SDG :: Volume #21

#2061: Chapter 2061? So-called future? Shocking and vacant of ocean of the law

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This is “这到底是” Angewomon look anxious is staring at Ram. 天女兽神色紧张的盯着拉姆. She handed over on Ram by Goko Ruri before, for several days has been suffering the attendance of Ram. 她之前被五更琉璃交到了拉姆手上,这些天更是一直蒙受着拉姆的照顾. In the Angewomon heart, Ram is a gentle Onee-sama image. 天女兽心中,拉姆是一个温柔的大姐姐形象. However now, she felt that own idea was one-sided. 但是现在,她感觉自己想法过于片面了. Constriction that on Ram transmits, even makes her suspect that oneself is facing anything to investigate Ultimate Digimon...... not, compared with facing to investigate Ultimate Digimon also to terrifying...... not have the issue.” 拉姆身上传来的压迫感,甚至让她怀疑自己是不是在面对什么究极体数码宝贝......不,比面对究极体数码宝贝还要更加的恐怖......“没有问题.” Decisiveness of very seductress beast reply. 妖女兽回答的十分果断. As making Digimon of fallen angel shape, Virus attribute Pokémon. 作为做堕天使形态的数码兽,病毒种神奇宝贝. The idea of law of the jungle nearly was to carve into her bone. 弱肉强食的理念近乎是刻入了她的骨子之中. Since now Ram is stronger, then natural was Ram said that anything was... anything. 既然现在拉姆更强,那么自然是拉姆说什么就是...什么. Looks that Ram the front two will take away, Su Han instigated shrugging, he arrived at the place of hall directly, all around presented Shadowkhan naturally, helping him carry all kinds of snacks, and regulates tv series. 看着拉姆将面前的二者领走,苏寒怂了耸肩,他直接来到了大厅之处,四周自然而然的出现了阴影忍者,帮他端上各式各样的零食,并且调控电视剧. Passing of time bit by bit, then arrived at dinner quickly. 时间一点一滴的流逝,很快便到了晚饭时分. Ram and Rem this time to welcome Angewomon as well as seductively attractive girl's beast arrival, made very sumptuous banquet. 拉姆雷姆这次为了欢迎天女兽以及妖女兽的到来,久违的做出了非常丰盛的宴席. Although both are Digimon, but they can eat the human similarly food, therefore completely by the Ram craftsmanship conquering. 虽然两者是数码兽,但是她们同样可以吃人类的食物,所以完全被拉姆的手艺给征服了. Finished eating the food, Su Han continued to go to the hall. 吃完了饭,苏寒继续来到了大厅. However this time, he is looks at tv series, while is taking a fast look around the guild chatroom. 不过这一次,他是一边看着电视剧,一边扫视着公会聊天室. The guild members had looked obviously Madame White Snake that he uploaded, ten points that now discusses intense. 公会成员们显然已经看完了他所上传的白蛇传,现在讨论的十分的激烈. Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: To be honest, this Madame White Snake gave my enormous pleasant surprise time.” 成龙不想考古:“老实说,这一次的白蛇传给了我极大的惊喜.” Let the World Suffer Pain: „......” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“......” Let the World Suffer Pain: You have not read Madame White Snake to discuss what pleasant surprise 让世界感受痛苦吧:“你不是早就已经看过了白蛇传谈何惊喜” The Nagato brow is pressed, felt own some are incomprehensible. 漩涡长门眉头蹙紧,感觉自己有些不能理解. Liu Peiqiang: „ You possibly understood to make a mistake, we knew merely was only the myth. 刘培强:“你可能理解错了,我们知道的仅仅只是神话. But this memory duplicate experiences personally time! The both sides disparity is extremely huge. ” 而这一次的记忆副本可是身临其境!双方差距极其巨大.” Liu Peiqiang expressed oneself can understand the feeling of Jackie Chan. 刘培强表示自己能够理解成龙的感受. Bai Suzhen: „......” 白素贞:“......” Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: That is my future...... indeed, if I bump into this matter, perhaps indeed will do that...... even now, I have not changed the idea the idea.” 金山寺住持:“那就是我的未来吗......的确,如果我碰上这种事情,或许的确会这么做吧......即便是现在,我也没有改变想法的主意.” Ocean of the law expression very subtle, is somewhat disconsolate. 法海表情十分的微妙,有些惆怅. After is shortly silent, he continues to speak in guild. 在短暂沉默之后,他继续在公会里面发言. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: „...... Why I and appearance not Taichi type in memory duplicate 金山寺住持:“不过......为何我和记忆副本之中的长相不太一样” Bai Suzhen: Although I also shocks such future very much......, but, I also in appearance not Taichi type with memory duplicate.” 白素贞:“虽然我内心也很震撼这样子的未来......但,我也和记忆副本之中的样貌不太一样.” Bai Suzhen compels low voice. 白素贞小声逼逼. Shinonono Tabane: „” 筱之之束:“” Magical Girl Illya: „......” 魔法少女伊莉雅:“......” Kasumi Utako: Guild Leader this was...... turns over 霞诗子:“会长这是......翻车了” Su Xiaoxiao: Turns a hammer.” 苏小小:“翻个锤子.” Su Han eye rolled. 苏寒翻了个白眼. Su Xiaoxiao: „ My previous generation has looked at Madame White Snake Version | Sakamoto, moreover what before had not visited them to be long. 苏小小:“我前世看过的白蛇传版本了,而且之前又没看他们俩长什么样. Therefore I sent before simply casually...... ” 所以我之前索性随便发了个......” Su Xiaoxiao: The words that „ you want now, can send another 4 Version | Sakamoto to you again. 苏小小:“你们现在要的话,可以再给你们发另外四版本. But actually this does not have the significance, because of roughly plot line almost...... ” 但其实这没意义啊,因为大体剧情线都差不多......” Tony Is Not the Richest: You said the truth, I actually had nothing to say in reply.” 托尼不是首富:“你说道理,我竟然无言以对.” Tony Stark expressed oneself are incapable of complaining. 托尼斯塔克表示自己无力吐槽. However also said anything. 不过也说什么. After all everyone also knows, now memory duplicate in guild, is completely movie animation tv series that the Su Han ancestors looked at and so on thing...... Kōsaka Kyosuke: My Guild Leader, is... sincere such.” 毕竟大家也知道,现在公会之中的记忆副本,全部都是苏寒上辈子看的电影动漫电视剧之类的东西......高坂京介:“我会长,就是...这么的实诚.” Nakiri Erina: „ Suzhen. 薙切绘里奈:“素贞. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess. 金山寺住持. Actually if you are not comfortable, can invite on Guild Leader the world. ” 其实你们如果不自在的话,可以邀请会长上你们那个世界去.” Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: „” 金山寺住持:“” The ocean of the law gawked, coming that cannot respond. 法海愣了一下,没能反应的过来. Father Whitebeard: „ Gurarara, simply speaking is ......... Guild Leader to your world, can rely on own unsurpassed method, the rubbing will get down the history of your world in the future. 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,简单来说就是.........会长到你们那个世界,可以凭借自己的无上手段,把你们那个世界的历史未来拓印下来. Then on passes to guild, becomes memory duplicate that you want. ” 然后再上传到公会之中,成为你们想要的记忆副本.” Father Whitebeard: As the matter stands, was definitely just the same as you.” 白胡子老爹:“这样一来,肯定就和你们一模一样了.” Whitebeard is stroking from crescent moon reckless, Gurarara smiled. 白胡子抚摸着自的月牙胡,咕啦啦啦的笑了起来. Bai Suzhen: „......” 白素贞:“......” Bai Suzhen: This matter, can achieve 白素贞:“就连这种事情,都能够做到” The Bai Suzhen look drastic change, her mind shook unable with the situation that the language described. 白素贞神色剧变,她心神震荡到了无法用语言来形容的地步. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: Impossible...... this matter, even the Buddha also cannot achieve.” 金山寺住持:“不可能......这种事情,就算是佛祖也同样做不到吧.” The ocean of the law also rejects pointedly. 法海也断然否决. Tony Is Not the Richest: „The Buddha your Buddha are anything, Guild Leader has killed the Transmigrator Buddha was not one or two.” 托尼不是首富:“佛祖你们的佛祖算什么,会长杀过的穿越者佛祖也不是一个两个了.” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Heavenly Emperor, Holy Bible Supreme God, Buddha, Buddha...... also some assorted all kinds, crossed over to become God Transmigrator......, I want to ask at this point, Guild Leader also has what god not to hit 成龙不想考古:“天帝,圣经上帝,觉者,佛祖......还有一些杂七杂八的各种各样的,穿越成神的穿越者......不过说到这里,我蛮想问问,会长还有什么神没有打过” Asked fresh Madoka Daigo: Actually...... some god level Transmigrator had not been really hit by Guild Leader.” 求鲜圆大古:“其实......有些神级穿越者还真的没有被会长打过.” Madoka Daigo: „ After all in guild has many people able these ............ the so-called god to hang to hit...... Guild Leader not to need to act. 圆大古:“毕竟公会之中有很多人就能把这些............所谓的神吊打......会长根本不需要出手. Manual funny. 手动滑稽. Kirishima Touka: „ Guild Leader awesome. 雾岛董香:“会长牛逼. Kurosaki Ichigo: „ Normal operation, sits down. 黑崎一护:“正常操作,都坐下. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: A moment ago what you said is...... has killed Buddha 金山寺住持:“你刚才说的是......杀过佛祖” Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: „......” 金山寺住持:“......” The ocean of the law almost suspected that own eye misread. 法海几乎怀疑自己的眼睛看错了. Tony Is Not the Richest: You do not believe 托尼不是首富:“你不信” ............. Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: This matter, how this matter...... you make me believe .............金山寺住持:“这种事情,这种事情......你让我怎么相信啊” Ocean of the law lip in shivering in his reason, has believed the guild internal discussion, but in fact, he thinks no matter how, thought this is really extremely in inconceivable. 法海嘴唇在颤抖他理智上,已经相信了公会内部的讨论,但是实际上,他不管怎么想,都觉得这实在是太过于不可思议. Benevolence at this moment must break. 此刻的佛心都要破碎了. Kōsaka Kyosuke: „ Before we said that if you really do not believe that or thought that some people want the pit you. 高坂京介:“就如同之前我们所说的,你如果实在不信,或者觉得有人要坑你的话. You can request that Guild Leader makes you draw back the group! ” 你可以请求会长让你退群啊!” Sakata Gintoki: Right, drawing back...... happen to me wants to have a look to draw back the group is what flow operation and special effect 坂田银时:“没错,退吧......正好我想看看退群是个什么流程操作和特效” Gudako: Terrifying in this way.” 咕哒子:“恐怖如斯.” Aikawa Ayumu: Sakata Gintoki-san, your good show.” 相川步:“坂田银时先生,你好骚啊.” Jinshan Temple abbot / abbess: „......” 金山寺住持:“......” Ocean of the law after silent for a long time, revised own guild name. 法海在沉默了许久之后,把自己公会的名字修改了. Ocean of the law: Sorry, I have not drawn back the group temporarily......, draws back the idea of meeting.” 法海:“抱歉,我暂时没有退群......嗯,退会的想法.” Doctor Romani: Actually, I am the comparison want to know that...... two are joining guild, after knowing Madame White Snake, preparation what to do you must unable to injure now mutually.” 罗曼医生:“其实,我是比较想知道......两位在加入公会,知晓了白蛇传之后,又准备怎么办你们现在应当无法互相伤害了吧.” Ocean of the law: I now, was somewhat vacant.” 法海:“我现在,也有些茫然了.” The ocean of the law is silent, memory duplicate serves as contrast good...... he himself also somewhat to be repugnant. 法海默然,记忆副本衬托的太好了......就连他自己也有些讨厌. Ocean of the law that... does not make a clear distinction between right and wrong. 那个…不明辨是非的法海. Bai Suzhen: „ I now still on seeking for Xu Xian's road, what is quite strange was...... I had arrived at Xihu, and sought for Xu Xian trail strongly. 白素贞:“我现在还在寻找许仙的路上,不过比较奇怪的是......我已经来到了西湖这边,并且竭力的寻找许仙踪迹. The news that may obtain finally is, Xu Xian has been missing three months ago. ” 可最后得到的消息是,许仙在三个月前就已经失踪了.” The Bai Suzhen brow locking, felt present situation very does not perish normally. 白素贞眉头锁紧,感觉现在的情况十分的不正常亡. Small
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