SDG :: Volume #21

#2074: Chapter 2074? Big threat of Three Body World? Two-Dimensional Foil came

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Tony Stark is taking a fast look around the guild chat content, after the ponder moment, speech. 托尼斯塔克扫视着公会聊天内容,沉思片刻后,发言了. Tony Is Not the Richest: „ Wine Sword Immortal. 托尼不是首富:“酒剑仙. If your world, technology and xianxia system unified completely in one...... you said one with me when the time comes. ” 倘若你的世界,科技仙侠体系完全结合在了一起......你到时候和我说一声.” Tony Is Not the Richest: I want to go to your world, look, good integration of xianxia and technology.” 托尼不是首富:“我想前往你的世界,看一看,仙侠科技的完美结合.” Wine Sword Immortal: Does not have the issue.” 酒剑仙:“没有问题.” The Wine Sword Immortal look enforced. 酒剑仙的神色严肃了起来. Madoka Daigo: „...... I am somewhat strange, Mr. Tony Stark also needs to look at this 圆大古:“......我有些奇怪,托尼斯塔克先生还需要看这个吗” The Madoka Daigo brow is pressed. 圆大古眉头蹙起. Kōsaka Kyosuke: Indeed...... technology and good integration of fantasy strength, Mr. Stark is not best manifestation the union of Sorcerer Supreme strength and its technology strength.” 高坂京介:“的确......科技与幻想力量的完美结合,斯塔克先生不就是最好的体现吗至尊法师力量与本身科技力量的结合.” Tony Is Not the Richest: „ On the one hand...... I build up from technology after all. 托尼不是首富:“一方面......我毕竟是从科技起家的. Although learned/studied the magic afterward, but the thought in this aspect definitely is the overall deviation at a science point...... on the other hand, the strength of magic after all and xianxia not Taichi type. ” 虽然后来学习了魔法,但是这方面的思维肯定是总体偏向于科学一点......另外一方面,魔法的力量毕竟和仙侠太一样.” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“......” Sakata Gintoki: „...... Always felt that this explanation is a little subtle, but wants to refute not to know where starts to refute.” 坂田银时:“......总感觉这个解释有点微妙,但想反驳又不知道从哪里开始反驳.” Aikawa Ayumu: „ Mr. Stark deceives us, does not have the significance to him. 相川步:“斯塔克先生骗我们,对他也没有意义啊. After all the words that he does not want to speak, can definitely not explain! ” 毕竟他不想说的话,完全可以不解释啊!” Aikawa Ayumu eye rolled, thought that Sakata Gintoki is... likes thinking. 相川步翻了个白眼,觉得坂田银时就是...喜欢多想. Yukinoshita Yukino: Stands to reason.” 雪之下雪乃:“言之有理.” Sakata Gintoki: „......” 坂田银时:“......” Su Xiaoxiao: You...... did not say that the time was very late, I first rested.” 苏小小:“你们啊......不说了,时间很晚了,我先睡了.” Su Han speechless smiles. 苏寒哑然一笑. After he washed, then went to bed to close the eye to fall asleep. 他洗漱了之后,便上床闭上眼睛睡着了. Next day, Su Han by guild inside prompt sound awakening by noise. 次日,苏寒是被公会里面的提示音给吵醒的. Su Xiaoxiao: „” 苏小小:“” Su Xiaoxiao: What happened...... this little while talent! Un six o'clock.” 苏小小:“发生了什么事情......这会儿才!嗯才六点钟.” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „!!!!” 成龙不想考古:“!!!!” Hijikata Toushirou: Seeming like...... the Guild Leader's mood is not very good.” 土方十四郎:“看起来......会长的心情很不好啊.” Kirishima Touka: Getting out of bed air/Qi......, if I were awakened by noise very early in the morning, I will also be angry very much.” 雾岛董香:“起床气而已......如果我一大早被吵醒,我也会很生气啊.” Sakuragi Hanamichi: „ Liu strong. 樱木花道:“刘强. Facing Wall Lou Ji. 面壁人罗辑. Is these two is looking for you. ” 是这两位在找您.” Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“......” Su Han look flash earnest. 苏寒神色一瞬间认真了起来. These two are the character are quite serious, does not like looking for a job. 这两人都是性格较为严肃的,不是喜欢找事的. If their @, that might be really occurrence important matter. 如果是他们艾特的话,那有可能是真的发生大事了. Su Xiaoxiao: Had anything 苏小小:“发生了什么” Facing Wall Lou Ji: I and Mr. Liu Peiqiang manufactured the outer space observation system jointly, even became a special fortress...... to treat as the fortress the entire Solar System casting the Solar System, observes beside the Solar System by the observation system that itself established......” 面壁人罗辑:“我与刘培强先生联手制作了外太空观测系统,甚至将整个太阳系都铸造成了一个特殊的堡垒......将太阳系当作堡垒,以本身所设置的观测系统观测太阳系之外......” Facing Wall Lou Ji: However we discovered before, has destroys the attack of Solar System sufficiently, steps aside from the outer space to sweep across to come.” 面壁人罗辑:“而我们之前发现,有足以毁灭太阳系的攻击,自外太空席卷而来.” Kayaba Akihiko: „” 茅场晶彦:“” Sawada Tsunayoshi: „!!!!” 沢田纲吉:“!!!!” Hijikata Toushirou: „... Attack of Solar System 土方十四郎:“...太阳系的攻击” Hijikata Toushirou look drastic change. 土方十四郎神色剧变. Although in guild has many people able to do this matter, but on current theory, Hijikata Toushirou not this ability, moreover actually he knows this ability to mean anything......, therefore he heartfelt feel will be naturally shocking. 虽然公会里面有很多人能够干到这种事情,但是就当前论,土方十四郎没有这种能力,而且他知晓这种能力究竟意味着什么......所以他自然会由衷的感到震惊. Railgun: „...... Is.” 超电磁炮:“......难道是.” The Misaka Mikoto vision twinkle, she guessed anything in this moment. 御坂美琴目光闪烁,她在这一刻猜测到了什么. Liu Peiqiang: Is...... should be two 2 approaches the foil.” 刘培强:“是的......应该就是二二向箔了.” guild fell into for a long time peace, later thorough blasted out the pot. 公会陷入了许久的安静,随后彻底的炸开了锅. Sakuragi Hanamichi: „” 樱木花道:“” Kuroko Tetsuya: Two 2 is... that... can fall the latitude to become 2D two 2 to approach foil the entire Solar System to the foil 黑子哲也:“二二向箔就是...那个…能够将整个太阳系降纬成二次元的二二向箔” Kayaba Akihiko: „ Really. 茅场晶彦:“真. Went to 2D! ” 二次元了!” Kurosaki Ichigo: „ Looks at anything to look, you are also 2D. 黑崎一护:“看什么看,你也是二次元. Tony Is Not the Richest: „After reducing to attack,...... the entire Solar System will be pressed a thickness is 0 papers, all lives on Earth will die completely.” 托尼不是首富:“降为打击之后......整个太阳系会被压成一张厚度为0的纸,地球上的所有生命全部都会死.” The Tony Stark brow is much more pressed. 托尼斯塔克眉头蹙得紧紧的. He in same place pacing several, spoke suddenly. 他在原地踱步数圈之后,骤然发言. Tony Is Not the Richest: Probably also how long time 托尼不是首富:“大概还有多长时间” Liu Peiqiang: „Before 2 minutes...... me, made both kinds of preparation, private has chatted Accelerator specially, Aizen, Saiki Kusuo and other members...... , if unable to relate the Guild Leader's words, has accumulated points by us, making them first come to withstand/top one.” 刘培强:“二分钟......我之前做了两手准备,已经专门私聊过一方通行,蓝染,齐木楠雄等成员......如果无法联系上会长的话,就由我们出积分,让他们先过来顶一顶了.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Fortunately, Guild Leader.” 高坂京介:“幸运的是,会长在.” Sakata Gintoki: „ Not...... Guild Leader, even if sleeping, his feeling keen enough to is still beyond description. 坂田银时:“不......会长就算是在睡觉,他的感觉也敏锐到难以形容. So long as is he wants to awake, wants to pay attention to you, will rest ripe, will respond to you in your @ him flash again. ” 只要是他想醒,想理睬你的话,睡得再熟,都会在你艾特他的第一瞬间回应你.” Yukinoshita Yukino: „......” 雪之下雪乃:“......” Gudako: Was too real.” 咕哒子:“太真实了.” Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: The person who „ therefore , @ Guild Leader, Guild Leader has not responded to...... in the heart must have several. 初音未来未来初音:“所以说,艾特会长,会长却没有回应的人......心中要有数. Understands that what is this, later do not go to harassment recklessly again, @ Guild Leader! ” 明白这是什么意思,以后不要再去肆意的骚扰,艾特会长了!” Shinonono Tabane: „ I understood. 筱之之束:“我懂了. Su Xiaoxiao. 苏小小. Then Guild Leader, I should not be in your blacklist 那么会长,我应该不是你黑名单之中的一员吧” Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“......” Ding! Shinonono Tabane by the speech ban ten minutes.” “叮!筱之之束禁言十分钟.” Sirzechs: „......” 萨泽克斯:“......” Ryugu Rena: „......” 龙宫礼奈:“......” Kotonoha Katsura: „!!!!” 桂言叶:“!!!!” Kurosaki Ichigo: „...... This is really the terrifying, Shinonono Tabane this wave of exercise shows my scalp tingles.” 黑崎一护:“......这是真的恐怖,筱之之束这波操作秀得我头皮发麻.” Ernesti: This is...... the peak wise man 艾尔涅斯帝:“这是......顶级智者” Ernesti: How I felt, she to artificial mental handicap is a little similar.” 艾尔涅斯帝:“我怎么觉得,她跟人工智障有点相似.” The Ernesti corners of the mouth twitch crazily, he does not know what kind of expression oneself should show. 艾尔涅斯帝嘴角疯狂抽搐,他不知道自己该露出怎样的表情了. Kotori Minami: „ Conventional operation, sits down. 南小鸟:“常规操作,都坐下. Tushan Honghong: Actually, Shinonono Tabane is the black bellied rabbit 涂山红红:“其实,筱之之束本来就是个腹黑兔子吧” The Tushan Honghong vision is deep, in her mind train of thought twinkle, slow sound opens the mouth. 涂山红红目光深沉,她脑海之中思绪闪烁,缓声开口. Tushan Honghong: To me, Shinonono Tabane, regardless of does anything, that is very normal...... she will not do, only then a matter, that touches the Guild Leader's bottom line, was kicked guild.” 涂山红红:“就我个人而言,筱之之束无论干出什么,那都是很正常的......她不会干的,只有一件事,那就是触碰到会长的底线,然后被踢出公会.” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“......” Natsume: A little truth.” 夏目:“有点道理.” Himura Kenshin: Was too real.” 绯村剑心:“太真实了.” Facing Wall Lou Ji: Therefore , no one comes 面壁人罗辑:“所以说,没有人过来吗” The Lou Ji innermost feelings are perturbed. 罗辑内心七上八下的. Even he again how steady, king good somewhat could not support at this moment. 就算他再怎样稳重,诺王好此刻都有些撑不住了. After all over time,...... two 2 crosses for 15 minutes to infiltrate the Solar System to the foil now again. 毕竟随着时间的流逝,现在......二二向箔再过十五分钟时间就要打入太阳系了. Su Xiaoxiao: I go to one, this should be side mission picks.” 苏小小:“我去一趟吧,这应该算是一个支线任务采.” Aikawa Ayumu: Un 相川步:“嗯” Aikawa Ayumu responded, spoke in guild instantaneously. 相川步反应了过来,瞬间在公会里面发言. Aikawa Ayumu: „ My my I! I must go, although I cannot help in the big pattern......, but I also want to give Lou Ji Liu Peiqiang their some mind in one's power to comfort. 相川步:“我我我!我也要去,虽然我在大格局上帮不上忙......但是我也想要给罗辑刘培强他们一些力所能及的心灵宽慰. Told them, has guild inside member to stand in them behind! ” 告诉他们,有着公会里面的成员站在他们身后!” Kurosaki Ichigo: I almost on letter/believes.” 黑崎一护:“我差点就信了.” Saiki Kusuo: I also pass one, always being insufficient makes Guild Leader begin personally 齐木楠雄:“我也过去一趟吧,总不至于让会长亲自动手吧” Accelerator: I watch the fun.” 一方通行:“那我就看个热闹吧.” Aizen Sōsuke: „ Since there is first class passed, I am not the inevitable option. 蓝染惣右介:“既然有第一阶级的过去了,我不是必然选项. Then Liu Peiqiang also has Lou Ji, is not wants in his world to see that I that I. ” 那么想必刘培强还有罗辑,也不是太想在他那个世界看到我吧那我就不去了.” Recommendation 推荐
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