SDG :: Volume #21

#2046: Ash true strength? divine beast level Pokémon corps

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guild fell into the short peace, later thorough blasted out the pot. 公会陷入了短暂的安静,随后彻底的炸开了锅。 Fourth Hokage: Unexpectedly time was Ash pulls out this mission...... is really, has not thought.” 四代目火影:“居然是小智抽到了这一次的任务……真的是,万万没有想到。” The Namikaze Minato innermost feelings cannot be calm. 波风水门内心不能平静。 Kirishima Touka: On the other hand...... Ash doesn't he, really have the issue?” 雾岛董香:“话说回来……小智他,真的没有问题吗?” In the Kirishima Touka pupil flashed through wiped to worry. 雾岛董香眸子之中闪过了一抹担忧。 Yagami Taichi: Elder Brother Ash, absolutely does not have the issue.” 八神太一:“小智哥哥,绝对没有问题的。” Yagami Taichi: After all now Elder Brother Ash became skin God by oneself Pikachu truly, has can challenge the peak divine beast battle efficiency. But his Charizard, armor to congratulate Renwa, the lizard king...... can also duel second-class divine beast, even win completely.” 八神太一:“毕竟现在小智哥可是让自己的皮卡丘真正成为了皮神,拥有着能够挑战顶级神兽的战斗力。而他的喷火龙,甲贺忍蛙,蜥蜴王……也全部都能单挑二流神兽,甚至战而胜之。” Shirai Kuroko: „!!” 白井黑子:“!!” Kurosaki Ichigo: „??? fuck.” 黑崎一护:“???卧槽。” Kurosaki Ichigo: For a long time had not seen that he frothed over in guild...... has not thought of his strength unexpectedly strongly to this situation.” 黑崎一护:“好长时间没有看到他在公会里面冒泡……没有想到他的实力居然强到了这种地步。” Accelerator: „To come carefully, is the natural matter.” 一方通行:“细细想来,也是理所当然的事情。” The Accelerator facial features mood has not fluctuated slightly. 一方通行面容没有丝毫情绪波动。 Accelerator: As long as joins guild, struggles diligently, basically can have very good strength by oneself.” 一方通行:“但凡加入公会,努力奋斗,基本上都能让自己拥有非常不错的实力。” Su Xiaoxiao: Ok, did not say so many. That side Ristarte was really probably about unable to support, we first passed.” 苏小小:“好了,不说这么多了。莉丝妲黛那边好像真的快撑不住了,我们先过去了。” Su Han opened the eye, after he moved his body, clicked started mission. A gorgeous radiance is lingering his body, when radiance diverges, Su Han’s figure also vanishes does not see. 苏寒睁开了眼睛,他活动了一下自己的身子骨后,点击了开始任务。一道绚丽的光华萦绕着他的身体,等到光华散去,苏寒的身影也随之消失不见。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Careful Brave world. 与此同时,慎重勇者世界。 Ristarte goes wild, the facial features twist, ended ended...... really must end. How not to have the reinforcements to come?” 莉丝妲黛非常抓狂,面容为之扭曲,“完了完了……真的要完了。怎么还没有援兵过来?” Before Mash is cleaning the volume silently cold sweat, speechless looks at front Goddess, „are reinforcements, not possible to have the reinforcements? Thinks that with it, was inferior that careful thinking, how does solve front problem?” 马修默默擦拭着额前冷汗,无语的看着面前的女神,“援兵,不可能有援兵吧?与其想那个,不如细细的想一想,怎么解决面前的问题?” The Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint the look is serious, he is grasping the long sword, after the short thinking, made the decision, I thought that we evacuate for the time being.” 龙宫院圣哉神色严肃,他握着长剑,在短暂思索之后,做出了决定,“我觉得我们还是暂且撤离吧。” Excuse me, do you put out spirit okay of a little formidable? Now direct resentment in the past and that's the end.” Aqua wielded own fist, the crazy air-blowing, you have risen full level the big expert obviously, believed itself, you certainly.” “拜托,你拿出一点点勇者的志气好不好?现在直接怼过去就是了。”阿库娅挥起了自己的拳头,疯狂鼓气,“明明你是已经升到了满级的大高手,相信自己,你一定可以的。” Corners of the mouth also twitch, „before obviously, is afraid becomes that appearance......, but talked about retreats, actually turned into this appearance. Should say them stupidly fortunately, should say that they do have the strength of spirit?” 艾鲁鲁嘴角也抽搐起来,“明明自己之前害怕成那个样子……但是一谈到撤退,却又偏偏变成了这个样子。到底应该说她们傻还好,还是该说她们有骨气?” No,” Mash only feels the skull pain, this absolutely and strength of spirit has not the first half point relations...... this two Goddess, I was really receive enough.” “不,”马修只感到脑壳痛,“这绝对和骨气扯不上半点关系……这两个女神,我真的是受够了。” the next moment, a clear sound resounds suddenly, under Holy Light boundary by Aqua arrangement is torn to pieces in this moment. 下一刻,一声清脆的声音忽然响起,由阿库娅布置下的圣光结界在这一刻支离破碎。 ahhhh, is dying, was dying.” Aqua is weeping and wailing, while is swaying Holy Light crazily. 啊啊啊啊,要死了,要死了。”阿库娅一边哭喊着,一边疯狂挥洒着圣光 Wanted me saying that how many spread?” The frontline skeleton Admiral sneering life, the upfront shouldered Holy Light completely, do not attempt to restrain us with what divine power Holy Light. Under the strengthening of Demon King-sama, we had risen all dark species weakness.” “要我说多少遍?”最前方的骷髅大将冷笑一生,正面将圣光全部都扛了下来,“不要妄图用什么神力圣光来克制我们。在魔王大人的强化之下,我们已经崛起了一切黑暗物种的弱点。” Present we, are unmatched.” “现在的我们,是无敌的。” This?” The Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint the vision concentrates suddenly, although his original intention is to leave importantly, but since now had been caught up , can only first probe one or two. “这样吗?”龙宫院圣哉目光骤然一凝,虽然他本意是离开要紧,但是现在既然已经被追上了,也只能先试探一二了。 In his hand has three types to flee the plan in any case, five types in view of plan...... at the same time, 20 cards in a hand. Regardless of facing what situation, has to deal with the method. 反正他手里有三种逃离方案,五种针对方案……与此同时,还有二十张底牌。无论面对什么情况,都有应对方法。 Charizard, uses the vomit flames.” A young and immature sound resounds. 喷火龙,使用喷射火焰。”一个年轻而又稚嫩的声音响起。 Afterward, the terrifying blazing sprays like the lava common flame column. 随后,恐怖炽热如同熔岩一般的火焰柱喷洒而出。 What?” The skeleton Admiral pupil contracts suddenly, but he moved aside without enough time, by terrifying flame front hit. The body was burnt down the ashes, scatters in all directions. “什么?”骷髅大将瞳孔忽然收缩,但是他来不及躲闪了,被恐怖的火焰正面命中。身躯被焚烧成了灰烬,四散开来。 Not is only only he, his behind many skeleton army was also fired one group completely. 不仅仅只是他,他身后的众多骷髅大军也全部都被烧成了一团。 What's the matter?” The degeneration King of Angels look above vault of heaven had the radical change, later, his front presented stature majestic Charizard suddenly. Above his fist is lingering the flame, One Punch makes to the front loudly. “怎么回事?”天穹之上的堕落天使之王神色发生了剧烈变化,随后,他面前豁然出现了一头身材雄壮的喷火龙。他的拳头之上萦绕着火焰,轰然一拳向前方打出。 The flame passed through chest that degenerates King of Angels, even tears the clouds above vault of heaven. Afterward, the Charizard opens the mouth used the anger of dragon, the blazing terrifying storm will degenerate body thorough tearing of King of Angels. 火焰贯穿了堕落天使之王的胸膛,甚至将天穹之上的云朵都为之撕裂。随后,喷火龙张口动用了龙之怒,炽热的恐怖风暴将堕落天使之王的身躯彻底的撕裂。 That is.” The Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint the look changed for the first time, he is somewhat staring at Charizard above vault of heaven stunned, is dragon species? Why however compared with stronger so many that I estimated...... saying that I did simulate dragon species in estimate to be wrong?” “那到底是。”龙宫院圣哉神色第一次发生了变化,他有些错愕的凝视着天穹之上的喷火龙,“是龙种?不过为什么比我估算的要强出这么多……还是说,我模拟估计之中的龙种都是错误的?” Really, the need will be more prudent in the future......, if bumps into this rank enemy/villain, I will be very troublesome.” “果然,未来还需要更加慎重一些……倘若碰上这种级别的敌人,我会很麻烦。” Ha? Will you very be troublesome?” Ristarte unusual going wild, then, can you facing existence of that rank, at least also retreat? Your strength is so strong, why did not display the expert who...... that fellow can two moves of insta-kill fall the two four Great Demon King ranks a moment ago. You can also achieve similarly are.” “哈?你会很麻烦?”莉丝妲黛非常的抓狂,“这么说来,你面对那种级别的存在,至少也能撤退?你实力这么强,刚才为什么不表现出来啊……那家伙能够两招秒杀两个大魔王级别的高手。你也同样能够做到才是。” I cannot achieve,” Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint the sound is low and deep, escaping that moreover I said that needs to exhaust all my cards in a hand.” “我做不到,”龙宫院圣哉声音低沉,“而且我说的逃跑,需要耗尽我所有的底牌。” Aqua: „???” 阿库娅:“???” Aqua face isn't dumbfounded, „...... in this emergency case your hand also covers-up? Bastards.” 阿库娅一脸懵逼,“不是……这种紧急情况你手里还藏着掖着?混蛋。” Miss Aqua,” the Ash sound conveys, brings a helplessness, please do not blame him, the Careful Brave itself/Ben is such person.” 阿库娅小姐,”小智的声音传来,带着一丝无奈,“请不要责怪他,慎重勇者本就是这样子的人。” The Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint turns the head, finally then saw Ash, the brow wrinkled, just prepared to say anything, then saw on the Ash shoulder is standing Pikachu, the pupil contracts suddenly. He detected a fatal threat from the body of Pikachu. 龙宫院圣哉转过头来,最后便看到了小智,眉头皱了起来,刚准备说些什么,便看到小智肩膀上站立着的皮卡丘,瞳孔豁然收缩。他从皮卡丘的身上察觉到了一种致命的威胁。 Although the surface seems like a lovable mousie......, but this mouse, has not the unimaginable strength. He dark has a feeling, if this mouse must begin...... his card in a hand completely to leave to oneself even, cannot escape similarly. 虽然表面看上去是一只可爱的小老鼠……但这只老鼠,拥有着无法想象的力量。他冥冥中有一种感觉,如果这只老鼠要对自己动手……就算他底牌尽出,也同样逃不掉。 Áng!” A calling out in grief sound gets up, that is the Charizard sound. “昂!”一声悲鸣声响起,那是喷火龙的声音。 Also resounds, is a sound that brings imposing killing intent, Pokémon World Charizard? Moreover the strength is so powerful...... makes me think that simply bumped into divine beast.” 随之响起的,是一个带着凛然杀意的声音,“神奇宝贝世界喷火龙?而且实力这么强大……简直让我以为碰上了神兽。” „......, no matter you are because what reason arrives at this world, since dares to hinder me, then dies together.” “不过……不管你们是因为什么原因来到这个世界,既然胆敢阻碍我,那么就一起去死吧。” „...... What?” The Ash look drastic change, he turns the head, then saw that above the vault of heaven presented one by the form that the black robe covers. “……什么?”小智神色剧变,他转过头来,便看到天穹之上出现了一个被黑袍笼罩的身影。 His palm closely seized the neck of Charizard, the body of Charizard tied up by the rope that changed to dark. Another hand of black robe form, then has the black energy ball to gather. 他一只手掌紧紧的掐住了喷火龙的脖子,喷火龙的身体被黑暗化作的绳索捆绑住。黑袍身影的另外一只手,则有着黑色的能量弹在汇聚。 Charizard,” the Ash brow beat, not slightly hesitant, issues the order, Pikachu!” 喷火龙,”小智眉头跳动了一下,没有丝毫犹豫,下达命令,“皮卡丘!” Picka!” The Pikachu whole body has blazing lightning to erupt. “皮卡!”皮卡丘浑身有着炽热的雷光在爆发。 lightning erupted, charged into the vault of heaven suddenly. Hit that black robe form directly. 雷光爆发了,豁然冲向了天穹。直接击中了那道黑袍身影。 How can...... this terrifying electrical energy?” “怎么会……这种恐怖的电能?” Was being trembled by lightning attack the body of black robe form fiercely- shakes, obviously he has not thought that this move of lethality so will be unexpectedly strong. 雷电攻击的黑袍身影的身躯在剧烈颤-抖,显然他也没有想到这一招杀伤力居然会这么强。 Charizard seized this time, works loose instantaneously, his wing somewhat exhausted is striking, crashes from the space. 喷火龙抓住了这个时机,瞬间挣脱开来,他翅膀有些疲惫的拍击着,从天上坠落下来。
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