SDG :: Volume #21

#2075: Chapter 2075? Saiki Kusuo arrives at the Three Body many big god level civilization

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A Aizen being with good intention appearance. 蓝染一副善解人意的样子. Liu Peiqiang and Lou Ji do not speak. 刘培强罗辑不说话了. Although sounds the meaning of a little dismantling the bridge after crossing, but they indeed had the idea in this aspect before. 虽然听起来有点过河拆桥的意思,但他们之前的确有这方面的想法. Who lets Aizen is a true ruthless person is natural, actually in guild everyone also knows after...... Aizen breaks through to first class, basically will not have the crooked thoughts to the low-grade world. 谁让蓝染是一个真正的狠人当然,其实公会里面大家也知道......蓝染突破到第一阶级后,基本上不会对一些低等级的世界动歪心思. After all, the words that he really wants to test, can definitely by own Kyōka Suigetsu, create Small World, then acts in a self-serving manner......, but, was shinigami takes to the impression of others to be extremely profound eventually, causing the guild member to see his first, will raise to be vigilant the heart subconsciously. 毕竟,他真的想要实验的话,完全可以凭借自己的镜花水月,创造出小世界,然后为所欲为......但是,终究是死神带给旁人的印象太过深刻了,导致公会成员看到他的第一眼,就会下意识升起警惕之心. Su Xiaoxiao: „Then, goes to that world by me and Saiki Kusuo.” 苏小小:“那么接下来,由我和齐木楠雄前往那个世界吧.” Su Han issued the conclusion straightforwardly, he stretched his body, later purchased Crossing Over Talisman, clicked on official crossed over. 苏寒直截了当的下达了定论,他舒展了一下自己的身子骨,随后购买了一张穿越符,点击了正式穿越. A gorgeous radiance ascends from him on, when radiance diverges, Su Han’s figure also from vanishes same place does not see. 一道绚丽光华自他身上升腾而起,等到光华散去,苏寒的身影也自原地消失不见. ...... At the same time, in fusion world. ......与此同时,融合世界之中. Moon Strategic Battle deployment base. 月球战略部署基地. The numerous high-level stations of Blue Star Federation government here, look anxiety. 蓝星联邦政府的众多高层站在这里,神色十分的忧虑. They looked once for a while stands in frontline two people...... these two Lou Ji as well as Liu Peiqiang. 他们时不时的看一下站在最前方的两人......这两人正是罗辑以及刘培强. Finally, the Federation starry sky defense section ministers could not repress, 49 inquired in a low voice, actually two gentlemen...... we should now how from place 终于,联邦星空防御部部长按捺不住了,49低声询问,“两位先生......我们现在究竟该如何自处” Presently, Blue Star major countries already completely continually a unified Federation government. 当前,蓝星各大国家已经全部都连成了一个统一的联邦政府. And under help of powerful technology in Lou Ji, Liu Peiqiang provides, thorough entered the starry sky time, making the civilization thriving to the pinnacle. 并且在罗辑,刘培强提供的强大科技的帮助之下,彻底的进入了星空时代,让文明繁荣昌盛到了极致. Also because of so, although Liu Peiqiang and Lou Ji have not held an office in the Federation government, they still have extremely powerful right to speak and influence on the Federation government. 也正是因为如此,虽然刘培强罗辑联邦政府中没有任职,他们仍然对联邦政府拥有着极强大的话语权以及影响力. „.” “等.” Liu Peiqiang sluggish say/way. 刘培强懒散道. star against section minister look straightens, he suspected very much this character, is really... decisive Liu Peiqiang was said by that Blue Star, was as for the destruction of entire human civilization, close at hand...... you must wait unexpectedly again! Waits for anything and other true demise arrivals the minister also brow locking of another armed forces department, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, during was void to swing mighty waves suddenly. 星防部部长眼神发直,他很怀疑这个字,真的是由那个…果断的刘培强说出的吗蓝星,乃至于整个人类文明的覆灭,近在眼前......你居然还要再等一等!等什么等真正的灭亡到来吗另外一位武装部的部长也眉头锁紧,但没有等他开口,虚空之中豁然荡起了道道波澜. What person “什么人” To be related with...... this time enemy/villain “难道说和......这一次的敌人有关” Protects two gentlemen!” “保护两位先生!” No need.” “不必.” Lou Ji opened the mouth suddenly, he took a fast look around behind numerous Federation high-level one, these comes time, person who can solve this event.” 罗辑突然开口了,他扫视了身后的众多联邦高层一眼,“这一次来的,正是能够解决此次事件的人.” The next breath, Su Han and Saiki Kusuo form appears suddenly. 下一个呼吸,苏寒以及齐木楠雄的身影豁然浮现. Su Han took a fast look around the scene interestingly , one week, projected on the vision Lou Ji finally, saw you mixed was so good, I felt relieved.” 苏寒饶有兴趣的扫视了现场,,一周,最后将目光投射到了罗辑身上,“看到你们混的这么好,那我就放心了.” For a long time has not seen,” “许久未见,” Lou Ji slightly, the words bring temperately, you are as always graceful perfect.” 罗辑微微,话语带着温和,“您还是一如既往的优雅完美.” Su Han went forward to pat the shoulder of Lou Ji, quite somewhat cries at once, he was suitable for Teuchi opening among the guild live broadcasts. 苏寒上前拍了拍罗辑的肩膀,颇有些哭旋即,他顺手打开了公会直播间. That,” “那么,” Saiki Kusuo‘s voice was solved this accident by me time.” 齐木楠雄声音“就由我去解决这一次的事故了.” The voice falls, the Saiki Kusuo form from disappears same place does not see. 话音落下,齐木楠雄的身影自原地消失不见. But above celestial chart monitoring, then presented a huge energy response. 而在星图监控之上,则出现了一个庞大至极的能量反应. That is “那是” What situation...... that... the huge energy responded, unexpectedly appeared in the Solar System and that directly... the terrifying weapon among “什么情况......那个…庞大的能量反应,居然直接出现在了太阳系和那个…恐怖武器的正中间” This is any new destruction way... the weapon hit huge energy responded with that thus raises Big Bang, ruins the entire Solar System completely “这是什么新的毁灭方式吗用那个…武器撞击庞大能源反应,从而掀起大爆炸,将整个太阳系全部都葬送” Federation high level one on the scene has not been good-for-nothing, they to the universe, have own cognition, this moment look becomes: Very ugly/difficult to look at. 在场的联邦高层没有一个是废柴,他们对宇宙,都有着属于自己的认知,此刻神色变得:十分的难看. But also several smart person brows lock. 但也有几位聪明人眉头锁起. The Federation heads of government looked suddenly to position that Saiki Kusuo vanished, look drastic change, has the scene in the association , these people of unflustered, the brain had a guess immediately. 联邦政府首脑突然看向了齐木楠雄消失的位置,神色剧变,在联想起现场,,这几人从容不迫,大脑顿时有了一个猜测. Under he hangs down, asks a soft voice, the sound has one to shiver, please ask that...... that... sudden, the huge energy response is......” 他低垂下头,轻声开口询问,声音带着一丝颤抖,“请问......那个…突然出现的,庞大至极的能量反应是......” Un! Is... you guesses such.” “嗯!就是...你所猜测那样.” Liu Peiqiang words sloppiness as always, „, moreover...... that fellow should send out own energy now at will, rather than erupts full power.” 刘培强话语一如既往的散漫,“而且......那家伙现在应该只是随意的散发自己的能量,而不是全力爆发.” If Saiki Kusuo erupts own energy full power, then the energy scope exceeds the upper limit that the monitoring system can monitor absolutely in a flash. 如果齐木楠雄全力爆发自己的能量,那么能量幅度绝对一瞬间超越了监测系统能够监测到的上限. Nod of Lou Ji deep is so. 罗辑深以为然的点了点头. He noticed that Su Han and the others arrived, thorough felt relieved...... now, do not say that is two 2 to the foil, even if in the universe all big god level civilizations killed completely, Su Han or Saiki Kusuo can easily keep off similarly. 他看到苏寒等人到来,彻底的放下心来了......现在,不要说是二二向箔,就算是宇宙中所有的大神级文明全部都杀了过来,苏寒或者齐木楠雄同样能轻易挡下. That... the terrifying weapon in monitor, vanishes from the celestial chart on instantaneously, that... the huge energy response vanishes in the next moment suddenly......, but, has not appeared in Moon defense base. 那个…监测中的恐怖武器,瞬间自星图上消失,那个…庞大的能量反应在下一刻突然消失......不过,并未出现在月球防御基地中. Su Han’s Observation Haki induced anything, on his face appeared not to know whether to laugh or cry, this...... Saiki Kusuo, but also was really a careful fellow.” 苏寒的见闻色霸气感应到了什么,他脸上浮现出哭笑不得,“这样吗......齐木楠雄,还真是个心细的家伙.” After sighing with emotion one, Su Han lays aside some attention in the guild chatroom. 感慨了一句之后,苏寒将部分注意力放置于公会聊天室之中. In discovery guild chatroom at this moment very lively. 发现此刻的公会聊天室里面非常的热闹. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Two 2 to foil, regarding . The first class big shot...... snaps fingers to extinguish!” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“二二向箔,对于..第一阶级的大佬来说......弹指可灭!” Tony Is Not the Richest: „... Actually I felt, Saiki Kusuo stands in Guild Leader also has Liu Peiqiang their side, can be away from the vast galaxy to solve two 2 to approach the foil.” 托尼不是首富:“...其实我觉得,齐木楠雄站在会长还有刘培强他们的旁边,就能隔着浩瀚星河解决掉二二向箔.” Tony Is Not the Richest: Even I...... I still can not leave, sends out armor two 2 to solve directly to the foil.” 托尼不是首富:“就算是我......我也能够不动身,直接派出机甲将二二向箔解决掉啊.” Tony Stark shakes the head, he expressed Saiki Kusuo this acting cool is not neat. 托尼斯塔克摇了摇头,他表示齐木楠雄这个逼装的一点也不干净利落. Madoka Daigo: „......” 圆大古:“......” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „!!!!” 高坂京介:“!!!!” Sakata Gintoki: Terrifying in this way.” 坂田银时:“恐怖如斯.” Gudako: Tony Stark: acting cool, I am specialized! Manual funny 咕哒子:“托尼斯塔克:装逼,我是专业的!手动滑稽” Su Xiaoxiao: „ Do not speak the sarcastic remark in behind. 苏小小:“你们别在后面说风凉话了. Saiki Kusuo leaves personally, but there is an important matter to be busy. ” 齐木楠雄亲自动身,可是有要事要忙.” Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: „” 初音未来未来初音:“” Kotonoha Katsura: Any matter 桂言叶:“啥事啊” Izumi Sagiri: „...... I can only through the live broadcast, see this headquarters' inside scene, that... celestial chart......” 和泉纱雾:“啊......我只能够通过直播,看到这个指挥部里面的景象,还有那个…星图......” Izumi Sagiri: That... the starry sky observation attempts I have many being able to understand...... me to look at Saiki Kusuo that side scene , live broadcast!” 和泉纱雾:“那个…星空观测图我就有很多看不懂的了......我想要看齐木楠雄那边的现场,,直播!” Izumi Sagiri small cheeks drum high. 和泉纱雾小脸颊鼓的高高的. Doctor Romani: „!!! That..., although I can understand that... the observation map......, but I also want to look at the scene , live broadcast.” 罗曼医生:“!!!那个…,虽然我能够看得懂那个…观测图......但是我也想看现场,,直播.” Doctor Romani cautious speech. 罗曼医生小心翼翼的发言. Liu Peiqiang: „......” 刘培强:“......” Facing Wall Lou Ji: „...... Said, although was a little awkward, but actually I also want to know.” 面壁人罗辑:“......说出来虽然有点尴尬,但其实我也蛮想知道.” Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“......” Su Han opens the eye subconsciously, looked at Lou Ji, Liu Peiqiang, the corners of the mouth twitched, sent a few words in guild. 苏寒下意识睁开眼睛,看了一眼自己身旁的罗辑,刘培强,嘴角抽搐了一下,在公会里发了一句话. Su Xiaoxiao: „...... Actually also has nothing to conceal.” 苏小小:“也罢......其实也没什么好隐瞒的.” The Su Han thought moves, front void swung mighty waves instantaneously. 苏寒念头一动,面前的虚空瞬间荡起了道道波澜. Afterward, endless Phantom ascends baseless. 随后,无尽的幻影凭空地升腾而起. These Phantom were too many too many......, was the one after another shape is entirely different, was huge the vast universe civilization the Lord star. 这些幻影太多太多了......,是一个个形态截然不同,却同样庞大浩瀚的宇宙文明的主星. The pure mechanical civilization, alien like the octopus common tentacle civilization, the Zerg civilization...... also has are more, the shape was above the earthling cognition completely, keeping them from understanding special civilization how these ............ the civilization is born. 纯粹的机械文明,外星如同章鱼一般的触手文明,虫族文明......还有更多更多,形态完全超乎了地球人认知,让他们无法理解这些............文明是如何诞生的特殊文明. But at this time, these ............ beyond the civilization have the Saiki Kusuo form to appear. 而此时,这些............文明之外都有着齐木楠雄的身影出现. Small
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