SDG :: Volume #21

#2027: Sakata Gintoki: Your such acting cool, has asked the opinion of my Suzuki Yuri child Onee-san „your fellow.” Saiki Kusuo spooky sighing.

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But the Saiki Kusuo innermost feelings are clear, Accelerator was cares about him not to like killing- united, will therefore kill day many work to shoulder. Goes far beyond other as for the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) degree of hazard...... 齐木楠雄内心清楚,一方通行是顾及到了他不喜欢杀-戮,所以才将杀天最多的工作扛了下来。至于天道的危险程度远远超过其他…… Regarding their existences, Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) also such. 对于他们这种存在来说,天道也就那样。 Then we are?” The alone this solitary one big god starts to speak but hesitates. “那么我们接下来是?”独孤大神欲言又止。 Kills directly well.” The Saiki Kusuo look restores lonely, his thought moves, both environment changes, appears above Heaven error instantaneously. “直接杀过去就好。”齐木楠雄神色恢复冷清,他念头一动,两者身旁的环境为之变更,瞬间出现在九重天阙之上。 The terrifying murderous intention crashes from the vault of heaven, nearly makes the air solidify. 恐怖的杀机从天穹之上坠落,近乎让空气都为之凝固。 Alone this solitary one...... you also dare to appear before me unexpectedly. Really does not know that should say you to be brave, should say that you court death.” The sound that mood has not fluctuated a slightly resounds. “独孤……你居然还敢出现在我面前。真不知道该说你胆大,还是该说你找死。”一个没有丝毫情绪波动的声音响起。 Above the vault of heaven presented a round of eye, in this round of eye has corruptly- avaricious, has the thinking, has to dread, but careful taste, as if what mood does not have. 天穹之上出现了一轮眼睛,这轮眼睛中有着贪-婪,有着思索,也有着忌惮,但细细品味,又似乎什么情绪都没有。 If a pure alone this solitary one big god person appears before his body, Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) very joyful. Because of this on behalf, him can remove alone this solitary one big god hard to deal with fellow...... 如果单纯只是独孤大神一个人出现在他身前,天道会十分的欣喜。因为这代表,他可以除掉独孤大神这个难缠的家伙…… However, he just suffered a loss that side Accelerator, this made him be vigilant in a flash. Even thought that the appearance of alone this solitary one big god is a trap...... the attitude is discrete. 但是,他刚刚在一方通行那边吃了个大亏,这让他一瞬间警惕了起来。甚至觉得独孤大神的出现是个陷阱……态度谨慎。 „When Deva Path (Heavenly Dao), today is all ends.” 天道,今日是一切终结之时了。” Alone this solitary one Daesin-myun wooden is staring at Deva Path (Heavenly Dao). Since has lifted the chessgame, then he will not regret, or ponders what more perfect plan. 独孤大神面无表情的盯着天道。既然已经掀开了棋局,那么他也不会去后悔,或者是思考什么更加完善的谋划。 After all, the alone this solitary one big god is not only only a wise man, he is cultivation base increases to summit- the peak powerhouse of peak. Can arrive this step, he also hits. 毕竟,独孤大神不仅仅只是一名智者,他还是一名修为攀升至巅-峰的顶级强者。能够走到这一步,他也是打上来的。 Idle talk do so many do?” Saiki Kusuo lifts the palm suddenly, terrifying psychokinesis erupts instantaneously, opened Small World of side another side in void. “废话那么多干什么?”齐木楠雄豁然抬起手掌,恐怖的念动力瞬间爆发而出,在虚空之中生生开辟出了一方又一方的小世界 As soon as he grasps these Small World, pounded in the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) direction them. 他一把握住这些小世界,将它们向着天道的方向砸了过去。 Small World is collapsing, strength of the world destruction, loudly impact above the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) body. Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) is shivering, above has the blood to crash, he sent out sharp sounding, suffered the heavy losses. 小世界在崩溃,世界毁灭的力道,轰然冲击在了天道的身躯之上。天道在颤动,其上有鲜血坠落而下,他发出了尖锐的鸣叫,受到了重创。 Pure theory strength, I in guild first class, am not peak.” Saiki Kusuo opens the mouth in a soft voice, body and spirit, I am inferior in Saitama, by the unusual strength, I with Accelerator...... I in view of the same level sure-kill, you have not even known why inferior every so often such I can step into guild first class?” “单纯论战力,我在公会的第一阶级之中,算不上顶级。”齐木楠雄轻声开口,“论体魄,我逊色于琦玉,论超凡之力,我逊色与一方通行……甚至很多时候我没有针对同级的绝杀,你知道这样子的我为何能够踏入公会第一阶级吗?” The alone this solitary one big god looks at front this, the look a little straightens. After he is shortly silent, shakes the head. 独孤大神看着面前这一幕,眼神有点发直。他短暂沉默之后,摇了摇头。 Because, my supernatural power were too many......” Saiki Kusuo‘s voice to be gentle, in the same level powerhouse, I lacked the method that struck to win. However, each same level powerhouse, I have the restraint or to tie their methods!” “因为,我的超能力太多了……”齐木楠雄声音平和,“在同级强者之中,我缺乏一击必胜的手段。但是,每一个同级强者,我都有克制或者说打平他们的方法!” He used the clone technique, innumerable Saiki Kusuo melt obviously in void, they unemotional start condenses energy in the body and spirit, later...... released it loudly. 他动用了分身术,无数个齐木楠雄显化在虚空之中,他们都面无表情的开始凝聚自己体魄之中的能量,随后……将其轰然地释放了出去。 Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) that originally has started to reply withstands this to strike, again disintegration. 本来已经开始回复的天道承受这一击,再度崩碎了开来。 As for the Saiki Kusuo main body, then full power displayed supernatural power, started to divide at this moment torn to pieces Deva Path (Heavenly Dao). 至于齐木楠雄的本体,则全力的施展出了超能力,开始分割此刻支离破碎的天道 In the guild chatroom blasted out the pot. 公会聊天室里面炸开了锅。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: 666 six, this wave of really can.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“六六六六,这一波真的可以。” Tony Is Not the Richest: Saiki Kusuo: Same level, I possibly am weakest. However others not necessarily are victorious I!( Manual funny .jpg)” 托尼不是首富:“齐木楠雄:同级之中,我可能是最弱的。但是其他人都不一定打得过我!(手动滑稽.jpg)” Madoka Daigo: „...... I remembered A Certain Magical Index suddenly, hangs dozen of strongest weakly?” 圆大古:“……我突然想起了魔法禁书目录,最弱吊打最强吗?” Kōsaka Kyosuke: You said, my big brother Accelerator is not glad.” 高坂京介:“你这么说,我一方通行大哥就不乐意了。” Sakata Gintoki: Perhaps is Accelerator Onee-san?” 坂田银时:“说不定是一方通行姐姐呢?” Accelerator: „......” 一方通行:“……” Accelerator: Sakata Gintoki, you want dead is right?” 一方通行:“坂田银时,你想死对不对?” On the Accelerator face took wiped killing intent. 一方通行脸上带上了一抹杀意 Sakata Gintoki: Suzuki Yuri child Onee-san, sorry! I forgot the scene to have the rookie. I later will not expose your secret......” 坂田银时:“铃木百合姐姐,对不起!我忘了现场有新人在了。我以后再也不会暴露你的这个秘密了……” Kikyo: „......” 桔梗:“……” Gudako: „!!” 咕哒子:“!!” Ten thousand years later I resurrected: Elder sister...... elder sister?” 万年后我复活了:“姐……姐?” Chen cedar held breath cold air. He is sizing up Accelerator in picture repeatedly, has not looked obstinately...... 辰楠倒吸了一口凉气。他反复打量着画面中的一方通行,愣是没有看出来…… Su Xiaoxiao: This operation, show my scalp tingles.” 苏小小:“这个操作,秀得我头皮发麻。” Accelerator: „After I went back, asks you to do accounts again.” 一方通行:“等我回去之后,再找你算账。” In the heart the violent anger Accelerator back wing changed into the chopper, cuts to fall suddenly under. 心中暴怒的一方通行背后的羽翼化为了斩刀,豁然斩落而下。 He to oneself chopper, blessing must die as well as must principle concept. Under the control of Magic God power, all powerhouses of front primal chaos tribe, bang, exploded everywhere blood fog completely. Has not revolted against the ability. 他给自己的这一记斩刀,加持了必死以及必中的法则概念。在魔神权力的支配下,面前这一个混沌部落的所有强者,全部都轰的一声,炸成了漫天血雾。没有丝毫反抗能力。 Accelerator palm gently grasps, cancelled their soul from the root directly. Naturally, as the day kin race, even if died thoroughly, their source marks still inscribed in the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) body, with the lapse of time, can resurrect again. 一方通行手掌轻轻的一抓,直接从根源上抹去了他们的灵魂。当然,身为天的眷属种族,即便死透了,他们的本源印记也铭刻在天道的身躯之中,随着时间的推移,可以再度复活。 However, this is not Accelerator this/should consideration. Because he believes after Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) this war, is impossible to live. 但是,这不是一方通行该考虑。因为他相信天道此战之后不可能活下来。 Then is, which lucky fellow?” Accelerator induces full power, the corners of the mouth outlined to wipe fierce smiling, right, felt......” “接下来是,哪个幸运的家伙?”一方通行全力感应,嘴角勾勒起了一抹狰狞的笑,“对了,感受到了……” Next is that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator in time river?” Accelerator sneers, one step steps forward, enters in the time river directly. “下一个是时间长河上的那个幕后黑手吗?”一方通行冷笑一声,一步跨出,直接杀入时间长河之中。 Sakata Gintoki: „......” 坂田银时:“……” Izumi Sagiri: I want to interview Sakata Gintoki-san, you see Accelerator to show so terrifying murdering method. In isn't flustered?” 和泉纱雾:“我想采访一下坂田银时先生,您看到一方通行展现出如此恐怖的杀伐手段。内心慌不慌?” Sakata Gintoki: „!!” 坂田银时:“!!” Doctor Romani: In surface steady like old dog, in fact a nervous piece.” 罗曼医生:“表面上稳如老狗,实际上慌的一片。” Ernesti: No, in his surface has flustered.” 艾尔涅斯帝:“不,他表面上已经慌了。” Sakata Gintoki: I hold Guild Leader's now in a big way- leg, but also with enough time?” 坂田银时:“我现在去抱会长的大-腿,还来得及吗?” Su Xiaoxiao: I was in the seclusion moment recently, solves all private to chat, declines the request help.” 苏小小:“我最近正处于闭关关头,解决一切私聊,谢绝请求帮助。” Sakata Gintoki: „????” 坂田银时:“????” Your family seclusion, but also froths over in guild, watches the live broadcast? 你家闭关,还在公会里面冒泡,看直播呢? Sakata Gintoki feels in a trough stuck at throat, does not know how to spit is good. 坂田银时感觉一口槽卡在喉咙之中,不知道怎么吐才好。 Hatsune Miku: Actually I always find it strange.” 初音未来:“其实我总觉得怪怪的。” The Hatsune Miku brow locks closely, hesitant a moment later, this cautious sends out the inquiry in guild. 初音未来眉头锁得紧紧的,犹豫片刻之后,这才小心翼翼的在公会里发出询问。 Hatsune Miku: Saiki Kusuo really and Accelerator hits, is very difficult in the visual experience why decides the victory and defeat...... Saiki Kusuo to begin, always felt and Accelerator misses?” 初音未来:“齐木楠雄真的和一方通行打起来,很难分出胜负……为什么齐木楠雄动手的视觉体验上,总感觉和一方通行差了很多?” Kotonoha Katsura: This is actually very good to explain that...... with is Four Emperors, Four Emperors Big Mom Big Mom and Four Emperors hundred beast Kaido should be the same ranks theoretically? The strength why hundred beast Kaido dragons show, compared with many that Big Mom does strive to excel?” 桂言叶:“这个其实很好解释……同为四皇,四皇大妈bigmom四皇百兽凯多理论上应该是同一级别的吧?为什么百兽凯多化龙展现出来的战力,就比bigmom要强的多?” Izumi Sagiri: Because...... Charlotte Linlin does pour water are too many?” 和泉纱雾:“因为……夏洛特玲玲注水太多?” Izumi Sagiri cautious reply. 和泉纱雾小心翼翼的回答。 Kotonoha Katsura: „!!” 桂言叶:“!!” Doctor Romani: „...... Should not say that their strength essence is a rank, but displays in the external range, not Taichi type.” 罗曼医生:“不……应该说他们战力本质是一个级别,只不过表现在外在的范围,不太一样。”
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