SDG :: Volume #21

#2031: Lord Conqueror (Xióngbà): Qiao Feng, I thought that you are creating obstacles for me

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The alone this solitary one big god understood anything suddenly, his complexion changed. He has increased the summit of counter Elite step in the grave of the world god- peak...... can say that achieved entered does not have situation that may enter. 独孤大神突然明白了什么,他的脸色发生了变化。他在神之墓世界已经攀升到了逆天王阶的巅-峰……可以说达到了进无可进的地步。 Although because of his talent extremely in extremely, the spirit broke through this domain, however own realm was still limited in counter Elite Level firmly. 虽然因为他的天赋太过于绝顶,精神突破了这个领域,但是自身的境界仍然被牢牢限制在逆天王级 But now, this broken paradise is his comprehensive breakthrough opportunity. 而现在,这个残破的仙界便是他全面突破的契机 Alone this solitary one big god: guild chatroom...... seriously is extremely terrifying existence.” 独孤大神:“公会聊天室……当真是极其恐怖的存在。” This is the alone this solitary one big god from the words of bottom of one's heart. 这是独孤大神发自肺腑的话语。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Can.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“可以可以。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Thing that still further...... this time pulls out, perhaps is not best, but inevitably is the most suitable alone this solitary one big god.” 托尼不是首富:“更进一步啊……这次抽到的东西,或许不是最好的,但必然是最适合独孤大神的。” Fourth Hokage: Chen cedar looks the own hand spring of god demon, suddenly thought that he is not fragrant.” 四代目火影:“辰楠看着自己手里的神魔之泉,突然就觉得他不香了。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: 666 six, this operation may too the show.” 高坂京介:“六六六六,这个操作可就太秀了。” Su Han watches guild inside discussion, cannot help laughing. 苏寒看着公会里面的讨论,哑然失笑。 Also chatted in guild at will, outflow of time bit by bit. 也就是在公会中随意聊天之间,时间一点一滴的流失。 Dinner, Su Han just sat on own chair, the brow wrinkled, his spiritual awareness keen detection to the difference, had turned the head to come to see to approach out of the door. 晚饭时分,苏寒刚刚坐到了自己的椅子上,眉头就皱了起来,他的灵觉敏锐的察觉到了异样,转过头来看向了门外。 The Zhao Ling’er corners of the mouth hold a light smile, gradually walked. Although her appearance as always, but the makings compared were once entirely different, brings an aloofness. 赵灵儿嘴角噙着一丝淡淡的笑容,缓步走了进来。虽然她的外貌一如既往,但是气质相较于曾经截然不同了,带着一种超然。 This may also really be,” Su Han narrowed the eye, shocking matter.” “这可还真是,”苏寒眯起了眼睛,“令人震惊的事。” You not also? Elder Brother.” The smile on Zhao Ling’er face restrained gradually, she is pressed the brow, high and low sized up Su Han one, sighed spookily, truly had this authority, can detect your unique element.” “你不也是吗?哥哥。”赵灵儿脸上的笑容渐渐收敛了起来,她蹙起眉头,上下打量了苏寒一眼,幽幽叹了口气,“真正拥有了这种职权,才能够察觉到您的特殊之处啊。” Yes, Zhao Ling’er has become Main God. 是的,赵灵儿已经成为了主神了。 Her body has some Main God natures, the words that even she thinks, can free shuttles back and forth in the endless world. 她的身体已经拥有了部分主神的性质,甚至她想的话,可以自由自在的在无尽世界之中穿梭。 Theoretically, becomes Main God her to have ability that ascertains world all information. When she has swept Su Han, actually discovered oneself cannot scan the Su Han slight information. Even felt that...... front does not have this person to be the same. 理论上,成为主神的她拥有窥破世界一切信息的能力。但是当她扫过苏寒,却发现自己扫描不出苏寒的丝毫情报。甚至就感觉……面前没有这个人一般。 Narrowed the eye, Zhao Ling’er has swept others, Miss High Priestess, Kuroneko-san, Ram Rem-san...... is unable to survey the information.” 眯起眼睛,赵灵儿扫过了现场的其他人,“教主小姐,黑猫小姐,拉姆雷姆小姐……都无法探测出情报。” But, Liliana, Erika, can Akame and Kurome actually survey...... code name Campione and code name Akame ga Kill world?” “但是,莉莉娅那,艾丽卡,赤瞳黑瞳却可以探测出……代号弑神者和代号斩赤红之瞳的世界吗?” Although knows that in the past Su Han and the others are special, but becomes Main God...... she to feel truly profoundly, these people actually special to what rank. 虽然以往就知道苏寒等人非常特殊,但是真正成为了主神……她才深刻感受到,这几人究竟特殊到了什么级别。 Considered that so many to do what?” Helpless Ram goes forward, a palm that held Zhao Ling’er, then pressed to sit her on the chair, ate meal...... first eats meal said again.” “考虑这么多干什么?”拉姆无奈上前,一把抓住了赵灵儿的手掌,然后把她摁坐在了椅子上,“吃饭……先吃饭再说。” Zhao Ling’er look, knowing whether to laugh or cry restrained radiance in pupil completely. 赵灵儿神色一顿,哭笑不得的将自己眸子中的光华全部都收敛了起来。 After Su Han finished eating the food, is nodding to Ram, troubled you says one our here situations and Zhao Ling’er. Then has a look...... to be able totally to contain existence of Abyss Reincarnator.” 苏寒吃完饭之后,对着拉姆点了点头,“麻烦你把我们这边的情况和赵灵儿说一声。然后看看……能不能彻底遏制掉深渊轮回者的存在。” I understand.” Ram understands the meaning of Su Han obviously. “我明白的。”拉姆显然明白苏寒的意思。 Abyss Reincarnator?” Zhao Ling’er supports own chin with the palm, strange glance Ram as well as Su Han, „, even if you did not say, I must them processing.” 深渊轮回者?”赵灵儿用手掌托住自己的下巴,古怪的扫视着拉姆以及苏寒,“就算你们不说,我也要把他们给处理掉。” Abyss Reincarnator regarding Main God, is equal to the virus......, moreover that type is bad. This was my following enemy/villain!” 深渊轮回者对于主神来说,就等于是病毒……而且还是那种非常恶劣的。这就是我接下来的敌人了!” Like this was good.” The Ram eye flash shone, from the heart regarding this feels joyful. both sides do not have the contradiction, this is the best matter. “这样子就再好不过了。”拉姆的眼睛一瞬间亮了起来,发自内心的对此感到欣喜。双方没有矛盾点,这是最好的事情。 Returned to own room, after Su Han to play a while cell phone, then fell asleep. 回到了自己的房间,苏寒玩了一会儿手机之后,便睡着了。 Next day, Su Han when had the breakfast still to see Zhao Ling’er‘s figure. 第二天,苏寒在吃早饭的时候仍然看到赵灵儿的身影 Because true becomes the Main God reason, therefore she does not need to carry out mission that these Main God assign again. Was equal to that worked to turn from others worked for oneself, can assign the time freely. 因为真正的成为了主神的缘故,所以她不需要再去执行那些主神分配下来的任务。等于从别人打工变成了为自己打工,可以自由分配时间。 Is eating meal, Su Han while closed one's eyes to enter the guild chatroom. Discovery at this moment in lively. 一边吃着饭,苏寒一边闭着眼睛进入到了公会聊天室。发现此刻里面热闹的很。 Qiao Feng: Although very hesitant......, but finally, I decided lets my world and Chu Liuxiang world fuses.” 乔峰:“虽然很犹豫……但最后,我还是决定让我的世界和楚留香世界相融合。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Terrifying.” 托尼不是首富:“恐怖。” Madoka Daigo: I do not judge your behavior.” 圆大古:“我不对你的这个行为做出评价。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Gives you a look, yourself realize .jpg 高坂京介:“给你个眼神,你自己体会.jpg” Chu Liuxiang: Like this was good.” 楚留香:“这样子就再好不过了。” Chu Liuxiang at this moment very gratified. 楚留香此刻十分的欣慰。 Sakata Gintoki: That...... can allow that I ask you, why?” 坂田银时:“那个……能容许我问问你,为什么吗?” Qiao Feng: Yesterday evening I intertwined 3~4 hour, has not made the decision. However afterward, Lord Conqueror (Xióngbà) private chatted me, said that his world can fuse with my world.” 乔峰:“昨天晚上我纠结了三四个小时,都没有做出决定。但是后来,雄霸私聊我,说他的世界可以和我的世界相融合。” Qiao Feng: I alerted in this moment suddenly.” 乔峰:“我在这一刻猛然警醒了。” Lord Conqueror (Xióngbà): „......” 雄霸:“……” Lord Conqueror (Xióngbà) is unemotional, he private chatted, did you also make you alert? What do you mean? 雄霸面无表情,他私聊,你怎么还让你警醒了?你是什么意思? Lord Conqueror (Xióngbà) felt that Qiao Feng is aiming at him. 雄霸感觉乔峰就是在针对他。 Qiao Feng: For example the Wind and Cloud world, the military force rank compares in our world are too powerful many. Fuses with his world, will the people in our world fuse with the Chu Liuxiang world are more dangerous than?” 乔峰:“比如说风云世界,武力等级相较于我们这个世界强大太多。和他的世界相融合,我们这个世界的人会比和楚留香世界融合更加危险吧?” Qiao Feng: Said again, after the two world fuses, rivers and lakes original rivers and lakes, even the people in our world will have memory of opposite world person...... as the matter stands, walk rivers and lakes time, will have the Chu Liuxiang world people vigilant.” 乔峰:“再说了,两个世界融合之后,江湖还是原先的江湖,甚至我们这个世界的人也会拥有对面世界人的记忆……这样一来,想必行走江湖的时候,也会有楚留香世界人的警惕吧。” Yukinoshita Yukino: „......” 雪之下雪乃:“……” Tony Is Not the Richest: Is well-founded, convincing!” 托尼不是首富:“有理有据,令人信服!” Gudako: „......” 咕哒子:“……” Gudako: Always feels a little issue, but thinks carefully, feels the words unusual tallying logic of Qiao Feng.” 咕哒子:“总感觉有点问题,但细细想了想,又感觉乔峰的话非常的符合逻辑。” The Gudako look is strange, is lost in thought. 咕哒子神色古怪,陷入了沉思。 Hatsune Miku: 666 six.” 初音未来:“六六六六。” Ryugu Rena: „Then, was @ Guild Leader?” 龙宫礼奈:“那么接下来,就是艾特会长了吗?” Su Xiaoxiao: Other @, I.” 苏小小:“别艾特,我在。” Su Xiaoxiao: Moreover am I having the breakfast now, what the world fuses...... can wait for me first to finish eating the food said other again?” 苏小小:“而且我现在正在吃早饭,世界融合什么的……能不能等我先把饭吃完了再说其他?” Izumi Sagiri: Ok, this is very strong.” 和泉纱雾:“可以,这很强势。” Doctor Romani: Was skillful, I am also having the breakfast...... I is very strange, don't your these people need to eat meal? The collective transforms immortal cultivation, completely Inedia?” 罗曼医生:“巧了,我也在吃早饭……我一直很奇怪,你们这些人都不需要吃饭了吗?集体转化成修仙者,全部都辟谷了?” Doctor Romani complained crazily. 罗曼医生疯狂吐槽。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Right, right, forgot to say a matter!” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“对了,对了,忘了说一件事!” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: We later, do not need to be worried about the Abyss Reincarnator issue again.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“我们以后,再也不需要再担心深渊轮回者的问题了。” Tony Is Not the Richest: „????” 托尼不是首富:“????” Aisaka Taiga: „!!” 逢坂大河:“!!” Gudako: What had? The Abyss Reincarnator collective died a violent death!” 咕哒子:“发生了什么?深渊轮回者集体暴毙了!” Kurosaki Ichigo: Exciting...... one crowd is always thinking destroying the world, fellow who does a big matter.” 黑崎一护:“大快人心……一群总想着毁灭世界,搞个大事情的家伙。” Kurosaki Ichigo shakes the head. 黑崎一护摇了摇头。 Ram: Died a violent death actually not collectively......, but will then have Miss Zhao Ling’er in view of them.” 拉姆:“倒不是集体暴毙了……而是接下来会有赵灵儿小姐针对他们。” Rem has the tacit understanding received the Ram words. 雷姆非常有默契的接下了拉姆的话。 Rem: Miss Zhao Ling’er has officially become Main God now! Her that side sets aside the hand, is equal to the official suppression, trivial Abyss Reincarnator...... tch tch.” 雷姆:“赵灵儿小姐现在已经正式成为了主神了!她那边腾出手,等于官方打压,区区的深渊轮回者……啧啧。”
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