SDG :: Volume #21

#2041: Su Xiaoxiao: Back Great Emperor died, Ye Hei your also lying down coffin

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I suspected that you are suggesting Jianghai Great Grandmaster, does not need the evidence...... to beat directly!” “我怀疑你在暗示江海大宗师,不需要证据……直接拷走!” Among this no relation? Possibly was Jianghai Great Grandmaster discovered anything...... used what shocking to move the place the method to observe the situation on that day.” “这之间没什么联系吧?可能是江海大宗师发现了什么……在那一天动用了什么惊天动地的手段窥测情况。” This also has the possibility extremely...... is not existence of that realm, does not understand that actually their sensations arrive powerful where.” “这也是极有可能……不是那个境界的存在,根本不明白他们的感知究竟强大到什么地方。” Did not say that is our Yan and Huang awesome. Looks that foreign these give the heck start, I smile to make noise......” “不说了,还是我们炎黄牛逼。看着外国那些不管三七二十一就开打的,我笑出了声……” I also smiled the pig to call...... opposite completely am the Great Grandmaster rank, oneself family/home Great Grandmaster number has not selected to compel the number! Does not have enemy/villain many also to dare to declare war. This group of fellows definitely want to laugh at me, then inherits my flower.” “我也笑出了猪叫……对面全部都是大宗师级别,自己家大宗师数目没点逼数!没敌人多还敢宣战。这群家伙肯定是想笑死我,然后继承我的花呗。” Master Big Ma warned .jpg 大马宗师警告.jpg” Su Han is taking a fast look around many commentaries interestingly, once for a while also spoke. 苏寒饶有兴趣的扫视着众多评论,时不时的还进行发言。 In the middle passing of bit by bit, has arrived at dinner, after Su Han had food, returned to own room, closes the eye, entered the guild chatroom. 之间一点一滴的流逝,一直到达晚饭时分,苏寒吃了一顿饭之后,回到了自己的房间,闭上眼睛,进入到了公会聊天室。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: shit, complex of my mood at this moment, is unable to describe with the language.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“妈耶,我此刻的心情之复杂,无法用语言来形容。” Tony Is Not the Richest: „Wasn't this skillful? I looked at the perfect world, this awakened...... Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand to seem like the strength rank to be high suddenly, but in fact.” 托尼不是首富:“这不是巧了吗?我看完了完美天地,这才恍然醒悟……一手遮天看起来力量等级高,但实际上。” Accelerator: „?!?” 一方通行:“?!?” Let the World Suffer Pain: „!!” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“!!” Father Whitebeard: I urged you should better to be clear, said the appraisal again.” 白胡子老爹:“我劝你最好想清楚了,再把评价说出来。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Good...... actually the strength rank also high oddness of Shrouding the Heavens with One Hand world, Great Emperor of striking power can shake the entire universe.” 托尼不是首富:“好吧……其实一手遮天世界的力量等级也高的离谱,古之大帝攻击力能够撼动整个宇宙。” Tony Is Not the Richest: But, perfect world, this also too cheated. The powerhouse of immortal level, is not the cannon fodders in the later period.” 托尼不是首富:“但是,完美天地,这也太开挂了吧。仙级的强者,在后期连炮灰都算不上。” Tony Stark does not know that should say anything. 托尼斯塔克已经不知道该说些什么了。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: My also very has mixed feelings.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“我的心情也很复杂。” Kurosaki Ichigo: Desolate Heavenly Emperor awesome!” 黑崎一护:“荒天帝牛逼!” Kurosaki Ichigo: Originally I am Empress’ lick the dog, but now! I became the desolate Heavenly Emperor licking dog.” 黑崎一护:“本来我是女帝的舔狗,但是现在!我成为荒天帝的舔狗了。” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „...... You cannot buy a beast milk, is used to flatter the small stone?” 成龙不想考古:“唔……你可以多买点兽奶,用来讨好小石头?” Jackie Chan is stroking gently own chin, put forward a very useful proposal. 成龙摩挲着自己的下巴,提出了一个很有用的建议。 Kurosaki Ichigo: „......” 黑崎一护:“……” Kirishima Touka: Threw one to smile came out .jpg 雾岛董香:“扑哧一声笑了出来.jpg” Shinonono Tabane: Was too real.” 筱之之束:“太真实了。” Most likes eating the beast milk: „Do some people need to deliver me the beast milk? Real?” 最爱吃兽奶:“有人要送我兽奶?真的吗?” The eye flash of small stone shone. 小石头的眼睛一瞬间就亮了起来。 Kurosaki Ichigo: „......” 黑崎一护:“……” Kurosaki Ichigo after short silence, had a headache rubbed the forehead. 黑崎一护在短暂的沉默之后,头疼的揉了揉眉心。 Kurosaki Ichigo: I wait for him to grow, said again.” 黑崎一护:“我还是等他成长起来,再说吧。” Magical Girl Illya: However...... later period of the perfect world presented leaf Heavenly Emperor unexpectedly, Empress...... this really made me very shocking. Spans the space and time river!” 魔法少女伊莉雅:“不过话说回来……完美天地后期居然出现了叶天帝,女帝……这真的让我很震惊。跨越时空长河!” KING: Yes,...... one pile of accurate immortal emperor realm powerhouse swims against the stream in the final words, goes to showdown desolate Heavenly Emperor enemy/villain. This looks at me one's blood bubbles up to the brim!” king:“是的,在最终话……一堆准仙帝境界的强者逆流而上,去对决荒天帝敌人。这看得我热血沸腾!” KING: Why...... seemed like leaf Heavenly Emperor also to have Empress they to suffer the archenemy in the future?” king:“不过……为什么看起来叶天帝还有女帝他们未来遭受了大敌?” a KING brow wrinkle, thought immediately the situation is not quite simple. king眉头一皱,顿时觉得情况不太简单。 Tony Is Not the Richest: „Does immortal territory have enemy/villain?” 托尼不是首富:“仙域有敌人?” Father Whitebeard: That group of people in the immortal territory, must be unmatched. However, above Heaven that side has the issue.” 白胡子老爹:“那群人在仙域,应当是无敌了。不过,上苍之上那边有问题。” The Whitebeard words are pertinent. 白胡子话语一针见血。 Accelerator: A little meaning.” 一方通行:“有点意思了。” Accelerator: If the present small stone is summit- he of peak period, I may have the interest and it compare notes.” 一方通行:“如果现在的小石头是巅-峰时期的他的话,我或许会产生兴趣和其切磋一下。” Kayaba Akihiko: Then were you hung the thump?” 茅场晶彦:“然后你就被吊起来捶了?” Accelerator: „......” 一方通行:“……” Accelerator: You shut up to me.” 一方通行:“你给我闭嘴。” Edogawa Conan: cough cough, does not need to feel inferior. Accelerator-san, your strength advanced into guild absolutely first-class......, but, desolate Heavenly Emperor, this was not the powerhouse of common sense. Supreme behind is the immortal, behind the immortal is the cepheus, the would-be immortal emperor, finally is the immortal emperor.” 江户川柯南:“咳咳,不用自卑。一方通行先生,您的实力在公会里面绝对跻身一流了……只不过,荒天帝,这不是常理的强者。至尊后面是仙,仙后面是仙王,准仙帝,最后才是仙帝。” Edogawa Conan: In, considering that supreme can shake the universe...... tch tch.” 江户川柯南:“在考虑到至尊就能够撼动宇宙……啧啧。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „......” 高坂京介:“……” Kōsaka Kyosuke: I cannot accept this matter.” 高坂京介:“我不能接受这种事情。” Kōsaka Kyosuke expressed oneself go wild very much. 高坂京介表示自己很抓狂。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: How I can accept, swept away all obstacles...... the unparalleled unmatched ancient Great Emperor, turned into trash character in the perfect world?” 高坂京介:“我怎么能够接受,原先所向披靡……盖世无敌的古之大帝,在完美天地变成了垃圾角色?” Fourth Hokage: This point I thought actually you spoke incorrectly.” 四代目火影:“这一点我倒是觉得你说错了。” The Namikaze Minato look is serious. 波风水门神色严肃。 Fourth Hokage: „The Great Emperor, talent startled- colorful without a doubt...... they, if were born in desolate Heavenly Emperor that age, even facing the issue of big elder. Also each can become an immortal...... not to have the road similarly also to tread a road! The difficulty that the bustling place becomes an immortal is too high, but becomes an immortal ordinary to them easily.” 四代目火影:“古之大帝,天赋惊-艳毋庸置疑……他们如果出生在荒天帝那个年代,就算是面对大长老的问题。也同样都每一个能成仙……没有路也能踏出一条路来!红尘成仙的难度太高,但是普通成仙对于他们来说轻而易举。” Fourth Hokage: Like the azure emperor, the emperor reveres, undying Emperor this first-class...... becomes the cepheus to be easy. Higher realm cannot spy on...... as for the back Great Emperor, Empress, leaf Heavenly Emperor is needless saying that...... memory duplicate comes out after all, has immortal emperor first-level them of certainly.” 四代目火影:“如同青帝,帝尊,不死天皇这一流……成为仙王轻而易举。更高境界也不是能够窥探一下……至于背影大帝,女帝,叶天帝更是不用多说……毕竟记忆副本出来的,就有准仙帝一级的他们。” Kirishima Touka: I felt, the time will push a point...... they to become the immortal emperor also should again in the future not to have the issue?” 雾岛董香:“我觉得,时间再往后推一点……他们成为仙帝也应该没有问题?” Busujima Saeko: Only then did I remember of antiquity period not to have cepheus finally? How by him that dog...... has regards the feeling.” 毒岛伢子:“只有我想起了上古时期的那位无终仙王吗?还有他旁边的那头狗……怎么这么有即视感。” Tushan Honghong: Most likely was afterward back Great Emperor.” 涂山红红:“十有八九就是后来的背影大帝吧。” Ye Hei: Wasn't...... back this already to become Geng? Luckily the fellow has not joined guild, otherwise he can cry aloud.” 叶黑:“不是……背影这都已经成梗了吗?幸亏那家伙没有加入公会,要不然他能够哭出声来。” In the Ye Hei surface complained crazily, but in fact his heart was very heavy. 叶黑表面上疯狂吐槽,但实际上他内心是很沉重的。 Originally looked at one to obstruct the day, he also very joyful. After all in the future he that Heavenly Emperor of achievement extremely in the great strength, the posture of that unmatched...... will make him look forward. 本来看了一首遮天,他还十分的欣喜。毕竟未来他所成就的那个天帝太过于强大,那种无敌之姿……令他憧憬至极。 The perfect world sees oneself enter the stage, the Ye Hei mood is also very excited......, but looks completely, he only felt pull Liangba is at heart cool. 完美天地看到自己出场,叶黑的心情也是很激动的……但是全部都看完,他只感到心里拔凉拔凉。 Can this also be good? How enemy/villain comes out one after another...... cheat powerhouse who moreover is completely this type as strong as unmatched. 这还能不能让人好了?怎么敌人一茬接着一茬出来……而且全部都是这种强到无敌开挂强者。 Su Xiaoxiao: Felt relieved.” 苏小小:“放心了。” Senile Old Man: „The Guild Leader's meaning is, although in the future some numerous rough, but can one by one pass eventually.” 病老人:“会长的意思是,未来虽有众多坎坷,但终究能够一一度过。” Senile Old Man looking pensive. 病老人若有所思。 Su Xiaoxiao: „...... My meaning is not you worries also uselessly. In my known trilogy, some back Great Emperor has confirmed coolly. Now is lying down in the coffin, waits for Black Emperor to snatch to gather life god pill, can't resurrect definite.” 苏小小:“不……我的意思是你担忧也没用。在我已知的第三部曲中,某位背影大帝已经确认凉了。现在正躺在棺材之中,等着黑皇抢蓄命神丹,还不确定能不能复活。” Senile Old Man: „????” 病老人:“????” Like Senile Old Man, the pressed innumerable restricted areas has not gasped for breath powerful supremely. Saw that this also feels absolutely terrified, the look changed. 强大如同病老人,压的无数禁地至尊喘不过气来。看到这一幕也感到毛骨悚然,神色发生了巨变。 That is leaf Heavenly Emperor compound terrifying existence, the reincarnation of doubtful antiquity cepheus, through the ages most startled- one of the colorful. Determined then has achieved the accurate immortal emperor rank, in the future becomes the immortal emperor is not not possible...... 那可是与叶天帝并列的恐怖存在,疑似上古仙王的转世,古往今来最惊-艳者之一。已经确定的便已经达到了准仙帝级别,未来成为仙帝也绝非是不可能…… Finally, did such existence die in the future? 结果,这样的存在在未来死了? Is remembering leaf Heavenly Emperor once to say the archenemy, will be inconceivable in the future...... also some Empress said that has desolate Heavenly Emperor such existence, in the future eventually not desperate...... 在想起叶天帝曾经说的,未来难以想象的大敌……还有女帝所说,有荒天帝这样的存在,未来终究不会绝望……
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