SDG :: Volume #21

#2047: The Pokémon strength is insufficient, that is training is naturally fishing on the sleeve

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Ash clenches teeth, later flung another Poké Ball, lizard king, went to rescue Charizard.” 小智咬了咬牙,随后甩出了另外一个神奇宝贝球,“蜥蜴王,去把喷火龙救下来。” The back of lizard king, the innumerable vines soar to go toward the sky. Entangles- confused the body of Charizard, its calm and steady laying aside in land. 蜥蜴王的背后,无数的藤蔓向着天空中腾飞而去。缠-绕住了喷火龙的身体,将其安稳的放置在了大地上。 Ash emitted the auspicious egg, making her cure Charizard. 小智又放出了吉利蛋,让她治愈喷火龙 Really is fearful existence.” The black robe form stagnates in the midair, falling gradually on the ground, he took off black robe, facial features ice-cold and serious is staring at front this group of people. He is Demon King Sba Luse. “真是可怕的存在。”黑袍身影在半空中停滞住,渐渐的落在了地上,他将自己身上的黑袍脱下,面容冰冷而严肃的盯着面前这群人。他正是魔王斯巴鲁斯。 Mental Handicap Goddess Aqua, face skill Goddess Ristarte, ten thousand years of Pokémon training Ash...... has not seemed like the fellow of normal person perfectly.” Sba Luse voice is low and deep. 智障女神阿库娅,颜艺女神莉丝妲黛,万年神奇宝贝训练家小智……还有一个完美的不像是正常人的家伙。”斯巴鲁斯声音低沉。 hears word, the Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint the brow wrinkled, his vision one by one has swept front these. Opposite does Demon King, know these people? But does not seem like other formidables. 闻言,龙宫院圣哉眉头皱了起来,他目光一一的扫过了面前这几者。对面的魔王,认识这些人吗?但看起来不像是其他的勇者。 Then, by me as your enemy/villain.” The Ash complexion serious opens the mouth, Pikachu jumps from his shoulder on, complexion serious confronts with Sba Luse. “接下来,由我作为你的敌人。”小智面色严肃的开口,皮卡丘自他的肩膀上跳跃而下,面色严肃的与斯巴鲁斯进行对峙。 Skin god,” Sba Luse is somewhat sigh with emotion, the words transfer gradually coldly, „, but I am not that type select one, spoke the fellow of custom.” “皮神啊,”斯巴鲁斯有些感慨,话语渐渐转冷,“但我可不是那种一挑一的,讲规矩的家伙。” His behind fallen angel devil is as for the demon army, turns toward several people to come in swarms instantaneously. 他身后的堕落天使魔鬼乃至于恶魔大军,瞬间向着几人蜂拥而来。 Has thought of this point.” Ash all treasure balls will throw completely, Pidgeot, Bulbasaur, small great alligator, big chrysanthemum- flower...... only Pokémon braved completely. As the Kanto region champion, Ash has relieved has only been able to carry six Pokémon bans. “早就想到了这一点了。”小智将身上的所有宝贝球全部都扔出,比雕,妙蛙种子,小巨鳄,大菊-花……一只只神奇宝贝全部都冒了出来。作为关东地区的冠军,小智已经解除了只能携带六只神奇宝贝的禁令。 Present he, one person is an army. 现在的他,一人便是一支军队。 Everyone, preventing opposite enemy/villain...... do not make them interfere with fight between Pikachu and Demon King.” “大家,阻止对面的敌人……不要让他们干涉到皮卡丘以及魔王之间的战斗。” The war started. 战争开启了。 On Ash these Pokémon, although some are also only the original states, however their battle efficiencies were too strong, exceeds the normal state that Pokémon of this rank had completely, weakest also sufficiently being on par flame bird anxious frozen bird low-end divine beast. 小智身上的这些神奇宝贝,虽然有些还只是初始状态,但是他们的战斗力太强了,完全超越了这个级别的神奇宝贝拥有的常态,最弱的也足以比肩火焰鸟急冻鸟这种低端神兽 The vault of heaven was torn, the land is trembling- shakes, the innumerable jungle by the storm flame incinerator completely, the mountain were being crashed. 天穹被撕裂,大地在颤-抖,无数的密林被风暴火焰焚烧殆尽,山岳在崩塌。 This scene, actually this is.” Mash whole face delay looks at this, his mind vibrates, nearly suspected that own eye made the mistake, these people, what's the matter?” “这种场景,这究竟是。”马修满脸呆滞的看着这一幕,他的心神震动,近乎怀疑自己的眼睛出了差错,“这些人,到底是怎么回事?” Too strong. Mash thinks, the Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint is above the powerhouse of imagination. However, front crowd of Pokémon are weakest, the battle efficiency that shows was not inferior in the Dragon Palace | Ryugu institute Saint. 太强了。马修以为,龙宫院圣哉就已经是超乎想象的强者了。然而,面前这群神奇宝贝最弱的,展现出来的战斗力也不逊色于龙宫院圣哉了。 Moreover the battles of these Pokemons are also not anything, is truly intense, is Pikachu and fight between Demon King Sba Luse. 而且这些神奇宝贝们的交战还不算什么,真正激烈的,是皮卡丘魔王斯巴鲁斯之间的战斗。 Blazing lightning is erupting, four sides the darkness sweeps across, swallows to corrode all. The Ash facial features are calm, once for a while issues this one after another to instruct, thus makes the fight of Pikachu deal with the speed to promote a category. 炽热的雷光在爆发,黑暗席卷四面,吞噬腐蚀一切。小智面容冷静,时不时的下达这一个个指示,从而让皮卡丘的战斗应对速度更提升一个范畴。 Was saved.” Aqua fart- stock sits on the ground. “得救了。”阿库娅一屁-股坐在地上。 „It is not really easy,” Ristarte affected nearly must cry, finally must counter-attack, gets rid of this Demon King.” “真不容易啊,”莉丝妲黛感动的近乎要哭出来,“终于要反击了,干掉这个魔王。” Su Han interested looks at front this, once for a while is taking a fast look around the guild chatroom, discovers in the guild chatroom very lively. 苏寒饶有兴趣的看着面前这一幕,时不时的扫视着公会聊天室,发现公会聊天室里面十分的热闹。 Kasumi Utako: Do not look at in my surface to be very shocked.” 霞诗子:“你不要看我表面上很震惊。” Let the World Suffer Pain: In fact are you very really shocked?” 让世界感受痛苦吧:“实际上你真的很震惊?” The Nagato brow beat. He said, the Kasumigaoka Utaha repertoire he has completely understood completely. 漩涡长门眉头跳动了一下。他表示,霞之丘诗羽的套路他已经完全看透了。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Cannot blame her to say. Even I, the innermost feelings cannot be calm now.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“不能怪她如此说。就算是我,现在内心也不能平静。” The Goko Ruri look is somewhat complex. 五更琉璃神色有些复杂。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: After all for sometime has not seen Ash.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“毕竟有段时间没有看到小智了。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Right, seems like this period of time Ash assiduously also and own Pokémon training.” 托尼不是首富:“对啊,看起来这段时间小智也在刻苦的和自己的神奇宝贝训练。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Moreover his direction art , is very good. Depended entirely on the roar with the past fight, was completely different.” 托尼不是首富:“而且他的指挥艺术,也真的很棒。和以往的战斗全靠吼,完全不同了。” Madoka Daigo: Emmm...... makes me feel that present Ash did not seem like Ash.” 圆大古:“emmm……让我感觉现在的小智不像是小智了。” Kōsaka Kirino: Your what meaning?” 高坂桐乃:“你什么意思?” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Ash this moment innermost feelings motherfucker.” 高坂京介:“小智此刻内心一句MMP。” Shirai Kuroko: I am pondering an issue.” 白井黑子:“我在思考一个问题。” The Shirai Kuroko brow locks tight. 白井黑子眉头锁的紧紧的。 Shirai Kuroko: On Ash not only then Kanto region Pokémon, meanwhile has other areas......, after he becomes the champion, still once for a while goes to other areas to travel, even attended the local competitions of other areas?” 白井黑子:“小智身上不仅仅只有关东地区神奇宝贝,同时还有其他地区的……难道说,他成为冠军之后,仍然时不时的前往其他地区旅游,甚至参加其他地区的地区比赛?” Sakata Gintoki: „Hadn't he said this matter before? He indeed is doing this matter.” 坂田银时:“他之前不是说过这件事情了吗?他的确在干这种事。” Kurosaki Ichigo: Solemn champion, makes this operation...... I never to see the so impudent and shameless person unexpectedly.” 黑崎一护:“堂堂冠军,竟做出这种操作……我从未见过如此厚颜无耻之人。” KING: Terrifying in this way.” king:“恐怖如斯。” Ash: „????” 小智:“????” Ash: I go to other areas to travel purely, has not attended the competitions of these areas, how can you for no reason insult the person to be pure?” 小智:“我只是单纯去其他地区旅游,根本就没有参加那些地区的比赛,你怎么能够平白侮人清白?” Shinonono Tabane: I testified, your did not say previous time.” 筱之之束:“我作证,你上一次根本不是这么说的。” Shinonono Tabane turned a supercilious look. 筱之之束翻了一个白眼。 Yagami Taichi: This matter...... was very actually good to explain. Is pure Elder Brother Ash registers the competitions of other areas, then the people in other areas do not accept.” 八神太一:“这件事情……其实很好解释了。就是单纯的小智哥哥报名其他地区的比赛,然后其他地区的人不接受而已。” Ash: „!!” 小智:“!!” Ash: Yagami Taichi!” 小智:“八神太一!” Yagami Taichi: Sorry! I let slip.” 八神太一:“抱歉!我说漏了。” Yukinoshita Yukino: „......” 雪之下雪乃:“……” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: „...... I thought that you are intentionally.” 成龙不想考古:“……我觉得你是故意的。” Sirzechs: Terrifying.” 萨泽克斯:“恐怖。” Hatsune Miku: That in memory duplicate Yagami Taichi that is symbolizing the courage actually where?” 初音未来:“记忆副本之中的那个象征着勇气的八神太一究竟哪里去了?” The Hatsune Miku expression is subtle, she does not know oneself should say anything. 初音未来表情微妙,她不知道自己该说些什么了。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Possibly in the crowd of pits by guild was compelled to the pollution.” 高坂京介:“可能是被公会里面的这群坑逼给污染了吧。” Kōsaka Kyosuke is calm. 高坂京介非常淡定。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Don't be upset, this is the conventional operation.” 高坂京介:“不要慌,这都是常规操作。” Sakata Gintoki: That pit that hey...... you said compels, yourself who refer to?” 坂田银时:“噫……你说的那个坑逼,是不是指的你自己?” Father Whitebeard: Actually I felt, now Ash is at very dangerous condition.” 白胡子老爹:“其实我觉得,现在小智处于非常危险的状态。” Whitebeard is pinching own crescent moon reckless seriously, the look. 白胡子捏着自己的月牙胡,神色十分的严肃。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: That is true.” 高坂京介:“的确如此。” Discussed the subject, Kōsaka Kyosuke also no longer chats, serious opens the mouth. 谈论到正题,高坂京介也不再谈笑,郑重开口。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Pikachu suppressed Demon King...... this also to represent Demon King completely, if wanted to overturn, definitely will choose from the weakest point starts.” 高坂京介:“皮卡丘完全压制住了魔王……这也就代表着魔王如果想要翻盘的话,必然会选择从最薄弱的点下手。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: What also has, is issuing the order compared with the present purely Ash, is better to cope?” 高坂京介:“还有什么,比现在只是在单纯下达命令的小智,更好对付?” The voice falls, guild live broadcast interface, Sba Luse sole steps in the ground. 话音落下,公会直播界面,斯巴鲁斯脚掌在地上一踩。 Immediately, innumerable thorn eruptions. These thorns indistinct condensed a Sba Luse's incarnation, rushes over toward Ash rapidly. Although is strength of the striking, but this strength of striking is equal to the full power of in this Barrousse. 顿时,无数的荆棘爆发。这些荆棘隐约的凝聚出了一个斯巴鲁斯的化身,迅速向着小智冲了过去。虽然是一击之力,但是这一击之力等同于斯巴鲁斯的全力。 „...... Unexpectedly to training the family/home begins.” Ash pupil contraction. “……居然对训练家动手。”小智瞳孔收缩。 His fist hit loudly, above is covering Armament Haki. This One Punch tore void, directly the smashing that Sba Luse's incarnation hits, simultaneously is void cracks. Ash said in a low voice, unforgivable.” 他拳头轰然打了出去,其上覆盖着武装色霸气。这一拳撕裂了虚空,直接将斯巴鲁斯的化身打的粉碎,同时虚空都为之崩裂。小智低声道,“不可原谅。” Pikachu, uses the Thor pattern!” 皮卡丘,动用雷神模式!”
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