SDG :: Volume #21

#2042: Goes to the perfect world? Shock that the ancestor holds a memorial ceremony

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Such future, makes one not know how seriously should say is good.” Senile Old Man spooky sigh, however he of posture of youngster, in this moment pupil has the flame to burn. “这样的未来,当真让人不知道该怎么说才好。”病老人幽幽叹息,然而少年之姿的他,此刻眸子之中有着火焰在燃烧。 His fighting intent ascended completely. Even in the future again how desperate, he has not looked at memory duplicate, was defeated the will idea. 他的战意完全的升腾了起来。即便未来再怎样绝望,他也没有看完记忆副本,就被打垮了心志的想法。 The strength is insufficient, then, grown stronger diligently...... joined guild and that's the end, then had the infinity possibility. 实力不够,接下来,努力变强就是了……加入了公会,便是拥有了无限的可能。 Ye Hei: I? The Guild Leader big shot, what situation am I?” 叶黑:“我呢?会长大佬,我又是什么情况?” Su Xiaoxiao: „...... Your issue is not big. Referred to Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor of your world.” 苏小小:“哦……你问题不大。参考一下你那个世界的轩辕黄帝。” Ye Hei: „......” 叶黑:“……” Before Ye Hei sees half a word, on the face just appeared the smile of feeling relaxed. Latter half a word gave his numerous strikes. 叶黑看到前半句,脸上刚浮现出释然的笑容。后半句就给了他重重的一击。 What gadget? Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor! Didn't Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor lie down the coffin?...... fuck! 什么玩意儿?轩辕黄帝!轩辕黄帝不是躺了棺材?难道说……卧槽 Ye Hei: „Did I also die?” 叶黑:“我也死了?” Su Xiaoxiao: „...... You were are not dying, lay down gathers the life in the coffin. What other shore probably as the coffin did flutter? I not am quite clear.” 苏小小:“不……你就是快死了,躺在棺材里面蓄命。好像随着棺材飘荡到了什么彼岸?我也不太清楚。” Ye Hei: what the fuck......” 叶黑:“这特么……” This is very odd! Is that trilogy, what gadget? 这就很离谱!那个第三部曲,到底是什么玩意儿? Korosensei: Guild Leader...... said so many, or do you also send that together?” 杀老师:“会长……说了这么多,要不您把那个也一起发一下?” Su Xiaoxiao: That world no one joins. I send a hammer!” 苏小小:“那个世界又没有人加入进来。我发个锤子!” Ainz Ooal Gown: I want to complain very much......, but actually does not know where should start.” 安兹乌尔恭:“我很想要吐槽……但是却又不知道该从哪里开始。” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Was too real.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“太真实了。” Most likes eating the beast milk: ......” 最爱吃兽奶:“唔……” Tony Is Not the Richest: Therefore , present desolate Heavenly Emperor or childhood?” 托尼不是首富:“所以说,现在的荒天帝还是幼年?” Tony Is Not the Richest: Then is wild, you after looking at own memory duplicate, what special idea there is?” 托尼不是首富:“那么荒啊,你在看完了自己的记忆副本之后,有什么特殊的想法?” Most likes eating the beast milk: I know many...... my parents, the grandfather...... also has in the ancestor for Elder Brother Onii-chan who I suffer hardships. I also know willow immortal the real status...... I had known, all I want to know. Should I happily be very right? However does not know why has been shedding tears.” 最爱吃兽奶:“我知道了很多……我的爸妈,爷爷……还有在祖地替我受苦的小哥哥。还有我也知道了柳仙的真实身份……我已经知道了,一切我想知道的。我应该很开心才对?但是不知道为什么一直在流眼泪。” Most likes eating the beast milk: Chest good pain.” 最爱吃兽奶:“胸口好痛。” Busujima Saeko: „!!” 毒岛伢子:“!!” Edogawa Conan: „Is supreme bone...... his within the body poached supreme bone has problems? Received the enormous stimulation, spiritually has problems.” 江户川柯南:“至尊骨……是他体内被挖走的至尊骨出了问题?受到了极大刺激,精神上出了问题。” Conan responded, he was all of a sudden anxious. 柯南反应过来,他一下子就紧张起来。 Lelouch: „...... Needs to make Guild Leader rescue in the past? The Guild Leader's Horse Talisman erectness sublimates to this situation, I estimated that can make him long come out the bone directly.” 鲁鲁修:“……需要让会长过去抢救一下吗?会长的马符咒直立升华到这种地步,我估计能直接让他把骨头长出来。” Fourth Hokage: I thought of showy operation suddenly......, if, Guild Leader digs out Nagato Rinnegan, then makes him recover with Horse Talisman, digs out to recover...... this to be able again the mass production innumerable, Rinnegan of this stage?” 四代目火影:“我突然想到了一个骚操作……如果,会长漩涡长门轮回眼抠出来,然后再用马符咒让他复原,再抠再复原……这岂不是能批量生产出无数的,这一阶段的轮回眼?” Namikaze Minato looking pensive. 波风水门若有所思。 Lets the self-perception pain: „????” 让自己感受痛苦吧:“????” Let the World Suffer Pain: You dig out a hammer...... to look for the Uchiha Home talent to deduct. My eye is not my!” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“你抠个锤子……自己找宇智波家的天才扣去吧。我的眼睛又不是我的!” Fourth Hokage: „Haven't you used accumulated points to strengthen? That was your...... and your bloodlines is interlinked.” 四代目火影:“你不是已经动用积分强化过了吗?那就是你的了……与你血脉相通。” Let the World Suffer Pain: I special......” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“我特么……” Sawada Tsunayoshi: Don't quarrel is not the issue of small stone...... the present pays attention? His that side actually how.” 沢田纲吉:“别吵了……现在关注的不是小石头的问题吗?他那边究竟怎么样了。” Senile Old Man: most likes eating the beast milk. Opens the jurisdiction, I go to your world.” 病老人:“@最爱吃兽奶。打开权限,我去你那个世界一趟。” Senile Old Man: Ye Hei. Borrows me your cauldron!” 病老人:“@叶黑。把你那口鼎借我!” Ye Hei: „...... Direct in the past? If by some chance stimulates to willow immortal...... considers as finished, you should have several.” 叶黑:“……直接过去?万一刺激到柳仙……算了,你心里应该有数。” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Relax, really has an accident! guild big shot straight line support, even if the dark immortal emperor in the world sea jumped. Doesn't this have Demon King-sama?” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“放心吧,真的出了事!公会大佬直线支援,就算世界海之中的黑暗仙帝蹦出来了。这不是还有魔王大人吗?” Tony Is Not the Richest: Guild Leader is too real! a snap creates Multiverse.” 托尼不是首富:“还有会长就太真实!一个响指创造多元宇宙。” Korosensei: Desolate Heavenly Emperor he melts greatly comfortable law indeed awesome, but Guild Leader was stronger...... he to be able bare-handed to create desolate Heavenly Emperor, dark immortal emperor immortal emperor powerhouse.” 杀老师:“荒天帝的他化大自在法的确牛逼,但是会长就更强了……他能够徒手创造出荒天帝,黑暗仙帝这种仙帝强者。” Tokisaki Kurumi: „????” 时崎狂三:“????” Thor Odinson: With all due respect...... is this setting when Guild Leader adds?” 托尔奥丁森:“恕我直言……这是会长啥时候加的设定?” Thor (Tohru) this moment face does dumbfounded, have such matter? 托尔此刻一脸懵逼,有这么一回事吗? Kobayashi: Before Guild Leader did not say that can the hand rub the perfect world? Your careful.” 小林:“之前会长不是说可以手搓完美天地吗?你仔细品。” Madoka Daigo: „!!” 圆大古:“!!” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Terrifying in this way.” 高坂京介:“恐怖如斯。” Sakata Gintoki: Worthily is Guild Leader, is unable to spy on existence of depth.” 坂田银时:“不愧是会长,无法窥探深浅的存在。” Kurosaki Ichigo: „Can you a little moral integrity? The one after another how second got licks the dog! Moreover licks Guild Leader, you do not take me unexpectedly, went too far.” 黑崎一护:“你们能有点节操吗?一个个怎么都秒变舔狗了!而且舔会长,你们居然都不带上我,太过分了。” Doctor Romani: Suddenly I do not know should say anything. On...... motherfucker.” 罗曼医生:“一时间我也不知道该说些什么。就……MMP吧。” Ernesti: Can see the Doctor Romani mood, changing of ten points.” 艾尔涅斯帝:“看得出罗曼医生的心情,十分的跌宕起伏。” Most likes drinking the beast milk: Senile Old Man. I had opened......” 最爱喝兽奶:“@病老人。我已经打开了……” Su Xiaoxiao: most likes drinking the beast milk. I also pass while convenient one!” 苏小小:“@最爱喝兽奶。我顺便也过去一趟吧!” Su Xiaoxiao: After all is the ancestor holds a memorial ceremony, moreover now be at severely wounded condition...... she, if ascends vigilantly to you, attacks you, meets very troublesome.” 苏小小:“毕竟是祖祭灵,而且现在处于重伤状态……她如果对你升腾起警惕,攻击你的话,会十分的麻烦。” Senile Old Man: „The words that...... Guild Leader also goes to together, really made one feel at ease.” 病老人:“……会长也一同去的话,就真的让人心安了。” Su Han set out, stretches to stretch. Afterward he purchased Crossing Over Talisman in guild directly, clicked on the official crossed over perfect world world. 苏寒起身,舒展了一下懒腰。随后他直接在公会里购买了一张穿越符,点击了正式穿越完美天地世界。 Perfect world world. 完美天地世界。 Sirs in this moment Shitou Village, on the face full are anxious. 此刻石头村的一众大人们,脸上满是焦急。 They are pale, the small stone of chest illumination, before putting the holding a memorial ceremony body, and unceasingly to its pray. Hopes offers a sacrifice to spiritual energy enough to save the small stone. 他们把脸色苍白,胸口发光的小石头,放到了祭灵身前,并且不断向其祈祷。希望祭灵能够拯救小石头。 willow immortal keeps silent, she found out a emerald-green branch, gently at a small stone chest point, later above radiance rapid dim. The small stone complexion also became attractive. 柳仙默不作声,她探出了一根翠绿色的枝条,轻轻的在小石头的胸口一点,随后其上的光华迅速黯淡了下去。小石头脸色也变得好看了很多。 But has not waited for the Sirs in numerous Shitou Village to relax, the side swung the mighty waves void suddenly, two people emerged out of thin air. 但还没有等众多石头村的大人们松口气,身旁虚空突然荡起了波澜,两人凭空出现。 One person, is seems like ten 3~4 years, the young fellow of bright eyes and white teeth. His skin brings a jade nature radiance, the corners of the mouth to seize the temperate smile, the pupil bright astonishment, his stance very perfect, the whole person disclosed inexplicable divinity. 一人,是看上去十三四岁,明眸皓齿的少年人。他的皮肤带着一种玉质光华,嘴角擒着温和笑容,眸子亮的惊人,他的姿态十分的完美,整个人透露出了一种莫名的神性 As for another person, then can only with pure described perfectly. 至于另外一个人,则只能用纯粹的完美来形容了吧。 He seems older much than the young fellow of that bright eyes and white teeth, but is actually not able to appraise him to be big specifically. He exiles to fall the immortal spirit of the world like one, shocking everybody perfect, one type is above the mediocre peerless charm. 他看上去要比那位明眸皓齿的少年人要大得多,但是却无法具体评价他到底多大。他如同一尊谪落人间的仙灵,有一种惊世骇俗的完美,一种超乎凡俗的绝世魅力。 „...... Are you?” Has not waited for the old people in Shitou Village to ask, front willow immortal erupted suddenly, the inexhaustible god splendor is lingering. “……你是?”没有等石头村的老人们开口问完,面前的柳仙突然爆发了,无穷尽的神辉在萦绕。 Is only willow immortal of preliminary recovery, felt the fatal threat feeling from the young fellow, this was an unimaginable powerhouse...... as perfect...... she is unable to find out by secret inquiry his information as for another as the pinnacle youth. 仅仅只是初步复苏的柳仙,从少年人身上感受到了致命的威胁感,这是一个不可想象的强者……至于另外一个完美到极致的青年……她无法探知到他的情报。 All are completely strange, if even is not the vision, the pure use sensation is unable to find out by secret inquiry his existence. 一切的一切全部都是陌生的,甚至如果不是视觉,纯粹动用感知都无法探知到他的存在。 I know to be able like this.” On the Su Han face brings to wipe reluctantly, he points at a point gently, all around void instantaneous twists. “我就知道会这样。”苏寒脸上带着一抹无奈,他手指轻轻的一点,四周的虚空瞬间扭曲。 The endless god splendor was stopped completely baseless, he pressed single-handedly, on willow immortal terrifying aura, draws in completely. The Su Han sound is temperate, first calms down, we are well-meant to you.” 无尽的神辉全部都被凭空阻拦了下来,他一手压了下来,柳仙身上恐怖之极的气息,全部都为之收拢。苏寒声音温和,“先冷静下来吧,我们对你没有恶意的。”
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