SDG :: Volume #21

#2057: Chapter 2057? Dugu Great God and Guild Leader! Does the pinnacle destruction and create to live?

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The trim world changed into the frost sea. 整片天地化为了冰霜的海洋. Kirigaya Kazuto is observing the situation around all dull, oneself front monster completely by froze solid. 桐谷和人呆呆环视着自己四周的一切,自己面前的怪兽全部都被冻结住. Also covered frost including oneself land......, but his body was safe and sound. 包括自己脚下的土地也覆盖上了冰霜......但是他的身体却安然无恙. This manifested Kayaba Akihiko to arrive at certainly the handling of summit wonderfully. 这体现出了茅场晶彦妙到绝巅的掌控能力. Was too strong, Kayaba-san.” “太强了,茅场先生.” In the Kirigaya Kazuto pupil flashed through wiped frantically, he had experienced Kayaba Akihiko, the scene of Korosensei and dragon or super monster battle. 桐谷和人眸子中闪过了一抹狂热,他曾经见识过茅场晶彦,杀老师与龙或者超级怪兽交战的场景. The battle efficiency that however at that time, Kayaba Akihiko showed was well below absolutely today...... or this is not the battle efficiency issue. 但是那个时候,茅场晶彦展现出来的战斗力绝对远远不如今天......或者说,这已经不是战斗力的问题. While oneself have the great power, but also has to the scene , controls absolutely as well as to writing with a free pen of strength. 在自身拥有强大力量的同时,还拥有对现场,,的绝对把控以及对力量的挥洒自如. Dugu Great God selects the brow slightly, his voice was gentle, passed to the scene , by the ears of all members, you hit similar felt able words533 独孤大神略微一挑眉头,他声音平缓,传到了现场,,所有成员的耳旁,“你们打的差不多了吧觉得可以的话“五三三” , Then should begin by me. ” ,接下来就该由我动手了.” Asuna body, she realized anything, turns the head, deep looked at Dugu Great God, later body suddenly/violently to retreat, I am optional.” 亚丝娜身体一顿,她意识到了什么,转过头来,深深的看了一眼独孤大神,随后身体暴退,“我随意.” Korosensei also appears the figure, he uses the tentacle to be positive head bachelor chin strap, „ this also is really...... makes people somewhat worried. 杀老师也显现出身形,他用触手将自己头上的学士帽带正,“这还真是......让人有些苦恼啊. However the monster that I kill were also many enough, should be able to mix many accumulated points 不过我杀死的怪物也够多了,应该能混不少积分 „... Wants in any case truly, time was following Digimon also has limitless big lottery, as you like.” “反正...真正想要的,是后面的数码兽还有一次无限制抽奖了,就随你了.” Kayaba Akihiko has not spoken, but had not opposed. 茅场晶彦没有说话,但是也没有反对. Actually this attitude is anything, without a doubt. 这种态度究竟是什么,毋庸置疑. The Dugu Great God corners of the mouth hold a smile, he found out the palm, such a pressure gently. 独孤大神嘴角噙着一丝笑容,他探出了手掌,就这么轻轻的一压. Similar to the vault of heaven to tilt common, front space crack started fierce shivering, later starts to crash in space crack inside Digital World. 就如同天穹倾覆下来一般,面前的空间裂缝开始了剧烈的颤抖,随后在空间裂缝里面的数据世界开始崩塌. The sharp wail sound gets up, that is the digital core detected that was not right, wants to help oneself, but actually radically useless. 尖锐的哀鸣声响起,那是数码核心察觉到了不对,想要自救,但是却根本无用. Inside world crashed thoroughly. 里面的世界彻底崩塌了. Finally...... the space crack thorough disintegration, was also destroyed together with the whole world together. 最后......空间裂缝也彻底的崩碎了,连同整个世界一同被摧毁. The clear mission prompt sound resounds together suddenly. 一道清脆的任务提示音忽然响起. Ding! Guild Mission has completed! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao obtains 20,000 accumulated points, Asuna obtains 30,000 accumulated points, Korosensei obtains 3 accumulated points, Mao Jingyan obtains 4 accumulated points, Dugu Great God obtains 80,000 accumulated points.” “叮!公会任务已完成!公会会长苏小小获得2万点积分,亚丝娜获得3万点积分,杀老师获得三点积分,茅晶彦获得四点积分,独孤大神获得8万点积分.” Su Han raised the brow, he is observing the situation the world of sores all over the eye, immediately hit a snap. 苏寒挑了挑眉头,他环视着满目疮痍的天地,当即打了一个响指. The time in the adverse current, was cancelled frost, but the magma also flowed backwards in the land. 时间在逆流,冰霜被抹去,而岩浆也倒流回了大地之中. Mount Fuji that crashed thoroughly restores, stands and waits for a long time above the land. 原先彻底崩塌的富士山重新恢复,伫立在大地之上. Kirigaya Kazuto looks at this dull, he felt that own world outlook thorough disintegration, the sound shivered, has the fear that vacant and slightly cannot be checked, this was...... this is what method is unable to imagine.” 桐谷和人呆呆看着这一幕,他感觉自己的世界观彻底崩碎了,声音颤抖,带着茫然和微不可查的恐惧,“这到底是......这到底是什么手段根本无法想象.” „The method of gods.” “神明的手段吧.” Kayaba Akihiko towering opens the mouth. 茅场晶彦突兀开口. The Kirigaya Kazuto body, he opened the opens the mouth, what words could not say. 桐谷和人身体顿了一下,他张了张口,却什么话都说不出来. I think that you have adapted.” “我以为你早就已经适应了.” Kayaba Akihiko patted the shoulder of Kirigaya Kazuto. 茅场晶彦拍了拍桐谷和人的肩膀. This matter, how adapts “这种事情,怎么适应啊” On the Kirigaya Kazuto face brings bitterly and astringently, „ previous time, delayed Mirror Dimension very exaggeratingly...... these to remould the world time directly. 桐谷和人脸上带着苦涩,“上一次,延展出一个镜像世界就已经非常夸张了......这一次直接重塑了天地啊. This is the Creation God method. ” 这是创世神的手段.” Kayaba Akihiko fell into the short silence, however nods. 茅场晶彦陷入了短暂的沉默,然地点了点头. Regarding . Has placed guild him, he had naturally accepted the Su Han strength......, but regarding . Person who first sees the Su Han strength. 对于..一直身处公会的他来说,他自然是早就已化就接受了苏寒的力量......但是对于..初次见到苏寒力量的人而言. No different to see to the gods...... spooky sighing, Kayaba Akihiko patted the shoulder of Kirigaya Kazuto truly again, you thought mistakenly...... Guild Leader, may compared with also want powerful many to the high gods truly.” 们无异于见到了真正至神明......幽幽的叹了一口气,茅场晶彦再度拍了拍桐谷和人的肩膀,“你想错了......会长,可比真正至高的神明还要强大的多.” Kirigaya Kazuto: „” 桐谷和人:“” mission completed.” 任务完成了.” Su Han stretched a body, looks always arrives at own Asuna, Kayaba Akihiko, appears figure Korosensei and the others, I and Dugu Great God first went back.” 苏寒舒展了一下身子,看向来到自己身边的亚丝娜,茅场晶彦,还有显现出身形的杀老师等人,“我和独孤大神就先回去了.” We did not keep you.” “那我们就不留您了.” The Asuna sound brings respectfully, after making the stop slightly, she continues saying that please must bon voyage.” 亚丝娜声音带着恭敬,稍作停顿之后,她继续说道,“请务必一路顺风.” The Su Han brow beat, somewhat helpless looked at Asuna. 苏寒眉头跳动了一下,有些无奈的看了一眼亚丝娜. On matter that the thought moves, has what non- bon voyage he had not said, closes the eye, clicked on the official return. 就念头一动的事情,有什么一路不一路顺风的不过他也没有多说,闭上眼睛,点击了正式回归. A gorgeous radiance lingers he is being as for the body of Dugu Great God, when radiance diverges, their forms also disappear do not see. 一道绚丽光华萦绕着他乃至于独孤大神的躯体,等到光华散去,他们两人的身影也随之消失不见. On the spot , fell into for a long time silence, Kirigaya Kazuto recovered some little time, he hesitant , no issue of inquiry about Su Han, said in a low voice, that...... Kayaba-san, what to do we then should 现场,,陷入了许久的沉默,桐谷和人好一会儿才回过神来,他犹豫了一下,也没有询问关于苏寒的问题,低声道,“那么......茅场先生,我们接下来该怎么办” Why should why ..... “该干什么干什么.....” Kayaba Akihiko smiles, later turned the head to look to the distant place, there has many armed fighter aircraft, was appears as for the helicopter. 茅场晶彦笑了笑,随后转头看向了远方,那里有着很多武装战斗机,乃至于直升机出现. his voice is gentle, without the fluctuation, „the convention, first dealt with official inquiring to say again.” 他的声音平缓,没有波动,“不过惯例的,先应付完官方的问询再说.” ...... Opens eyes to close one's eyes, Su Han returned to own room. ......睁眼闭眼之间,苏寒回到了自己的房间之中. He stretched to stretch, lay on own bed directly, later closed the eye to enter in the guild chatroom. 他舒展了一下懒腰,直接躺在了自己的床上,随后闭上眼睛进入到了公会聊天室之中. Indoor guild chatted, at this moment had the innumerable information to be brushed. 公会聊天室内,此刻有无数条信息被刷了出来. Father Whitebeard: Gurarara, offered the splendid incomparable fight to us seriously.” 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,当真是给我们献上了精彩无比的战斗.” Whitebeard is sunning, this moment look is somewhat sigh with emotion. 白胡子晒着太阳,此刻神色有些感慨. Accelerator: Reluctant, careless.” 一方通行:“勉勉强强,马马虎虎.” Accelerator shows neither approval nor disapproval. 一方通行不置可否. Kasumi Utako: „......” 霞诗子:“......” Kasumigaoka Utaha after is shortly silent, complained crazily. 霞之丘诗羽在短暂沉默之后,疯狂吐槽. Kasumi Utako: „ old man, but also is really free and easy. 霞诗子:“老爷子,还真是洒脱. ... I have the old man strength in any case, will be does not think absolutely this fight will be very splendid. ” 反正...我拥有老爷子的力量,是绝对不会认为这场战斗很精彩的.” Fourth Hokage: „ I thought but actually these words are not quite splendid to...... the fight or not, has the relations with the strength rank, but does not have the absolute relations. 四代目火影:“我倒觉得这句话不太对......战斗精彩与否,与力量等级有关系,但是却没有绝对的关系. Simultaneously shows also has the will, the fight skill, the fight wisdom wait/etc .... 同时展现的还有意志,战斗技巧,战斗智慧等等....” Namikaze Minato expressed clearly denied. 波风水门旗帜鲜明地表达了否认. Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: After all, the Fourth Kage fight wisdom is also very strong.” 成龙不想考古:“毕竟,四代目的战斗智慧也很强吗.” Let the World Suffer Pain 2. 让世界感受痛苦吧二. 5: Does not make the appraisal.” 五:“不做评价.” Let the World Suffer Pain: „... I go to this mission in any case time......” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“反正...我前往这一次的任务......” Tony Is Not the Richest: „......” 托尼不是首富:“......” Madoka Daigo: „......” 圆大古:“......” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... He had not said obviously, but I actually brain naturally made up speaks his following words.” 高坂京介:“......他明明没说,但是我却自然而然的脑补说他接下来的话.” Sakata Gintoki: „ shit......... I go to this mission in any case, can easy completion. 坂田银时:“妈耶......反正...我去这一场任务,能够轻而易举的完成. Covers the face. 捂脸. 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „ I thought that his a few words have not hit...... mainly to think of existence of Dugu Great God finally suddenly. 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“我觉得他之所以最后那一段话没打出来......主要是突然想到了独孤大神的存在. Manual funny. 手动滑稽. Nakiri Erina: Hiss...... right, this who can withstand.” 薙切绘里奈:“嘶......对的,这谁能够顶得住啊.” Kirishima Touka: „ Nagato went, not possible to do well compared with Dugu Great God. 雾岛董香:“漩涡长门去了,也不可能比独孤大神做得更好. After all Dugu Great God is the last move, entire Digital World completely insta-kill. ” 毕竟独孤大神是最后一招,将整个数据世界全部都秒杀了.” Small
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