SDG :: Volume #21

#2044: The above situation, please refer to Senile Old Man and Ye Hei!

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willow immortal stands erect in same place, stood erect for a long time. 柳仙屹立在原地,屹立了许久。 Suddenly, she lifts the hand, inexhaustible divine energy is erupting, in her side unceasing evolution. Gathered in a time river. 突然间,她抬起手,无穷尽的神能在爆发,于她的身旁不断的演化。汇聚成了一条时间长河。 However, no matter she pushed the deduction toward the past or deduces toward the future, could not detect the Su Han trail. 然而,不管她往过去推演绎或者是往未来推演,都察觉不到苏寒的踪迹。 Even she deduces beforehand the matter, can see Senile Old Man exists...... is actually not able to induce from Years Long River to the Su Han aura. 甚至她推演之前发生的事情,能看到病老人的存在……却无法从岁月长河之中感应到苏寒的气息。 Similar to, Su Han has not come to be excessively ordinary. 就如同,苏寒从来都没有来过一般。 Is aloof outside the world?” willow immortal the words are inexplicable, is unable to imagine, actually that is what kind of existence.” “超脱于天地之外吗?”柳仙话语莫名,“无法想象,那究竟是怎样的存在。” Guild Leader is so powerful, is natural.” After Senile Old Man makes the stop slightly, supplemented, „, should not say...... Guild Leader's is powerful, is so immeasurably deep.” 会长这般强大,是理所应当的。”病老人稍作停顿之后,又补充了一句,“不,应该说……会长的强大,一直都是这般深不可测的。” You and a moment ago that what's the matter?” willow immortal opened the mouth, her vision fell on the body of Senile Old Man. “你和刚才那一位,到底是怎么回事?”柳仙开口了,她的目光落在了病老人的身上。 Senile Old Man keeps silent, willow Xianshao makes the ponder to understand that this possibly touches anything to ban- death anniversary, shifted the topic immediately, seems like you to relate...... the strength to differ very ripe obviously extremely greatly.” 病老人不言不语,柳仙稍作思考就明白这可能触及到什么禁-忌,当即转移了话题,“看起来你们关系很熟……明明实力相差极其巨大。” Restores summit- peak willow immortal, saw Senile Old Man real realm, although that cauldron in Senile Old Man body makes her somewhat care, but also somewhat cares eventually merely...... in the final analysis, that cauldron is only immortal. 恢复巅-峰的柳仙,一眼就看出了病老人的真实境界,虽然病老人身躯之中的那一口鼎让她有些在意,但终究也仅仅只是有些在意……归根结底,那口鼎只是一件仙器罢了。 Indeed.” Senile Old Man nods confidently, „is not only I, this child also same and that person got to know each other well a moment ago...... that person, is our elders.” “的确。”病老人坦然点了点头,“不仅仅是我,这个孩子也同样与刚才那人相熟……那个人,算是我们的长辈吧。” Although the Su Han age by far be less than Senile Old Man, but Su Han as Guild Leader, usually looks after to them very much...... is not only Senile Old Man, Ye Hei also similarly to Su Han respect, regards, if elder. 虽然苏寒的年龄远远要比病老人要少,但是苏寒身为会长,平常对他们很是照顾……不仅仅是病老人,叶黑也同样对苏寒十分的尊敬,视若长辈。 So that's how it is, after” willow immortal short hesitation, opened the mouth, I observe you soon to tread the broken supreme domain. Like this, I first taught your one or two......, although I felt, without me, you wanted to break through is still quick.” “原来如此,”柳仙短暂的沉吟后,开口了,“我观你即将踏破至尊领域。这样吧,我先教导你一二……虽然我觉得,即便是没有我,你想要突破也很快了。” After making the stop slightly, willow immortal continues to open the mouth, I taught that your something, but you inform in the news that some I want to know! Whether?” 稍作停顿之后,柳仙继续开口,“我教导你一些东西,而你告知于一些我想知道的消息!可否?” I must walk is not the road of becoming an immortal, but is another road.” Senile Old Man shakes the head, he arrived at the flash of this world to detect the huge difference of perfect world and Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand world. “我要走的并非是成仙之路,而是另外一条路。”病老人摇了摇头,他来到这个世界的第一瞬间就察觉到了完美天地与一手遮天世界的巨大差别。 Simply speaking, he in the perfect world, wants to break through, can break through momentarily. But use this method is opportunistic to become the immortal, this is not Senile Old Man wants. He wants the bustling place immortal road, ninth becomes an immortal. 简单来说,他在完美天地,想突破,随时都可以突破。但动用这种方法取巧成为仙,这不是病老人想要的。他想要走红尘仙路,九世成仙。 He did not have this qualifications, but after joining guild, he thought that oneself can wrestle. 原先他没有这种资格,但是加入公会之后,他觉得自己可以一搏。 The Senile Old Man sincere opens the mouth, I can you disclose some can disclose......, but, I hope that I can inquire about some issues to you.” 病老人诚恳开口,“我可以向你透露一些能透露的……但是,我希望我能够向你询问一些问题。” willow immortal silent for a long time, opened the mouth finally, as you like.” 柳仙沉默了许久,终于开口了,“随你。” Afterward, both then start to exchange. 随后,两者便开始交流。 Senile Old Man current cultivation many doubts on the way, one by one narrated, willow immortal started to explain carefully. 病老人将自己当前修炼途中的众多疑惑,一一叙说而出,柳仙则开始细细讲解。 Main road lotus flowers bloom, during is void, the endless say/way is spreading. Gorgeously to pinnacle. 一朵朵大道莲花绽放,虚空之中,无尽道则在蔓延。绚丽到了极致。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 spiritual energy world, in Su Han bedroom. 灵能世界,苏寒的卧房之中。 A gorgeous radiance ascends suddenly, when radiance diverges, Su Han’s figure appeared in same place. 一道绚丽的光华骤然升腾而起,等到光华散去,苏寒的身影出现在了原地。 Su Han stretched to stretch, later lay on the bed, closed eyes to enter the guild chatroom. In the discovery lived it up the pinnacle. 苏寒舒展了一下懒腰,随后躺在床上,闭目进入到了公会聊天室。发现里面热闹到了极致。 Kasumi Utako: Was too fearful.” 霞诗子:“太可怕了。” Fourth Hokage: Originally...... I thought that you said Guild Leader can the hand rub the immortal emperor, in my heart also some do not believe. However now, I somewhat believed indistinctly......, even if Guild Leader cannot rub the immortal emperor, but the would-be immortal emperor and cepheus, absolutely do not have the issue.” 四代目火影:“本来……我看你们说会长能够手搓出仙帝,我心中还有些不相信。但是现在,我隐约有些相信了……就算会长搓不出仙帝,但准仙帝和仙王,绝对没有问题。” Tony Is Not the Richest: „A thought that makes infinity be close in willow immortal of accurate immortal emperor restores to life summit directly- peak...... my God! Guild Leader this compelling, installed was too successful.( Guild Leader big shot awesome .jpg)” 托尼不是首富:“一个念头,直接让无限接近于准仙帝的柳仙恢复到人生巅-峰……我的天!会长这个逼,装的太成功了。(会长大佬牛逼.jpg)” Magical Girl Illya: „It is not able to describe .jpg with the language 魔法少女伊莉雅:“无法用语言来形容.jpg” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Do not say that we...... even willow immortal, before very wasn't shocking?” 成龙不想考古:“不要说我们了……就算是柳仙,之前不也十分震惊吗?” KING: „Was I only curious a matter, Guild Leader this wave also changed another world? Then...... Guild Leader this time did obtain accumulated points on the other hand?” king:“我只好奇一件事情,会长这一波也算是改变了另外一个世界吧?那么话说回来……会长这次获得积分了吗?” KING is lost in thought. king陷入了沉思。 Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“……” Su Han cast aside mission to settle accounts, then spoke in guild. 苏寒撇了一眼任务结算,然后在公会里发言了。 Su Xiaoxiao: Was completes mission...... to obtain 200,000 accumulated points.” 苏小小:“算是完成了一个任务吧……获得了20万点积分。” Kasumi Utako: Terrifying in this way.” 霞诗子:“恐怖如斯。” Tony Is Not the Richest: „????” 托尼不是首富:“????” Tony Is Not the Richest: 200,000 point? So many!” 托尼不是首富:“20万点?这么多!” Tony Stark is dumbfounded. 托尼斯塔克目瞪口呆。 Let the World Suffer Pain: is that a lot? In fact, I felt that this is a little few.” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“很多吗?实际上,我感觉这个有点少。” The Nagato brow wrinkles tight. 漩涡长门眉头皱的紧紧的。 Old Man is the Marquis: Indeed, that is the ancestor holds a memorial ceremony, making the ancestor hold a memorial ceremony to restore to life summit- peak, will this have the tremendous impact on the perfect world world?” 老夫是侯爵:“的确,那可是祖祭灵,让祖祭灵恢复到人生巅-峰,这会对完美天地世界造成多大的影响?” Old Man is the Marquis: Do not say that is 200,000 accumulated points...... 300,000 accumulated points is also natural. Even I felt, if not because Guild Leader their time has not directly affected the perfect world, accumulated points number by far incessantly 200,000 that he obtains.” 老夫是侯爵:“不要说是20万积分……30万积分也是理所当然的。甚至我觉得,如果不是因为会长他们这一次没有直接影响到完美天地,他获得的积分数目远远不止20万。” Senile Old Man: „......” 病老人:“……” Senile Old Man: Actually, me also obtained 50,000 accumulated points...... obviously, my anything has not done.” 病老人:“其实,我这边也获得了5万点积分……明明,我什么都没有干。” On the Senile Old Man face appears not to know whether to laugh or cry. 病老人脸上浮现出哭笑不得。 Kurosaki Ichigo: 666 six.” 黑崎一护:“六六六六。” Kurosaki Ichigo: In other words, this is mission equal to 250,000 accumulated points mission?” 黑崎一护:“换句话说,这次任务等同于一个25万积分任务?” Shinonono Tabane: Innermost feelings no fluctuation .jpg 筱之之束:“内心毫无波动.jpg” Shinonono Tabane: Does not think, who if time weren't Guild Leader...... can complete this mission in the past?” 筱之之束:“也不想想,如果不是会长过去……有谁能够完成这一次的任务?” Kirishima Touka: Indeed...... Accelerator in the past perhaps unbearable.” 雾岛董香:“的确……一方通行过去恐怕都够呛。” Accelerator: Without testing, who can know the final result?” 一方通行:“没实验过,谁能够知道最后的结果?” Accelerator shows neither approval nor disapproval. Naturally he has not said anything, because he indeed does not have how much energy. 一方通行不置可否。当然他也没有多说什么,因为他的确没多少底气。 Fourth Hokage: What do I quite curious...... Senile Old Man stay in that world prepare to consult? cultivation method and not Taichi type of Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand of the world willow immortal this years?” 四代目火影:“我比较好奇……病老人停留在那个世界准备请教什么?柳仙这个时代的修炼法一手遮天世界的不太一样吧?” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Indeed...... cultivation method of Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand world, was desolate Heavenly Emperor founded afterward.” 高坂京介:“的确……一手遮天世界的修炼法,是荒天帝后来开创出来。” Senile Old Man: Although the difference is enormous, but after willow Xianzhan the position was too high...... I and she exchanged, obtained many inspirations.” 病老人:“虽然差别极大,但是柳仙站的位置太高了……我和她交流之后,获得了很多启迪。” Senile Old Man very sincere. 病老人十分的诚恳。 Senile Old Man: „After exchange is completed, I prepare to inquire one Xiaxiao......, if he does not have the opinion, then I will then inform in Liuxian the future of perfect world world.” 病老人:“交流完成后,我准备询问一下小石头……如果他没有意见的话,那么我便将完美天地世界的未来告知于柳仙。” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „...... This?” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“……这样吗?” The Goko Ruri brow beats, but makes the ponder after slightly, nod of also understands clearly. 五更琉璃眉头跳动起来,不过稍作思考之后,又了然的点了点头。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: This indeed is a good method.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“这的确不失为一个好方法。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Indeed, willow immortal for a long time is the small stone firmest backing. She restores summit now- peak, has been equal to the small stone opened died......, if makes willow immortal know the plot of perfect world again......” 托尼不是首富:“的确,柳仙长久以来一直都是小石头最坚固的后盾。她现在恢复到巅-峰,已经等同于给小石头开了个挂了……如果再让柳仙知道完美天地的剧情……” Tony Is Not the Richest: tch tch, I do not know how should conduct the appraisal.” 托尼不是首富:“啧啧,我已经不知道该如何进行评价了。” Father Whitebeard: Actually is very simple.” 白胡子老爹:“其实很简单。” Whitebeard interested looks at the guild chatroom, the speech. 白胡子饶有兴趣的看着公会聊天室,发言了。 Father Whitebeard: You refer to Senile Old Man and Ye Hei, knew.” 白胡子老爹:“你们参考一下病老人叶黑,就知道了。”
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