SFC :: Volume #6

#6: Deity authority

Five-Ring High Tower, Astrology Station. 五环高塔,占星台 Steven wears a silver-white Mage robe to stand on High Tower is looking into the distance, has broadcast the Mage Oladin sound in his: Your Excellency Steven. No. 3 target was eliminated. The corpse has brought back to Yalandier. That side Ghost Tower not too many indicating.” 史蒂芬穿着一袭银白色巫师袍站在高塔上眺望着远方,在他的身后传来了奥拉丁巫师的声音:“史蒂芬阁下3号目标已经被清除了。尸体已经带回了雅兰蒂尔阴魂塔那边没有太多的表示。” Ai.” Steven gently sighed said: I knew. Gets down.” 。”史蒂芬轻轻叹息了一声道:“我知道了。下去吧。” In short one month. 短短一个月内。 Mage of continual out-of-control reached more than ten, besides these Black Mage, Five-Ring High Tower similarly also some people by corruption, even Achieving Zen Council also in some people move. Part of people are the driving attempts, but the situation that another part does not know was corroded. The latter must be slightly good, along with the strength growth of Tree of Life, the Steven many a little means saves these people, only if they loses control to oneself had not discovered that own unusuality, but these attempt to study the Elder Evil flesh on own initiative was not easy, many of them directly were corroded the mind to plant the dark seed. 连续失控的巫师已经多达十多个,除了那些黑巫师外,五环高塔这边同样也有人被腐化,甚至就连禅达议会内部也有人中招。其中一部分人是主动尝试,而另外一部分是不知道的情况被侵蚀了。后者还要稍微好一点,随着生命之树的力量增长,史蒂芬多少有点办法把这些人救回来,除非是他们一直到自己失控都没有发现自身的异常,而那些主动尝试研究上古邪物血肉的就没有那么容易了,其中不少人都是直接被侵蚀心神种下了黑暗的种子。 Black Mage issue is most serious. 这其中黑巫师的问题最严重。 Sometimes however Steven does not have the means that because he knows that Ghost Tower Chief Lich Kaar in private has studied the Elder Evil flesh wreckage, because he feels from the opposite party has been to the contamination the Evil Creature aura, because of Lich powerful but not by Elder Evil contamination. 但是有时候史蒂芬也没有办法,因为他知道就连阴魂塔首席巫妖-卡尔都私下研究过上古邪物的血肉残骸,因为他从对方身上感受到过沾染的邪物气息,只不过是因为巫妖的实力强大而没有被上古邪物污染而已。 In this world something according to oneself wish vanguard, Steven do not know that many people are hiding in secret also the Elder Evil flesh. 这个世界上有些事情并不会按照自己的意愿前行,史蒂芬也不知道私下里还有多少人藏着上古邪物的血肉。 However according to situation of Five-Ring High Tower investigation, some people have been selling these things in the Black Mage active black market in secret in secret, if possible, Steven too does not want to make a move to Ghost Tower, after all they had also helped much busy. However the present situation must purposely take certain actions so as to warn others seriously to him, warned to these Black Mages one. 但是根据五环高塔暗中调查的情况来看,在黑巫师活跃的黑市里面已经有人在暗中出售这些东西,如果可以的话,史蒂芬也不太想对阴魂塔出手,毕竟他们也曾经帮过自己不少忙。但是现在的事态已经严重到他必须敲山震虎一下,给那些黑巫师们一点警告了。 No matter they made anything to contribute, Steven is unable to tolerate Elder Evil to recover once again. 不管他们曾经做过什么贡献,史蒂芬都无法容忍上古邪物再度复苏。 In present Anti-magic Prison has detained dozens Mage, Crow's Nest has taken the sharp blade in Steven hand to trace the trails of these people. In order to prevent the flesh proliferation of Elder Evil, Steven even reassigned the manpower to establish one to process the organization of this kind of event from Five-Ring High Tower, Crow's Nest and monastery specially specially. 如今的禁魔监狱里面已经关押了数十个的巫师,鸦巢作为史蒂芬手中的利刃正在追踪这些人的踪迹。为了防止上古邪物的血肉扩散,史蒂芬甚至从五环高塔鸦巢和修道院专门抽调人手成立了一个专门处理这类事件的组织。 Ai!...... Will of the people!......” !……人心啊!……” Half Moon counter-attacks post-war, Steven has let loose own library jurisdiction once again, opens to the High-rank Legendary Mage knowledge from Mage apprentice completely, so long as makes a contribution to obtain the corresponding jurisdiction again, Astral Mage knowledge Steven can with Five-Ring High Tower, Ghost Tower, Silver Apex City wait/etc. all people share. 弦月反攻战后,史蒂芬已经再度放开了自己的图书馆权限,从巫师学徒一直到高阶传奇巫师的知识全部开放,只要再做出一点贡献获得相应的权限,就连星界巫师的知识史蒂芬都可以跟五环高塔阴魂塔银顶城等等的所有人共享。 However some people actually like the sword walking the slant, moreover is tries some extremely dangerous matter without enough strength. 但是有些人却偏偏喜欢走剑走偏锋,而且是在没有足够实力的情况下尝试一些极度危险的事情。 Your Excellency Steven.” 史蒂芬阁下。” Fuzzy form suddenly appeared outside the window, then changed to Death God Servant illusory shadow, he said toward Steven bowed down slightly: We have interrogated and tortured these Corruptor souls.” 一个模糊的身影突然出现在了窗户外,接着化作了一个死神侍从虚影,他朝着史蒂芬微微俯身道:“我们拷问了那些腐化者的灵魂。” Obtained a very important news.” “得到了一个很重要的消息。” Steven is not accidental/surprised regarding the appearance of Death God Servant, hearing this solemnly said: What news?” 史蒂芬对于死神侍从的出现并不意外,闻言沉声道:“什么消息?” Has the organization to spread in the Elder Evil flesh to hide the news of Immortal mystery in secret, at present we had not found the news the source.” “有组织在暗中散布上古邪物的血肉中隐藏着不朽奥秘的消息,目前我们还没有找到消息的源头。” Un? 嗯? Steven instantaneous brows slightly wrinkled, then expression gradually cold say/way: I knew. I will send for investigating matter beginning to end.” 史蒂芬瞬间眉头微皱,接着表情渐冷道:“我知道了。我会派人去调查事情始末。” Who is confusing the situation? 谁在搅乱局势? In the Steven pupil flashes through a cold light, he paid that big price to eliminate Star of a Trillion Deaths, now unexpectedly also has the clumsy mischief-doer to run to do the matter, does not know really the dead characters wrote? 史蒂芬眸中闪过一道寒光,他付出了那么大的代价才消灭了死兆之星,如今居然还有跳梁小丑跑出来搞事,真的不知道死字怎么写的吗? Death God Servant bowed down to salute, changes to fog to vanish in once again immediately at present. 死神侍从再度俯身行礼,随即化作灰雾消失在了眼前。 Mage Idun.” 伊登巫师。” The Steven sound passed to Half Moon Floating City across the space directly. 史蒂芬的声音穿过空间直接传到了弦月浮空城内。 Quick, expression solemn Mage Idun appeared on Astrology Station, the look said respectfully: Your Excellency Steven.” 很快,表情冷峻的伊登巫师出现在了占星台上,神色恭敬道:“史蒂芬阁下。” You interrogate and torture in the Anti-magic Prison all people.” Steven solemnly said: Some people attract other people to collect the Elder Evil flesh in the dispersion news. I need to know that is who is stirring the matter in secret.” “你去拷问一下禁魔监狱里面的所有人。”史蒂芬沉声道:“有人在散布消息吸引其他人收集上古邪物的血肉。我需要知道是谁在暗中搅事。” Understood.” Mage Idun unemotionally nodded, said. “明白。”伊登巫师面无表情地点头道 Under High Tower. 高塔下。 Crowds of young Mage apprentice are walking from the classroom, since having solved the threat of Star of a Trillion Deaths, Five-Ring High Tower also regained the past order, new Mage apprentice had been delivered to institute, these young people are embracing to magic is curious is deriving the knowledge positively, when they grow perhaps also to truly very long time. 一群群年轻的巫师学徒正在从教室内走出来,自从解决了死兆之星的威胁后,五环高塔也恢复了往日的秩序,新的巫师学徒已经被送到了学院内,这些年轻人怀抱着对魔法的好奇正积极地汲取着知识,但是等到他们真正成长起来恐怕还得很长的时间。 Steven now is Five-Ring High Tower Chief Mage, but he takes over control of the Five-Ring High Tower authority the ceremony to be very low-key, because he had decided after five years are the expiration give Witch Lianna. 史蒂芬现在是五环高塔首席巫师,只不过他接管五环高塔权力的仪式很低调,因为他已经决定在五年任期满后就交给莉安娜女巫 Five-Ring High Tower currently has Mage Victor and Witch Eve two predecessor Chief Mage assumes personal command, even if Steven abdicates to give up one's post to a more qualified person does not have any influence. 五环高塔现在有维克多巫师伊芙女巫两位前任首席巫师坐镇,即便是史蒂芬退位让贤也没有任何的影响。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 Steven lifts the hand previous to wipe in the body gently, along with the distortion of all around space, his form appeared in a dusky world. 史蒂芬抬手轻轻在身前一抹,伴随着四周空间的扭曲,他的身影已经出现在了一片灰蒙蒙的世界。 Nightmare Realm. 梦魇之境 Steven looked up to the sky of this dusky world, a round pale moon was hanging above the nighttime sky high, in those days that rich blood-red ray dissipated thoroughly. These days he almost the night will enter Nightmare Realm to observe Half Moon every day, Star of a Trillion Deaths Evil Domain dissipated thoroughly, Nightmare Realm no longer covers under his evil force field. 史蒂芬抬头望向了这片灰蒙蒙世界的天空中,一轮苍白的月亮高高悬挂于夜空之上,往日那浓郁的血红色光芒已经彻底消散。这段时间他几乎每天夜晚都会进入梦魇之境观察弦月,死兆之星邪恶领域已经彻底消散了,梦魇之境不再笼罩在祂的邪恶力场下。 The wandering soul that in those days fluttered in all directions was scarcer. 往日四处飘荡的游魂已经稀少了许多。 In the dense fog will occasionally present the wandering souls of some new births, how long them but could not want to enter given River Styx, gradually dripped following River Styx to the Ethereal Plane deep place. 迷雾中偶尔会出现一些新诞生的游魂,但是要不了多久它们就会在冥河的牵引下进入其中,逐渐地顺着冥河流淌到灵界深处。 Death God's daughter is taking over control of the Nightmare Realm authority gradually. 死神之女正在逐渐接管梦魇之境的权柄。 How long could not want to be distinct the life and death boundary gradually, the dead cannot easily enter Material Plane. 要不了多久生与死的界限就会逐渐分明,亡者再也不能轻易地进入物质位面 suddenly. 突然间 Steven seems realize has turned around, shortly afterwards looks to the present dense fog, calmly said: You came back.” 史蒂芬好似有所察觉般地转过身,紧接着望向了眼前的迷雾,平静道:“你回来了。” Hello. Savior.” Huge incomparable silver-gray illusory shadow appears in the dense fog, the Time Dragon form appears in Nightmare Realm gradually, his line of sight has swept Half Moon in sky, appears a trace of a slight smile saying: Congratulates you. You have saved this world from the hand of Elder Hatred successfully.” “你好。救世者。”一个庞大无比的银灰色虚影在迷雾中浮现,时光龙的身影逐渐浮现于梦魇之境,祂的视线扫了一眼天空中的弦月,浮现起一丝微笑道:“恭喜你。你成功从上古憎恶的手中拯救了这个世界。” The Steven strength constantly is growing. 史蒂芬的力量正在不断地增长。 Since eliminating Star of a Trillion Deaths to obtain Divine Strength that Star Spirit will incarnation- Master Xu has granted, the Steven ability had the enhancement in entire aspect, this is the accumulation and transformation of Divine Strength, is the entire world to his feedback, one type is similar to the Deity authority. 自从消灭死兆之星获得了星灵意志化身-虚大师赠与的神性力量后,史蒂芬的能力有了全方面的增强,这是神性力量的积累与转化,也是整个世界对他的反馈,一种类似于神灵般的权柄。 In the past he can only induce to peeping at Time Dragon fuzzily, but the opposite party just presented him to perceive now. 过去他才只能模糊地感应到时光龙的窥视,可是现在对方刚刚出现他就已经觉察到了。 .................. ………………
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