SDG :: Volume #21

#2043: The ancestor who restores the peak holds a memorial ceremony

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In guild chatroom in an uproar. 公会聊天室之中一片哗然。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: 666 six.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“六六六六。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Guild Leader is real awesome.” 托尼不是首富:“会长是真的牛逼啊。” Father Whitebeard: Gurarara, a thought shields the strength that the ancestor held a memorial ceremony to erupt directly.” 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,一个念头就直接屏蔽了祖祭灵爆发出来的力量。” Father Whitebeard: What if this going was a Senile Old Man person...... fears the upper boundary also to vibrate now?” 白胡子老爹:“如果说,这次去的是病老人一个人的话……恐怕现在上界也随之震动了吧?” Madoka Daigo: This is very normal matter. Even if the ancestor under being damaged condition holds a memorial ceremony, her battle efficiency was still above the imagination. The vibration entire upper boundary...... especially, she is sufficiently many in the above personal enemy number.” 圆大古:“这是很正常的事情。就算是受创状态下的祖祭灵,她的战斗力仍然超乎想象。足以震动整个上界……特别是,她在上面的仇人数目还不少。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Real.” 高坂京介:“真实。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Really arrives at that situation, takes Senile Old Man of immortal cauldron, can give the slaughter the entire upper boundary.” 托尼不是首富:“不过真的到达那种地步,拿着一口仙鼎的病老人,能够把整个上界都给屠了。” Father Whitebeard: Gurarara, said right...... disparity of both sides was too big.” 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,说的没错……双方的差距太大了。” Whitebeard touched own crescent moon reckless, Senile Old Man the ancient Great Emperor of summit, in the hand is grasping an immortal cauldron now certainly. Even can still wrestle facing the true immortal, upper boundary these Confucianism High Priestess, do not have much difference in his eye neutralization ants. 白胡子摸了摸自己的月牙胡,病老人现在是绝巅的古之大帝,手中更是握着一口仙鼎。就算是面对真正的仙也能够一搏,上界那些大教教主,在他眼中和蝼蚁没有太大区别。 Sakata Gintoki: Therefore, only then I feel presently present willow immortal is a little pitiful?” 坂田银时:“所以,只有我现感觉现在的柳仙有点可怜吗?” Sakata Gintoki covered own face, he does not know that should say anything. 坂田银时捂住了自己的脸,他不知道该说些什么了。 Hatsune Miku: Small and weak, pitiful and .jpg no use 初音未来:“弱小,可怜又无助.jpg” Izumi Sagiri: I am quite actually curious, what will Guild Leader then do?” 和泉纱雾:“我倒是比较好奇,会长接下来会干些什么?” Doctor Romani: Curious words, look honestly well.” 罗曼医生:“好奇的话,老老实实看下去就好。” Doctor Romani is staring at the guild live broadcast earnestly. 罗曼医生认真的凝视着公会直播。 The Su Han corners of the mouth hold a smile, he has certainly generation of graceful bearings, palm pressure gently to the front, returned to her within the body all strength all pressures that willow immortal erupts. 苏寒嘴角噙着一丝笑容,他有着一种绝代风姿,手掌轻轻的压向了前方,将柳仙爆发出来的所有力量全部都压回到了她的体内。 Actually are you who?” willow immortal the words are extremely dignified, even if Su Han showed so certainly generation of methods, in her sensation still did not have Su Han. It seems Su Han not to exist general here. “你究竟是什么人?”柳仙话语极其凝重,即便是苏寒展现出了这般绝代手段,她的感知中仍然没有苏寒。就好像苏寒并不存在在这里一般。 She was unable with the language to describe own mood at this moment, only what can confirm, front is one to being above the imagination bans- death anniversary exists. Even if she restores to her most summit- peak, still similarly not necessarily is front the rival of person. 她已经无法用语言来形容自己此刻的心情,唯一能够确认的是,面前这位是一个强到超乎想象的禁-忌存在。就算是她恢复到自身的最巅-峰,也同样未必是面前之人的敌手。 Guild Leader...... also has, are you?” Small stone blurry waking, he took a fast look around all around, the eye was shining all of a sudden, and recognized Su Han. 会长……还有,你是?”小石头迷迷糊糊的醒了过来,他扫视着四周,眼睛一下子就亮了,并且认出了苏寒 However looks at Senile Old Man, on little stone facial countenance somewhat was blurry. 但是看着病老人,小石头脸上就有些迷糊了。 I am guild inside Senile Old Man, you called me to be good.” On the Senile Old Man face is hanging the temperate smile, puts out a hand to caress- feels the hair of small stone, in the pupil has sigh with emotion, who can think, in the future arbitrary eternal desolate Heavenly Emperor, the young period unexpectedly will be so the appearance.” “我是公会里面的病老人,你这么称呼我就好。”病老人脸上挂着温和的笑容,伸手抚-摸着小石头的头发,眸子中有着感慨,“谁能够想到,未来独断万古的荒天帝,年幼时期竟然是这般模样。” However now , a he happiest period of time...... grows, his unceasing experience chases down, making oneself grow stronger...... desolate Heavenly Emperor, his life was too bitter.” The Su Han spooky sigh, he reorganized a mood, said in a soft voice, „after joins guild, all changed.” “而现在,也正是他最开心的一段时光……成长起来之后,他不断的经历追杀,让自己变强……荒天帝,他的一生太苦了。”苏寒幽幽感叹,他整理了一下情绪,轻声道,“不过加入公会之后,一切都发生了变化。” Indeed!” Nod of Senile Old Man deep is so, „...... is also the same including me.” “的确!”病老人深以为然的点了点头,“包括我……也是一样的。” „...... Are you?” willow immortal noticed that Su Han and small stone are acquainted, in addition now Su Han method shocking, if really wants to be disadvantageous to her, she is incapable of revolting, the words also relaxed, has the doubts to be puzzled, and......” “……你们到底是?”柳仙看到苏寒与小石头相识,再加上现在苏寒手段惊天,如果真的想对她不利,她无力反抗,话语也缓和了下来,其中带着疑惑不解,“而且……” willow immortal most is incomprehensible, is words that Su Han and the others spoke. 柳仙最为不能理解的,是苏寒等人说的话。 Future...... desolate Heavenly Emperor? These two what's the matter, talked nonsense. Said...... front these two really do come from the future? But if front these two really can span the time river, moreover can free walks...... 未来的……荒天帝?这两人到底是怎么回事,是瞎说的。还是说……面前这两人真的来自于未来?但是如果面前这两人真的能够跨越时间长河,而且还能自由自在的行走…… willow immortal is absolutely terrified, cultivation base of that front these two are unable to estimate. 柳仙毛骨悚然,那面前这两人的修为无法进行估算。 My name was Su Han,” the Su Han words lived, his pupil glittering, „the present discusses this, without significance. I first wished your helping hand, making you restore summit- peak.” “我的名字叫苏寒,”苏寒话语顿住,他眸光闪烁,“现在讨论这个,没有意义。我还是先祝你一臂之力,让你恢复到巅-峰吧。” Has not waited for willow immortal to ask, the Su Han thought moved, reversed willow immortal time. After the short several breath, the terrifying dazzling halo erupts from the body of willow tree immortal on. 没有等柳仙发问,苏寒念头一动,逆转了柳仙身上的时光。在短短几个呼吸之后,恐怖刺目的光晕自柳仙的躯体上爆发。 This was extremely sacred, fuses with world ten thousand, the trim boundless world is trembling- shakes. The endless immortal splendor passed through all. 这太过于神圣了,与天地万道相融合,整片苍茫世界都在颤-抖。无尽仙辉贯穿了一切。 If were not Su Han shielded all ahead of time, then this moment world of mortals upper boundary, will all feel this terrifying fluctuation of energy. Thus raises is unable with the big storm that the language described. 如果不是苏寒提前屏蔽了一切,那么此刻下界上界,全都会感受到这种恐怖的能量波动。从而掀起无法用语言来形容的大风暴。 Very powerful.” The small stone eye is sparkling, he was sheltered by Su Han, has not naturally induced to what constriction, but front grand that is his entire life only sees. “好强。”小石头眼睛闪闪发光,他被苏寒庇护,自然没有感应到什么压迫感,但是面前这一幕是他生平仅见的壮阔。 The small stone is sighing with emotion, but a little experience Shitou Village old people, the look had the radical change slightly, they look at this dull, shock of innermost feelings are unable to narrate with the language. 小石头在感慨,但是稍微有点见识的石头村老人们,神色发生了剧烈的变化,他们呆呆的看着这一幕,内心的震撼无法用语言来进行叙述。 Actually holding a memorial ceremony...... is powerful existence?” “祭灵……究竟是何等强大的存在?” With willow immortal, I in the past these large clans who saw outside held a memorial ceremony...... and ants does not have much difference.” “和柳仙比起来,我以往在外面见到的那些大族的祭灵……和蝼蚁没有太大区别。” Too powerful...... simply is, suffocating great strength.” “太强大了……简直是,令人窒息的强大。” Finally , willow immortal evolved the shape of human gradually. 终于,渐渐的,柳仙演化出了人类的形态。 Her whole body was covered by gorgeous radiance, is unable to see clearly the facial features, cannot distinguish clearly the men and women, has certainly generation of stances. 她的浑身被绚丽的光华笼罩,无法看清面容,分不清男女,有着一种绝代的姿态。 After short silence, she is raising slightly to Su Han slightly, many thanks the fellow daoist helps my helping hand.” 短暂的沉默之后,她对着苏寒微微欠身,“多谢道友助我一臂之力。” willow immortal replied life summit at this moment- peak, this was most summit- the domain of peak cepheus, did not chat on underground unmatched unable to miss many. Takes a broad view at the immortal territory foreign land, present she can say on was one of the strongest several people...... once these memory naturally also restores. 柳仙此刻回复到了人生巅-峰,这是属于最巅-峰仙王的领域,不谈天上地下无敌也差不了多少了。放眼仙域异域,现在的她都可以说的上是最强几人之一……曾经的那些记忆自然也恢复了。 Therefore, willow immortal had understood, the person of front dominates above the cepheus absolutely existed...... even possibly spanned incessantly a big step position. 所以,柳仙已经明白了,面前之人绝对是凌驾于仙王之上的存在……甚至可能跨越了不止一个大阶位。 Does not need so,” the Su Han look as always, he to put out a hand to select head that selects oneself small stone, I am see in the face of this little fellow , helping your helping hand......, if you want to thank me, in the future will take care of this little fellow to be good much.” “不必如此,”苏寒神色一如既往,他伸手点了点自己身旁小石头的头,“我是看到这个小家伙的面子上,才助你一臂之力……如果你想感谢我的话,未来多多照顾这个小家伙就好。” „...... Is your meaning?” willow immortal deep looked at small stone one, can be so regarded as important by such existence of doubtful immortal emperor...... is very difficult to appraise the small stone future achievement. Especially when...... she remembered Su Han and Senile Old Man discussion desolate Heavenly Emperor that said...... “……你的意思是?”柳仙深深的看了小石头一眼,能够被这样一位疑似仙帝的存在如此看重……真的很难评估小石头未来的成就。特别是……她想起了苏寒病老人讨论时所说的荒天帝…… However later, willow immortal the brow wrinkles, she savored other things from the Su Han words, wait/etc, do you want to leave now?” 不过随后,柳仙眉头皱起,她从苏寒的话语之中品味出了其他东西,“等等,你现在就要离开了?” I come to here, to do such a matter, completed naturally should leave.” Su Han speechless to smile, later turns the head to look at Senile Old Man, the sound is gentle, „do you and I leave together?” “我来这里,就是为了干这么一件事情,做完了自然该离开。”苏寒哑然笑了笑,随后转头看着病老人,声音平缓,“你和我一同离开吗?” I treat again some time.” Senile Old Man looked at willow immortal, happen to consulted something...... I also steps into the bottleneck after all now.” “我再待一段时间吧。”病老人看了一眼柳仙,“正好请教一些东西……毕竟我现在也算是踏入了瓶颈。” Su Han has not said anything. He closed the guild live broadcast, purchased Crossing Over Talisman, turned over to the reality taking advantage of this time. 苏寒没有多说什么。他关闭了公会直播,购买了一张穿越符,借此回归了现实。
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