SDG :: Volume #21

#2056: Chapter 2056? Some position Chen Heavenly Emperor will feel in the future you are suggesting him

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Kōsaka Kyosuke: Actually I am pondering an issue.” 高坂京介:“其实我在思考一个问题.” Kōsaka Kyosuke is stroking gently own chin, the look is somewhat serious. 高坂京介摩挲着自己的下巴,神色有些严肃. Kōsaka Kyosuke: „ Since that side Academy City also has the monster invasion, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko they also open the guild live broadcast would rather. 高坂京介:“既然学园都市那边也有怪兽入侵,倒不如御坂美琴,白井黑子她们也打开公会直播. Let us contrast the two world different fight characters and styles. ” 让我们对比一下两个世界不同的战斗风情.” Kirishima Touka: „” 雾岛董香:“” Sawada Tsunayoshi: This......” 沢田纲吉:“这......” The Sawada Tsunayoshi look is subtle, your courage really big. 沢田纲吉神色微妙,你这胆子是真的大. Front Aikawa Ayumu had just been threatened by Accelerator, you then get up now, even if you add the guild time is very early, but does your strength have... Accelerator Misaka Mikoto they, has not selected to compel the number at heart Accelerator: „......” 前面相川步刚被一方通行恐吓过,你现在就接着上了就算你加公会的时间同样很早,但是你实力有没有…一方通行御坂美琴他们强,心里还没有点逼数吗一方通行:“......” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „ Unhurriedly. 高坂京介:“不慌不忙. Kōsaka Kirino: „ I know that this idiot brother's idea...... is thinking probably, the guild member... is unable to injure in any case mutually. 高坂桐乃:“我知道这个蠢货老哥的想法......大概是想着,公会成员反正...无法互相伤害. Moreover you are also not the people in same world! ” 而且你们还不是同一个世界的人!” Kōsaka Kirino turned a supercilious look. 高坂桐乃翻了一个白眼. After thinking, she smiled suddenly. 想了想之后,她突然笑了起来. Kōsaka Kirino: This, if you really want to come to look for this idiot troublesome...... said one to me, I the jurisdiction gives you.” 高坂桐乃:“这样吧,如果你们真的想过来找这个蠢货的麻烦的话......跟我说一声,我把过来的权限交给你们.” Accelerator: Said it and meant it.” 一方通行:“一言为定.” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „” 高坂京介:“” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... Has your such pit Elder Brother we, but biological brother and sister.” 高坂京介:“哈......有你这么坑哥的吗我们可是亲兄妹啊.” The smile on Kōsaka Kyosuke face is gradually stiff. 高坂京介脸上的笑容渐渐僵硬. shit, your also went too far. 妈耶,你这也太过分了吧. Kōsaka Kirino: „Before all right...... is similar to you, said that... fellow members are unable to injure in any case mutually.” 高坂桐乃:“没事啊......就如同你之前说的,反正...各位成员又无法互相伤害.” Accelerator: „ Right, I most also throw near you universe the desolate. 一方通行:“对的,我最多也就把你扔到宇宙边荒. Let you unable to go home for a lifetime!... By your present strength, the outer space survival should not be a problem in any case outside 让你一辈子回不了家!反正...以你现在的实力,在外太空生存应该不成问题吧” Kōsaka Kyosuke: I special......” 高坂京介:“我特么......” Kōsaka Kyosuke in throat. 高坂京介一句在喉咙之中. Busujima Saeko: Perhaps also can only describe with the day show two characters.” 毒岛伢子:“或许也只能用天秀二字来形容了吧.” Edogawa Conan: Actually...... Sword Art Online and Academy City two sides situations, are entirely different.” 江户川柯南:“其实吧......刀剑神域学园都市两边的情况,是截然不同的.” After Conan makes the stop slightly, somewhat sigh with emotion speech. 柯南稍作停顿之后,有些感慨的发言. Edogawa Conan: After all, the powerhouses in Academy City that side world were too many.” 江户川柯南:“毕竟,学园都市那边世界的强者太多了.” Kayaba Akihiko: „ Yes, that several of Academy City native place were needless to say much, average per person Magic God. 茅场晶彦:“是的,学园都市本土的那几位就不用多说了,人均魔神. Then is Haruhi Suzumiya this... the True God...... as for this... fearful, having a look at now one group of messes Academy City world to be good. ” 然后是凉宫春日这位…真神......至于这位…有多可怕,看看现在一团乱麻的学园都市世界就好.” Kayaba Akihiko: Then is..., just fused Zeno Goku (Sun Wukong) of that world...... Vegeta anything! It is not the good stubble.” 茅场晶彦:“然后就是...,刚刚融合进那个世界的全王孙悟空......贝吉塔什么的!都不是善茬啊.” Sawada Tsunayoshi: Broken God of Destruction Beerus in universe selected a color silently.” 沢田纲吉:“宇宙之中的破坏神比鲁斯默默点了个彩.” Hijikata Toushirou: „The top powerhouses of other universes said that does not approve of your opinion.” 土方十四郎:“其他宇宙的顶尖强者表示不赞同你的意见.” Ainz Ooal Gown: You lay aside my entire big god officer where” 安兹乌尔恭:“你把我全的大神官放置于何地” Lelouch: „......” 鲁鲁修:“......” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „The present study world, is in guild all world, most dangerous and safe world 成龙不想考古:“现在的学世界,算是公会所有世界之中,最危险和安全的世界了吧” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: So.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“如此.” Words contradiction that very although Jackie Chan said that nod of but Goko deep is so. 虽然陈龙说的话十分的矛盾,但是五更深以为然的点了点头. Kirishima Touka: „ After all...... you said the danger , is truly dangerous. 雾岛董香:“毕竟......你说危险吧,也确实很危险. After all Earth...... the earthling collective goes to the Hell report on the explosion once for a while. 毕竟地球时不时就爆炸......地球人集体前往地狱报道. Also because of the show idea of Haruhi Suzumiya, presents the monster invasion once for a while and so on event...... ” 还因为凉宫春日的骚想法,时不时出现怪兽入侵之类的事件......” Kirishima Touka: But truly security, because one group of the fellows who have the Magic God jurisdiction assume personal command to reveal to you in Earth.” 雾岛董香:“但是又确实十分的安全,因为有一群拥有魔神权限的家伙坐镇在地球给你兜底.” The Kirishima Touka corners of the mouth twitched, she does not know how to appraise this world. 雾岛董香嘴角抽搐了一下,她也不知道如何评价这个世界了. Madoka Daigo: „ Is...... Magic God jurisdiction a fraction of a minute revision universe. 圆大古:“是的......魔神权限分分钟修改宇宙. Not to mention, even cast aside ........ Magic God, does not have Dragon Ball 更不用说,就算撇除了........魔神,不是还有七龙珠吗” Kayaba Akihiko: „ The Dragon Ball Earth explodes daily. 茅场晶彦:“龙珠地球日常爆炸. Hijikata Toushirou: „......” 土方十四郎:“......” Hijikata Toushirou: On the other hand, Kayaba Akihiko, you are not conducting the fight in the battlefield 土方十四郎:“话说回来,茅场晶彦,你不是在战场上进行着战斗吗” A Hijikata Toushirou brow wrinkle, he responded suddenly, immediately thought situation some were not quite simple. 土方十四郎眉头一皱,他突然反应过来,顿时觉得情况有些不太简单. Kayaba Akihiko: Me what situation, you will not look through the guild live broadcast 茅场晶彦:“我这边什么情况,你难道不会通过公会直播看吗” Kayaba Akihiko eye rolled, thought that Hijikata Toushirou was... is speaking the idle talk. 茅场晶彦翻了个白眼,觉得土方十四郎就是...在说废话. Kaito Kid: Terrifying in this way.” 怪盗基德:“恐怖如斯.” Yagami Taichi: Ok, can...... Kayaba Akihiko high hanging above the sky, the innumerable magics cast a spell pounds completely went out...... I always to feel, pounds......” 八神太一:“可以,可以......茅场晶彦高高的悬挂在天空之上,无数的魔法禁咒全部都砸了出去......不过我总觉得,这么砸下去......” The Yagami Taichi look is somewhat subtle, he thought that does to have an accident sooner or later. 八神太一神色有些微妙,他觉得这么搞下去迟早要出事. Thor Odinson: How pounded also to beat the battlefield many.” 托尔奥丁森:“砸下去怎么了最多也就打烂了战场吧.” Thor (Tohru) shows neither approval nor disapproval, but the next moment his words then choked. 托尔不置可否,不过下一刻他话语便噎住了. Strove for fresh, because Thor (Tohru) then saw, Mount Fuji erupted thoroughly. 求鲜因为托尔便看到了,富士山彻底的爆发了. Eventually this active volcano cannot withstand lives in the oppressions of innumerable casting a spell. 这座活火山终究还是没能承受的住无数禁咒的压迫. After short peace, guild internal in an uproar. 短暂的安静之后,公会内部一片哗然. Gabriel: fuck .” 珈百璃:“卧槽,.” Krul: Fearful......” 克鲁鲁:“可怕......” Houraisan Kaguya: „ Mount Fuji and your anything enmity anything resentment, why you must give the detonation to be manual this volcano. 蓬莱山辉夜:“富士山和你什么仇什么怨,你为什么偏偏要把这座火山给引爆手动滑稽. Yato: „Before...... Kayaba Akihiko, what thinks, flows in backward the magma toward that space crack, kills enemy/villain.” 夜斗:“难道说......茅场晶彦之前想的是,往那个空间裂缝之中倒灌岩浆,杀死敌人.” The Yato brain hole opens greatly. 夜斗脑洞大开. Chihiro Sengoku: Ok...... Kayaba Akihiko joined guild for a long time, if he kills the enemy now also needs the help of volcano...... that he to draw back the group.” 千石千寻:“算了吧......茅场晶彦加入公会这么长时间了,如果现在他杀敌还需要火山的帮助......那么他可以退群了.” ............. Chihiro Sengoku covered own forehead, she said that such lost face too, your own battle efficiency could not have compared the volcano unexpectedly. .............千石千寻捂住了自己的额头,她表示那样子就太丢人了,你自己的战斗力居然还比不上火山. Gudako: Indeed.” 咕哒子:“的确.” Nod that Gudako deep is so. 咕哒子深以为然的点点头. Gudako: „ In guild the dozen could not explode the star, that was weakling. 咕哒子:“公会里面打爆不了星球的,那都是实打实的弱者. Killing the enemy also needs to detonate the volcano...... that absolutely is... weakling in weakling. ” 杀敌还需要引爆火山......那绝对就是...弱者之中的弱者了.” Ten Thousand Years Later I Resurrected: „......” 万年后我复活了:“......” Ten Thousand Years Later I Resurrected: I thought that you are suggesting me, but I do not have the evidence.” 万年后我复活了:“我觉得你在暗示我,但是我没有证据.” In addition the strength very weak Chen Nan , indicating own shivering from the cold. 实力尚且很弱的辰楠,表示自己瑟瑟发抖. Kayaba Akihiko: You think that I opening have not thought may have this matter 茅场晶彦:“你以为我开局没想过可能会发生这种事情吗” The Kayaba Akihiko corners of the mouth bring back wipe the light smile, later, he opened the arm, a pressure gently. 茅场晶彦嘴角勾起一抹淡淡的笑容,随后,他张开了手臂,轻轻的一压. The magic array map above vault of heaven sent out dazzling radiance suddenly, later innumerable frost freezes. 天穹之上的魔法阵图突然散发出了耀眼的光华,随后无数冰霜冻结而出. The land of sores all over the eye by thorough froze solid, world was changed into the snow and ice sea. 满目疮痍的大地被彻底的冻结住了,世间化为了冰雪的海洋. These ......... terrifying magma, also changed into the ice piece completely. 那些.........恐怖之极的岩浆,也全部都随之化为了冰块. Monsters, calmly stands and waits for a long time completely, above land thorough changed to the ice sculpture. 一具具怪兽,也全部都静静伫立,在大地之上彻底的化作了冰雕. Played a while with you..., but also really thinks that our strength merely is only so “跟你们玩了一会儿...,还真以为我们实力仅仅只是如此” Kayaba Akihiko shows neither approval nor disapproval. 茅场晶彦不置可否. Although in name is the researchers, but he joined guild too early, has eaten Yggdrasil (World Tree) presently with a Sword Art Online present dividend. 虽然名义上是研究人员,但是他加入公会太早了,又吃过了世界树具现与刀剑神域具现的红利. His strength, arranges third class in guild absolutely, even if third class sets the base...... the words that but he thinks now, can still with own unique skill, strike with ease the entire Japan: Sinks to the sea. 他的实力,绝对在公会里面排第三阶级,即便是第三阶级垫底的......但他现在想的话,也能够用自己的绝招,一击轻松将整个东瀛:沉入海洋及. Recommendation 推荐
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