SDG :: Volume #21

#2026: Deva Path (Heavenly Dao), your time of death has arrived

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Alone this solitary one big god: „!!” 独孤大神:“!!” Alone this solitary one big god: „...... Hits a sound to refer to?” 独孤大神:“……打个响指?” Alone this solitary one big god ignorant, cannot respond. 独孤大神懵了一下,没能反应过来。 Tony Is Not the Richest: Perhaps Guild Leader this whole life is unable to get rid of the sound to refer to the stem.( Does not know whether to laugh or cry .jpg)” 托尼不是首富:“会长这辈子恐怕都无法摆脱响指梗了。(哭笑不得.jpg)” Su Xiaoxiao: „...... You sufficed. Actually even I do not participate! In guild has many people able to add on alone this solitary one busy.” 苏小小:“……你们够了。其实就算我不参与!工会里面有很多人能够帮上独孤的忙。” Su Xiaoxiao: Existence of first class, best or looks like Saiki Kusuo, Aizen, the fellow who Accelerator this type can display the unsurpassed power......” 苏小小:“第一阶级的存在,最好还是像齐木楠雄,蓝染,一方通行这种能够施展无上权能的家伙……” Su Xiaoxiao: Their strengths true unmatched. Spoke the sentence very coarse words, even if the world were beaten, they can still rely on oneself strength to reverse the space and time forcefully!” 苏小小:“他们的力量已经真正无敌了。说句非常难听的话,就算世界被打烂了,他们也能够凭借自己的力量强行逆转时空!” Madoka Daigo: I summarize the Guild Leader's meaning.” 圆大古:“我来总结一下会长的意思。” Madoka Daigo: I was very recently busy, am disinclined to move...... you to find the person to fight, ask others to go.” 圆大古:“我最近很忙,懒得动弹……你们要找人打架,找别人去。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Was too real.” 高坂京介:“太真实了。” Sakata Gintoki: Cannot blame the Guild Leader rejection...... you to say fights! Does not give the reimbursement the travel expense. This who can withstand?( Funny .jpg)” 坂田银时:“不能怪会长拒绝……你们说打架!连路费都不给报销。这谁顶得住?(滑稽.jpg)” Yukinoshita Yukino: Yes, if the Nakiri Erina Liu Mao Xing world, in the past fought, good food...... what, but did the grave of the world god have? What does not have.” 雪之下雪乃:“是的,如果是薙切绘里奈刘昴星的世界,过去打一场架,还有美食……但是神之墓世界有什么?什么都没有。” Aisaka Taiga: Deva Path (Heavenly Dao): Ten thousand have not thought that I unexpectedly because our world does not have the good food, but lives on dishonorably reluctantly.” 逢坂大河:“天道:万没有想到,我居然会因为我们这个世界没有美食,而勉强苟活下来。” Gudako: His dog lives a hammer. The first class big shot in the past, can give hit to explode it.” 咕哒子:“他狗活个锤子。第一阶级大佬过去,就能把它给锤爆了。” Hatsune Miku: Did not have the means...... that realm to make an exception.” 初音未来:“没有办法……那个境界太破格了。” Hatsune Miku: For example Accelerator! He in the Magic God ability user stage, can remould the universe absolutely at will the principle......, but was to develop Magic God now with absolutely the ability user two-in-one, the method of sublimation...... was unable to imagine him to be powerful to the utmost.” 初音未来:“例如一方通行!他在魔神绝对能力者的阶段,就能够随意的重塑宇宙的法则……而现在更是开发出了魔神与绝对能力者二合一,极尽升华的手段……已经无法想象他到底多么强大了。” Hatsune Miku: Other guild big shot, have not basically displayed oneself strength...... they to be after all strong enough. Rarely needs them whole-heartedly!” 初音未来:“其他的公会大佬,基本没有展现出自己的力量……毕竟他们已经够强了。很少需要他们全力以赴!” Izumi Sagiri: I am clear regarding a strength of first class powerhouse.” 和泉纱雾:“我对于一个第一阶级强者的力量一清二楚。” Izumi Sagiri: Yes, is Saitama-sensei!( Speaks plausibly .jpg)” 和泉纱雾:“是的,就是琦玉老师!(振振有词.jpg)” Doctor Romani: „!!” 罗曼医生:“!!” Ernesti: „...... This, very easily clear?” 艾尔涅斯帝:“……这个,很容易就一清二楚吧?” Ernesti expression very speechless. 艾尔涅斯帝表情十分的无语。 Haruhi Suzumiya: Yes, isn't his strength One Punch destroys all? Strength again how powerful, essence of his strength is this.” 凉宫春日:“是的,他的力量不就是一拳摧毁一切吗?实力再怎样强大,他力量的本质就是这个啊。” Saiki Kusuo: If needs me to help, can say one momentarily.” 齐木楠雄:“如果需要我帮忙的话,随时都可以说一声。” Accelerator: Hehe...... I am evil club. However! Probably the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) that destroying the world fellow, I cannot get used to seeing very much. Really wants me to hit words him, I do not have the issue momentarily. Even the travel expense can leave by me!” 一方通行:“呵呵……我是一个恶党。不过!像是天道那种毁灭世界的家伙,我很看不惯。真的要我把他打一顿的话,我随时没有问题。甚至路费都可以由我自己出!” Tushan Honghong: „...... To help others obviously, but this irritable character, could not pull.” 涂山红红:“……明明就是想帮助别人,但是这副别扭的性格,怎么也扳不过来了。” Tushan Honghong somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 涂山红红有些哭笑不得。 Natsume: Later period of writing memory duplicate, does not think obviously oneself were evil club...... is given the redemption by Misaka small loli.” 夏目:“明明在文字记忆副本后期,都不认为自己是恶党了……被御坂萝莉给救赎了。” Himura Kenshin: Possibly is because, Last Order in reality is being adopted by Misaka Mikoto now? After all he said before oneself does not have the qualifications to touch Last Order, therefore the character is at this half-dead condition now......” 绯村剑心:“可能是因为,现实之中的最后之作现在被御坂美琴收养着吧?毕竟他之前说了自己没有资格触碰最后之作,所以现在性格还是处于这种半死不活的状态……” Aikawa Ayumu: lolicon discarded loli...... this is how big consciousness! Too moving.” 相川步:“一个萝莉控舍弃了萝莉……这是多么大的觉悟啊!太让人感动了。” Accelerator: „...... Do you want to let my hit to explode your dog head?” 一方通行:“……你是想让我锤爆你的狗头吗?” Accelerator complexion very ice-cold, has the imposing murderous intention. 一方通行的面色十分的冰冷,带着凛然杀机。 Alone this solitary one big god: Thanked your warmth very much.” 独孤大神:“很感谢你们的热心。” The alone this solitary one big god saw the person who the two determination can solve their world problem appeared, the look immediately becomes very complex, his several hesitations. 独孤大神看到了两个确定能够解决他们世界问题的人出现了,神色顿时变得很复杂,他几番犹豫。 Alone this solitary one big god: „What is that travel expense? I as if do not have the travel expense.” 独孤大神:“但是那个路费是何物?我似乎没有路费。” Accelerator: I said that that is unimportant!” 一方通行:“我都说了,那不重要!” Saiki Kusuo: Is important......” 齐木楠雄:“还是蛮重要的……” The Saiki Kusuo character is temperate. He naturally knows, the alone this solitary one big divinity sentiment is frank. Will keep firmly in mind regarding others' kindness in the heart, under giving the situation of his kindness, even does the travel expense want them to leave? The alone this solitary one big god is unable to accept this matter absolutely. 齐木楠雄性格温和。他自然知晓,独孤大神性情直爽。对于别人的恩惠会牢记于心,在给予他恩惠的情况之下,连路费都要他们自己出?独孤大神绝对无法接受这种事情。 At this time paid fee forcefully, the alone this solitary one big god will definitely not bear a grudge them, will also thank them as always...... but the alone this solitary one big god innermost feelings are will be very sad. 这个时候强行交费,独孤大神肯定不会记恨他们,甚至还会一如既往的感激他们……但是独孤大神内心是会很难过的。 After Saiki Kusuo makes the ponder slightly , to continue to speak. 齐木楠雄稍作思考之后,继续发言。 Saiki Kusuo: This...... we first pay this expense for the time being, if we really helped you solve Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) in the past! Then you should be able to obtain accumulated points, by that time returns again and that's the end.” 齐木楠雄:“这样吧……我们暂且先出了这次费用,如果我们过去真的帮你解决了天道!那么你应该就能够获得积分,到那个时候再还上就是了。” Alone this solitary one big god: „...... Like this?” 独孤大神:“……这样子吗?” Accelerator: „Do waste that many words do? Opens the guild channel.” 一方通行:“废那么多话干什么?打开公会通道。” Old Man is the Marquis: „!!” 老夫是侯爵:“!!” Old Man is the Marquis: Old man must pass, obviously the strength of old man also very powerful.” 老夫是侯爵:“老夫也要过去,明明老夫的力量也十分的强大。” Old Marquis is not very convinced. 老侯爵十分的不服气。 Ten thousand years later I resurrected: „......” 万年后我复活了:“……” Kotori Minami: Therefore , Old Marquis, how you really should learn/study to speak well.” 南小鸟:“所以说,老侯爵啊,您真的应该好好学习一下怎么说话了。” Kotori Minami covered own face, does not know that what kind of expression should show. 南小鸟捂住了自己的脸,已经不知道该露出怎样的表情了。 Su Han interested is staring at the guild internal picture. Under the guild member's reminder, the alone this solitary one big god opened the guild live broadcast. 苏寒饶有兴趣的盯着公会内部的画面。在公会成员的提醒之下,独孤大神打开了公会直播。 This is vast primal chaos. 这是一处浩瀚的混沌 Alone this solitary one big god static standing and waiting for a long time in this. But before him, twists void, two forms gradually appears. 独孤大神静静的伫立在此。而在他面前,虚空为之扭曲,两道身影渐渐的浮现出来。 „Is this grave of the world god? A little meaning.” “这就是神之墓世界吗?有点意思。” Accelerator looks all around, he can display the power in this world similarly, therefore the flash induced, controlled the world to exist to Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) of high power. 一方通行环顾四周,他在这个世界同样能够施展出权能,所以一瞬间感应到了,掌控着世界至高权的天道存在。 How can...... your fellow! Actually what's the matter? The words why will have with me nearly was equal to the power that......” Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) does not dare to believe only to say half. “怎么会……你这个家伙!究竟是怎么回事?为什么会拥有与我近乎等同的权……”天道不敢置信的话语只说了一半。 Accelerator is unemotional, a palm racket, Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) exudes one gently immediately stuffily, along with buzz a resounding, this primal chaos nihility is also torn to pieces. 一方通行面无表情,手掌轻轻一拍,顿时天道发出一声闷哼,伴随着嗡的一声脆响,这片混沌虚无也随之支离破碎。 Alone this solitary one Daesin-myun accommodates the delay, he also heard the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) sound, knows that in a moment ago that flash, oneself expose that...... he was ready battled against comprehensively. 独孤大神面容呆滞,他也听到了天道的声音,知道在刚才那一瞬间,自己暴露了……他做好了全面开战的准备。 However what the alone this solitary one big god ten thousand has not thought that Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) meets unexpectedly with the flash that Accelerator encounters, is repulsed completely. 但是独孤大神万没有想到的是,天道居然会在与一方通行交锋的第一瞬间,完全败退。 Even if he is prepared early, front these two should to be stronger than Deva Path (Heavenly Dao)......, but this great strength, rather still went too far. 即便他早有准备,面前这两人应该要比天道强……但是这种强大,未免也太过分了吧。 I solve the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) subordinate, these assorted various days, any primal chaos clan in primal chaos and so on fellow.” “我去解决天道的手下,那些杂七杂八的各种天,还有混沌之中的什么混沌一族之类的家伙。” Accelerator unemotional turning the head, is staring at Saiki Kusuo, as for your words, goes to spell with the Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) blood directly.” 一方通行面无表情的转过头来,盯着齐木楠雄,“至于你的话,就去直接和天道血拼吧。” Has not waited for Saiki Kusuo to answer, the Accelerator back wing delays, strength release of absolute ability user. The pair of wings trembles slightly, void shatter, his form disappears instantaneously invisible. 没有等齐木楠雄回话,一方通行背后的羽翼延展开来,绝对能力者的力量释放而出。双翼微微一颤,虚空破碎,他的身影瞬间消失无形。 He does not even need sublimates absolutely the strength and Magic God strength of integration ability user, only depending on the present normal state, can easy these enemy/villain completely sure-kills. 他甚至不需要将绝对能力者之力与魔神之力统合升华,仅凭现在的常态,就能够轻而易举的将那些敌人全部都绝杀。
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