„The water that Ye Xing, Dining Hallneedsevery dayis under the charge to you, a day100,000jin (0.5 kg), before the sunset, mustselect!”
“叶星,伙食堂每天需要的水由你负责,一天100000斤,日落之前,必须挑完!”„The fuel that Ye Feng, Dining Hallneedsevery dayis under the charge to you, a day50,000jin (0.5 kg), before the sunset, mustchop!”
“叶峰,伙食堂每天需要的柴火由你负责,一天50000斤,日落之前,必须劈完!”Ye XingandYe Fengto the Dining Hallregistration, Ye Xingwere received the sprinkler, Ye Fengare receivedStoring Firewood Courtyard, has been arranged the dutyby the Dining Halldeacon.叶星和叶峰到伙食堂报到,叶星被领到储水室,叶峰被领到储柴院,由伙食堂的执事安排了任务。By the minuteto the Dining Halldisciple, incessantlyYe XingandYe Fengthey, otherdisciple some were dividedon the mountainto chop firewood, somelit a fireby the minute, is the tiredsticky business.
被分到伙食堂的弟子,不止叶星和叶峰两人,其他的弟子有的被分去山上砍柴,有的则被分去烧火,都是劳累的苦差事。Except thatYe XingandYe Fengaremain familyjuniors, otherbyminutetoDining Hallis the disciplesnot of the same surname!
除了叶星和叶峰是本家子弟,其他被分到伙食堂的都是外姓弟子!InYe Familymain family, was assignedDining Hall, basicallyandlacks prospectsto link up, because of the Dining Halldisciple, has not leftcharacter of Elderlevel, finallycanbecome the main familydeacon, is scarce!
The sprinkler, the spaceis very big, insidehastwogiantbasin, eachbasinmayhold100,000jin (0.5 kg)water.
The water volume that the Ye Clanlarge number of elderly persons, consumesevery dayis astonishing, water in basin, onlysufficesYe Clanto consume for day.叶族人数众多,每日消耗的水量惊人,一个水池中的水,只够叶族消耗一天。Whichdayuseswater in No. 1basin, mustselectfullywater in No. 2basin, whichdayuseswater in No. 2basin, mustselectfullywater in No. 1basin.
哪天动用一号水池中的水,就得将二号水池中的水挑满,哪天动用二号水池中的水,就得将一号水池中的水挑满。So the relapse, every daycarries water100,000jin (0.5 kg)!
如此反复,每日挑水100000斤!Ye Xingstandsin the sprinkler, visionhas sweptfrom the vessel of carrying water, has selected a bigwater jar, sideis labelling, thisbigwater jar200 cattys in weight, mayinstall the waterthousandjin (0.5 kg)!叶星站在储水室中,目光从挑水的容器上扫过,选中了一口大水缸,旁边标注着,这口大水缸重200斤,可装水千斤!Otherbuckets, the smallwater jar, Ye Xingthought that puts the waterto be too few, the communicationis too troublesome, butthisbigwater jar, only need fetch waterhundredtimes, mayhold100,000jin (0.5 kg)water the basinto packthat.
When Ye Xingjustarrived atStars Continent, occupies the body of originalmaster, onemeter about 65, onemonth, Ye Xingcultivationarrives atPerfect RealmPerfect Bone Exploding Fistcultivation, bodyalsobigto strengthen, grew, presentheightalreadyaboutonemetereight.叶星刚刚来到星辰大陆时,占据原主人的身体,才一米65左右,一个多月来,叶星修炼将完美骨爆拳修炼到圆满境界,身体也大大强化,长高了许多,现在的身高已经将近一米八。However, mayputthousandjin (0.5 kg)watercompared with that the bigwater jar, hisbodyappearsveryfrail.
但是,与那可装千斤水的大水缸相比,他的身体还是显得很单薄。Ye Xingarrives in front ofthatbigwater jar, grabbed the sidemouth of bigwater jarthento raise, tohisbodywas the bigwater jar of colossusin the Ye Xinghand, was similar to a smallburdenis ordinary, was raisingcompletelywith hands down.叶星走到那大水缸面前,一手抓着大水缸的边口便提了起来,相对于他身体是庞然大物的大水缸在叶星手中,就如同一个小包袱一般,提着完全不费力气。
The fetching waterplace, is not farfrom the sprinkler, only then about oneli (0.5km)distance, Ye Xingis raising the bigwater jarwalk as if flying, thenarrivesquickly.
打水的地方,离储水室不远,只有一里左右的路程,叶星提着大水缸健步如飞,很快便到达。Ye Xinggrabs the sidemouth of bigwater jar, is holding the bottom of bigwater jar, scoops uptoward the water, thenbows, suppresses the one breathtightly, the whole bodymakes an effortupwardto raise.叶星一手抓着大水缸的边口,一手托着大水缸的底,往水中一舀,然后弓身,紧憋一口气,全身用劲往上一提。Crash-bang, has packed the bigwater jar of water, the flashthendehydrates, had been liftedbyYe Xingdirectly, thenshoulderedin the shoulder.
哗啦一声,装满了水的大水缸,一瞬间便脱水而出,直接被叶星举了起来,然后扛在了肩部。1000jin (0.5 kg)water, 200jin (0.5 kg)cylinder......
1000斤的水,200斤的缸……Even ifthiswater jardoes not havepercentagehundredhittingfully, butalsohas no free timemany, the weight of waterandcylinderadds, at least over 1100jin (0.5 kg).
就算这水缸并没有百分百的打满,但也没空多少,水和缸的重量加起来,至少在1100斤以上。GeneralMartial Dao Third Layer, carries1100jin (0.5 kg)thing, will not feel betterabsolutely, walksthatis the difficulty.
一般的武道三重,扛着1100斤的东西,绝对不会好受,走起那就更是困难。But, Ye Xingcarriesthisbigwater jar, walksas beforeis the stridelike the wind.
可是,叶星扛着这大水缸,走起来依旧是大步如风。Quick, Ye Xingthenreturned to the sprinkler, the one of the waterintoward the pondbut actually, did not blush, the air/Qidid not breathe heavily, is raising the bigwater jaras beforewalk as if flying, fetched water.
很快,叶星便回到到了储水室,将水往池中一倒,脸不红,气不喘,提着大水缸依旧健步如飞,又打水去了。Ye Xingcarries the bigwater jar, back and forth, the people of manyYe Clanseeon the way, are unalarmed by strange sights, oncealsohadDining Hallto carry water, fetches waterwiththismethod.叶星扛着大水缸,来来回回,途中不少叶族之人看到,见怪不怪,曾经也有伙食堂挑水的,用这方法打水。Butwhattheydo not know, oncefetched waterwiththismethod, iscultivation basehas achievedMartial Dao Fourth Layer of Martial Artist, ifMartial Disciple, isobedientselectswith the bucketslowly.
但他们不知道的是,曾经用这方法打水的,都是修为已经达到武道四重的武者,若是武徒,都是乖乖的用水桶慢慢挑。AlthoughYe Xingstrengthis big, carries the bigwater jar, hitsonetimetwicewithbeing all right, but after fivesixtimes, someto gasp for breathget up, felt a pressure.
虽说叶星力量大,扛着大水缸,打个一次两次跟没事似的,但五次六次之后,也还是有些气喘起来,感觉到了一点压力。WhenYe Xingfetches the tenthcylinderwater, hisbreathalreadysomewhatrapid, heandoneteam of youthmet.
当叶星打第十缸水的时候,他的呼吸已经有些急促,他和一队少年相遇了。Joins the Martial Art Halldisciplenewly, every morningtheyhave the unifiedtraining, is the free time.
是新加入演武堂的弟子,每天上午他们都有统一的训练,然后才是自由时间。In the morning, theyneedto runtenaroundYe Clancourtyard, the distanceinterlockswith the road that Ye Xingcarries waterexactly, nowhappen tobumps into.
上午,他们都需要绕着叶族府院跑上十圈,有一段路程恰好与叶星挑水的路交错,现在正好碰上了。„Youlook, thatis not the waste of Two Starsdestiny, Ha Ha......, Is carrying water!”
“你们看,那不是二星天命的废物嘛,哈哈……,在挑水啊!”Is having the sound of ridiculetogether, passed from the team, isYe Baiyuanis speaking: „Healwaysdid not acknowledgeoneare the waste, but alsothinks that instrengthtestsight, is the talent, living that but, thiscarries water, is not just the wastedry? Ha Ha......!”
一道带着嘲笑的声音,从队伍中传了出来,是叶百元在说话:“他总不承认自己是废物,还以为在实力测试上风光了一把,就是天才,可是,这挑水的活,不正是废物干的吗?哈哈……!”„WhatSenior Brother Baiyuansaidis!”
“百元师兄说的是!”„Senior Brother Baiyuan, withyou, as soon ascompares, henaturallywas the waste......!”
The Ye Baiyuanvoicefalls, the sound that manyyouthechothenpassed on.叶百元的话音一落,不少少年附和的声音便传了过来。Ye Xingevenheard the Ye Qing'ssound.叶星甚至在其中听到了叶青的声音。
The youthin the long-distance race, theirspeedare not slow, ranspeedily, Ye Xingcarried the bigwater jar, was without turning a hair, butin the hearttoYe Baiyuanthisboy, has had the anger.
众少年正在长跑,他们的速度不慢,一溜烟就跑过去了,叶星扛着大水缸,面不改色,但心中已经对叶百元这小子,产生了怒火。HeandYe Baiyuanelementdo not haveoccurring together, speakingshame that it can be said thatwell water not interfering with river water, the opposite partyactuallyrepeatedlythreeturnhe.
他和叶百元素无交集,可以说是井水不犯河水,对方却屡次三翻的出言辱他。In the Ye Xinghearthadhaggling over, ifthere is an opportunity, mustsurelywelltidies upYe Baiyuan.叶星心中有了计较,若有机会,定要好好的将叶百元收拾一顿。
The probability when the Martial Art HalldiscipleinYe Clanmedium-distance runningten, fetches water met with Ye Xingto be very low, behindconsecutively forseveraltimesfetches water, Ye Xingagainhas not bumped into.演武堂的弟子只是在叶族中跑十圈,和叶星打水时相遇的机率很低,后面连续几次打水,叶星都没有再碰上。However, as the number of times of fetching waterare getting more and more, Ye Xingfelt the pressure that was getting bigger and bigger, as if the water jar on shoulderbecomesmore and moreheavy.
不过,随着打水的次数越来越多,叶星感觉到的压力越来越大了,似乎肩上的水缸变得越来越沉重。Carriesbigcylinderwaterto walk, not onlyto gasp for breathbreathes out, evenincluding the muscle of whole body, somewhatis sore.
扛着一大缸水走路,不仅气喘嘘嘘,甚至连全身的肌肉,都有些酸痛起来。Especially the muscle of both legsandboth arms, the feelingis most intense.
尤其是双腿、双臂的肌肉,感觉最为强烈。20 th fetching water, Ye Xingcarried the bigwater jarandwalkedless thanhalf, thenthoroughlycould not take the step, the both legswere similar tofill the leadto be common.
第20次打水,叶星扛着大水缸和走了不到一半,便彻底迈不出步子了,双腿如同灌了铅一般。Ye Xingknows that thesetimewill have enough to do, has not actually thoughtthatwas in the both legsnot being able to start to walkstepdegreeunexpectedly, thenin the halfway, carriesbigcylinderwater, putis not goodput, walks the both legsis similar tofills the leadgenerally, makinghimfall into the boundary of being in a dilemma.叶星知道这一次会很吃力,却没想到,竟然到了双腿迈不开步子的程度,这下在半途中,扛着一大缸水,放又不好放,走又双腿如同灌铅了一般,让他陷入了两难之境。Stiffis not means that Ye Xingcarries the bigwater jarto stand on the waysame place, is tryingrevolutionDeep Black Art, in an instant, rushingPower of Starswas absorbedbytenmeridians, shipstovariousbodyplaces, Ye Xingfelt that being sore of body, exhaustedreducedsuddenly.
僵在途中不是个办法,叶星扛着大水缸站在原地,尝试着运转玄青功,刹那间,澎湃的星辰之力被十条经脉吸收,运送至身体各处,叶星感觉到身体的酸痛、疲惫陡然间减轻了许多。And, whatmakingYe Xingsurprisedwas, hisbodywas similar to a hungrybeggarsees the massivegood fooddelicaciesat this momentgeneral, has been absorbingPower of Starscrazily, was much quickercompared withnormaltimespeed.
并且,令叶星吃惊的是,他的身体此刻如同一个饥饿的乞丐看到了大量的美食佳肴一般,疯狂的吸收着星辰之力,比起正常的时候速度要快得多。Almostquickonetimehas continued!
几乎快了一倍不止!„Bodyintired, the muscle in within the bodycanconsumegreatly, at this time the urgently neededenergysupplemented, thereforeabsorbsPower of Starsspeedusually to be quicker, thatsaidthatmaintainsin this statecultivation, cangreatlypromotecultivationspeed?”
“身体在劳累的时候,体内的肌能大大消耗,这时候急需能量补充,所以吸收星辰之力的速度比平时要更快,那岂不是说,保持在这种状态下修炼,能够大大提升修炼速度?”Ye Xing'sSuperbrainrevolves, the flashthenwantsto understand.叶星的超脑运转,一瞬间便想明白了。„IfIalsocultivationinwork, andcultivationspeedis quicker, thendoes not needto wait tilltonight, todaymycultivation basethencanbreakthroughtoMartial Dao Fourth Layer!”
“如果我在工作的时候也修炼,并且修炼的速度更快,那么不必等到今晚,今天我的修为便能够突破至武道四重!”Thinks that the breakthroughMartial Dao Fourth Layertimeis ahead of time, inYe Xingheartgreat happiness.
想到突破武道四重的时间又提前,叶星心中大喜。Stood in same placecultivationa while, Ye Xingthenfelt that was sore, the exhaustedfeelingalmost**became, in the meantime, the bodyabsorbedPower of Starsspeedalsoto fall, becameandusuallydoes not haveanythingto distinguish.
站在原地修炼了一会儿,叶星便感觉到酸痛、疲惫的感觉几乎去了**成,同时,身体吸收星辰之力的速度也降了下来,变得和平时没什么区别。It seems like that onlyhas the body, whenis extremely exhausted, canmaintainfastcultivationspeed.
看来,唯有身体在极度疲惫的时候,才能够保持快速的修炼速度。„Such being the case, Icarries the water jarto walk, whilecultivation, makes the bodymaintainatthroughoutexhausted, the condition of butnot dropping down!”
The Ye Xingheartsaidthatcarriedbigwater jarto continueto forward.叶星心道,扛着大水缸又继续向前走了起来。
The normal people, work to maintainwholly-absorbed, cannotbe undecided.
正常人,做事要保持专心,不能三心二意。For example, cultivationDeep Black ArttimeononlycultivationDeep Black Art, mustmaintainpeaceful, was not disturbed, butcarries on the shoulder the water jarwalks can only carry the water jarto walk, is unable to handleothermatter.
比如,修炼玄青功的时候就只修炼玄青功,要保持安静,不受打扰,而扛着水缸走路的时候就只能扛着水缸走路,无法做别的事情。Ifhandlestwomattersin the sametimeforcefully, will be very likelyto give rise to the problem, for exampleDeep Black Artcultivationwill be confused, carries the water jarto walkto throw downwait / etc.......
若是强行在同一个时刻做两件事情,极有可能会发生问题,比如玄青功修炼错乱,扛着水缸走路摔倒等等……ButregardinghavingSuperbrainYe Xing, keeps one eye onabsolutelydoes not have the issue, so long ashewants, evencanwholeheartedlymultipurpose, Superbrainhas such formidableability, when canmaintain the Ye Xingdiverting attentiondual purpose, simultaneouslyis concentrating ontwomatters.
但对于拥有超脑的叶星而言,一心二用完全没有问题,只要他愿意,甚至可以一心多用,超脑有这么强大的能力,可以保持叶星分心两用时,同时专注着两件事情。For examplenow, when Ye Xingcarries on the shoulder the water jarwalks, hisDeep Black Artcultivation, under the control of Superbrain, the tiny bitmistakehas not come out.
比如现在,叶星扛着水缸走路时,他的玄青功修炼,在超脑的控制下,没有一丝一毫的错误出来。Walkedone, Ye Xingfelt that the exhausteddegreewas insufficient, simplyran.
走了一阵,叶星感觉疲惫的程度不够,干脆跑了起来。Really, carries more than 1000jin (0.5 kg)thingsto run, thatmaywalking more difficult, how longYe Xinghas not run, then the bigmouthpuffs, the muscle on whole bodymuscleboth legs, incomparablyis soreparticularly.
果然,扛着1000多斤重的东西奔跑,那可比走困难多了,叶星没跑多久,便大口喘着粗气,全身肌肉尤其是双腿上的肌肉,无比酸痛。Butat this time, Ye XingcultivationDeep Black Artspeed, compared withusuallyconsiderablyincreased, has achievedquickly.
而此时,叶星修炼玄青功的速度,比平时大大增加,达到了最快。AbsorptionPower of Stars that the bodykeeps, reducedbeing soreandexhausted of bodyslightly, butYe Xingcarries the water jarto run, letsbe sorequicklywith the exhaustedfeelingdeepens......
身体不停的吸收星辰之力,稍稍减轻了身体的酸痛与疲惫,但叶星扛着水缸奔跑,又很快让酸痛与疲惫感加深……So, fell into a circulation, Ye XingcultivationDeep Black Artspeed, throughoutdoes not reduce!
如此,陷入了一个循环,叶星修炼玄青功的速度,始终不减!Endures the testonly, isYe Xing'swillpower, hisboth legsare insufficientto achieveare similar tofill the degree that the lead was unable to stepgenerally, butstepsevery timeonestep, bringsintensebeing sore, the average personis hardto insistabsolutely.
唯一经受考验的,就是叶星的意志,他的双腿不至于达到如同灌铅了一般无法迈动的程度,但每迈动一步,都带来一股强烈的酸痛,一般人绝对难以坚持。ButYe Xingactuallyclenched the teeth! Runningspeeddid not reduce!
而叶星却是咬紧了牙关!奔跑的速度一直不减!„ImustbecomeMartial Saint!”
“我要成为武圣!”„Imustbecomepeerless expert!”
“我要成为绝世高手!”„Imustbecome a top dog! King!”
……In the Ye Xingheartwas crying out!叶星心中在呐喊!Is ambitious, andinsisted that the idealpersonis fearful, theirwillpowerare indestructible!
一个有理想,并且坚持理想的人是可怕的,他们的意志坚不可摧!Ye Xing is thisperson!叶星便是这种人!
The 21 st time...... The 22 nd time...... The 21 st time......
第21次……第22次……第21次……Ye Xinghas not rested, carriesfullGangwatercontinuouslytime and time again, runsis returning to the sprinkler, pours into the basin.叶星没有休息,连续一次又一次扛着一满缸的水,奔跑着回到储水室,倒入水池之中。Hiscultivation base, in each process of fetching water, rapidlyis also promoting, in the dantian, Fourth Dao Star Ringfrom the dimshape, is cleargradually.
The 91 st time......
The Ye XingcylinderfullGang the wateris runningas before, hiscultivation base, arrived at the most criticalmoment, Fourth Dao Star Ring, insomemoment, changes the gloomydimshapefinally, bloomed the firstwisp of star light, becameclear.叶星依旧缸着满缸的水在奔跑,他的修为,也到了最紧要的关头,第四道星环,终于在某一刻,一改黯淡无光的朦胧形态,绽放出了第一缕星光,变得清晰起来。Fourth Dao Star Ring, thoroughwas clear!第四道星环,彻底清晰了!Ye Xing'scultivation base, trodimportantonestep, enteredMartial Dao Fourth Layer, becametrueMartial Artist!叶星的修为,踏出了重要的一步,进入武道四重,成为一名真正的武者!I1153(
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