SDG :: Volume #21

#2060: Chapter 2060? Angewomon and Asura event of seductress beast

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Horikita Suzune: That is true.” 崛北铃音:“的确如此.” Horikita Suzune by oneself was calmed down, to open the mouth forcefully later. 崛北铃音强行让自己冷静下来,随后开口. Horikita Suzune: After all, this is not...... Guild Leader also once pulled out for the first time has been to Anywhere Door, What-If Phone Booth and so on making an exception goods......” 崛北铃音:“毕竟,这也不是第一次了......会长也曾经抽到过任意门,如果电话亭之类的破格物品......” Ryugu Rena: Difference is..., these pulled out time completely entire 龙宫礼奈:“差别就是...,这一次全部都抽全了” Ryugu Rena expression complex to pinnacle. 龙宫礼奈表情复杂到了极致. Aikawa Ayumu: „ Guild Leader awesome. 相川步:“会长牛逼. Aikawa Ayumu: This perhaps is... the destiny.” 相川步:“这或许就是...气运吧.” Aikawa Ayumu is filled with all sorts of feelings. 相川步感慨万分. Umaru Doma: You said that destiny word, is not quite appropriate 土间埋:“你说气运这个词,不太妥当吧” The Umaru Doma look is somewhat unusual. 土间埋神色有些异样. Umaru Doma: „If Zhang Sanfeng, or was Li Jing they says the destiny...... I, in addition can also understand.” 土间埋:“如果是张三丰,或者是李靖他们说气运的话......我尚且还可以理解.” Aikawa Ayumu: „......” 相川步:“......” Aikawa Ayumu: I like looking at Ne Zha, was being attracted the past while convenient, tosses about to turn various legends of next door Yan and Huang...... you to have the opinion 相川步:“我喜欢看哪吒之魔童降世,顺带着被吸引了过去,翻来覆去翻隔壁炎黄的各种神话传说......你有意见吗” Umaru Doma: I actually had nothing to say in reply.” 土间埋:“我竟然无言以对.” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „ fair and reasonable. 成龙不想考古:“合情合理. Liu Peiqiang: Welcome, if you like this kind of thing...... you also should like this Madame White Snake very much very much time 刘培强:“欢迎啊,不过如果你很喜欢这一类的东西的话......你也应该会很喜欢这一次的白蛇传吧” Father Whitebeard: 8 Gurarara, actually I before thinking...... Guild Leader pulled out Angewomon 白胡子老爹:“八咕啦啦啦,其实我在想......会长之前抽到了天女兽吧” Whitebeard is lost in thought. 白胡子陷入了沉思. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Father, was skillful, I am also pondering this issue.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“老爹,巧了,我也在思考这个问题.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: In our family/home just presented Angewomon...... this to come an old enemy! I have been able to imagine, their two future presents the contradiction, even fights, scene that our family/home tears down.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“我们家里刚出现了一只天女兽......这就来了一个宿敌!我已经能够想象,她们二者未来出现矛盾,甚至打起架来,把我们家拆掉的景象了.” Ram: Please relax.” 拉姆:“请放心.” Ram mood not slight fluctuation. 拉姆情绪没有丝毫的波动. But the Rem this humble self flash opens the mouth, has the tacit understanding joined the Ram words. 雷姆在下一瞬间开口,非常有默契的接上了拉姆的话. Rem: Is words that they want to quarrel, without issue......” 雷姆:“是的呢,她们想要吵架的话,没有问题......” Rem: „ The words that but wants to fight, go out to hit, or hits since the time training room...... also similarly. 雷姆:“但是想要打架的话,出去打,或者是进入时间训练屋打......也同样可以. But if they fight at home, I and Onee-san well education their. ” 但如果她们在家里战斗的话,我和姐姐会好好的教育她们的.” Rem: Please must feel relieved, I and Onee-san are will not make them disturb master absolutely.” 雷姆:“请务必放心,我和姐姐是绝对不会让她们打扰到主人的.” Tony Is Not the Richest: „......” 托尼不是首富:“......” Madoka Daigo: Terrifying in this way.” 圆大古:“恐怖如斯.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „ Cannot stir up, cannot stir up. 高坂京介:“惹不起,惹不起. Su Xiaoxiao: Thing that actually...... this time pulls out, has nothing greatly.” 苏小小:“其实......这次抽到的东西,也没什么了不起.” Su Han received four dimension pockets, after inducing his effect, immediately raised the brow. 苏寒领取了四次元口袋,感应了一下他的功效之后,当即挑了挑眉头. Yukinoshita Yukino: „......” 雪之下雪乃:“......” Sakata Gintoki: I feel Guild Leader in acting cool, but I do not have.” 坂田银时:“我感觉会长是在装逼,但我没.” Su Xiaoxiao: „ Indeed is not anything, said that pocket that this time I pull out, inside item also can only use in our world completely. 苏小小:“的确不算什么,说,这次我抽到的口袋,里面的道具也全部都只能够在我们这个世界使用. Cannot attain other world to use! Only if using the accumulated points strengthening. ” 不能拿到其他世界用去!除非是动用积分强化.” Su Xiaoxiao: „ With next door. 苏小小:“就和隔壁的. Exactly the same. ” 一模一样.” duo dream: „” 哆啦梦:“” duo dream: Originally... pulls out is not my Version | Sakamoto four dimension pockets 哆啦梦:“本来...抽的不就是我版本的四次元口袋吗” duo dream choked, does not know oneself should say anything. 哆啦梦噎住了,不知道自己该说些什么了. Aisaka Taiga: Can use insufficiently...... also in own world 逢坂大河:“能在自己家世界用......还不够吗” Gudako: Yes, I, if can pull out...... I midnight to smile to this thing to make noise.” 咕哒子:“是啊,我如果能抽到这东西......我半夜都能笑出声来.” Hatsune Miku in the future Hatsune: However Guild Leader is the human form from walking to make a vow, in four dimension pockets the item can achieve, Guild Leader snap the fingers can also achieve similarly.” 初音未来未来初音:“然而会长本来就是人形自走许愿,四次元口袋里面道具能够做到的,会长打个响指也同样能够做到.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „......” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“......” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: I suddenly bewildered remembering, previous I to Room Demon King-sama, want to take a look at Hōgyoku...... then Demon King-sama snapped fingers, the hand to rub one pile of Hōgyoku time to give to me.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“我突然莫名其妙的想起,上一次我到魔王大人,想去看看崩玉......然后魔王大人打了个响指,手搓了一堆崩玉送给了我.” Kurosaki Ichigo: „” 黑崎一护:“” Kurosaki Ichigo face dumbfounded. 黑崎一护一脸懵逼. Yukinoshita Yukino: I actually want to know after...... Aizen hears these words, is what mood.” 雪之下雪乃:“我其实蛮想知道......蓝染听到这段话之后,到底是什么心情.” Aizen Sōsuke: „ Very tranquil. 蓝染惣右介:“很平静啊. I currently use Kyōka Suigetsu , can fabricate Hōgyoku forcefully......, although not possible dozen of a snap like Guild Leader, wants many Hōgyoku to have many Hōgyoku. 我现在使用镜花水月,,也能够强行捏造出崩玉......虽然不可能像会长那样打一个响指,要多少崩玉就能有多少崩玉. But coming out that I can indeed make! ” 但我的确是能够造的出来的!” Accelerator: Words that I think, is also feasible.” 一方通行:“我想的话,也同样可行啊.” Accelerator: „It is not makes, can break the upper limit strengthen the item 一方通行:“不就是制造出,可以让人打破上限变强的道具吗” Accelerator shows neither approval nor disapproval. 一方通行不置可否. Doctor Romani: „ Shakes. 罗曼医生:“抖抖抖. Kōsaka Kyosuke: This is the acting cool competition of guild first class big shot I actually felt that I do not have the opportunity of slightly interrupting.” 高坂京介:“这就是公会第一阶级大佬的装逼大赛吗我竟然感觉我自己没有丝毫插嘴的机会.” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“......” Tushan Honghong: By the attack, first looked at memory duplicate.” 涂山红红:“饱受打击,先去看记忆副本了.” On the Tushan Honghong face appeared to wipe reluctantly, she shakes the head, later clicked to enter Madame White Snake memory duplicate. 涂山红红脸上浮现出了一抹无奈,她摇了摇头,随后点击进入了白蛇传记忆副本. Su Han is taking a fast look around the guild chatroom, discovered the population flash that inside chatted was short. 苏寒扫视着公会聊天室,发现里面聊天的人数一瞬间少了很多. After making the ponder slightly, he speechless smiles, withdrew from the guild chatroom. 稍作思考之后,他哑然一笑,也退出了公会聊天室. Stretched to stretch, the Su Han thought moved, front twisted void, later the form of seductress beast appeared from the front. 舒展了一下懒腰,苏寒念头一动,面前的虚空为之扭曲,随后妖女兽的身影自面前浮现. On the seductress beast face has the respect, the single knee kneels down, to Su Han low head, security body Digimon seductress beast, offers my loyalty to you.” 妖女兽脸上带着尊敬,单膝跪下,对着苏寒低下了头颅,“安全体数码宝贝妖女兽,向您献上我的忠诚.” Su Han slightly nodded, he pulled up the arm of seductress beast, let its stand, sound temperateness as always, „ put comfortably...... does not need to regard the upper and lower layer to be like that serious. 苏寒微微点了点头,他拉起了妖女兽的手臂,让其站了起来,声音一如既往的温和,“放自在点吧......不必当成上下级那般严肃. Regards own family/home not to have the issue here. ” 把这里当成自己的家也没有问题.” This “这样吗” After the seductress beast makes the ponder slightly, showed the smile, „, since is your will.” 妖女兽稍作思考之后,露出了笑容,“既然是您的意志.” Chatted two with the seductress beast at will, Su Han to out of the door opens the mouth, Ram, you come.” 随意和妖女兽聊了两句,苏寒对着门外开口,“拉姆,你们进来吧.” The next flash, Ram pushes the door to enter. 下一瞬间,拉姆推门而入. She saw Su Han to pull out in guild to the seductress beast before, arrived is waiting. 她之前在公会中看到苏寒抽到妖女兽,就来到门外等待着了. But in her behind, follows Angewomon. 而在她的身后,则跟着天女兽. What “什么” How can be you!” “怎么会是你!” The seductress beast and that flash of Angewomon looking at each other, both sides all are the pupil contractions. 妖女兽与天女兽对视的那一瞬间,双方皆是瞳孔收缩. Atmosphere flash dignified. 现场的气氛一瞬间凝重了起来. After being shortly silent, the seductress beast took advantage of opportunity to grasp the arm of Su Han, the words bring gently, „ Arara...... has not thought, then here saw you evidently we similarly is under master. 短暂沉默之后,妖女兽顺势抱住了苏寒的手臂,话语带着温柔,“啊啦啦......没有想到,然后在这里见到你呢看样子我们同样是主人麾下. Then, must be together in the future well 那么,未来要不要好好相处呢” The Su Han eyelid beat, somewhat speechless looked at a seductress beast. 苏寒眼皮跳动了一下,有些无语的看了一眼妖女兽. The Angewomon look becomes ice-cold, she closely is staring at the seductress beast, especially saw that the seductress was grasped the arm of Su Han...... because, although cares about existence of Su Han, has not exposed own fight stance, but the Angewomon words still bring killing intent, does not know the fellow of sense of honor.” 天女兽神色变得冰冷,她紧紧的盯着妖女兽,特别是看到妖女受抱住苏寒的手臂......虽然因为顾及到苏寒的存在,没有展露出自己的战斗姿态,但天女兽话语仍然带着杀意,“不知廉耻的家伙.” Without both continued to exchange, Ram coughed gently, you...... enough 没有等两者继续交流下去,拉姆就轻轻的咳嗽了一声,“你们......够了吧” Although the Ram words are temperate, but eye pupil tight is staring seductress beast that grasps the Su Han arm. 拉姆话语虽然温和,但眼眸紧紧的盯着抱住苏寒手臂的妖女兽. The seductress beast body shook, she felt a pinnacle danger...... the subconsciousness to loosen ......... „this arm of Su Han to be right towering,” 妖女兽身体抖了一下,她突兀感受到了一种极致的危险......下意识将苏寒的手臂松开…......“这样就对了吗,” Sees this, Ram then showed the smile, she is sizing up front two Digimon, „, I hope that your wait a moment can be together...... you to not have the opinion well 见此,拉姆这才重新露出了笑容,她打量着面前的两只数码兽,“还有,我希望你们等一下能够好好相处......你们应当没有意见吧” Ram sound very gentle, no matter but .... 拉姆的声音十分的温柔,但不管.... Is the seductress beast or is Angewomon. 是妖女兽或者是天女兽. Hit one to tremble bewilderedly, they nodded hastily. 都莫名其妙打了一个寒颤,她们连忙点头. Recommendation 推荐
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