A Ye Yunkongcomplexionazure!叶云空脸色一青!
Does a Dining Hallcarrying waterdisciple, dareto challengehisYe Yunkong?
一个伙食堂的挑水弟子,竟敢挑战他叶云空?Thisbiography, simplyis a joke!
这传出去,简直就是一个笑话!Ye Yunkongcoldsound track: „Depends onyou? Did not have the qualificationsto challengeme!”叶云空冷声道:“就凭你?还没有资格挑战我!”On the Ye Xingfacerevealscontemptuoussmiling expression, said: „Nowperhapsdoes not have the qualifications, butonlytakesonemonth, Icanhiteverywhereyoulook for the tooth! Do youdareto accept a challenge?”叶星脸上露出轻蔑的笑意,道:“现在或许没有资格,但只需要一个月的时间,我就可以把你打得满地找牙!你敢不敢应战?”„Ye Xing, youdid not fear that the winddodged the tonguegreatly!”
“叶星,你也不怕风大闪了舌头!”„Onemonthwantsto comparewithSenior Brother Yunkong? Givesyouoneyearalso can only look up to Senior Brother Yunkong!”
“一个月的时间就想跟云空师兄相比?给你一年的时间也只能对云空师兄仰望!”„A waste of carrying water, even if for a lifetime , can only look up to Senior Brother Yunkong!”
……Ye Yunkonghas not spoken, severaldiscipleshave exportedtoYe Xingcounter-attack.叶云空还未出言,身旁几个弟子已经一个个出口向叶星反击。„Snort!”Ye Yunkongcoldsnort|hum, onface the angerappears intermittently, does not wantto talk too muchagain, imposing mannerpromotesonce again, thenmustbegintoYe Xing.
“哼!”叶云空冷哼一声,脸上怒气隐现,不欲再多言,气势再度提升,便要对叶星动手。„What's wrong? Don't youdare? Inyourheartis afraid? Is afraid for onemonthlaterwas in front ofalldisciplesto hiteverywherebymelooks for the tooth? Ifso, Ye Yunkong, yourcouragemaynot haveyourstrengthto be so fearfulreally, butis a coward!”
The Ye Xingcold wordsridiculed.叶星冷言相讥。Nowbegins, Ye Xingwithout certainty, butonemonthlater, Ye Xinghas the absoluteassurance, in any event, mustprod the opposite party, will fightto retardtoonemonthlater.
现在动手,叶星毫无把握,而一个月后,叶星有绝对的把握,无论如何,都要激将对方,将战斗延迟到一个月后。Ye Yunkongimposing manner, the doublefistpinches, ka kastraightsound, lookangrily, butendured the thought of getting rid.叶云空的气势一顿,双拳一捏,咔咔直响,神色愤怒至极,但还是把出手的念头忍了下来。Ye Xingspoke in the wordsthis, ifhehas not daredto accept a challenge, ordinarydisciplenobodydares saying that actuallyhehas fearedYe Xing, butdefinitelywill be ridiculedbyotherelitedisciples!叶星都把话说到了这份上,若他还不敢应战,普通弟子倒是没人敢说他怕了叶星,但肯定会被其他的精英弟子嘲笑!Especially the elitedisciplefirstinten, withseveraldisciples who hedoes not satisfy the need, definitelywill attackhimbythis matter, when the time comes, hiseternal truthYe Xing said that was ridiculedis the coward!
尤其是精英弟子前十中,和他不对路的几个弟子,肯定会以此事打击他,到时候,他就真如叶星所言,被人讥讽为懦夫!„Good! Icomply withyourchallenge! Onemonthlater, Iwill tear downyourboneinch by inch!”
“好!我答应你的挑战!一个月后,我会一寸一寸拆掉你的骨头!”Ye Yunkongcomplexiongloomyis staring atYe Xing, the coldsoundsaid.叶云空脸色阴沉的盯着叶星,寒声说道。In the Ye Xingheartrelaxed, said with a smileslightly: „Myboneis hard, youdetachable, when the time comesyoueverywhereare looking for the tooth, hey......!”叶星心中松了一口气,微微笑道:“我的骨头硬得很,你可拆不了,到时候你正满地找牙呢,嘿嘿……!”„......!”
“不过……!”On the Ye Yunkongfaceflashes throughwipescool color, said: „TodayyouinjuremyJunior Brother, actuallygave up any idea of that hoodwinksdepending onJanuarylatermeeting, Igiveyou an opportunity, onlyleavesonemovetoyou, so as to avoidsaid that Idependcultivation baseto bullyyou!”叶云空脸上闪过一抹冷色,道:“今日你伤我师弟,却是休想凭一月之后的约战蒙混过去,我给你一个机会,只对你出一招,免得说我仗着修为欺负你!”Was sayingYe Yunkongexudesoneto sneer , to continue saying: „Sinceyoudare for onemonthlaterchallengesme, obviously the strengthis not bad, meetsmyonemove to have more than enough to spare, if a movecannot catch, onemonth later challengeis a joke, do not raiseagain!”
The Ye Yunkongregard, is the presenttidies upYe Xing, onemonth later challenge, a pointdoes not have the interest, won, heis the elitedisciplefirstten, naturally, ifhas a mistakeaccidentally, the face of hisYe Yunkongmaylosecompletely!叶云空的心意,是现在就收拾叶星一顿,一个月后的挑战,一点都没兴趣,打赢了,他是精英弟子前十,理所当然,若是万一出现一点差错,那他叶云空的脸可就丢尽了!Therefore, nowhemustget rid, hebelievesthatcoped withYe Xingonemoveto suffice, enoughmadeYe Xingreceive the painful lesson!
所以,现在他就要出手,他相信,对付叶星一招就够了,足够让叶星受到惨痛的教训!IfYe Xinglinkshisonemove unable to block, thathappen to the grounds ofYe Xingstrengthunqualified, exemptsonemonth later challenge!
若叶星连他一招都挡不住,那正好以叶星实力不够资格为由,免去一个月后的挑战!Ye Yunkongno longerpays attention toYe Xingto havewhatview, the voicefalls, bodyonevertical, thenflushedtoYe Xingin front , a palmthenright in the faceoverwhelmedtoYe Xing.叶云空不再理会叶星有何说法,话音一落,身体一纵,便冲至了叶星面前,一掌便向叶星劈头盖下。Middle Grade Martial SkillPicking Mountain Palm!中品武技劈山掌!SimilarlyisPicking Mountain Palm, Ye Yunkongdisplays, displayedtentimesto continuecompared withYe Yunfanformidable!
同样是劈山掌,叶云空施展出来,比叶云帆施展强大了十倍不止!disparity of Martial Artsattainmentsneedless saying that Picking Mountain Palm that Ye Yunfandisplays, is the Basiclevel, butYe Yunkong, Picking Mountain Palmalreadycultivationtoclosegrand accomplishmentrealm.武学造诣的差别自不必说,叶云帆施展的劈山掌,才是入门级,而叶云空,则将劈山掌已经修炼至接近大成的境界。But the speedaspect, Ye Yunkonghas displayedLightness Art Movement Skill, isquicklylikemirage, in addition the cultivation basedisparity between both, the Internal Strengthstrong and weak, the mightcompletelyhas differedseveralscales.
而速度方面,叶云空施展了轻功身法,更是快如幻影,再加上两者之间的修为差距,内劲强弱,威力完全相差了好几个档次。Ye Xingfacing the Ye Yunkongsopotential, ifBenThunder a palm, besidesYe Feng, almost allpeoplethoughtthatYe Xingkeeps offnot to be possibleto keep off, evadesnot to be possibleto evade, will be deductedbyYe Yunkongserious injury!叶星面对叶云空如此势若奔雷的一掌,除了叶峰之外,几乎所有人都觉得,叶星挡无可挡,避无可避,会被叶云空劈成重伤!Even if Ye Feng, that whole facetensecolor, the breath shortness, is also anticipating the occurrence of miracle!
即使是叶峰,那也满脸紧张之色,呼吸急促,期待着奇迹的发生!At the same time that a Ye Yunkongpalmpats, Ye Xingboth handslift, the doublepalmoverlappingfolds, moved forward to meet somebody, unexpectedlywithYe Fengquicksuch as a palm of mirageright.叶云空一掌拍来的同时,叶星双手一抬,双掌交叉相叠,迎了上去,竟然与叶峰快如幻影的一掌对了个正着。
The miracleoccurredreally!
奇迹真的发生了!Ye Yunkongthispalm, has not shaken the Ye Xing'sarmunexpectedly, has not shakenYe Xingdirectlyflies, insteadisfelt that Ye Xing'sboth handshaveonetonearbythrust force, was pushed to the one sidedirectly.叶云空这一掌,竟然没有震断叶星的手臂,也没有将叶星直接震飞,反而是感觉叶星的双手有一股向旁边的推力,直接被推向了一旁。Ye XingSuperbrainin the scanningcondition, Ye Yunkongallwas scannedbyhimclear, is onlyYe Yunkongspeedis too quick, even ifYe Xingknows the attacking track of opposite partyahead of time, has no wayto avoid.叶星超脑在扫描状态,叶云空的一切都被他扫描得一清二楚,只是叶云空的速度太快,叶星即便提前知晓对方的攻击轨迹,也没法避开。Therefore, can only use the opposite partyattackweakness, resists.
The angle that Ye Xingthispushesis very mysterious, exactlyisYe Yunkongthisracket a palmstrengthlightplace, is similar to42pulls outthousandjin (0.5 kg)general.叶星这一推的角度十分玄妙,恰好是叶云空这拍来的一掌力轻之处,如同42拔千斤一般。
The effort of Ye Yunkongthispalm, definitelyismore thanthousandjin (0.5 kg), butYe Xingboth handsfoldpush, more than42.叶云空这一掌的力度,肯定是远不止千斤,而叶星双手相叠一推,也远不止42。Therefore, the finalresultwas the palm of Ye Yunkongis pushedbyYe Xingto the one side, the attackfailed!
所以,最终的结果是叶云空的手掌被叶星推至了一旁,攻击落空!Ye Xingwas opportunistic, meltedYe Yunkongthismove, butalsousedto try, did not wait forYe Yunkongto display the secondmove, Ye Xingreboundsbackward, holds the fist in the other hand saying:叶星取巧,化解了叶云空这一招,但也用尽了全力,不等叶云空施展出第二招,叶星向后跳开,抱拳道:„Many thanksSenior Brother Yunkongunder the hand/subordinateis forgiving!”
Is under the hand/subordinateforgiving?手下留情?Presentsallpersonlook at each other in dismay, startledHubeiis unclear, will Ye Yunkongbe forgivingtoYe Xingunder the hand/subordinate?
But if is notunder the hand/subordinateis forgiving, can Ye Yunkongholdto fail? Theyare not clear!
可如果不是手下留情,叶云空怎么会一掌落空呢?他们不明白!OnlysomeYe Yunkongknowthatstrength of the palmwas pushed to the one sidebyYe Xinga moment ago, in the heartwas startledsecretly.
唯有叶云空才知道,刚才一掌之力被叶星推向了一旁,心中暗暗吃惊。Heis very clear, Ye Xingcanmelt his palm, is not definitely easy, is impossibleto explainhisstyleeach time.
他很清楚,叶星能够化解他一掌,肯定不容易,不可能每次都将他的招式破解。However, concerned aboutformerlyonlysaidhandmove of words, Ye Yunkong can only bear the thought of continuinggetting rid, coldsnort|hum a sound track:
但是,碍于先前只说出手一招的话,叶云空只能将继续出手的念头忍住,冷哼一声道:„Sinceyoucankeep offmyonemove, thatmonthlater, in the square before ourMartial Art Hallsees, when the time comes, butincessantlywasoneincurs!”
The Ye Yunkongword, turns aroundto depart, Ye Manand the othersfollowedbehindto leaveinYe Yunkong.叶云空言罢,转身离去,叶蛮等人跟在叶云空身后离开。„Elder Brother Xing, could not injureyouYe Yunkongunexpectedly, you were really...... Toowas really fierce!”
“星哥,竟然连叶云空都伤不了你,你真是……真是太厉害了!”When the peopleleftStoring Firewood Courtyard, Ye FengthenimpatienthappyshoutedthatwalkedtoYe Xing.
等众人出了储柴院,叶峰便迫不急待的一声欢喊,向叶星走了过来。Ye Xingslightlysighed, has raised the right hand, near the palm a piecerankred, transmitted the intermittentsevere pain.叶星则是微微叹息一声,举起了右手,掌边一片腥红,传来阵阵剧痛。Ye YunkongasFifth StageMiddle-stageMartial Artist, the strengthindeedisunusual, althoughYe Xingpattedin the strengthlightplace of matchpalm, and palmthrust of opposite partytoone side, but the place of collision, was shakenonepiecerankred.叶云空作为五重中期的武者,实力的确是非同一般,叶星虽然是拍在了对手手掌的力轻之处,并且将对方的掌力推向了一旁,但碰撞之处,还是被震得一片腥红。Ye Fengbysomeskinflesh wounds, nowslowone breath, has not been affected much, severalstepsthenarrived atsideYe Xing, looks at the Ye Xingleft handrankredpalm, calls out in alarm: „Elder Brother Xing, were youinjuredunexpectedly?”叶峰只是受些皮外伤,现在缓过一口气来,已无大碍,几步便来到了叶星身旁,看着叶星左手腥红的掌边,一声惊呼:“星哥,你竟然受伤了?”Ye Xingnods, said: „Ye Yunkongisin the elitedisciplefirsttenexistences, the strengthis not the generalgreat strength!”叶星点点头,道:“叶云空身为精英弟子中前十的存在,实力不是一般的强大!”
The Ye Fenglookworriedthatsaid: „Thatmonth later meeting?”叶峰神色担忧,道:“那一个月后的约战?”On the Ye Xingfaceshows the self-confidencesmiling face, said: „Ye Yunkongthis whole lifeinjuresmyopportunity, thistime, onemonthlater, Iwill makehimeverywherelook for the tooth!”叶星脸上露出自信的笑容,道:“叶云空这辈子伤我的机会,也就这一次了,一个月后,我会让他满地找牙!”Ye FengincomparablytrustedYe Xing, seesYe Xingsoto affirm, was affected, said: „Elder Brother Xing, youwill certainly create the miracle!”叶峰对叶星本就无比信任,见叶星如此肯定,也受到了影响,说道:“星哥,你一定会创造奇迹的!”Ye Xingnods, asks: „Can youalsotoday the firewood?”叶星点点头,问道:“你今天还能劈柴吧?”Ye Fenggrasped the fistto make a powerfulmovement, said: „Does not have the issue!”叶峰握着拳头做了个有力的动作,道:“没问题!”Ye Xinghas patted the shoulder of leafYe Feng, said: „Thatis good, the matter of firewoodIdid not helpyou, Imustgo toMartial Pavilionto studyMartial Techniqueimmediately, otherwiseYe Wenying, ifpunishedme not to enterMartial Pavilion, thatwas bad!”叶星拍了叶叶峰的肩膀,道:“那就好,劈柴的事我就不帮你了,我得马上去武阁学习武技,否则叶文鹰若是惩罚我不许进武阁,那就糟了!”Ye Fengtwostaresuddenlygreatly, inconceivablelooks atYe Xing: „Elder Brother Xing, you...... Stepped intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer?”叶峰的两眼陡然间瞪得巨大,不可思议的看着叶星:“星哥,你……踏入武道四重了?”
The Ye Xingnodsmiled, leftStoring Firewood Courtyard!叶星点头一笑,离开了储柴院!Ye Fenglooks at the background that Ye Xingleaves, is gripping tightly the fist, the facial expressionis excited, in the visioncompletelyis the color of worship!叶峰看着叶星离开的背景,紧握着拳头,神情激动,目光中尽是崇拜之色!
……„Time, only then a double-hour, junior, Martial ArtsexpensiveYuJingbutis inexpensiveYuDuo, should not be too greedy, thisalsowantsto study, thatalsowantsto study, finallyanythingonlystudiesBasic, is unable to be skilled, cannot withstandusesgreatly!”
“时间只有一个时辰,小辈,武学贵于精而不贵于多,不要太贪婪,这也想学,那也想学,最终什么都只学个入门,无法精通,不堪大用!”Ye Xingarrives atMartial Pavilion, protectsMartial PavilionElderto ask after the dayhas testedYe Xing'scultivation base, saying of doing best to convince.叶星到达武阁,守护武阁的长老叶问天测试了叶星的修为之后,苦口婆心的说道。„Many thanksElderreminder!”
“多谢长老提醒!”Ye Xingasked the dayto nod, thenenteredinMartial Pavilion!叶星向叶问天点了点头,然后进入了武阁之中!ButMartial ArtsexpensiveYu is JinginexpensiveYuDuo?武学贵于精而不贵于多?Thisis onlyto the average person, because the energy of personis limited, builds upfiveMartial Artsgrand accomplishment, might as wellbuild upMartial ArtsPerfect, thereforestudiesfewpeople, oftencanbuild uphigherrealmMartial Arts.
But if, is thispersonintelligentenough? Cansimultaneouslybuild upmanyMartial ArtstoPerfect, obviouslyiscultivationMartial Artsare then more, the strengthis stronger!
可是,如果这个人足够聪明呢?可以同时把多种武学炼至圆满,那么,明显是修炼的武学越多,实力越强!Ye Xingis not an average person, hehasSuperbrain, Martial Artsare manyheto haveenoughenergycultivation, feared that Martial Artsare too few!叶星不是普通人,他拥有超脑,武学再多他都有足够的精力修炼,就怕武学太少!Therefore, regarding the proposition of Martial Pavilion Elder, Ye Xingorallyexpressed the gratitude, in the hearthasowndecision.
所以,对于武阁长老的提议,叶星只是口头上表达一下谢意,心中则有自己的决定。Martial Pavilion, there arethree!武阁,共有三层!First, isLow Grade Martial Arts\;Second, isMiddle Grade Martial Art\;Third, isHigh Grade Martial Arts!
第一层,是下品武学\;第二层,是中品武学\;第三层,是上品武学!High Grade Martial Arts, is extremely precious, according to what has been heardSky-Blue CityhasXiong Family, hascompleteHigh Grade Martial Arts, andhasonetype, Ye FamilyHigh Grade Martial Artsisremnant.上品武学,极其珍贵,据闻天沧城只有熊家,才拥有完整的上品武学,并且也只有一种,叶家的上品武学都是残篇。Martial Pavilionfirst, altogether has the Low Grade Martial Arts48types!武阁第一层,共有下品武学48种!And, sixtypesareCultivation Technique, sixtypesareBody Refining Technique, 36Martial Technique!
其中,六种是修炼功法,六种是炼体功法,36种武技!Firstis quite lonely, only thenMartial Dao Third Layer of Martial Disciple, is watchingMartial Techniquesecret book!
第一层比较冷清,只有一个武道三重的武徒,在观看一本武技秘笈!Martial Pavilionexcept for the thirdnon-opening to the outside world, a twoopening to the outside world, therefore, enters the Martial Paviliondisciple, overwhelming majoritiesentersecond, studiesMiddle Grade Martial Art, is scarcein the firststudy.武阁除了第三层不对外开放,一层二层都对外开放,所以,进入武阁的弟子,绝大多数都是进入第二层,学习中品武学,在第一层学习非常稀少。Ye Xing'sSuperbrainin the scanningcondition, sweeps off, thenexcludessixCultivation Technique, thenstartsfromBody Refining Technique, glances throughone after another.叶星的超脑在扫描状态,一眼扫去,便将六本修炼功法排除在外,然后从炼体功法开始,一本接一本翻阅。Every timeglances through a book, insidecontentwas scannedbySuperbrain, savesinSuperbrain, will never forget!
每翻阅一本,里面的内容都被超脑扫描,存储在了超脑之中,永不忘记!Quick, sixBody Refining Techniquelooked atcompletelybyYe Xing, Ye Xingarrived at the Martial Techniquesecret bookregion, fromfirststart, meetsstartto glance through.(
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