SDG :: Volume #21

#2058: Chapter 2058? Two new member have joined Super Dimensional Guild successfully

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Dugu Great God: „......” 独孤大神:“......” Dugu Great God: Actually I now curious, only then a matter, that is I can pull out to anything rewards 独孤大神:“其实我现在好奇的只有一件事情,那就是我能够抽到什么奖励” The Dugu Great God pupil glittering, sampled Broken Paradise previous time, making his strength have a more further possibility. 独孤大神眸光闪烁,上一次抽选到了残破仙界,让他的实力有了更进一步的可能. Therefore his time, can pull out to oneself to anything similarly anticipated very much. 所以他这一次,也同样对自己能够抽到什么很期待. Kinomoto Sakura: „......” 木之本樱:“......” Kurosaki Ichigo: „ With all due respect, the big god you can expect following limitless big lottery. 黑崎一护:“恕我直言,大神您可以期待一下后面的无限制抽奖. Front random Digimon, that is considers as finished. ” 前面的随机一只数码兽,那还是算了吧.” : Right.” :“对的.” Madoka Daigo: „ Does not have the means...... to investigate the polocyte even Digimon. 圆大古:“没办法......就算是究极体的数码兽. Un...... , if investigates the polocyte, should have slightly partially can add on Dugu Great God busy 嗯......如果是究极体的话,应该有小部分能够帮上独孤大神的忙吧” Madoka Daigo felt suddenly was not right. 圆大古突然感觉到了不对. Shinonono Tabane: „ After all somewhat investigates Ultimate Digimon also to have the strength of World Destruction rank......, although I feel again strongly, is very difficult to help Dugu Great God. 筱之之束:“毕竟有些究极体数码宝贝也是拥有着灭世级别的力量......虽然我感觉再强,也很难帮助独孤大神. Always felt, both's disparity like gap......, although does not know why will have this feeling. ” 总觉得,两者的差距如同鸿沟......虽然不知道为什么会有这种感觉.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „......” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“......” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Most worried 23, is not Demon King-sama 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“最苦恼23的,难道不是魔王大人吗” The Goko Ruri look is subtle. 五更琉璃神色微妙. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „Before after all Demon King-sama, accepted one... Angewomon.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“毕竟魔王大人之前才收下了一头...天女兽.” Kasumi Utako: 6666.” 霞诗子:“六六六六.” Ash: „ I actually had nothing to say in reply. 小智:“我竟然无言以对. Lelouch: After all Guild Leader thought that Angewomon is very troublesome...... pulls out to one again, was more troublesome.” 鲁鲁修:“毕竟会长觉得天女兽很麻烦......再抽到一个,更麻烦了.” Lelouch does not know whether to laugh or cry. 鲁鲁修哭笑不得. But in instance that his words drop, two information ejections come out. 而在他话语落下的瞬间,两条信息弹射出来. Ding! Dugu Great God successfully obtains the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) principle crystallization through limitless big lottery.” “叮!独孤大神通过无限制抽奖成功获得天道法则结晶.” Ding! Dugu Great God successfully obtains Agumon.” “叮!独孤大神成功获得亚古兽.” guild fell into the short peace, finally blasted out the pot. 公会陷入了短暂的安静,最后炸开了锅. Let the World Suffer Pain: „” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“” Tony Is Not the Richest: What thing Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) principle crystallizes...... this 托尼不是首富:“什么东西天道法则结晶......这” Waver: Analyzes from the wording...... should be the information that and Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) obtains related is eventually limited, wants really to know that perhaps its meaning, wants Dugu Great God to come out to explain.” 韦伯:“从字面上分析......应该是和天道有关不过获得的信息终究有限,想要真正知道它的含义,恐怕还要独孤大神自己出来解释.” Dugu Great God: How...... saying that if I fused this Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) principle to crystallize, then I in the current my world, will have the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) authority.” 独孤大神:“......怎么说呢如果我融合了这个天道法则结晶,那么我在当前我所处的这个世界,会拥有天道的职权.” Dugu Great God: The Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) that naturally, our world had will not be destroyed...... was equal to that I and It, can use this rank the power.” 独孤大神:“当然,我们世界原先拥有的这个天道也不会被毁灭......等于我和祂,都能够使用这种级别的权力.” Nakiri Erina: „” 薙切绘里奈:“” Kurosaki Ichigo: Sounds...... is very big to your help 黑崎一护:“听起来......对你的帮助很大” Kurosaki Ichigo nod of looking pensive. 黑崎一护若有所思的点了点头. Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „, if became Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) directly, extraordinary matter.” 道家真人张三丰:“等若直接成了天道啊,何等了不起的事情.” On the Zhang Sanfeng face appears the feeling, although is the person of martial cultivation, and powerful is in his situation, can hit to explode Earth by one's effort. 张三丰脸上浮现出感慨,虽然是修武之人,并且实力强大到他这种地步,可以凭借一己之力将地球打爆. However, he eventually is a Daoist...... regarding . Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) has the unusual sentiment. 但是,他终究是一个道人......对于..天道抱有着奇特的感情. Li Jing: „......” 李靖:“......” Ao Bing: Has mixed feelings, does not know that should say anything.” 敖丙:“心情复杂,不知道该说些什么.” Ao Bing smiles bitterly, the travel Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) authority...... in their world, the sages not necessarily can achieve this matter. 敖丙苦笑起来,行驶天道权柄......在他们这个世界,就连圣人都不一定能做到这种事情. This was equal, fused this authority, can vertical to become Saint reach the sky in a single bound...... Dugu Great God: To me, good thing.” 这岂不是等同,融合了这一权柄,能够立地成圣一步登天啊......独孤大神:“对我来说,不错的东西.” Dugu Great God speechless smiles. 独孤大神哑然一笑. This thing imagine compared with him pulls out, is much better. 这东西要比他想象中抽,要好得多. Tony Is Not the Richest: Only then I am thinking of... Agumon 托尼不是首富:“只有我在思...亚古兽吗” Father Whitebeard: Gurarara, small Yagami, you are now good 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,小八神,你现在还好吗” Kōsaka Kirino: Has the possibility now, Yagami...... a present person was hidden by the attack in the room cries quietly.” 高坂桐乃:“有可能现在,八神受不住打击......现在正一个人躲在房间悄然落泪.” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „ After Angewomon Guild Leader obtains, Agumon by Dugu Great God is succeeded. 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“继天女兽会长获得之后,亚古兽独孤大神成功获得. Modern version play Yagami Taichi: „...... My Agumon also matches in my side.” 现代版剧八神太一:“......我的亚古兽还配在我的身旁.” Yagami Taichi eye rolled. 八神太一翻了个白眼. Yagami Taichi: „ My Agumon that so long as does not take away directly, even if bumps into 1,000, 10,000 Agumon, that still has nothing. 八神太一:“只要不是直接拿走的我的亚古兽,就算是碰到一千,一万亚古兽,那也没什么. Elder Brother Ash did not bump into big pile of Pikachu of ” 小智哥哥不也碰到了一大堆的皮卡丘吗” Ash: Right, you said very reasonable.” 小智:“对的,你说的很有道理.” Ash approves of the Yagami Taichi words. 小智十分赞同八神太一的话语. Asuna: Digimon gives extra limitless big lottery.” 亚丝娜:“数码兽外带无限制抽奖啊.” The Asuna look is somewhat sigh with emotion. 亚丝娜神色有些感慨. Asuna: I can pull out anything to myself suddenly, some anticipations.” 亚丝娜:“我突然对自己能抽到什么,有些期待了.” Korosensei: I am also.” 杀老师:“我也是.” Nod of Korosensei deep is so. 杀老师深以为然的点了点头. the next moment, several information nearly the ejection comes out simultaneously. 下一刻,数条信息近乎同时弹射出来. Ding! Asuna successfully obtains zanpakutou Sode no Shiroyuki through limitless big lottery.” “叮!亚丝娜通过无限制抽奖成功获得斩魄刀袖白雪.” Ding! Asuna successfully obtains Ballou beast.” “叮!亚丝娜成功获得巴鲁兽.” Ding! Korosensei successfully obtains the speed amplifier through limitless big lottery.” “叮!杀老师通过无限制抽奖成功获得速度增幅器.” Ding! Korosensei successfully obtains Gabumon.” “叮!杀老师成功获得加布兽.” Korosensei: „!!!!” 杀老师:“!!!!” Korosensei: Speed amplifier, my God...... I obtained this unexpectedly 杀老师:“速度增幅器,我的天哪......我居然获得了这个” Tony Is Not the Richest: „...... Fearful.” 托尼不是首富:“......可怕.” Magical Girl Illya: „... As the name suggests, I as if understand this speed amplifier had anything to affect.” 魔法少女伊莉雅:“...顾名思义,我似乎明白这个速度增幅器有什么作用了.” The Illya look is somewhat subtle. 伊莉雅的神色有些微妙. Tony Is Not the Richest: „To know the specific information, best or asks Korosensei to explain.” 托尼不是首富:“不过想要知道具体信息,最好还是请杀老师解释一下.” Tony Stark is stroking gently own chin. 托尼斯塔克摩挲着自己的下巴. Korosensei: „ How to say after...... I fuse the speed amplifier, so long as think, then opens the speed increase. 杀老师:“怎么说呢......我融合速度增幅器之后,只要自己想的话,那么开启速度增幅. Can make my speed be the speed of light truly the situation! ” 就能够让我的速度真正达到光速的地步!” On the Korosensei face brings to wipe excitedly. 杀老师脸上带着一抹激动. Korosensei: This possibly is not best, but most adapts inevitably my.” 杀老师:“这可能不是最好的,但必然是最适应我的.” Old Man is the Marquis: „......” 老夫是侯爵:“......” High Priestess Luo Hao: „......” 罗濠教主:“......” Sakata Gintoki: „...... Such acting cool, kills.” 坂田银时:“......这么装逼,打死吧.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Yes.” 高坂京介:“是的.” Kōsaka Kyosuke eye rolled. 高坂京介翻了个白眼. Kōsaka Kyosuke: god damn is not best...... your speed can promote to the speed of light, you added a hammer.” 高坂京介:“神特么不是最好的......你速度都能够升级到光速了,你还说个锤子.” Gudako: „ You have by speed of light are kicked to have been manual funny. 咕哒子:“你有被光的速度踢到过吗手动滑稽. Sirzechs: You are also Kizaru 萨泽克斯:“你也是黄猿 Gudako: Not...... I not, 54, but Korosensei.” 咕哒子:“不......我才不是呢,54但是杀老师是啊.” Kurosaki Ichigo: Ok, this is very strong.” 黑崎一护:“可以,这很强势.” Kotori Minami: „ Sode no Shiroyuki...... most beautiful zanpakutou. 南小鸟:“袖白雪啊......最美丽的斩魄刀. Envies! ” 羡慕!” In the Kotori Minami pupil flashed through wiped the expectation. 南小鸟眸子之中闪过了一抹憧憬. Asuna: Although is very attractive, but discussed own destructive power purely...... is not anything.” 亚丝娜:“虽然很漂亮,但是单纯论自身的破坏力......就不算什么了.” On the Asuna face appears to wipe the forced smile. 亚丝娜脸上浮现出一抹苦笑. Tushan Honghong: „......” 涂山红红:“......” Himura Kenshin: Actually, looks at shinigami time...... some of my feelings, the Sode no Shiroyuki expressive force destructive power, compared with the next door be known as that the ice is strongest Hyōrinmaru (Ice Ring) stronger many......” 绯村剑心:“其实,看死神的时候......我一直有种感觉,袖白雪的表现力破坏力,要比隔壁号称冰系最强冰轮丸要强的多......” Horikita Suzune: „It is not your misconception, I have such feeling.” 崛北铃音:“不是你的错觉,我也有这样的感觉.” Aikawa Ayumu: „The issue of expressive force 相川步:“表现力的问题吧” Aikawa Ayumu: But, no matter how thinks, Sode no Shiroyuki thought was not weak is right.” 相川步:“不过,不管怎么想,袖白雪都觉得不弱就对了.” Aizen Sōsuke: Actually does not need to care about this matter, how Hyōrinmaru (Ice Ring) again Sode no Shiroyuki, since were selected by you, under situation that then you think, can definitely strengthen own zanpakutou with the aid of accumulated points.” 蓝染惣右介:“其实不必太在意这种事情,冰轮丸再强又如何袖白雪既然被你抽中,那么你想的情况之下,完全可以借助积分强化自己的斩魄刀.” Aizen Sōsuke: Strengthens the one or two time, can open up the gap between both sides thoroughly.” 蓝染惣右介:“强化一两次,就能够彻底拉开双方之间的鸿沟.” Aizen makes the stop slightly, sincere speech in guild. 蓝染稍作停顿,在公会里面语重心长的发言. Aizen Sōsuke: Notice, we and have not joined the guild person biggest difference are...... had the infinity possibility.” 蓝染惣右介:“须知,我们和没有加入公会人最大的区别就是......拥有了无限的可能.” Umaru Doma: Is well-founded, convincing!” 土间埋:“有理有据,令人信服!” Doctor Romani: Then final...... was... Guild Leader.” 罗曼医生:“那么最后的......就是...会长了.” Ding! Bai Suzhen has joined Super Dimensional Guild successfully.” “叮!白素贞已成功加入超次元公会.” Ding! Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess has joined Super Dimensional Guild successfully.” “叮!金山寺住持已成功加入超次元公会.” Recommendation 推荐
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