SDG :: Volume #21

#2059: Chapter 2059? Is the god is the demon? The palpitation fear of ocean of the law

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Shinonono Tabane: „!!!!” 筱之之束:“!!!!” Kinomoto Sakura: „......” 木之本樱:“......” Kōsaka Kyosuke: How... Bai Suzhen I thought that this name is a little familiar-sounding.” 高坂京介:“...白素贞我怎么觉得这个名字有点耳熟.” Kōsaka Kyosuke is lost in thought. 高坂京介陷入了沉思. Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Do not think...... this is not our Yan and Huang here fairytale, moreover...... Jinshan Temple host, is that fellow 成龙不想考古:“不要想了......这不就是我们炎黄这边的神话故事吗而且......金山寺主持,难道是那个家伙” Jackie Chan held breath cold air, the ocean of the law and Bai Suzhen join guild you to determine that simultaneously this two fellow will not hit to be right, the guild member is unable to injure mutually. 成龙倒吸了一口凉气,法海和白素贞同时加入公会你确定这两个家伙不会打起来吗哦对了,公会成员无法互相伤害. Thinks of this point, Jackie Chan was calm immediately, but some knowing whether to laugh or cry is sizing up two new member in guild, suddenly does not know should say anything. 想到这一点,成龙顿时淡定了下来,但还是有些哭笑不得的打量着公会之中的两名新成员,一时间不知道该说些什么. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: Human affairs profound wonderful, really made one sigh with emotion.” 道家真人张三丰:“世事之玄奇,真是令人感慨.” Zhang Sanfeng spooky sighing, buoys up Spirit later forcefully. 张三丰幽幽的叹了口气,随后强行振作精神. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „ Bai Suzhen. 道家真人张三丰:“白素贞. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess. 金山寺住持. Also please two rookies, come out a to chat. ” 还请两位新人,出来一叙.” Bai Suzhen: „......” 白素贞:“......” Bai Suzhen: Why may I ask...... this place why suddenly to appear in my mind 白素贞:“敢问......此地为何地为何会突然出现在我脑海之中” Bai Suzhen this moment look enforced the pinnacle, she used numerous ingenious methods, is unable to survey guild chatroom outcome in the mind what's the matter. 白素贞此刻神色严肃到了极致,她动用众多妙法,也无法探测出自己脑海之中的公会聊天室究竟是怎么回事. This is a very inconceivable matter. 这是一件很不可思议的事情. After all, even cultivation base is more profound than her, can beat her......, but makes her unable to detect that the clue...... this may with be able to beat her slightly, is completely different two matters. 毕竟,就算修为比她高深,能够击败她......但是让她察觉不出丝毫端倪......这可和能够击败她,是完全不同的两回事. This absolutely is the big magical powers that is inconceivable......, has big magical powers to begin to her. 这绝对是难以想象的大神通......难道说,有大神通者在对她动手. Is...... the friend of master, or is enemy/villain or mediates Mother Buddha to be related “是......师父的朋友,或者是敌人还是说和观音大士有关” In the Bai Suzhen mind the train of thought twinkle, the look also became intense, the trial of disturbed waiting guild information. 白素贞脑海之中思绪闪烁,神色也变得紧张了起来,忐忑的等待公会信息的审判. Many of because knowing, therefore is inspired. 正是因为知道的多,所以才心生敬畏. Person who can do this matter, absolutely is she existence that is inconceivable. 能够干到这种事情的人,绝对是她难以想象的存在. If there is an evil intention, she is perhaps difficult to escape today this tribulation. 如果有恶意的话,她今日恐怕难逃此劫. Hijikata Toushirou: Familiar issue.” 土方十四郎:“熟悉的问题.” After Hijikata Toushirou makes the ponder slightly, speech. 土方十四郎稍作思考之后,发言了. Hijikata Toushirou: „ Suzhen. 土方十四郎:“素贞. You can look at the guild brief introduction . ” 你可以去看一看公会简要介绍..” After several breath, some people spoke again. 几个呼吸之后,有人再度发言了. The person who however spoke was actually not Bai Suzhen. 但是发言的人却并非是白素贞. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: Spans the innumerable world, in super guild of link innumerable world has the true immortal god to have...... this matter, you think that I believe” 金山寺住持:“跨越无数世界,联通无数世界的超级公会里面有着真正的仙神存在......这种事情,你以为我会相信吗” The ocean of the law brow locks closely, in the pupil has dignifiedly, has the thinking. 法海眉头锁得紧紧的,眸子之中有着凝重,也有着思索. He muttered, this was the Buddha gives my test...... or is the big demon arrives in the world, confused my mind 他喃喃道,“这到底是佛祖给我的考验......或者是大魔降临于世界,迷惑了我的心神” Yagami Taichi: No one forces you to believe.” 八神太一:“又没有人强迫你相信.” Yagami Taichi expressed oneself are very speechless. 八神太一表示自己十分无语. Ainz Ooal Gown: „ Right, joining guild is your big luck. 安兹乌尔恭:“对的,加入公会是你的大运气. If you thought that does not have the significance...... to draw back the meeting! ” 你如果觉得没意义的话......可以退会啊!” Ainz Ooal Gown: „ Right, how guild drew back manual funny. 安兹乌尔恭:“对了,公会怎么退来着的手动滑稽. Edogawa Conan: Did not have the member to draw back, but I felt, Guild Leader should have this right.” 江户川柯南:“一直没成员退过,不过我个人感觉,会长应该有这种权利.” Conan is stroking gently own chin, looking pensive. 柯南摩挲着自己的下巴,若有所思. Su Xiaoxiao: In privilege that I have now, indeed kicks out uselessly...... some member, how does not determine the use effect.” 苏小小:“我现在拥有的特权中,的确有一个是把某个成员踢出去......不过没用过,不确定使用效果如何.” Su Han strokes gently own chin, spoke in guild directly. 苏寒摩挲自己的下巴,直接在公会里面发言. Su Xiaoxiao: Naturally, if really some people use, I do not have the issue.” 苏小小:“当然,如果真的有人用的话,我也没有问题.” Korosensei: „!!!!” 杀老师:“!!!!” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Terrifying in this way.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“恐怖如斯.” Liu Peiqiang: „The ocean of the law mister, please start your performance.” 刘培强:“法海先生,请开始您的表演.” The Liu Peiqiang eyelid beat, later is staring at the guild chatroom interestingly. 刘培强眼皮跳动了一下,随后饶有兴趣的凝视着公会聊天室. Although he surprised flickered, but quick then remembered in guild even Goku (Sun Wukong) Ao Bing Li Jing some...... to judge from this angle, even if Bai Suzhen and ocean of the law really joined guild, that was still the natural matter. 他虽然惊讶了一瞬,但很快便想起了公会里面连孙悟空敖丙李靖都有......从这个角度上来判断,就算白素贞和法海真的加入公会,那也是理所当然的事情. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: „......” 金山寺住持:“......” Ocean of the law after short silence, direct lurk. 法海在短暂的沉默之后,直接潜水了. Before he has not cleared off this guild what's the matter, he will not refer . The opinions of guild inside all members. 在他没有理清这个公会到底是怎么回事之前,他不会参考..公会里面一切成员的意见. After all, if this is the big demon is really born, misleads his mind. 毕竟,如果这真的是大魔降世,蛊惑他的心神. Refers to uncertain these ............ during the proposition hiding the big hole. 指不定这些............提议之中就潜藏着大坑. Bai Suzhen: „......” 白素贞:“......” Bai Suzhen: „ Has not thought that unexpectedly will have this matter, this also is really...... inconceivable. 白素贞:“没有想到居然会发生这种事情,这还真是......不可思议. Let me not know suddenly should say anything! ” 让我一时间不知道该说些什么!” Kaito Kid: „If the Yan and Huang that side myth...... that Guild Leader, these also sends memory duplicate time 怪盗基德:“如果是炎黄那边神话的话......那么会长,这一次还发记忆副本吗” Kaito Kid was somewhat in doubt. 怪盗基德有些拿不准了. Su Xiaoxiao: Returning is to send.” 苏小小:“发还是要发的.” Su Han shows neither approval nor disapproval, his thought moves, the clear sound resounds together suddenly. 苏寒不置可否,他的念头一动,一道清脆的声音忽然响起. Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao uploaded large-scale memory duplicate «Madame White Snake».” “叮!公会会长苏小小上传了一个大型记忆副本《白蛇传》.” Tony Is Not the Richest: Finally was not the writing, memory duplicate.” 托尼不是首富:“总算不是文字,记忆副本了.” Tony Is Not the Richest: „ Is with flowing tears. 托尼不是首富:“潸然泪下. Ye Hei: I heard the special prompt sound to upload memory duplicate.” 叶黑:“我听到特殊提示音了又上传记忆副本了.” Ye Hei: „ fuck ! Madame White Snake. 叶黑:“卧槽,!白蛇传. What this time joins guild is who ” 这次加入公会的是什么人” Ye Hei is dumbfounded . 叶黑目瞪口呆,. A'Xing: Bai Suzhen as well as ocean of the law, a pair of enemy sworn enemy.” 阿星:“白素贞以及法海,一对冤家死对头.” A'Xing is brief and to the point . 阿星言简意赅,. Ye Hei: „” 叶黑:“” Ye Hei: what the fuck......” 叶黑:“这特么......” Ye Hei does not know what kind of expression oneself should show. 叶黑已经不知道自己该露出怎样的表情了. Lelouch: Why does complex first to think so memory duplicate.” 鲁鲁修:“搞得这么复杂干什么先去看记忆副本啊.” Kobayashi: I also think.” 小林:“我也是这么想的.” Doctor Romani: „...... Before that I do not want first to have a look at Guild Leader to pull out to anything.” 罗曼医生:“不......在那之前,我想先看看会长能够抽到什么东西.” Kayaba Akihiko: Right, Guild Leader has not formally started lottery.” 茅场晶彦:“对啊,会长还没有正式开始抽奖呢.” Su Xiaoxiao: Why you did not feel, I possibly do not think lottery 苏小小:“为什么你们不觉得,我可能是不想抽奖呢” Su Han is staring at the guild chatroom interestingly. 苏寒饶有兴趣地盯着公会聊天室. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“......” Tushan Honghong: „......” 涂山红红:“......” Kurosaki Ichigo: If were in guild others speaks these words, I could tell the saliva, because I felt him in acting cool......, but if were Guild Leader said that then...... I letter/believed.” 黑崎一护:“如果是公会里面的其他人说这句话,我可能要吐口唾沫,因为我觉得他是在装逼......但如果是会长这么说,那么......我信了.” Natsume: Yes, Guild Leader said does not care, that is really does not care.” 夏目:“是的,会长说不在乎,那是真不在乎.” Chu Zihang: everyone good king Zhao, the powder, to look at memory duplicate.” 楚子航:“诸位好王赵,散了吧,都去看记忆副本吧.” Looks in the guild chatroom words, Su Han cannot help laughing, later his thought moves, used this lottery opportunity directly. 看着公会聊天室里面的话,苏寒哑然失笑,随后他念头一动,直接动用了这一次抽奖的机会. Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtains four dimension pockets through limitless big lottery. “叮!公会会长苏小小通过无限制抽奖成功获得四次元口袋. duo dream version 哆啦梦版” Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtains the seductress beast.” “叮!公会会长苏小小成功获得妖女兽.” guild fell into the short peace. 公会陷入了短暂的安静. After the guild member responded, their looks had the momentous change, the innumerable information bounced in the flash. 等到公会成员反应过来之后,他们的神色都发生了巨大变化,无数条信息在一瞬间弹跳了出来. Haibara Ai: This 灰原哀:“此” Sakata Gintoki: Also can have this type to operate fuck !” 坂田银时:“还能有这种操作卧槽,!” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „ Conventional operation, sits down. 成龙不想考古:“常规操作,都坐下. Kōsaka Kyosuke: Reaches the sky in a single bound, reaches the sky in a single bound!” 高坂京介:“一步登天,一步登天啊!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Blood red that with all due respect...... my eye envies at this moment.” 高坂京介:“恕我直言......我眼睛此刻都羡慕的血红.” Railgun: Although I am also very shocked, but this regarding Guild Leader, is not reaches the sky in a single bound 超电磁炮:“虽然我也很震惊,但这对于会长来说,算不上一步登天吧” Small
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