SDG :: Volume #21

#2034: Shock of Transmigrator? Dongfang Bai certainly generation of methods

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Fuses in the world. 融合世界之中。 The Qiao Feng brow locking, he places in the Beggars' Sect supreme headquarters. 乔峰眉头锁紧,他身处于丐帮大本营之中。 Chu Liuxiang...... Chu Liuxiang!” After same place pacing several, he opens the mouth suddenly, you know, a fellow named Chu Liuxiang?” 楚留香……楚留香!”在原地踱步数圈之后,他突然开口,“你们知晓,一个叫做楚留香的家伙吗?” All around Beggars' Sect elder you have a look at me, I have a look at you. Finally the Beggars' Sect elder spoke cautiously, master, you said that but, did legendary rob the Saint?” 四周的丐帮长老你看看我,我看看你。最后有一位丐帮长老小心翼翼的发言,“帮主,您说的可是,传说之中的盗圣?” The Qiao Feng eyelid beat, words that he did not remember incorrectly, seems like this facing Transmigrator enemy/villain also robs the Saint? Although in the heart is very speechless, but he nods, is that fellow.” 乔峰眼皮跳动了一下,他没有记错的话,貌似这一次面对的穿越者敌人也是盗圣吧?虽然心中很无语,但他还是点了点头,“就是那个家伙。” That robs the Saint indeed is passes on the rivers and lakes,” another elder opens the mouth, after he hesitant one next , to continue saying that master, you do want to look for him? The place that previous he acts time...... is away from us now to be very far. In addition it mysteriously appears and disappears, our Beggars' Sect is also very difficult to search his trail.” “那位盗圣的确是名传江湖,”又一位长老开口,他犹豫了一下之后,继续道,“帮主,您要找他吗?上一次他行动的地方……距离我们现在所处地很远。再加上其神出鬼没,我们丐帮也很难寻觅到他的踪迹。” Qiao Feng looking pensive. It seems like, the two world has fused to complete......, but, what method then must use, can in find Chu Liuxiang most in a short time? 乔峰若有所思。看起来,两个世界已经融合完成了……但是,接下来要用什么方法,才能够在最短时间内找到楚留香呢? Has not waited for him to find out the plan, during was void to swing mighty waves suddenly. One of Su Han’s figure from void step takes, but behind him is standing Dongfang Bai. 还没有等他想出方案,虚空之中突然荡起了道道波澜。苏寒的身影自虚空之中一步迈出,而他背后则站着东方白 What person?” “什么人?” Daring the place of my Beggars' Sect is dissolute!” “胆敢来我丐帮之地放肆!” For a long time has not seen the so bold person.” “好久没看到这般胆大包天之人了。” The Beggars' Sect many elders all stuck out suddenly, passed through the apricot forest event, they achieved the pinnacle regarding the awe of Qiao Feng. Therefore saw some people dare to submerge, even also appeared before the Qiao Feng body directly, innermost feelings startled and anger. 丐帮众多长老们皆是暴起,经过了杏子林事件,他们对于乔峰的敬畏达到了极致。所以一看到有人胆敢潜入,甚至还直接出现在了乔峰身前,内心又惊又怒。 Does not need to talk too much.” The Qiao Feng sound implication inner strength, is loud and clear and straightforward, these two are my sincerity makes the good friend.” “不必多言。”乔峰声音蕴含内力,洪亮而豪爽,“这两位是我的挚交好友。” In a hand transports/fortunes the Beggars' Sect eight bags of elder bodies of palm strength to live suddenly, later he then saw faint smile Su Han, the pupil expanded suddenly. One of his previous apricot forest event survivors. 一个手中运起掌力的丐帮八袋长老身体豁然顿住,随后他便看到了似笑非笑的苏寒,瞳孔豁然扩大。他正是上一次杏子林事件的幸存者之一。 Front person, with his mind , the person outside apricot forest related gradually. His complexion becomes pallid, the plump sat on the ground, the body trembled- shook. 面前的人,渐渐与他脑海之中,杏子林之外的人联系了起来。他脸色变得煞白,扑通一声坐在了地上,身躯颤-抖。 „...... As for is so afraid me?” Su Han touched own cheeks, is somewhat speechless. “……至于这般害怕我吗?”苏寒摸了摸自己的脸颊,有些无语。 Must be aftermath of previous event.” The Dongfang Bai sound is gentle, she stares at the cheek of Su Han, the words brings to acclaim heartfeltly, pure by the appearance theory, Guild Leader is my entire life realm the generation of peerless grace and talent.” “应当是上一次事件的余波。”东方白声音平缓,她凝视着苏寒的面颊,话语带着由衷赞叹,“单纯以容貌论,会长是我生平境界的风华绝代之辈。” I once heard, in the ancient times had the king beacon-fire play feudal lord...... to only win the beautiful woman smiles. In the past I did not spare a glance......, but, since saw Guild Leader previous time, I then can understand that king, if I were he, perhaps I will also violate muddled facing Guild Leader.” “我曾听闻,古代有君王烽火戏诸侯……只为博得美人一笑。以往我对此不屑一顾……但是自上一次看到会长之后,我便能够理解那位君王了,如果我是他的话,我面对会长恐怕也会犯糊涂。” The Su Han brow beat, speechless is staring at Dongfang Bai. King You of Zhou is male? Your this analogy is inappropriate. 苏寒眉头跳动了一下,无语的盯着东方白。周幽王是男的吧?你这个类比一点也不合适啊。 cough cough,” Qiao Feng coughed gently, the forced smile said, Dongfang-san, please must do not move again- play Guild Leader. Really makes Guild Leader unable to get out, we will not feel better finally.” 咳咳,”乔峰轻轻的咳嗽了一声,苦笑道,“东方小姐,请务必不要再调-戏会长了。真的让会长下不来台,我们最后都不会好过的。” Cracks a joke.” Wears Dongfang Bai of red clothes to smile. “开个玩笑而已。”身穿红衣的东方白嫣然一笑。 Su Han no longer looks at Dongfang Bai simply, he opened the guild live broadcast, later hit a snap, during is void a leaf of gateway slowly condenses the shape. 苏寒索性不再去看东方白,他打开了公会直播,随后打了一个响指,虚空之中一扇门户缓缓的凝聚出形。 Several that fall down the Beggars' Sect expert who the elder holds saw this, the look had the momentous change. 几个将那位瘫倒在地的长老扶起来的丐帮高手看到这一幕,神色发生了巨大变化。 Actually...... is this?” “……这究竟是?” Is the deity method...... you looked simply, inside really did come out unexpectedly a person? This person I knew that...... he seems like, Chu Liuxiang?” “简直就是神仙手段……你们看,里面居然真的出来了一个人?这个人我认识……他好像是,楚留香?” Is that illustrious robber Saint? How can......” “就是那位赫赫有名的盗圣?怎么会……” I remembered previous matter of apricot forest suddenly...... “我突然想起了上一次杏子林发生的事情……难道说。” Some many elder broadminded discolorations, they look at subconsciously that whole body weak Beggars' Sect elder, suddenly realized experience who this elder probably is previous time the apricot forest event. The innermost feelings understood anything. 有很多长老豁然色变,他们下意识看一下那个浑身瘫软的丐帮长老,突然意识到这位长老上一次好像就是杏子林事件的经历者。内心都明白了什么。 They looked again to Su Han Dongfang Bai, in the pupil take wiped to shock and awe. 他们再度看向苏寒东方白,眸子中带上了一抹震撼与敬畏。 Guild Leader, Master Qiao,” Chu Liuxiang smiles is signaling by nodding to two people, later is taking a fast look around Dongfang Bai, says with emotion, Eastern | Dongfang High Priestess is really valiant! Rude son.” 会长,乔帮主,”楚留香微笑着对两人点头示意,随后扫视着东方白,感慨道,“东方教主果然英姿飒爽!不逊男儿。” Dongfang Bai shot a look at Chu Liuxiang one, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 东方白瞥了楚留香一眼,不置可否。 Chu Liuxiang does not care, turns the head to stare at Su Han, that Guild Leader...... our enemy/villain now where?” 楚留香也不在意,转过头来凝视着苏寒,“那么会长……我们的敌人现在又在何方?” He came, but not here.” Su Han makes the ponder slightly, the thought moves, the ceiling presented the Kamar-Taj magic array chart instantaneously. “他来了,只不过不在这里而已。”苏寒稍作思考,念头一动,天花板瞬间出现了卡玛泰姬魔法阵图。 With brushing a resounding, the form dropped from the ceiling together suddenly, pounded loudly on the ground. 伴随着刷的一声脆响,一道身影自天花板豁然的跌落了下来,轰然砸在了地上。 The Qiao Feng corners of the mouth twitch crazily, the complexion is strange, Guild Leader, this is our enemy/villain!” 乔峰嘴角疯狂抽搐,面色诡异,“会长,这就是我们的敌人!” Always feels has a difference that and I imagine?” The Dongfang Bai complexion somewhat is also unusual, the 150,000 accumulated points opponent, she also feels somewhat thornily. Where however thinks, the opening plants to fall the land from the day directly, coolness all loses. “总感觉和我想象的有所差异?”东方白脸色也有些异样,15万积分的对手,她也觉得有些棘手。但是哪里想到,开局直接从天栽落大地,逼格全失。 At least the Dongfang Bai under foot treads suddenly spatially, she can also stand firm the figure by the powerful lightness art attainments. 至少东方白脚下突然踏空,她也能凭借强大的轻功造诣稳住身形。 white jade hall lies on the ground, he responded quickly had anything, complexion a while azure a while purple, squeezed out the two character from the gap between teeth, bastard!” 白玉堂趴在地上,他很快就反应过来发生了什么,脸色一会儿青一会儿紫,从牙缝里挤出了两个字,“混账!” Broadminded eruption of terrifying inner strength in his body, this Beggars' Sect great hall loudly collapsing. 恐怖的内力在他躯体之中豁然爆发而出,这座丐帮大堂轰然的被震塌了。 The Qiao Feng facial features are serious, before turning over/standing up arrived at numerous elder bodies, within the body inner strength erupts, loudly shock collision with coming, this has not made many Beggars' Sect elders die a violent death. 乔峰面容严肃,翻身来到了众多长老身前,体内内力爆发,轰然与迎面而来的冲击波碰撞,这才没有使诸多丐帮长老暴毙。 You draw back!” The Qiao Feng sound is low and deep. “你们都退下!”乔峰声音低沉雄厚。 Many Beggars' Sect elders also realized at this moment had anything, the look is ugly, to Qiao Feng good a ritual, later drew back. 诸多丐帮长老们此刻也意识到发生了什么,神色难看,对着乔峰行了一礼,随后退了出去。 white jade hall complexion is gloomy, when his vision has swept the people, the look changed immediately, Qiao Feng, Chu Liuxiang...... also has this! Wears female version Eastern | Dongfang High Priestess of red clothes? How can?” 白玉堂面色阴沉,不过当他的目光扫过了现场众人,神色顿时发生了变化,“乔峰,楚留香……还有这个!身穿红衣的女版东方教主?怎么会?” white jade hall mind vibrates. These three people are completely the different world, why will gather together? This world outcome what's the matter? 白玉堂心神震动。这三个人全部都是不同世界的,为什么会汇聚一堂?这个世界究竟是怎么回事? That,” Dongfang Bai palm gently has delimited void, silver-white thin needles put out from the guild warehouse by her, please grant instruction...... robs the Saint.” “那么,”东方白手掌轻轻的划过虚空,一根根银白色的细针被她从公会仓库之中拿出,“请赐教……盗圣。” The innumerable thin needles inserted to white jade hall loudly. The speed was too fast, hides not to be possible to hide. 无数的细针轰然向白玉堂插了过去。速度太快了,躲无可躲。 white jade hall grips the tight fist, his body inflated suddenly, the muscle is emitting the metallic luster, in thin needles grip above his muscle, sent out one of the metal collisions, was shot to fly baseless. 白玉堂攥紧拳头,他的身躯豁然的膨胀了开来,肌肉散发着金属光泽,在一根根细针扎在他的肌肉之上,发出了金属碰撞之一,凭空被弹飞了开来。 The next breath, Dongfang Bai is close at hand, she made One Punch superficially. 下一个呼吸,东方白近在眼前,她轻描淡写的打出了一拳 Tai Chi | Primal Chaos. Yin transferred just! 太极.极阴转刚! Abdomen of white jade hall deep fell, his eye pupil opens, in the mouth coughed a blood, the body such as the shell turned toward the distant place to speed away to go generally, broke by smashing with stone a great mountain loudly. 白玉堂的腹部深深的陷了下去,他眼眸睁大,口中咳出了一口鲜血,身体如炮弹一般向着远方疾驰而去,将一座巨山给轰然砸断。 The mountain is collapsing, this scene extremely in grand, the mud-rock flow fires into all directions. 山岳在崩溃,这种场景太过于壮阔,泥石流冲向四面八方。 Interesting.” The Dongfang Bai corners of the mouth hold the smile, her clear detection, white jade hall has not only declined in the life aura of distant place, now instead starts flaming to burn, immediately a foot steps on gently. “有趣。”东方白嘴角噙着笑容,她清晰的察觉到,白玉堂在远方的生命气息不仅没有丝毫衰退,现在反而开始熊熊燃烧起来,当即一脚轻轻踩下。 The terrifying inner strength changes into a great foot on the vault of heaven, steps on loudly. The land is vibrating, that cracking mountain range thorough was stepped on collapses. 恐怖内力在天穹上化为一只巨脚,轰然踩下。大地在震动,那座崩裂的山脉彻底的被踩塌了。
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