SDG :: Volume #21

#2076: Chapter 2076? Saiki Kusuo: If Earth has problems, then I will blame everyone present

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The Saiki Kusuo facial features are tranquil, then collapsed superficially these ............ the defense organization of civilization. 齐木楠雄面容平静,轻描淡写便崩溃了这些............文明的防御机构. And, he appeared before these directly ............ the leadership person of powerful civilization, demonstrated that to them the celestial chart position of Earth, gave the warning. 并且,他直接出现在了这些............强大文明的领导人身前,向他们展示出了地球的星图位置,给出了警告. His voice is gentle, the star respective Solar System that if...... I label had the problem, then...... I will blame everyone on the scene!” 他声音平缓,“如果......我所标注的这个星球所属的太阳系出现了问题,那么......我将怪罪在场的诸位!” In Moon Strategic Battle base, a silence. 月球战略基地之中,一片寂静. All Federation high-level are dull is looking at these ......... the illusory picture. 所有的联邦高层呆呆在看着那些.........虚幻的画面. The one after another civilizations in these scenes, were too great, all takes own civilized by the huge groups of galaxies the territory, even can self- crossover universe part, lord the star to place forcefully, constituted the most perfect powerful defense. 那些场景之中的一个个文明,太宏大了,全都是以一个又一个的庞大星系群作为自己的文明的领地,甚至能够自我割切宇宙的一部分,强行将主星放在其中,构成了最为完美强大的防御. Even the Earth civilization development the present, can transform the fortress the entire Solar System......, but ............ the civilization compared...... the disparity is too big with these, like cloud mud. 即便地球文明发展到了现在,将整个太阳系都能改造成堡垒......但和这些............文明比起来......差距太大了,如同云泥. However, the person, he appeared in the face of this innumerable civilizations, to be above strength of imagination their completely steamroll, sent out the language of threat. 然而,却偏偏有一个人,他出现在了这无数的文明面前,以超乎想象的力量将他们全部都碾压,发出了威胁之语. The Su Han look is strange. 苏寒神色古怪. Compares at the scene , the silence, guild chatted thoroughly indoor blasted out the pot. 相较于现场,,的寂静,公会聊天室内彻底的炸开了锅. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: fuck !” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“卧槽,!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Fog grass!” 高坂京介:“雾草!” Kōsaka Kirino: „” 高坂桐乃:“” Sakata Gintoki: Show my scalp tingles.” 坂田银时:“秀得我头皮发麻.” Gudako: If Earth presented the matter, then I will blame the scene , everyone...... Saiki Kusuo awesome.” 咕哒子:“如果地球出现了事情,那么我将会怪罪现场,,的诸位......齐木楠雄牛逼啊.” Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: „ I have thought...... Saiki Kusuo is the personality very gentle good-hearted person. 初音未来未来初音:“我一直以为......齐木楠雄是性格非常温婉的老好人. Where thinks that he came such a move suddenly, subverted me...... unrivalled strength completely to his impression, this can only describe with unrivalled strength. ” 哪里想到他突然来了这么一招,完全颠覆了我对他的印象......强无敌,这只能用强无敌来形容了.” Hatsune Miku Hatsune rumble will swallow saliva in the future. 初音未来未来初音咕噜一声咽了一口唾沫. This was too aggressive! Kotonoha Katsura: „..., only then I notice, these ............ the civilization should not be the ordinary civilization 这太霸气了!桂言叶:“...只有我注意到,这些............文明应该都不是什么普通的文明吗” Kotonoha Katsura is lost in thought. 桂言叶陷入了沉思. She feels that civilized scene in picture, although are many, but each civilization huge tedious to was above her imagination...... Su Xiaoxiao: You guessed right.” 她感觉画面上的那文明场景虽然多,但每一个文明都庞大繁琐到了超乎她的想象......苏小小:“你猜对了.” Su Han speechless smiles, pours has not raised appetite. 苏寒哑然一笑,倒也没有吊胃口. Su Xiaoxiao: All civilizations that at this time Saiki Kusuo looks, can say that is completely existences of big god civilized rank.” 苏小小:“此时齐木楠雄找上的所有文明,可以说全部都是大神文明级别的存在.” Su Xiaoxiao: Their true standing erect in Three Body universe peak.” 苏小小:“他们真正的屹立于三体宇宙的巅峰.” Umaru Doma: „!!!” 土间埋:“!!!” Lelouch: „...... I must look do not look for these ......... the civilization of small fish small shrimp, must look looks for the top civilization directly.” 鲁鲁修:“......我要找就不找那些.........小鱼小虾的文明,要找就直接找顶尖文明.” Sakuragi Hanamichi: Six! This is the true big shot.” 樱木花道:“六啊!这就是真正的大佬.” Kuroko Tetsuya: „After today,...... Earth, when has no more worries.” 黑子哲也:“今日之后......地球当高枕无忧.” Kuroko Tetsuya said these words very calmly. 黑子哲也十分冷静的说出了这段话. Aikawa Ayumu: „ This is not obvious! Has what low grade civilization to Earth begin, the most Three Body universe must go crazy. 相川步:“这不是明摆着的吗!有什么低等级文明要对地球动手,大半个三体宇宙都要发狂. Because this is in these ......... the root of big god level civilization:. ” 因为这是在断那些.........大神级文明的根:啊.” Hijikata Toushirou: Presently the universe is bright: Big god level civilization.” 土方十四郎:“当前宇宙明:大神级文明.” Railgun: Person sits in home, pot from space.” 超电磁炮:“人在家中坐,锅从天上来.” Kirishima Touka: You must smile the position of king I... inherit my ghoul lineage/vein 雾岛董香:“你是要笑死我...继承我喰种一脉的王之位吗” Nakiri Erina: That Guild Leader, why, Saiki Kusuo will appear in so many big god civilized headquarters simultaneously 薙切绘里奈:“那个会长,为什么,齐木楠雄会同时出现在这么多的大神文明总部” The Nakiri Erina brow locking, she discovered matter. 薙切绘里奈眉头锁紧,她发现了的事情. Thor Odinson: Right.” 托尔奥丁森:“对啊.” Thor (Tohru) also responded. 托尔也反应过来了. Aizen Sōsuke: everyone...... you forgot Saiki Kusuo has clone supernatural power 蓝染惣右介:“诸位......你们是不是忘记了齐木楠雄拥有分身的超能力 On the Aizen face appeared to wipe reluctantly. 蓝染脸上浮现出了一抹无奈. Takanashi Rikka: „!!!!” 小鸟游六花:“!!!!” Ainz Ooal Gown: „” 安兹乌尔恭:“” Ainz Ooal Gown: In other words...... Saiki Kusuo splits so many incarnations, but his each incarnation...... has easily the strength of destruction big god rank civilization 安兹乌尔恭:“也就是说......齐木楠雄分裂出这么多化身,而他的每一个化身......都拥有着轻易覆灭大神级别文明的力量” Momonga expressed own scalp tingles. 飞鼠表示自己的头皮发麻. The subconsciousness grasps the top of the head, this responded, oneself present is the skeleton pattern, actually did not have scalp type of thing. 下意识抓了抓头顶,这才反应过来,自己现在是骷髅模式,其实没有头皮这种东西. Dongfang Bai: This is guild first class big shot 东方白:“这就是公会第一阶级的大佬吗” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „...... Very normal.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“......很正常吧.” Goko Ruri appears very calm. 五更琉璃显得十分的淡定. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Father strikes full power, can raise affects the universe the turmoil, even may collapse the universe some foundation principle......, thus raises affects the entire universe self-destroying.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“老爹全力一击,都能够掀起波及宇宙的动乱,甚至有可能崩断宇宙的某个根基性法则......从而掀起波及全宇宙的自灭.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: That, the guild first class big shot can do this matter, is not the natural matter he does not do to be strange.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“那么,公会第一阶级大佬能够干出这种事情,不也是理所当然的事吗他干不到才奇怪吧.” Tony Is Not the Richest: fair and reasonable.” 托尼不是首富:“合情合理.” Father Whitebeard: „ Gurarara, my daughter well said. 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,我女儿说的对. Selected a to praise silently. 默默点了一个赞. Magical Girl Illya: „ Shakes. 魔法少女伊莉雅:“抖抖抖. Liu Peiqiang: „......” 刘培强:“......” Liu Peiqiang: I felt guild inside big shot here acting cool, but I do not have the evidence.” 刘培强:“我感觉是公会里面的大佬在借此机会装逼,但我没有证据.” Asked to spend Edogawa Conan: Why discussion so many had not seen that Saiki Kusuo that side matter was about to be solved 求花江户川柯南:“讨论这么多干什么没看到齐木楠雄那边的事情快解决了吗” The Su Han brow selects, Saiki Kusuo in this moment picture, already and big god rank civilized leaders discussed. 苏寒眉头一挑,此刻画面之中的齐木楠雄,已经和大神级别文明领袖们都探讨好了. Afterward, this one after another clone to dissipate baseless. 随后,这一个个分身全部都凭空消散. Looks in the picture astonished uncertain many big god level civilized leaders, the Su Han thought moves, the picture dissipates baseless. 看着画面之中惊异不定的诸多大神级文明领袖,苏寒念头一动,画面凭空消散. With buzz a resounding, the Saiki Kusuo form emerged out of thin air in Moon Strategic Battle base. 伴随着嗡得一声脆响,齐木楠雄的身影凭空出现在了月球战略基地之中. Had anything “发生了什么” Saiki Kusuo took a fast look around all around, the look is somewhat strange, but later, his supernatural power mind reading played the role. 齐木楠雄扫视了四周一圈,神色有些奇怪,不过随后,他的超能力读心术又发挥了作用. After being shortly silent, Saiki Kusuo somewhat speechless looked at Su Han, but has not said anything. 短暂沉默后,齐木楠雄有些无语的看了一眼苏寒,但也没有多说什么. He in the direction of Liu Peiqiang throws a Madoka ball on hand. 他将手上的一个小圆球向着刘培强的方向一扔. ............. This is .............“这是” Liu Peiqiang is thrown into confusion after receiving, sized up, the look is somewhat strange. 刘培强手忙脚乱的接下后,打量了一番,神色有些奇怪. Two 2 approaches the foil.” “二二向箔.” Superficialness that Saiki Kusuo replied. 齐木楠雄回答的轻描淡写. The Liu Peiqiang body lived suddenly stiffly. 刘培强身体豁然僵硬住了. Even the Lou Ji brow still beat several, looked at Su Han also in:, This felt relieved. 就算是罗辑眉头也跳动了数下,看了一眼苏寒还在:,这才放下心来. Relax,” “放心吧,” The Saiki Kusuo words as always, I have framed two 2 to the time of foil, you can observe and study this thing recklessly......, no matter how lane, he will not explode absolutely.” 齐木楠雄话语一如既往,“我已经定格了二二向箔的时间,你们可以肆意的观察和研究这东西......不管怎么弄,他都绝对不会爆炸.” That flash of also in the Saiki Kusuo words dropping, the clear sound resounds together suddenly. 也就在齐木楠雄话语落下的那一瞬间,一道清脆的声音忽然响起. Ding! side mission has completed. “叮!支线任务已完成. Saiki Kusuo obtains 80,000 accumulated points. 齐木楠雄获得8万点积分. Su Xiaoxiao obtains 20,000 accumulated points. 苏小小获得2万点积分. Facing Wall Lou Ji obtains 2. 面壁人罗辑获得二. 5 accumulated points. 点积分. Liu strong obtains 2. 刘强获得二. 50,000 accumulated points. ” 5万点积分.” After being shortly silent, Lou Ji then long relaxes, really finished.” 短暂沉默之后,罗辑这才长长松了一口气,“真的结束了.” The side mission reward issued, this also has anything not definite joins guild for a long time, Lou Ji regarding . The guild trust degree went to nearly blind goal situation. 支线任务奖励都下达了,这还有什么不确定的加入公会这么长时间,罗辑对于..公会的信任程度早就已经达到了近乎盲目的地步. Since, matter were solved, we should also go back.” “既然,事情解决了,那我们也该回去了.” The Su Han corners of the mouth hold the temperate smile. 苏寒嘴角噙着温和的笑容. Liu Peiqiang look one stiff, he opened the opens the mouth, is insufficient, comes our here! Moreover rescued our entire Blue Star a life of person......” 刘培强神色一僵,他张了张口,“不至于吧,来我们这边一趟!而且还救了我们一整个蓝星的人的生命......” No matter how said, making us ask you to eat meal, drinks a liquor, gives us a grateful opportunity.” “不管怎么说,让我们请你们吃个饭,喝个酒,给我们个感激的机会吧.” I do not drink.” “我不喝酒.” Saiki Kusuo is brief and to the point , owes to choked Liu Peiqiang. 齐木楠雄言简意赅,,把刘培强噎住了亏. Recommendation 推荐
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