SDG :: Volume #21

#2028: Killed the mentality of day of person to explode

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Su Xiaoxiao: Said a hammer. Big Mom is weak, do not argue.” 苏小小:“说个锤子。bigmom就是弱,不要辩解了。” Su Han eye rolled, loses recalled the strength ratio that later Charlotte Linlin shows loses recalled before , must be more powerful. Do this you dare to believe? This also washes a hammer. 苏寒翻了个白眼,失忆以后的夏洛特玲玲展现出来的战力比失忆前还要更加强大。这你敢信?这还洗个锤子。 Su Xiaoxiao: Moreover said one, Saiki Kusuo has the sure-kill Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) method......” 苏小小:“另外说一句,齐木楠雄不是没有绝杀天道的手段……” Su Xiaoxiao: The world collapse that theoretically, he used before strikes, can kill Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) directly. After all this is can destroy the entire six methods.” 苏小小:“理论上,他之前使用的世界崩溃一击,就能够直接击毙天道。毕竟这是能够毁灭整个六界的手段。” Kotonoha Katsura: Then the Guild Leader's meaning is?” 桂言叶:“那么会长的意思是?” Some Kotonoha Katsura this moment dumbfounded. Since can easily solve enemy/villain, why fights now had not finished? 桂言叶此刻有些懵逼了。既然能够轻易解决敌人,为什么现在战斗还没有结束? Su Xiaoxiao: But the key question is, Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) now and daybreak common people link.” 苏小小:“但关键问题是,天道现在与黎明苍生连接在一起。” Su Han instigated shrugging , to continue to speak. 苏寒怂了耸肩,继续发言。 Su Xiaoxiao: He can definitely tie up itself forcefully and relation between world common people, if Saiki Kusuo really must kill him, then must daybreak the common people kill together with the world together.” 苏小小:“他完全可以强行捆绑自己和天下苍生之间的联系,如果齐木楠雄真的要杀死他的话,那么就要连同天下黎明苍生一同杀死。” Su Xiaoxiao: Therefore...... Saiki Kusuo is cutting Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) and world common people's relations now slowly. When this matter completed, begins to deliver Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) starting off again!” 苏小小:“所以……齐木楠雄现在在慢慢切割天道与天下苍生的关系。等到这件事完成了,再动手送天道上路!” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: So that's how it is.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“原来如此。” Goko Ruri is suddenly enlighted. 五更琉璃恍然大悟。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: No wonder I always felt the attack that a moment ago Saiki Kusuo displays is strange, always timid and hesitant feelings.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“难怪我刚才总觉得齐木楠雄施展的攻击怪怪的,总有一种束手束脚的感觉。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Therefore , now body of Saiki Kusuo unceasing division Deva Path (Heavenly Dao). To not prevent resurrecting of Deva Path (Heavenly Dao), but is cutting it and this world the relation of?” 托尼不是首富:“所以说,现在齐木楠雄不断的分割天道的躯体。不是为了防止天道的复活,而是在切割它与这片天地的联系吗?” Tony Stark nod of looking pensive, felt that all can explain. 托尼斯塔克若有所思的点了点头,感觉一切都可以解释了。 Madoka Daigo: „Isn't this very normal matter? So-called resurrecting, actually has resurrecting of limit.” 圆大古:“这不是很正常的事吗?所谓的复活,其实都是有限制的复活。” Madoka Daigo: undying like Majin Buu,...... each cell destroyed cleanness in body under an attack of round of Spirit Bomb. Again how undying how?” 圆大古:“不死如同魔人布欧,在一发元气弹的攻击之下……身体之中的每一个细胞都被毁灭的干干净净。再怎样不死又如何?” Accelerator: Me has killed was similar.” 一方通行:“我这边已经杀的差不多了。” Accelerator: alone this solitary one big god. I bumped into your wife child above the space and time river while convenient, do your one group of allies...... I put Real World your relatives and friends now completely?” 一方通行:“@独孤大神。我顺便在时空长河之上碰到了你的老婆孩子,还有你的一堆战友……我现在是不是把你的这些亲朋好友全部都放到现实世界?” Alone this solitary one big god: „!!” 独孤大神:“!!” The alone this solitary one big god after the short silence, looks Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) that front was suppressed completely, nods. 独孤大神在短暂的沉默之后,看着面前被完全压制住的天道,点了点头。 Alone this solitary one big god: That troubled you.” 独孤大神:“那就麻烦你了。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Actually I curious...... that group of people in space and time river saw Accelerator, is actually what kind of feeling?” 高坂京介:“其实我蛮好奇……时空长河上的那一堆人看到了一方通行,究竟是怎样的感受?” Sakata Gintoki: What does this have? In any case their unable to defeat Accelerator. Accelerator puts in an appearance, can without hurting under their, easily suppresses them.” 坂田银时:“这有什么?反正他们打不过一方通行一方通行一个照面,就能在不伤害他们的情况之下,把他们轻易镇压。” Yukinoshita Yukino: „......” 雪之下雪乃:“……” Accelerator: How...... you know what I use is this method?” 一方通行:“……你怎么知道我使用的是这种方法?” Gudako: Was too real.” 咕哒子:“太真实了。” Sirzechs: Suddenly I actually had nothing to say in reply.” 萨泽克斯:“一时间我竟然无言以对。” Accelerator: @Saiki Kusuo. On the other hand, your side solution how?” 一方通行:“@齐木楠雄。话说回来,你那边解决的怎么样?” The Accelerator corners of the mouth outlined to wipe the strange curve. 一方通行嘴角勾勒起了一抹古怪的弧度。 Accelerator: enemy/villain that me must kill, may probably be much more than you. Said, wants me to go to the Heaven summit finally- does peak help your helping hand?” 一方通行:“我这边要杀的敌人,可比你要多得多。还是说,要我最后前往九重天巅-峰助你一臂之力?” Saiki Kusuo: „......” 齐木楠雄:“……” Kurosaki Ichigo: Accelerator...... Saiki Kusuo is slower than your side, is mainly because must cut relations between Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) and world. What does this have to be good to urge?” 黑崎一护:“一方通行……齐木楠雄之所以比你那边慢一些,主要是因为要切割天道与天地之间的关系。这有什么好催促的?” Kurosaki Ichigo started is Saiki Kusuo defends against injustice. 黑崎一护开始为齐木楠雄打抱不平了。 Accelerator: Why can do this pointless matter?” 一方通行:“为何要干这种没有意义的事?” The Accelerator brow wrinkled. 一方通行眉头皱了起来。 Accelerator: Kills Deva Path (Heavenly Dao)...... to collapse as for the world directly, when the time comes reverses the space and time is, in any case all innocent lives that therefore died, will resurrect.” 一方通行:“直接杀死天道……至于天地崩溃,到时候逆转时空就是,反正一切因此死去的无辜生命,都会复活。” The death, Accelerator in many that too own world experienced. After all Haruhi Suzumiya does a big matter once for a while......, but fortunately, the Magic God mighty force can reverse all eventually...... 死亡而已,一方通行在自己世界经历的太多。毕竟凉宫春日时不时就搞出个大事情……但所幸的是,魔神伟力终究能够逆转一切…… Kōsaka Kirino: „????” 高坂桐乃:“????” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... Your this.” 高坂京介:“……你这。” Although cannot say that the Accelerator words are wrong, but the Accelerator attitude, indeed is to make person some not quite comfortable. 虽然不能说一方通行的话是错的,但一方通行的态度,的确是让人有些不太舒服。 Saiki Kusuo: This topic did not need to discuss...... I have solved was similar.” 齐木楠雄:“这个话题不用讨论了……我已经解决的差不多了。” Saiki Kusuo interrupted exchange of both sides directly. He deeply inspires, the look becomes ice-cold withers. 齐木楠雄直接打断了双方的交流。他深吸了一口气,神色变得冰冷而肃杀。 After relation of complete division world and Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) . Numerous of Saiki Kusuo clone to display the sure-kill again. 完全分割天地与天道的联系之后。齐木楠雄的众多分身再一次施展出了绝杀。 This time, Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) crashes under. 这一次,天道坠落而下。 Vast six, there is a blood rain to crash under. 浩瀚六界之中,有血雨坠落而下。 Alone this solitary one Daesin-myun wooden staring this, he is not knowing oneself at this moment are joyful also or is disconsolate. Does not know many eras, the efforts of many years...... in today's so towering completion. 独孤大神面无表情的凝视着这一幕,他已经不知道自己此刻是欣喜亦或者是惆怅。不知多少纪元,多少岁月的努力……就在今日如此突兀的完成了。 After being shortly silent, he closed the guild live broadcast. 短暂沉默后,他关闭了公会直播。 Kotonoha Katsura: Terrifying in this way.” 桂言叶:“恐怖如斯。” Ten thousand years later I resurrected: „......” 万年后我复活了:“……” Ten thousand years later I resurrected: Waited a bit the moment, Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) dies...... said I don't need to defer to the original route to walk again?” 万年后我复活了:“稍等片刻,天道死了……是不是说我不需要再按照原先的路线走下去了?” Chen cedar look delay. 辰楠神色呆滞。 He remembered all ally family members dead originally completely, only then oneself living the pitiful route...... feels today's matter immediately, some Mew. 他想起了原先所有战友亲人全部都死去,只有自己一个人活着的悲惨路线……顿时感到今日的事,有些梦幻了。 Izumi Sagiri: „...... Does not want your dead relatives and friends, haven't you been glad?” 和泉纱雾:“……不要你死亲朋好友,你还不乐意?” The Izumi Sagiri brow flash set upright. 和泉纱雾眉头一瞬间就竖了起来。 Ten thousand years later I resurrected: „...... I am not this meaning.” 万年后我复活了:“不……我不是这个意思。” Alone this solitary one big god: I can understand his feeling......, because I also feel feeling of another era at this moment.” 独孤大神:“我能够理解他的感受……因为我此刻也感到恍若隔世。” Alone this solitary one big god spooky sighing of. 独孤大神幽幽的叹了一口气。 Accelerator: This mission reward is good.” 一方通行:“这一次任务奖励还是不错的。” Ernesti: „!!” 艾尔涅斯帝:“!!” Haruhi Suzumiya: Right...... their these also had side mission time.” 凉宫春日:“对了……他们这一次还有支线任务。” Haruhi Suzumiya remembered this matter suddenly. 凉宫春日突然想起了这件事。 Kotori Minami: Convenience disclosed that this time mission reward information?” 南小鸟:“方便透露一下,这一次的任务奖励信息吗?” Accelerator: Hehe.” 一方通行:“呵呵。” Natsume: „......” 夏目:“……” Chu Zihang: „......” 楚子航:“……” Tony Is Not the Richest: I special......” 托尼不是首富:“我特么……” If did not consider that own unable to defeat Accelerator, Tony Stark has opened spurts. 如果不是考虑到自己打不过一方通行,托尼斯塔克已经开喷了。 Madoka Daigo: „Can this matter, directly ask Guild Leader?” 圆大古:“这种事情,可以直接问会长吧?” Su Xiaoxiao: Me indeed knows their mission information...... but preferably, they disclosed.( Manual funny .jpg)” 苏小小:“我这边的确知道他们的任务信息……但最好,还是他们自己透露出来。(手动滑稽.jpg)” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Terrifying in this way!” 高坂京介:“恐怖如斯!” Saiki Kusuo: Nothing cannot say.” 齐木楠雄:“没什么不能说的。” The Saiki Kusuo whole face is speechless, does not know how to appraise Accelerator this irritable character. Finally the deep sigh one breath , to continue to speak in guild. 齐木楠雄满脸无言,已经不知道怎么评价一方通行这个别扭的性格。最后长叹一口气,在工会里继续发言。 Saiki Kusuo: 3 50,000 accumulated points, give extra limitless big lottery time. So is simple!” 齐木楠雄:“三5万点积分,外带一次无限制抽奖。就这么简单!” Old Man is the Marquis: This...... simple?” 老夫是侯爵:“这……简单吗?” Sakata Gintoki: This mission reward was very rich!” 坂田银时:“这任务奖励很丰厚了啊!” Kurosaki Ichigo: „Very normal, but their opponents Deva Path (Heavenly Dao). This time second class summit- can't the big shot of peak complete in the past perfectly, what issue obtains the mission reward of this rank also to have?” 黑崎一护:“很正常啊,他们的对手可是天道啊。这一次就连第二阶级巅-峰的大佬过去都不一定能够完美完成,获得这种级别的任务奖励又有什么问题?” Aisaka Taiga: fair and reasonable.” 逢坂大河:“合情合理。” Hatsune Miku: Suddenly I actually had nothing to say in reply .jpg 初音未来:“一时间我竟然无言以对.jpg”
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