SDG :: Volume #21

#2032: Is Guild Leader the Elder Brother, space Main God is a younger sister?

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The guild chatroom fell into the short peace, later thorough blasted out the pot. 公会聊天室陷入了短暂的安静,随后彻底的炸开了锅。 Tony Is Not the Richest: „????” 托尼不是首富:“????” Madoka Daigo: fuck......” 圆大古:“卧槽……” KING: Waits a bit the moment...... to allow me to manage a principle. Makes me look again, what did you recently say a moment ago?” king:“稍等片刻……容我理一理。再让我看一遍,你刚才最近说了什么?” KING: Originally is not the illusion, Guild Leader’s younger sister really becomes Main God.” king:“原来不是幻觉啊,会长的妹妹真的成为了主神啊。” KING: „......” king:“……” Shinonono Tabane: „......” 筱之之束:“……” Monkey D. Dragon: „????” 蒙奇d多拉格:“????” Waver: This also was too rather exaggerating...... this matter, how to likely happen? The people turn into Main God anything.” 韦伯:“这未免也太夸张了吧……这种事情,怎么可能会发生啊?人变成主神什么的。” Lala: Is worth very much surprisedly?” 菈菈:“很值得惊讶吗?” Lala character jumpy, but actually without feeling this extremely in inconceivable, instead is somewhat strange, guild inside person response why so big. 菈菈性格跳脱,倒没有觉得这太过于不可思议,反而有些奇怪,为什么公会里面的人反应这么大。 Lala: „Hasn't Guild Leader said? Miss Zhao Ling’er is on the achievement Main God road now.” 菈菈:“会长不是早就说过了吗?赵灵儿小姐现在正在成就主神的路上。” Sakata Gintoki: Words, although said......” 坂田银时:“话虽然是这么说……” Sakata Gintoki: But said that mediated really became Main God, that was completely different two matters.” 坂田银时:“但说说和真的成了主神,那是完全不同的两回事啊。” The Sakata Gintoki facial features investigated one group, he does not know that should say anything, this moment brain piece of Chaos. 坂田银时的面容纠成了一团,他不知道该说些什么了,此刻大脑一片混乱 Su Xiaoxiao: In guild everyone, encountered so many times with Main God, should detect?” 苏小小:“公会里面的大家,和主神交锋了这么多次,应该有所察觉了吧?” Su Xiaoxiao: Main God is a quite mechanized organization. He does not have own mood!” 苏小小:“主神是一个较为机械化的机构。他没有属于自己的情绪!” Su Xiaoxiao: Under this situation, his unceasing is conducting the competition and screening of Reincarnator...... you thought that is why?” 苏小小:“这种情况之下,他不断的进行着轮回者的比拼和筛选……你觉得是为什么呢?” Ainz Ooal Gown: I thought he is capturing the world source...... or captures other anything resources! However now looks like, has possibility Main God in unceasing screening, then has a look to screen own master?” 安兹乌尔恭:“原本我觉得他是在夺取世界本源……或者是夺取其他什么资源!但是现在看来,有可能主神是在不断的筛选,然后看看能不能筛选出一个自己的主人?” Momonga inhales cold air, innermost feelings vibration. His own some cannot believe oneself inference, but this inference is actually current most is based on the fact. 飞鼠微吸一口凉气,内心十分的震动。他自己都有些不敢相信自己的这个推断,但是这个推断却又是当前最符合事实的。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: Originally this is the Main God ultimate goal! Also no wonder, ordinary Reincarnator, is not above the guild chasing down list. Because they have not harmed to the world!” 高坂京介:“原来这才是主神的最终目的!也难怪,普通的轮回者,并不在公会的追杀名单之上。因为他们本身对世界是没有害的!” Yukinoshita Yukino: That, Abyss Reincarnator what's the matter?” 雪之下雪乃:“那么,深渊轮回者又是怎么回事?” Yukinoshita Yukino is somewhat puzzled. She has felt, Abyss Reincarnator and Reincarnator, are controlled by Main God completely. But looking back now, not seeming like this? 雪之下雪乃有些不解。她一直觉得,深渊轮回者轮回者,全部都是由主神把控的。但现在看来,似乎并非是这样? Ram: If compares with a computer Main God, then Abyss Reincarnator is the virus in computer. It truly exists, even also depends on the computer exists, but it is harmful to the computer.” 拉姆:“如果把主神比作一个电脑的话,那么深渊轮回者就是电脑之中的病毒。它确实存在着,甚至也依托于电脑而存在,但是它本身是对电脑有害的。” Aisaka Taiga: „Similar to the parasite?” 逢坂大河:“类似于寄生虫?” Korosensei: So that's how it is......, therefore after Main God Space screened Main God truly! This Main God will eliminate the virus in within the body comprehensively.” 杀老师:“原来如此……所以在主神空间真正筛选出了一位主神之后!这位主神就会全面的肃清自己体内的病毒了。” Gudako: In other words, this new Main God even and Guild Leader are not related. So long as he presented...... him to solve all Abyss Reincarnator.” 咕哒子:“换句话说,这位新出的主神就算和会长没有关系。但只要他出现了……那么他就会解决掉所有深渊轮回者。” Kaito Kid: From this perspective, Main God indeed is our inborn allies.” 怪盗基德:“从这个角度上来说,主神的确算是我们天生的盟友。” Kaito Kid nods looking pensive. 怪盗基德若有所思点了点头。 Kaito Kid: „The words that...... such a thinks, Guild Leader, the family seriously is the terrifying in this way.” 怪盗基德:“不过……这么一想的话,会长,这一家人当真是恐怖如斯啊。” Hijikata Toushirou: Guild Leader is the Elder Brother, Main God Space Main God is a younger sister. Hiss!” 土方十四郎:“公会会长是哥哥,主神空间主神是妹妹。嘶!” Kobayashi: awesome awesome! My scalp tingles of this wave of show.” 小林:“牛逼牛逼!这波秀的我头皮发麻。” Aikawa Ayumu: Ordinary rookie shivering from the cold, does not dare to speak.” 相川步:“普通小萌新瑟瑟发抖,不敢说话。” Ernesti: „ How long...... did you join guild? Also newbie. 艾尔涅斯帝:“……你都加入公会多长时间了?还萌新个屁啊。 Ernesti turned a supercilious look. 艾尔涅斯帝翻了一个白眼。 Aikawa Ayumu: But my strength and guild inside these big shot compare, difference was too far.” 相川步:“但是我的实力和公会里面那些大佬比起来,差的太远了。” Aikawa Ayumu long sighs. 相川步长长叹了一口气。 Kotori Minami: I felt that is you extremely lazy reason......” 南小鸟:“我感觉那是你个人太过懒惰的原因……” Tushan Honghong: Do not ask why oneself have not stiffened, asked that is too lazy! Or the luck is not good.” 涂山红红:“不要问自己为什么没有变强,问就是太懒!或者说运气不好。” Korosensei: „To grow stronger, having accumulated points is good. Even if no means to participate in Main Mission, still has side mission...... to find the way to have after all.” 杀老师:“想要变强,有积分就好。就算是没有办法参加主线任务,也有支线任务……想办法总归是有的。” Korosensei: Therefore in the final analysis, is the lazy issue.” 杀老师:“所以说到底,还是懒的问题。” Korosensei issued decided the word. 杀老师下达了定言。 Haruhi Suzumiya: Therefore , didn't you discuss the fusion issue of Qiao Feng world?” 凉宫春日:“所以说,你们不讨论乔峰世界的融合问题了吗?” The Haruhi Suzumiya look is somewhat strange. 凉宫春日神色有些古怪。 Qiao Feng: „......” 乔峰:“……” Qiao Feng: cough cough, you continue to discuss that me does not worry.” 乔峰:“咳咳,你们继续讨论吧,我这边不着急的。” Kurosaki Ichigo: „......” 黑崎一护:“……” Su Xiaoxiao: Ok, since the people in your two world do not have the opinion, I was naturally more impossible to have the opinion.” 苏小小:“行吧,既然你们两个世界的人没有意见,那我自然更不可能有意见了。” Su Han shrugs, later entered the world fusion column, stretched the two world in one, clicked on the official fusion. 苏寒耸了耸肩,随后进入到了世界融合栏目,将两个世界拉伸在了一起,点击了正式融合。 With the clear prompt sound, a mission ejection comes out together. 伴随着一道清脆的提示音,一条任务弹射出来。 ...... …… mission name: Cuts to kill Transmigrator 任务名称:斩杀穿越者 Transmigrator name: white jade hall 穿越者名称:白玉堂 Transmigrator title: Robs the Saint 穿越者称号:盗圣 Transmigrator synopsis: crossed over becomes white jade hall, later stepped onto robbed the road of Saint. The strength progresses step by step, to finally, the world does not have the thing unable to steal, he even can steal away others' inner strength also to have various martial arts abilities. Smelts the world ten thousand laws in one, finally the military broken. Now he stared at the new world the vision, wanted to steal to walk all cultivation energies of this world completely, making the wuxia world turn into no demon world. 穿越者简介:穿越成为白玉堂,随后走上了盗圣之路。实力一步步进展,到最后,天下无物不能偷,他甚至能够偷走别人的内力还有各种武道能力。熔炼天下万法于一身,最后武破虚空。现在他将目光盯上了新的世界,想要将这个世界的所有修炼能量全部都偷盗而走,让武侠世界变成无魔世界。 mission request: Kills this Transmigrator thoroughly 任务要求:将此穿越者彻底杀死 mission limit: Only allows two members to participate simultaneously( plundering mission mode) 任务限制:只允许两名成员同时参与(可抢夺任务模式) mission reward: 150,000 accumulated points, on white jade hall a random ability, limitless big lottery...... 任务奖励:15万点积分,白玉堂身上随机一种能力,一次无限制抽奖…… Su Han looks at this mission time, fell into for a long time silence. Afterward he completed the screenshot, transmitted in it the guild chatroom. 苏寒看着这一次的任务,陷入了许久的沉默。随后他完成了截图,将其发送到了公会聊天室之中。 Su Xiaoxiao: „, Lets time that you appraise.( Picture)” 苏小小:“又是久违的,让你们评价的时间段了。(图片)” Tushan Honghong: Terrifying in this way.” 涂山红红:“恐怖如斯。” Kirishima Touka: This time mission...... a little meaning. Robs the Saint?” 雾岛董香:“这次的任务……有点意思啊。盗圣?” Shinonono Tabane: Really canonization of saints...... the world not to have the thing on stealing is not possible to steal. My God, I am thinking an issue now...... the object, if this goods begin is the Guild Leader's words, he steals an ability casually, can reach the sky in a single bound?” 筱之之束:“真的是在偷盗上面封圣了……天下无物不可偷。我的天哪,我现在在想一个问题……如果这货动手的对象是会长的话,他随便偷出一个能力,会不会一步登天?” Accelerator: „......” 一方通行:“……” Ernesti: Guild Leader ability, is super makes an exception completely?” 艾尔涅斯帝:“会长身上的能力,全部都是超级破格的吧?” Korosensei: He, if really reached Guild Leader...... only to meet the hand first dies a violent death.” 杀老师:“他如果真的把手伸向了会长……只会第一时间暴毙。” Korosensei turned a supercilious look. 杀老师翻了一个白眼。 Korosensei: Does not think that what kind of situation the Guild Leader's strength arrived at! If he does not think, world who can nearly result in his body 杀老师:“也不想想会长的实力到达了怎样的地步!他若是不想,世间有谁能够近得了他的身” Korosensei: Moreover, 150,000 accumulated points explained all......, if his method really can have the influence on the guild powerhouses...... possibly, only then selects?” 杀老师:“而且,15万积分就说明了一切……如果他的手段真的能够对公会的强者们产生影响……可能只有这么点吗?” Thor Odinson: Yes, in this world where has what absolute matter? His skill, it is estimated that also can only less than the third class little fellow is useful.” 托尔奥丁森:“是的,这个世界上哪有什么绝对的事情?他那个技能,估计也就只能对一些不到第三阶级的小家伙有用。” Thor (Tohru) does not spare a glance. 托尔不屑一顾。 Aikawa Ayumu: „...... The strength has not arrived at third class, really sorry.” 相川步:“……实力没有到第三阶级,真是对不起了。” Kotori Minami: I am a waste......, I will be that ability may stolen away weakling.” 南小鸟:“我是个废物……是的,我就是那个能力有可能会被偷走的弱者。” Kotori Minami covered own face. 南小鸟捂住了自己的脸。
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