SDG :: Volume #21

#2033: Kurosaki Ichigo: Quickest method of strengthen! Is hugs in a big way- leg

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Sawada Tsunayoshi: „......” 沢田纲吉:“……” Korosensei: Do not feel inferior...... you not to make him try truly, therefore, can steal away, in addition is two words.” 杀老师:“不要这么自卑……你们又没有真正让他试过,所以,能不能偷走尚且还是两话。” Korosensei in a low voice comforts, he organized a language , to continue to speak. 杀老师低声的进行安慰,他组织了一下语言,继续发言。 Korosensei: After all, the strength is weaker than third class, that is also is divided into the different periods...... you only compared with guild third class powerhouse weak a little, is weak...... you is actually an average person, that is also weak.” 杀老师:“毕竟,实力比第三阶级弱,那也是分为不同阶段的……你只比公会第三阶级强者弱一点点,也是弱……你其实是个普通人,那也同样是弱啊。” Ernesti: „......” 艾尔涅斯帝:“……” Kobayashi: I, although knows, Korosensei in comfort......, but I hear the words that he spoke, always the bewildered feeling he is taunting me.” 小林:“我虽然知道,杀老师是在安慰……但是我听到他说的话,总是莫名其妙的感觉他是在嘲讽我。” The Kobayashi look becomes subtle. 小林神色变得微妙。 Edogawa Conan: Quite skillful, I have such feeling.” 江户川柯南:“好巧啊,我也有这样的感觉。” Kirishima Touka: Also may be one time accidentally......, but also had two people saying that then in has accidentally inevitably.” 雾岛董香:“一次还有可能是偶然……但是同时有两个人这么说,那么偶然之中就有着必然了。” Nakiri Erina: Korosensei this seemingly simple and honest fellow, in fact conscience bad.” 薙切绘里奈:“杀老师这个看上去憨厚的家伙,实际上良心坏的很。” Ernesti: Therefore, in guild does not have not the pleasing to the eyes Korosensei fellow, now jumps to get one with him?” 艾尔涅斯帝:“所以,公会里面难道就没有不顺眼杀老师的家伙,现在跳出来和他打上一架吗?” Kotori Minami: „...... The strength is too weak, sorry.” 南小鸟:“……实力太弱,抱歉。” Accelerator: He also has not said me, how will I possibly jump?” 一方通行:“他又没说我,我怎么可能会跳出来?” Kurosaki Ichigo: +1.” 黑崎一护:“+1。” Tushan Honghong: This perhaps is, has no immediate concern to oneself...... hangs up high.” 涂山红红:“这或许就是,事不关己……高高挂起吧。” Su Xiaoxiao: Ok, what significance did discussion so many have? The preparation starts to conduct mission to sample.” 苏小小:“好了,讨论这么多有什么意义?准备开始进行任务抽选。” Su Han interrupted the exchange of guild internal member, directly entered the subject. 苏寒打断了公会内部成员的交流,直接进入了正题。 Kayaba Akihiko: „......” 茅场晶彦:“……” Clark Kent: With all due respect, is the quota of this campaign only a person?” 克拉克肯特:“恕我直言,这次竞选的名额只有一个人?” Edogawa Conan: Does not know that should say any .jpg 江户川柯南:“不知道该说些什么.jpg” Hijikata Toushirou: I felt that I was not possible to be selected absolutely.” 土方十四郎:“我感觉我是绝对不可能被抽中了。” Kaito Kid: Did not want the milk, how the milk you were do not select again.” 怪盗基德:“不要奶了,再怎么奶你也是抽不中的。” Hijikata Toushirou: „...... Can you say that hits the mark words that listens to?” 土方十四郎:“……你能不能说点中听的话?” Kaito Kid: „, You conduct to sample diligently! Certainly can pull out. Even if these cannot pull out time, can still certainly pull out next time.” 怪盗基德:“那么,你努力的进行抽选吧!一定能够抽到的。就算这一次抽不到,下一次也一定能够抽到。” Hijikata Toushirou: „......” 土方十四郎:“……” The Hijikata Toushirou corners of the mouth twitched several. 土方十四郎嘴角抽搐了数下。 Hijikata Toushirou: „Before considering as finished...... you continued , not the pleasant to the ear words.” 土方十四郎:“算了……你还是继续说之前不中听的话吧。” Su Han has not paid attention to the guild internal exchange, he after innermost feelings silent number/count the number integer, spoke suddenly. 苏寒并没有关注公会内部的交流,他在内心默数了数个数之后,骤然发言。 Su Xiaoxiao: Formally starts to rob.” 苏小小:“正式开始抢夺。” With ding a resounding, an information ejection comes out. 伴随着叮的一声脆响,一条信息弹射出来。 Ding! Guild Leader Su Xiaoxiao, Dongfang Bai has succeeded to participate in this mission.” “叮!公会会长苏小小,东方白已成功参与此次任务。” Kotori Minami: „......” 南小鸟:“……” Yagami Taichi: „????” 八神太一:“????” Houraisan Kaguya: My God...... participates in this mission unexpectedly can be Eastern | Dongfang Onee-san.” 蓬莱山辉夜:“我的天哪……参加这一次任务的居然会是东方姐姐。” The Houraisan Kaguya look is subtle, she does not know oneself should say anything. 蓬莱山辉夜神色微妙,她已经不知道自己该说些什么了。 Lelouch: No matter who was selected is very normal.( Conventional operation, sits down .jpg)” 鲁鲁修:“不管是谁被抽中都很正常。(常规操作,都坐下.jpg)” Kotori Minami: I am quite actually curious, is the Eastern | Dongfang Onee-san strength enough?” 南小鸟:“我其实比较好奇,东方姐姐的实力足够吗?” On the Kotori Minami face appears to wipe to worry, Dongfang Bai will join the time comparison of guild in the future? Copes with 150,000 accumulated points enemy/villain...... to be very reluctant. 南小鸟脸上浮现出一抹担忧,东方白加入工会的时间比较往后了吧?对付一个15万积分敌人……或许会很勉强。 As for participating in mission several other people...... Qiao Feng and Chu Liuxiang were needless saying that joined time also behind Dongfang Bai. The strength should be weaker. 至于参加任务的其他几人……乔峰楚留香更是不用说了,加入的时间还在东方白后面。实力应该会更弱。 Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: I am very actually confident to the Dongfang-san strength.” 道家真人张三丰:“我倒是对东方小姐的实力很有信心。” Zhang Sanfeng caresses with a smile- feels own beard. 张三丰笑着抚-摸着自己的胡子。 Dongfang Bai: This must thank the guidance of Zhang Sanfeng-san.” 东方白:“这还要感谢张三丰先生的教导。” Dongfang Bai: „The Zhang Sanfeng-san strength was extremely powerful, his guidance , helping me a great deal.” 东方白:“张三丰先生的实力太过于强大了,他的教导,对我帮助良多。” Dongfang Bai is very tranquil, the attitude also is very simultaneously sincere. 东方白很平静,同时态度也很诚恳。 Old Man is the Marquis: „......” 老夫是侯爵:“……” Ernesti: How to be mentioning a moment ago? So long as wants to grow stronger, how method always some...... do have a look at others Miss Dongfang Bai to do?” 艾尔涅斯帝:“刚才怎么说来着的?只要想变强,方法总是有的……看看人家东方白小姐是怎么做的?” Natsume: Therefore...... the strongest strengthen method is to hug in a big way- leg?” 夏目:“所以……最强的变强方法就是抱大-腿了?” Natsume pondered over a choice of Dongfang Bai, the expression gradually becomes strange. 夏目琢磨了一下东方白的选择,表情渐渐变得诡异起来。 Kurosaki Ichigo: What is called to hug in a big way- leg? This is called to study with a teacher! It is not as skillful as others, learns from others, this does not lose face.” 黑崎一护:“什么叫做抱大-腿?这叫做拜师学艺!技不如人,向他人学习,这不丢人。” Kurosaki Ichigo: However...... why no one asks me to hold...... cough cough in a big way, asks me to study with a teacher?” 黑崎一护:“不过话说回来……为什么没有人找我抱大……咳咳,找我拜师学艺呢?” The Kurosaki Ichigo look is complex, he also wants to become others big- leg. 黑崎一护神色复杂,他也想成为别人的大-腿啊。 Eucliwood: „......” 优克莉伍德:“……” Aikawa Ayumu: Perhaps is because, you aren't the optimal option?” 相川步:“或许是因为,你不是最优选项吧?” Lelouch: Yes, wants to study the Way of Shinigami words...... to seek for advice Aizen, isn't is better? He is existence of first class, moreover now is quite good to speak.” 鲁鲁修:“是的,想要学习死神之道的话……去求教蓝染,不是更好一些吗?他是第一阶级的存在,而且现在还是比较好说话的。” Kurosaki Ichigo: „????” 黑崎一护:“????” Kurosaki Ichigo: Is quite good to speak?” 黑崎一护:“比较好说话?” Kurosaki Ichigo is dumbfounded, he was pondering that was actually own memory to make the mistake, Lelouch was brainwashed. 黑崎一护目瞪口呆,他在思考究竟是自己的记忆出了差错,还是鲁鲁修被洗脑了。 Lelouch: After all, Aizen has not turned into big boss in your world now truly...... he now the character original sunlight warm male of foreign camouflage. In this case, can he be all questions will be answered?” 鲁鲁修:“毕竟,蓝染现在又没有在你们那个世界真正变成大boss……他现在对外伪装的性格还是原先的阳光暖男。这种情况下,他算得上是有问必答吧?” Tachibana Kanade: „......” 立华奏:“……” Sakuragi Hanamichi: Is too real.” 樱木花道:“太真实。” Sakuragi Hanamichi: Thinks that disparity between Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo...... really must learn/study the Way of Shinigami words, really seeks for Aizen.” 樱木花道:“想一想蓝染黑崎一护之间的差距……真的要学习死神之道的话,果然还是去寻找蓝染吧。” Kurosaki Ichigo: „????” 黑崎一护:“????” The Kurosaki Ichigo brow beats crazily, he felt that oneself mentality collapsed. 黑崎一护眉头疯狂跳动,他感觉自己的心态崩了。 Su Xiaoxiao: Ok, did not say that so many...... Dongfang Bai, did you prepare?” 苏小小:“好了,不说这么多了……东方白,你准备好了吗?” Dongfang Bai: Naturally so. I can start momentarily!” 东方白:“自然如此。我随时都可以开始!” Su Han shrugs, later the last gruel will drink up, closes the eye, clicked participated in mission officially. 苏寒耸了耸肩,随后将最后一口粥喝掉,闭上眼睛,点击了正式参与任务 Afterward, his body lingers a light radiance, Su Han’s figure from is vanishing instantaneously same place does not see. 随后,他的身上萦绕着一层淡淡的光华,苏寒的身影瞬间自原地消失不见。 Un?” The Zhao Ling’er brow flash wrinkled, sizes up place that Su Han is vanishing, in the past she could not look, but now, she detected when Su Han left, the space that rushes fluctuates. “嗯?”赵灵儿眉头一瞬间就皱了起来,打量着苏寒消失的地方,以往她看不出来,但是现在,她察觉到了苏寒离开时,那澎湃的空间波动。 After being shortly silent, she turns the head, is staring at Ram, „doesn't elder brother this time, have the major problem? Needed me also to have a look at the situation with the past.” 短暂沉默后,她转过头来,凝视着自己身旁的拉姆,“兄长此番,没有大问题吧?需不需要我也跟过去看看情况。” The Ram brow beat, her strange is staring at Zhao Ling’er, „can you...... pursue?” 拉姆眉头跳动了一下,她古怪的盯着赵灵儿,“你能够……追过去?” Why can't?” The Zhao Ling’er words are gentle. “为什么不能呢?”赵灵儿话语平缓。 Rem after is shortly silent, suddenly opens the mouth, „the past...... Reincarnator will also possibly appear in our mission.” 雷姆在短暂沉默之后,突然开口,“以往……轮回者也可能会出现在我们的任务之中。” Ram was silent, the meaning of Rem is clear. 拉姆沉默了,雷姆的意思一目了然。 Main God Space is very likely with Super Dimensional Guild mutually parallel other has...... them unable through guild to participate in mission now, but does not represent them unable through Reincarnation Space to go to the Qiao Feng world. 主神空间很有可能是与超次元公会相互平行的另外存在……她们现在无法通过公会参加任务,但是并不代表她们无法通过轮回空间前往乔峰的世界。 Then Onee-san, we do go?” Rem winked own eye, in the words took the anticipation. “那么姐姐,我们去吗?”雷姆眨了眨自己的眼睛,话语中带上了期待。 Can go, but does not need.” Ram thinks, shakes the head, she starts to reorganize the tableware above table. “可以去,但没必要。”拉姆想了想,摇了摇头,她开始整理起桌子之上的碗筷。 Do not forget a matter...... master to go to that world, represents that mission definitely to complete. But perhaps we through the Reincarnation Space past words, will not enjoy accumulated points that guild assigns.” “不要忘了一件事……主人前往那个世界,代表那个任务必然会完成。而我们通过轮回空间过去的话,恐怕也不会享受到工会分配的积分。” Makes the stop slightly, Ram asks, „did that we do in the past? Looks at the scenery purely?” 稍作停顿,拉姆反问道,“那我们过去干什么?纯粹看风景吗?” Rem is dumbfounded, finally smiles bitterly, before giving up itself , the idea of indulging in fantasy. Also started to reorganize the dining table. 雷姆哑口无言,最后苦笑一声,放弃了自己之前异想天开的想法。也开始整理起了饭桌。
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