cultivation basebreakthroughtoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, being soreandexhausted of Ye Xingwithin the body, almostsweeps away!修为突破至武道四重,叶星体内的酸痛与疲惫,几乎一扫而空!Displaces, is a smoothness, Deep Black Artintenmeridians of cultivation, was similar toopenedshackles, has producedvigorousMartial DaoInternal Strength!
取而代之的,是一股顺畅,玄青功所修炼的十条经脉中,如同打开了一道枷锁,产生了浑厚的武道内劲!Ye Xingwhen the Martial Dao Third Layerlimit, inmeridianscultivationMartial DaoInternal Strength!叶星在武道三重极限时,经脉中就已经修出了武道内劲!However, the quantityis very scarce, as ifreceived an invisiblegatewaysuppression.
但是,数量十分稀少,似乎受到了一道无形的门户压制。Thisinvisiblegatewaycannot open, Martial DaoInternal Strength can only maintainat the scarcedegree, is unable cultivationmore.
这道无形的门户打不开,武道内劲就只能保持在稀少的程度,无法修炼得更多。That[say / way]invisiblegateway, is cultivation basesuppresses, because ofYe Xing'scultivation base, has not stepped intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, is nottrueMartial Artist!
那道无形的门户,便是修为压制,因为叶星的修为,还没有踏入武道四重,不是真正的武者!Nowcultivation basebreakthrough, the cultivation basesuppressionnaturallyisnothing left!
现在修为突破,修为压制自然是荡然无存!But the meridians of Ye Xingcultivation, ten, comparecultivationordinaryDeep Black ArtMartial Artistwithin the bodyonlyto hitto be ablefullysixmeridians, Internal Strength that Ye Xingis born to be much more.
而叶星修炼的经脉,足有十条,相比修炼普通玄青功的武者体内只打能六条经脉,叶星诞生的内劲要多得多。Therefore, steps intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, Ye Xingthenfelt that Martial DaoInternal Strength in within the body, is very vigorous!
所以,一踏入武道四重,叶星便感觉到体内的武道内劲,十分浑厚!Even if Martial Dao Fourth LayerMiddle-stageMartial Artist, Internal Strengthalsonot necessarilyhasYe Xinginitiallyto enterMartial Dao Fourth Layerto be vigorous, thisis the Ye Xing'sbigsuperiority.
纵然是武道四重中期的武者,内劲也未必有叶星初入武道四重浑厚,这是叶星的大优势。And, regardless of the Internal Strengthvigorousdegree, onlyby the Internal Strengthquality, Ye Xingcompared withcultivationordinaryDeep Black ArtMartial Artist, onstriving to excelmany.
并且,不论内劲的浑厚程度,仅论内劲的品质,叶星比起修炼普通玄青功的武者,也要强上许多。Because, Ye Xing'sDeep Black Art, after bySuperbraincalculationto strengthen, isHigher Grade Merit Law, butordinaryDeep Black Art, isMiddle Grade Merit Law, Internal Strength that technique of differentrank, cultivationleavesalsohas the division of qualityheight.
The techniquegradeis higher, the Internal Strengthquality that repairsis higher!功法品级越高,修出的内劲品质越高!In the Ye Xingheart, gushes out the hugejoyfulfeeling, thisisarrives atSky-Blue Citymain family the thirdday, hehas stepped intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, becomestrueMartial Artist, thishas gone beyondhisexpectationgreatly!叶星心中,涌出巨大的喜悦之感,这才是来到天沧城主族的第三天,他就已经踏入武道四重,成为真正的武者,这大大超出了他的预料!
Becoming Fourth LayerMartial Artist, hehadwent toMartial Pavilionto study the qualifications of Martial Arts, Martial Pavilionwas the place that inhisheartmostwantsto go to!
The 92 nd time...... The 93 rd time...... The 94 th time......
After Ye Xingsteps intoMartial Dao Fourth Layer, fetching water that back and forthrunsas before, andcontinuouslycultivationDeep Black Art, although the effectcompared withformerlymustmissmuch, butcomparesusually, actually must be quicker!叶星踏入武道四重之后,依旧来回奔跑的打水,并且也一直修炼玄青功,虽然效果比起先前要差了不少,但比起平时,却也要更快一些!
The 99 th time...... The 100 th time...... The 101 st time!
第99次……第100次……第101次!Because the water jarhas not hiteach timefully, therefore, Ye Xinghas fetchedwater, altogether101times, fill the entirebasinfully, has returned the home position the bigwater jar.
因为每次水缸都没打满,所以,叶星多打了一次水,总共101次,把整个水池都灌得满满的,才将大水缸放回了原位。HewipedfullTou the sweat, both handsfisthas grasped, sends out a boneto snap, has felt the strengthfeeling!
他擦了一下满头的汗水,双手拳头一握,发出一阵骨爆声,充满了力量感!Hitting that even ifhejogscompletely the water of entirepool, because ofcultivation basebreakthrough, andincultivationDeep Black Art, has hadPower of Starsto be nourishing, thereforeis notveryexhausted.
纵然他一路跑步的打满了整池子的水,但是因为修为的突破,并且一直在修炼玄青功,有星辰之力滋养身体,所以并不是很疲惫。Ye Xingsits in same place, cultivationDeep Black Art, quick, allexhausteddissipates, hisin great spirits, is similar tofierce tiger of floodgateis ordinary.叶星坐在原地,又修炼了一阵玄青功,很快,所有的疲惫都消逝一空,他精神奕奕,如同一头出闸的猛虎一般精力充沛。„Thisback and forthrunsfetching waterspeedto be really quick, Iprobablyrequirednearlyday, canfire offthispool, finally, noonhas not arrivednow, Iended the merit!”
“这样来回奔跑着打水的速度果然快,原本我可能需要将近一天的时间,才能将这池子打完,结果,现在中午还没到,我就已经完功了!”„Icango toMartial Pavilionto studyMartial Techniquenow, hey......, WhenmycultivationMartial Technique, depending on the Superbrainrobustness, can definitely Martial Techniquecultivationto very highattainments, when the time comes, even if Martial Dao Fifth Layer of Martial Artist, there iswhatto fear?”
“我现在可以去武阁学习武技了,嘿嘿……,等我修炼了武技,凭超脑的强大功能,肯定能够将武技修炼到很高的造诣,到时候,哪怕是武道五重的武者,又有何惧?”Ye Xingsets out, the corners of the mouthare bringingcheerfulsmiling expression, left the sprinkler!叶星起身,嘴角带着欢快的笑意,离开了储水室!Hehas not directly soaredMartial Pavilion, butgoestowardStoring Firewood Courtyardfirst, Storing Firewood Courtyardis not farfromthis, firstlooks atYe Fengone.
他并没有直奔武阁,而是先往储柴院而去,储柴院离这不远,先去看叶峰一眼。Dining Hall, Storing Firewood Courtyard!伙食堂,储柴院!
The Ye Fengcorners of the mouthare hanging the bloodstain, the lookpainby a fifteen or sixteen years oldyouth, was stepped on the under foot!叶峰嘴角挂着血迹,神色痛苦的被一个十五六岁的少年,踩在脚下!Side, threeyouthare surrounding.
旁边,还有三个少年在围观着。Inthesethreeyouth, twoYe FengknewthatoneisYe Qing, oneisYe Baiyuan, isinthisgroup of newdisciples, Martial Art Halldisciple.
这三个少年中,有两个叶峰认识,一个是叶青,一个是叶百元,都是这批新弟子中,演武堂的弟子。Isthatsteps on the youth of hischest, Ye Fengis also recognizing, isinthisgroup of newdisciples the talent of onlySix Starsdestiny, was receivedbyElder Ye WenyingforownDirect DiscipleYe Manat the scene!
就是那个踩着他胸膛的少年,叶峰也认得,是这批新弟子中唯一一个六星天命的天才,被叶文鹰长老当场收为亲传弟子的叶蛮!„Senior Brother Ye Manreallyworthilyis the Six Starsdestiny, arrives atmain familythirdday, cultivation basethengoes a step further, reaches the Fourth Layerlimit, hitsthissmallwaste, looks likesteps on the antto be ordinary, fiercefierce......!”
“叶蛮师兄果然不愧是六星天命,才到主族第三天,修为便更进一步,达到四重极限,打这个小废物,就像是踩蚂蚁一般,厉害厉害……!”Ye Baiyuanwhole facesmilebends the backbyYe Man, sets upright the thumbto say.叶百元满脸微笑的在叶蛮旁边哈着腰,竖着拇指说道。InMartial Art Hall, Ye Baiyuanis the extraordinarytalentdisciple, in the newdisciple, there aremuchalsosuchbends the backbeforehim, patshisflatter, buthein front ofYe Man , can only bend the backlowers the head, pats the Ye Manflatter.
在演武堂,叶百元是了不得的天才弟子,新弟子中,有不少在他面前也这么哈着腰,拍他马屁,但他在叶蛮面前,也只能哈腰低头,拍叶蛮的马屁。„AsElder WenyingownDirect Disciple, Senior Brother Ye Manis certainly unusual, let alonethissmallwaste, even if thatYe Xing, in front ofSenior Brother Ye Man, mustcrawlwalking!”
“作为文鹰长老的亲传弟子,叶蛮师兄当然非同一般,别说这个小废物,就算是那叶星,在叶蛮师兄面前,也得爬着走!”Thatyouth who Ye Fengdoes not knowsaid.叶峰不认识的那个少年说道。Thisyouthstatureis thin and small, is the main familyjuniors, but the statusis not high, althoughYe Manis the Sub-Clanjuniors, is actually Ye WenyingownDirect Disciple, therefore, heis also willingto be one step below others, is the Ye Manlittle brother!
这少年身材纤瘦,是主族子弟,但地位并不高,叶蛮虽是分族子弟,却是叶文鹰的亲传弟子,因此,他也甘愿低人一等,做叶蛮的小弟!AlthoughYe Qinghas not spoken, buthas not prevented, watches critically.叶青虽未说话,但也并未阻止,冷眼旁观。„I!”AlthoughYe Fengwas stepped onbyYe Man under foot, the mouthoverflowingblood, received the heavywound, buthisfacial expressionis firm and resolute, harshshouted to clear the wayloudly:
“我呸!”叶峰虽然被叶蛮踩在脚下,口溢鲜血,受了不轻的伤,但他的神情坚毅不屈,语气强硬的大声喝道:„Depends onyou, cancomparewithmyElder Brother Xing, in front ofElder Brother Xing, you are the excrement, Elder Brother Xinggets rid, yourfourlumps of excrementwill be stepped on the excrementdregs......!”
“就凭你们,也能与我星哥相比,在星哥面前,你们就是屎,星哥一出手,你们四坨屎都会被踩成屎渣……!”„Youcourt death!”
“你找死!”Ye Manis angry, leaves the leglikewind, footshovelplace, kickedto flyYe Fengimmediately.叶蛮大怒,出腿如风,一脚铲地,顿时将叶峰踢得飞了起来。Ye Fengblood-curdling scream, the mouthspits the blood, the bodyis kicked more than tenmeters, numerouscollisionsabove the wall, thenfellfall!叶峰一声惨叫,口吐鲜血,身体被踢飞十余米,重重的撞在了墙壁之上,然后摔落!
The fierceachemakes the Ye Fengbodystruggleto twist, unceasingsends outmiserably!
剧烈的疼痛让叶峰的身躯挣扎扭曲着,不断的发出惨哼!„Yourthissmallwaste, dares saying that the fatheris the excrement?”
“你这小废物,敢说老子是屎?”Ye Manroars, the big handwields: „Callsme, hits, givesfatherto hithisexcrement!”叶蛮一声怒吼,大手一挥:“给我打,往死里打,把他的屎都给老子打出来!”Ye XingjustarrivedtoStoring Firewood Courtyardoutside, then in hearsto transmitblood-curdling scream, along with, even ifheard the Ye Manroaringsound.叶星刚来到到储柴院外面,便听见里面传来一声惨叫,随即便听到了叶蛮的怒吼声。ThisletsYe Xing'scomplexionfirst transformation, sped up the footstepsto flush awaytowardStoring Firewood Courtyard.
这让叶星的脸色一变,加快了脚步往储柴院里面冲去。InsidemakesYe Xingitem of ziwantto crack.
A youthstandsin the institute, threeyouthare ganging up to surround and beating upunder the wallto hold the headwith the foot, is curlingYe Feng of body!
一个少年站在院中,还有三个少年正在用脚围殴着墙下抱着脑袋,卷着身体的叶峰!Ye Xinggot angrythoroughly!叶星彻底怒了!„Givesfatherto stop!”Ye Xingbellows.
“都给老子住手!”叶星一声大吼。At this timeanythinghad not said that the Superbraindirectopeningscanningcondition, rushed.
这时没什么好说的,超脑直接开启扫描状态,冲了上去。Ye Xingis angryvery much! The consequenceis very serious!叶星很生气!后果很严重!„Ye Xing?”
“叶星?”Ye MansawYe Xing, in the visionhas also revealed the joyfulcolor, shouted to clear the way: „Young masterjustwantsto tidy upyou, youpouredto deliver, hey......!”叶蛮看到叶星,目光中也露出了欣喜之色,喝道:“小爷正想去收拾你,你倒自己送上门来了,嘿嘿……!”During the speeches, Ye Manis then brandishing the largefist, rumblesto a Ye Xingfist.
说话间,叶蛮便抡着斗大的拳头,向叶星一拳轰来。Ye Manbodystrongbodyis strong, withiron tower, was notcultivationanyBody Refining Technique, butwasinnate divine strength!叶蛮身强体壮,跟铁塔似的,并非修炼了什么炼体功法,而是天生神力!
His fist strikeleaves, even if onlyinLow Grade Martial Skillmost commonfoundationfighting technique, butfrighteningstrengthadds the Martial Dao Fourth LayerlimitagainvigorousInternal Strength, makesanyMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artistyield and withdrawsufficiently!
他一拳击出,哪怕只是下品武技中最普通的基础拳法,但恐怖的力量再加武道四重极限的浑厚内劲,足以让任何武道四重的武者退避三舍!ButYe Xinghas not drawn back!
可叶星未退!Hiswithin the bodysends out a boneto snap, similarlyis wielding the fist, rumbled!
他体内发出一阵骨爆声,同样挥着拳头,轰了上去!Oneisinnate divine strength!
一个是天生神力!Onewasto build upthoroughly the whole body206bones!
一个是炼透了全身206块骨头!Is the strengthformidablegenerations, theirInternal Strength are very deep!
砰Theirfistscollideintogether, the strengthcollisions of twofrightening, send out a bigsound.
两人的拳头碰撞在一起,两股恐怖的力量碰撞,发出一声大响。At this time, ganged up to surround and beat up the Ye Fengthreepeople, has called a halt, lookedtohere, the lookcompletelyallgawked!
这时,围殴叶峰的三人,已经停手,向这边看了过来,神色尽皆一愣!Ye Manis surprised, Ye Xingshakes a fistwithhimunexpectedlyhardly, halfhas not drawn back, the great strength of itsstrength, compared with this innate divine formMartial Dao Fourth LayerlimitMartial Artist, unexpectedly not weakhairsbreadth!叶蛮更是大吃一惊,叶星竟然与他硬撼一拳,半步未退,其力量之强大,比起他这个天生神体的武道四重极限武者,竟然不弱分毫!Ye Manis startled, Ye Xingmaynot havesurprised , to continue to attacklike lightning, anotherfistattacks.叶蛮吃惊,叶星可没有一丝惊讶,继续闪电般攻出,又一拳攻来。Experienced the Ye Xing'sstrength, Ye Manhas not daredto have the color of contemptagain, shook the fistthento keep off, actuallyunexpectedly, Ye Xingleftfistless thanhalf, thensuddenlyreceived the handchangesincurs, the bodyone, anotherfistlike lightningswept away, but.
见识到了叶星的实力,叶蛮不敢再有轻视之色,挥拳便挡,却不料,叶星出拳不到一半,便陡然收手变招,身体一偏,另一个拳头闪电般横扫而至。Resisting of Ye Manhas kept offspatial, in the meantime, heleaves the footballto kickYe Xingsuddenly, ahead of timewas avoided unexpectedly alsobyYe Xing, the attackalsofails.叶蛮的抵挡挡了个空,同时,他突然间出脚弹踢叶星,竟然也被叶星给提前避开,攻击也落空。At this time, the Ye Mansinglefootwas independent, suddenlywas hardto removeincurs, was hardto avoid, was struckby a Ye Xingfisthorizontallyin the face.
When Ye Xinganger, startsnot to be forgiving, strength of thisfistmay be calledfrightening, hit the Ye Mantoothto break to piecesonerow, mixed the bloodto spit, the bodywentto the one sideimmediatelybut actually.叶星正是愤怒之时,下手绝不留情,这一拳的力量堪称恐怖,打得叶蛮牙齿碎了一排,混着鲜血吐了出来,身体顿时向一旁倒去。Has not waited forYe Manto fall to the ground, leansbodybut actuallyto stopsuddenly, was held the armbyYe Xingone.
还不等叶蛮倒地,突然间侧倒的身体一停,却是被叶星一手抓住了手臂。Bang! Ping......
The secondfist, the thirdfist, the fourthfist...... Continuouspoundingon the Ye Manface.
紧接着,第二拳,第三拳,第四拳……连绵不绝的砸在了叶蛮脸上。On the Ye Manfaceflesh lacerated from corporal punishment, blooddirecting current, the foreheadwas hit hardcontinuously, even ifhisinnate divine strength, the bodystrongbodyis strong, was hit the dizzinessstring.叶蛮脸上皮开肉绽,鲜血直流,头部受到连续重击,哪怕他天生神力,身强体壮,也被打得头晕目弦。Ye Xinghits78fistscontinually, finallygrabs the arm of Ye Manupwardlyarea, a footextracts, brushingmaliciouslyin the Ye Manabdomen, pulled outto flyYe Mandirectly, sent outsad and shrillblood-curdling scream, departedoutsidetenseveralrice!叶星连打78拳,最后抓着叶蛮的手臂向上一带,一脚抽出,狠狠的抽打在叶蛮的腹部,直接将叶蛮抽得飞了起来,发出一声凄厉的惨叫,飞出十数米外!„Senior Brother Ye Man!”AnotherthreePeoplestartled, calls out in alarmwith one voice, runstoYe Man.
“叶蛮师兄!”另外三人大惊,齐声惊呼,向叶蛮跑去。„Yourthreepeoplecannot hide!”Ye XingsweepsYe Fengone that has struggledto crawl, within the bodybonesnapsagain and again, thenoverranto the Ye Qingthreepeople.
“你们三人也躲不掉!”叶星扫了挣扎着爬起来的叶峰一眼,体内骨爆声连连,便向叶青三人冲了过去。„TwoJunior Brother, blockYe Xing, Ilook for the reinforcement!”
“两位师弟,挡住叶星,我去找救兵!”Thatthin and smallyouthseesYe Maneasilyto be defeatedbyYe Xing, the lookis panic-stricken, bodyonevertical, such as the swallowsoars, Lightness Art, went over a wallto run awayunexpectedlydirectly.
那纤瘦少年见叶蛮都被叶星轻易击败,神色惊骇,身体一纵,如燕高飞,竟然轻功了得,直接越墙而逃。Ye QingandYe Baiyuando not havethisgrade of Lightness Art, sawYe Xingto clash, can only show the stance, with a Ye Xingwar!叶青、叶百元却没有这等轻功,见叶星冲了过来,只能摆出架势,与叶星一战!AlthoughYe BaiyuanalwaysspeakingshamesYe Xing, whenreallyfacingYe Xing, in the hearthasmeaning of the fear, particularlywitnessedYe Xingto hita moment agoeverywhereYe Manlooks for the tooth, dreads.叶百元虽然总是出言羞辱叶星,但真的面对叶星时,心中却是有一股恐惧之意,尤其是刚才亲眼目睹叶星将叶蛮打得满地找牙,更是畏惧。ButYe Qingneedless saying that the under the hand/subordinatedefeated general who onceandYe Xinghas fought, hasto throwfear of instinctregarding the Ye Xing'sstrength.
而叶青自不必说,曾经和叶星交过手的手下败将,对于叶星的实力有投本能的畏惧。FacingYe Xing, Ye QingandYe Baiyuanallhave the heart of fear, a strengthfalls shortgreatly, which has stepped into the Martial Dao Fourth LayerYe Xing'smatch?
面对叶星,叶青和叶百元皆有畏惧之心,一身实力大打折扣,哪是已经踏入武道四重的叶星的对手?Fightsis less thanthreemoves, Ye Baiyuanis then trampled the chestby a Ye Xingfoot, was trampledto have chest pains while breathingdirectly, departstenseveralriceinblood-curdling scream.
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