SDG :: Volume #21

#2045: Accident of Careful Brave world

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Kōsaka Kirino: This case, it may be said that very vivid image.” 高坂桐乃:“这个案例,可谓是十分的生动形象了。” Madoka Daigo: Terrifying in this way .jpg 圆大古:“恐怖如斯.jpg” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „Do the top big shot in oneself world bring your acting cool to lead you to fly?” 高坂京介:“自家世界的顶尖大佬带你装逼带你飞?” Kurosaki Ichigo: 666 66, this was really real.” 黑崎一护:“六六六六六,这就实在是太真实了。” Nakiri Erina: I have been able to imagine, foreign land immortal king to come looks for the trouble of small stone...... summit- the ancestor of peak period held a memorial ceremony begins suddenly, knocks his staggering blow the appearance.( Manual funny .jpg)” 薙切绘里奈:“我已经能够想象到,异域不朽之王来找小石头的麻烦……巅-峰时期的祖祭灵豁然动手,敲他闷棍的样子了。(手动滑稽.jpg)” Ye Hei: Envies.” 叶黑:“羡慕啊。” Ye Hei: If we had known this, I also passed before one. Should the world spiritual energy of perfect world, to be much better compared with our world? Moreover the desolate ancient sacred body will not encounter a day of jealousy in that side cultivation.” 叶黑:“早知道这样,我之前也过去一趟了。完美天地的天地灵气,应该要比我们这个世界要好的多吧?而且荒古圣体在那边修炼也不会遭到天嫉。” On the Ye Hei face has the expectation. 叶黑脸上带着憧憬。 Ye Hei: Can also look while convenient, willow immortal is what kind of peerless beauty.” 叶黑:“顺带着还能看一看,柳仙到底是何等的绝代芳华。” Tony Is Not the Richest: „Before emmmm...... you, didn't see through the guild live broadcast?” 托尼不是首富:“emmmm……你之前不是通过公会直播看到了吗?” The Tony Stark look is very strange. 托尼斯塔克的神色十分古怪。 Father Whitebeard: Perfect world time, should not have desolate ancient sacred body physique.” 白胡子老爹:“完美天地时代,应该没有荒古圣体这种体质吧。” Whitebeard is lost in thought. 白胡子陷入了沉思。 Senile Old Man: „......” 病老人:“……” Senile Old Man: You arrive at this time, not by day jealously real. That place that however the world spiritual energy...... here might as well you cultivation now.” 病老人:“你来到这个时代,不受天嫉是真的。但是天地灵气……这里还不如你现在修炼的那个地方。” Senile Old Man keeps one eye on, exchanges with willow immortal, while spoke in guild. 病老人一心二用,一边与柳仙交流,一边在公会里面发言。 Senile Old Man: After all here is a world of mortals, you counted on that here is the cultivation paradise?” 病老人:“毕竟这里不过是下界,你指望这里是修行胜地?” Sakata Gintoki: Right, is the world of mortals, comparing in the upper boundary seemingly a prison?” 坂田银时:“对的,下界,相较于上界貌似是一个囚牢?” Yukinoshita Yukino: Discussed this...... cannot help but to remember crime blood lineage/vein, oh, unassuageable.” 雪之下雪乃:“谈论起这个……就不由得想起了罪血一脉,唉,让人难以平静。” Aisaka Taiga: In perfect world, some indeed many bastard damn.” 逢坂大河:“完美天地之中,的确有很多混账该死。” Su Xiaoxiao: Really cannot get used to seeing, you can cultivation, making your strength grow stronger unceasingly. When the conditions are ripe, acts decisively, kills that group of fellows.” 苏小小:“真的看不惯,你们可以修炼,让自己的实力不断变强。等到时机成熟,断然出手,杀死那群家伙。” Su Han speechless to smile. 苏寒哑然笑了笑。 Su Xiaoxiao: I believe, the small stone should not block you in this aspect.” 苏小小:“我相信,小石头应该不会在这方面拦你们。” Gudako: „......” 咕哒子:“……” Sirzechs: „......” 萨泽克斯:“……” Hatsune Miku: Words, although said that but thinks that the strength rank of perfect world...... I continue to lie down in my bedding.” 初音未来:“话虽然这么说,但是想一想完美天地的力量等级……我还是继续躺在我的被窝之中吧。” Ryugu Rena: Was too real, where hitting to live to kill to have the lying down bedding to be comfortable?” 龙宫礼奈:“太真实了,打生打死哪有躺被窝舒服?” Ristarte: ahhhhh!” 莉丝妲黛:“啊啊啊啊啊!” Ristarte: Help, me by a monster of big group of Demon King army enclosing. I felt that opposite was Transmigrator...... I am dying.” 莉丝妲黛:“救命啊,我这边已经被一大堆魔王军的怪物给围上了。我感觉对面是穿越者……我要死了。” Kasumi Utako: „????” 霞诗子:“????” Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: „......” 道家真人张三丰:“……” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Do not look at in my surface dumbfounded, many in fact in I relative surface hoodwinking.” 高坂京介:“你不要看我表面上懵逼,实际上我内心比表面上蒙蔽的多。” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Is lost in thought .jpg 成龙不想考古:“陷入了沉思.jpg” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Therefore, the opposite is Transmigrator? Can you words talking clearly.” 成龙不想考古:“所以,对面到底是不是穿越者?你能不能把话给说清楚了。” Kotori Minami: „...... Did not have the sound, won't really die?” 南小鸟:“……没声音了,不会真的死了吧?” Kotori Minami all of a sudden flustered. 南小鸟一下子慌张了起来。 Tushan Honghong: Does not need to worry, she is Goddess. That that will not die!” 涂山红红:“不用着急,她可是女神。不会死的那种!” Tushan Honghong very calm. 涂山红红十分的淡定。 Aqua: Is dying, was dying.” 阿库娅:“要死了,要死了。” Aqua: „The summon of opposite densely packed a big pile, had not presented fallen angel, devil, demon anything.” 阿库娅:“对面密密麻麻的召唤了一大堆,原先未曾出现堕落天使啊,魔鬼啊,恶魔什么。” Aqua: Moreover immunity my Holy Light, this who can withstand?” 阿库娅:“而且还免疫我的圣光,这谁能够顶得住啊?” Aqua concentrates to choke suddenly speechless, she wants to go home. 阿库娅一时间无语凝噎,她想要回家。 Kurosaki Ichigo: „!!” 黑崎一护:“!!” Su Xiaoxiao: „Can your side also withstand? Been able to withstand words, I directly on the past.” 苏小小:“你们那边还顶得住吗?顶不住的话,我直接就过去了。” The Su Han brow wrinkled. 苏寒眉头皱了起来。 Ristarte: Guild Leader, is about to save us.” 莉丝妲黛:“会长,快过来救救我们吧。” Himura Kenshin: „...... Actually, I thought that their side does not have the issue. After all guild has not sounded the life warning.” 绯村剑心:“……其实,我个人觉得她们那边没有问题。毕竟公会没有发出生命警报。” The Himura Kenshin brow locks closely. 绯村剑心眉头锁得紧紧的。 Himura Kenshin: Looked the appearance that they worry, Guild Leader, you go to one.” 绯村剑心:“不过看他们这么着急的样子,会长,你还是去一趟吧。” Aikawa Ayumu: „...... Before that can ask you to open the guild live broadcast?” 相川步:“……在那之前,能不能请你们打开公会直播?” Aqua: Now opens!” 阿库娅:“现在就开!” When the guild live broadcast opens, guild chatted indoor fell into for a very long time peace. 公会直播打开,公会聊天室内陷入了久久的安静。 Kirishima Touka: „????” 雾岛董香:“????” Kayaba Akihiko: „......, although opposite enemy/villain number are indeed many, but isn't your very safe?” 茅场晶彦:“……虽然对面的敌人数目的确很多,但你们这不是很安全吗?” The Kayaba Akihiko look is strange, he does not know where this trough should start to spit. 茅场晶彦神色诡异,他已经不知道这口槽该从哪里开始吐了。 Aqua: „!!” 阿库娅:“!!” Aqua: Ha, looks at...... the enemy/villain present range with your eye well I, only then, three meters! Three meters.” 阿库娅:“哈,用你的眼睛好好看一看……敌人现在距离我只有,三米!三米啊。” Ainz Ooal Gown: However you supposed to protect boundary, enemy/villain is unable to go a step further in this time.” 安兹乌尔恭:“然而你设下了保护结界,敌人无法在此时更进一步。” Momonga pinched own skull, he does not know where should start to complain. Can't your courage greatly? 飞鼠捏了捏自己的头盖骨,他已经不知道该从哪里开始吐槽了。你们的胆子就不能大一点吗? Ainz Ooal Gown: Guild Leader, did not need to manage her, first had a look at mission.” 安兹乌尔恭:“会长,不用管她了,先看看任务吧。” Su Xiaoxiao: „...... Good.” 苏小小:“……好。” The Su Han corners of the mouth also twitched, finally entered the Guild Mission column. Really discovers a mission static exhibition there. 苏寒嘴角也抽搐了一下,最后进入到了公会任务栏目。果然发现一条任务静静的陈列在那里。 ...... …… mission name: Cuts to kill Transmigrator 任务名称:斩杀穿越者 Transmigrator name: Sba Luse 穿越者名称:斯巴鲁斯 Transmigrator title: Demon King 穿越者称号:魔王 mission synopsis: Transmigrator crossed over becomes Demon King of Careful Brave world, he leads the army, whole-heartedly, must besiege to kill Careful Brave as well as Goddess of Healing. Will threaten to strangle in the cradle, please its solution. 任务简介:穿越者穿越成为了慎重勇者世界的魔王,他率领大军,全力以赴,要围攻杀死慎重勇者以及治愈女神。将威胁扼杀在摇篮之中,请将其解决。 mission request: Kills Transmigrator 任务要求:杀死穿越者 mission limit: Only allows two members to participate simultaneously( plundering mission mode) 任务限制:只允许两名成员同时参与(可抢夺任务模式) mission reward: 150,000 accumulated points, limitless big lottery 任务奖励:15万点积分,一次无限制抽奖 ...... …… Su Han is staring at this mission, fell into for a long time silence, later he completed the screenshot, transmitted in it the guild chatroom. 苏寒凝视着这一次任务,陷入了许久的沉默,随后他完成了截图,将其发送到了公会聊天室之中。 Su Xiaoxiao: everyone...... appraises.( Picture)” 苏小小:“诸位……来评价一下吧。(图片)” Korosensei: „!!” 杀老师:“!!” Edogawa Conan: To be honest...... I am very shocked now. Because unexpectedly opposite is really Transmigrator.” 江户川柯南:“老实说……我现在很震惊。因为居然对面真的是穿越者。” The Conan corners of the mouth twitch, he does not know how should appraise. 柯南嘴角抽搐起来,他不知道该怎么评价了。 Batman: This did not have the matter of means...... the Guild Leader opening only to send such small section memory duplicate after all. What kind of strength our at all not clear enemy/villain has, what kind of scale......, therefore misunderstood.” 蝙蝠侠:“这也是没有办法的事情……毕竟会长开局只发了那么一小段记忆副本。我们根本不清楚敌人拥有着怎样的实力,怎样的规模……所以误解了。” Ristarte: ahhhh! Knows that the misunderstanding was good, comes to save us a bit faster.” 莉丝妲黛:“啊啊啊啊!知道误解就好了,快点过来救我们啊。” Ristarte nearly must cry, why you also such not anxiously not slow? How long their boundary of here establishment could not keep off. 莉丝妲黛近乎要哭出来了,为什么你们还这么不急不缓?她们这边设置的结界也挡不了多长时间了。 Su Xiaoxiao: Good, starts...... everyone to get ready to start now to recognize seizes mission.” 苏小小:“好的,现在就开始……大家准备开始认夺任务吧。” Aikawa Ayumu: „...... I only want to say that two people participates in mission , were too rather few?” 相川步:“……我只想说,两个人去参加任务,未免也太少了吧?” The Aikawa Ayumu look is subtle, does not know that should say what good. 相川步神色微妙,不知道该说什么好。 Lelouch: Good...... 150,000 mission accumulated points. Actually does not have many, considering that following limitless big lottery......, if can pull out to well.” 鲁鲁修:“还好了……15万任务积分。其实也没多少,不过考虑到后面的无限制抽奖……如果能够抽到也不错。” Old Man is the Marquis: I must participate in this mission lottery.” 老夫是侯爵:“我也要参加此次任务抽奖。” Yagami Taichi: „!! Then everyone respectively depending on method.” 八神太一:“!!那么大家就各凭手段吧。” Su Han looks content that in guild chatted, curls the lip. However he does not have to express the opinion, but counted the integer in the heart, later spoke suddenly. 苏寒看着公会里面聊天的内容,撇了撇嘴。不过他没有对此发表意见,而是在心中数了数个数,随后骤然发言。 Su Xiaoxiao: Formally starts to rob mission.” 苏小小:“正式开始抢夺任务。” Falls along with the Su Han words sound, a mission ejection comes out. 伴随着苏寒话语声落下,一条任务弹射出来。 Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao, Ash has succeeded to participate in this mission.” “叮!公会会长苏小小,小智已成功参与此次任务。”
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