竟然在他眼前面不改色,令叶云空闪过一丝讶色,他说道:“看来你不怕我!”Ye Xingsaidslowly: „Why do Iwantto fearyou?”叶星缓缓说道:“我为何要怕你?”„Bold, in front ofSenior Brother Yunkong, daressodissolutely!”
“大胆,在云空师兄面前,竟敢如此放肆!”„Ignorantgeneration, knows that whoSenior Brother Yunkongis, thatisin the elitediscipleranksfirsttenexistences, youdaresuchto speakwithSenior Brother Yunkong!”
“无知之辈,知道云空师兄是谁吗,那可是精英弟子中排名前十的存在,你竟敢这么跟云空师兄说话!”SideYe Yunkong, twoFourth Layer Martial Artistreprimandedto drinkimmediately.叶云空身旁,顿时有两个四重武者斥喝起来。
The Ye Xingcorners of the mouthrevealsmiling expression that disdains, disregardsthem.叶星嘴角露出不屑的笑意,无视两人。Ye Yunkonglifted the hand, stopstheirwords, the visionsuch as the swordlooks straight aheadYe Xingas before, said: „Illuminatesyouto mention, wasmyJunior Brotherhas bulliedyou? Therefore have youtaughthim?”叶云空抬了抬手,将两人的话止住,目光依旧如剑直视叶星,道:“照你说来,是我师弟欺压了你?所以你教训了他?”Ye Xingbuilt the handon the Ye Fengshoulder, said: „Althoughhehas not bulliedme, buthehas bulliedmyYounger Brother!”叶星把手搭在了叶峰肩膀上,道:“虽然他没有欺压我,但他欺压了我弟弟!”Ye Yunkongsaid: „BecausemyJunior Brotherhas bulliedyourYounger Brother, thereforeyougot ridto teachmyJunior Brother, was?”叶云空道:“因为我师弟欺压了你弟弟,所以你出手教训了我师弟,是不是?”Ye Xingnods: „Yes!”叶星点头:“是!”„Good!” The body of Ye Yunkong, eruptsfearfulmightsuddenly, such asmoves mountainsoverrantoYe Xinggenerally:
“那好!”叶云空的身上,陡然间爆发出一股可怕的威势,如排山倒海一般向叶星冲了过去:„SincemyJunior Brotherhas bulliedyourYounger Brother, youthenraised one's headto teachmyJunior Brother, youhave hitmyJunior Brother, mythiswas the fellow apprentice, onlyhadforhimover, taughtyou!”
The talktrend, is all expectedinYe Xing's, hedoes intentionally the color deterioration saying: „Senior Brother Yunkong, youareinelitedisciplerankfirsttenexistences, gets ridto the ordinarydisciple who mythisDining Hallcarries water, ratherfell the share!”
谈话的走向,皆在叶星的意料之中,他故作变色道:“云空师兄,你乃精英弟子中排名前十的存在,对我这伙食堂挑水的普通弟子出手,未免太掉份了吧!”Ye Yunkongsneers, said: „IteachyouformyJunior Brother, whatLaidiaoshare?”叶云空冷笑,道:“我替我师弟教训你,何来掉份?”Ye Xingbrowmicrowrinkle, doesn't thisfellowgive a thought to the statusto beginreally? Ifhits, the opposite partytakesMartial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, is skilled inMartial TechniqueandLightness Art Movement Skillabsolutely, even ifYe Xinghas the Superbrainscanning, is difficult the victory the hope.叶星眉头微皱,难道这家伙真的不顾身份动手?若是打起来,对方作为武道五重的武者,绝对是精通武技、轻功身法,哪怕叶星有超脑扫描,也难有胜利的希望。
The Ye Xinglookis invariable, said: „Elitedisciplefirstten, gets ridto fightwith the Dining Hallcarrying waterdisciple, ifthismatterpasses on, Senior Brother Yunkongalsoreallyhas the honor, he he......, Mymethod, canmakein the Senior Brother Yunkongfacefeel betteractually.”叶星神色不变,道:“精英弟子前十,出手与伙食堂挑水弟子一战,这事若传出去,云空师兄还真是有脸面呢,呵呵……,我倒是有一个法子,可以让云空师兄的面子上好过一些。”
The Ye Yunkongvisionhas glitteredslightly, said: „Yousaid......!”叶云空目光略微闪烁了一下,道:“你说说……!”Ye Xingonestepforwards, eruptsrushingimposing manner, with the Ye Yunkongpinnaclerelative, said:叶星一步向前,也爆发出一股澎湃的气势,和叶云空针峰相对,道:„Ye Yunkong, myDining Hallcarrying waterdiscipleYe Xing, issues the challengetoyou, in January, is in front ofalldisciples, withyoudecisive battlein the square before Martial Art Hall, youmaydareto accept a challenge!”
Does Ye XingchallengeYe Yunkongunexpectedly?叶星竟然挑战叶云空?On the sceneis not the stupid person, along with, even ifunderstood, Ye Xingwantsto solveencirclement of present, knowingYe Yunkongmustget rid unable to avoidtohim, thereforewantsto delay for onemonth.
在场都不是笨人,随即便明白了,叶星是想解眼下之围,知道叶云空要对他出手避免不了,所以想拖延一个月的时间。Thisclarifies the method of goading somebody into action of carriages and horses, but also is 100%successfulmethods of goading somebody into action, the Ye Xingopen challenge, can Ye Yunkongnot dareto meet?
这是摆明车马的激将法,但也是100成功的激将法,叶星公开挑战,叶云空怎会不敢接?Delays for onemonth, has the function?
只是,拖延一个月的时间,有作用么?Absolutelydoes not have! Except forYe Feng, presentsallpeopleto think!
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