SDG :: Volume #21

#2029: Sakata Gintoki: Wins promotion and gets rich I to come, to keep off the pot to bring death on you

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Su Xiaoxiao: Right.” 苏小小:“对了。” Su Han thought of a matter suddenly. 苏寒突然想到了一件事情。 Su Xiaoxiao: „After I remember kills Deva Path (Heavenly Dao), will reappear new Deva Path (Heavenly Dao)? Then will have a sky overhead mark......” 苏小小:“我记得杀死天道之后,会重新出现一个新的天道吧?然后还会拥有一个天心印记……” Su Xiaoxiao: Has this mark, can kill the day directly.” 苏小小:“就是有这个印记,就能够直接杀死天。” Ye Hei: Although knows, this with the sky overhead mark not Taichi types of our world......, but the name is the same, sounds always feels strangely.” 叶黑:“虽然知道,这和我们这个世界的天心印记不太一样……但是名字一样,听起来总感觉怪怪的。” Alone this solitary one big god: That is true. Originally the evolution of Deva Path (Heavenly Dao) needs to experience the long years, but a Saiki-san thought picked up his evolved speed, makes him condense the shape instantaneously.” 独孤大神:“的确如此。本来天道的演化需要经历漫长岁月,但是齐木先生一个念头加快了他的演化速度,瞬间让他凝聚出形。” Alone this solitary one big god: Then makes him hand over the sky overhead mark, gave me.” 独孤大神:“然后让他把天心印记交出来,给了我。” The alone this solitary one big god smiles bitterly. The method that Saiki Kusuo shows is extremely terrifying, developed newly his world outlook completely. He knows...... the original strength as strong as certain realm for the first time, but can also achieve this matter? 独孤大神苦笑起来。齐木楠雄展现出来的手段太过恐怖,完全拓新了他的世界观。他第一次知道……原来实力强到一定境界,还能够做到这种事情? This and omnipotent almost did not have the difference...... at least in the alone this solitary one big god eyes, was this. 这和无所不能几乎没有差别了……至少在独孤大神眼中,就是这样。 guild fell into the short peace, later in an uproar. 公会陷入了短暂的安静,随后一片哗然。 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: „????” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“????” Tony Is Not the Richest: In other words, was the plot of Chen cedar inherited by the alone this solitary one big god completely?” 托尼不是首富:“换句话说,原来辰楠的剧情全部都被独孤大神继承了?” The Tony Stark expression is subtle, does not know where this trough should start to spit. 托尼斯塔克表情微妙,不知道这口槽该从哪里开始吐了。 Madoka Daigo: „...... This operation, does not know that made me should say anything.” 圆大古:“……这个操作,已经不知道让我该说些什么了。” Madoka Daigo somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 圆大古有些哭笑不得。 Kōsaka Kyosuke: I want to know now, what idea Chen cedar is?” 高坂京介:“我现在就想知道,辰楠到底是个什么想法?” Kōsaka Kyosuke: Chen cedar, your excellent chance may by the father of your previous generation inheriting.( Manual funny .jpg)” 高坂京介:“辰楠,你的大好机缘可都被你前世的老爹给继承了。(手动滑稽.jpg)” Sakata Gintoki: „...... Your this fellow personality is quite bad. Unexpectedly here sowing dissension others father and son sentiments!” 坂田银时:“哇……你这个家伙性格好恶劣。居然在这里挑拨离间人家的父子感情!” Sakata Gintoki: This matter, please must add on my one.” 坂田银时:“这种事情,请务必加上我一个。” Alone this solitary one big god: „......” 独孤大神:“……” Gudako: Before you go all out seek death...... please must first use own brain, thinks that...... your strength does have alone this solitary one big god?” 咕哒子:“在你们拼命作死之前……请务必先动动自己的脑筋,想一想……你们的实力有没有独孤大神强?” The Gudako whole face is speechless, does not know how should appraise Sakata Gintoki and Kōsaka Kyosuke. 咕哒子满脸无语,已经不知道该怎么评价坂田银时高坂京介了。 Sakata Gintoki: Terrifying in this way.” 坂田银时:“恐怖如斯。” Sakata Gintoki: This matter and my relations do not have, everyone saw a moment ago clearly. Completely is a Kōsaka Kyosuke person of behavior.” 坂田银时:“这件事情和我一点关系都没有,大家刚才都看得清清楚楚的。全部都是高坂京介一人所为。” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „????” 高坂京介:“????” Kōsaka Kyosuke: „...... Your this was also too brutal.” 高坂京介:“哇……你这也太无情了。” Ryugu Rena: „The speed of light flings pot .jpg 龙宫礼奈:“光速甩锅.jpg” Hatsune Miku: Wins promotion and gets rich I to come, to keep off the pot to bring death on you?” 初音未来:“升官发财我来,挡锅送死你上?” Kotonoha Katsura: Was too real.” 桂言叶:“太真实了。” Doctor Romani: Actually cannot say that...... this pot is Kōsaka Kyosuke. Naturally, the Sakata Gintoki moral integrity is indeed worrying......, but hasn't everyone been used to it?” 罗曼医生:“其实也不能这么说……这个锅本来就是高坂京介的。当然,坂田银时的节操的确堪忧……但是大家不都已经习惯了吗?” Izumi Sagiri: Said is also...... Sakata Gintoki seemingly has never had moral integrity type of thing.” 和泉纱雾:“说的也是……坂田银时貌似从来就没有过节操这种东西。” Yukinoshita Yukino: I actually had nothing to say in reply.” 雪之下雪乃:“我竟然无言以对。” Sirzechs: Therefore, what idea my quite curious Chen cedar now is?” 萨泽克斯:“所以,我比较好奇辰楠现在是个什么想法?” Did Sirzechs stroke gently the chin, Chen cedar will not be really sowing dissension? 萨泽克斯摩挲着下巴,辰楠不会真的被挑拨离间了吧? According to Chen cedar character of memory duplicate understanding, must so not be right. 按照记忆副本了解的辰楠性格,应当不会如此才对。 Actually, before Sakata Gintoki and Kōsaka Kyosuke said that also completely based on oneself regarding share of Chen cedar character understanding, what are more is cracking a joke. 其实,之前坂田银时高坂京介那么说,也全部都是基于自己对于辰楠性格了解的份上,更多的是在开玩笑。 Ten thousand years later I resurrected: „......” 万年后我复活了:“……” Ten thousand years later I resurrected: Kills the day the responsibility to unload...... me from me to relax greatly is. Possibly how to be angry?” 万年后我复活了:“杀天的责任从我身上卸下……我大大松了一口气才是。怎么可能会生气?” Chen cedar speechless to smile, the look also somewhat is later disconsolate. 辰楠哑然笑了笑,随后神色又有些惆怅。 Ten thousand years later I resurrected: Then, should I quick be able to see my parents?” 万年后我复活了:“接下来,我应该很快就能够见到我的父亲母亲了吧?” Alone this solitary one big god: Day had been killed, I did not have the reason of hidden.” 独孤大神:“天已经被杀死,我也没有了隐藏的理由。” The alone this solitary one big god makes the ponder slightly, spoke in guild. 独孤大神稍作思考,在公会里发言了。 Alone this solitary one big god: My wait a moment, looks for you, leading you to see your father.” 独孤大神:“我等一下,就去找你,带你去见你的父亲。” Kotonoha Katsura: Fearful.” 桂言叶:“可怕。” Doctor Romani: „Before me , the father of first leads the father who I am seeing my.” 罗曼医生:“我前一世的父亲带着我见我这一世的父亲。” Jackie Chan is Unexpectedly in Archeology: Emmm...... complex of ethics, making me a little dazzling.” 成龙不想考古:“emmm……这其中的伦理之复杂,让我有点眼花缭乱。” Kotori Minami: Actually also good? Isn't the two father?( Conventional operation, sits down .jpg)” 南小鸟:“其实也还好吧?不就是两个爹吗?(常规操作,都坐下.jpg)” Natsume: Suddenly, I actually had nothing to say in reply.” 夏目:“一时间,我竟然无言以对。” Qiao Feng: „!!” 乔峰:“!!” Qiao Feng: @Su Xiaoxiao. Guild Leader-san, since the previous our world present Transmigrator time, I worried disturbedly has not put down...... me to feel, only if our world fuses with other world, otherwise I will not feel relieved.” 乔峰:“@苏小小会长先生,自从上一次我们世界出现穿越者之后,我内心忐忑担忧没有放下……我觉得,除非是我们这个世界与其他世界融合,否则我是不会放心了。” The Qiao Feng spooky deep sigh, his character was doomed he is that chivalrous person who took the world matter as own duty. Thinks own world may destroy anytime, his sleeping and eating cannot settle. 乔峰幽幽长叹,他的性格便注定了他是那种以天下事为己任的豪侠。一想到自己世界随时有可能毁灭,他就寝食不能安。 Su Xiaoxiao: „......” 苏小小:“……” Su Xiaoxiao: Does not need to say directly why such complex...... said you to and that's the end.” 苏小小:“不需要说的这么复杂……直接说你要干什么就是了。” The Su Han corners of the mouth twitch, he indistinct guessed correctly Qiao Feng to say anything. 苏寒嘴角抽搐,他已经隐约的猜出了乔峰想要说些什么。 Qiao Feng: I hope, my world can fuse with the world of others.” 乔峰:“我希望,我的世界能够和其他人的世界相融合。” Himura Kenshin: Conventional operation.” 绯村剑心:“常规操作。” 12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: Demon King-sama: You said directly the world must fuse is...... pulls what enemy of the nation to hate.” 堕天使十二翼黑猫氏:“魔王大人:你直接说世界要融合就是……扯什么国仇家恨。” Father Whitebeard: After all Gurarara, Guild Leader this aspect operates were too many. Now is hearing the matter in what world safety, he said that the own slight mood has not fluctuated.” 白胡子老爹:“咕啦啦啦,毕竟会长这方面操作的太多了。现在在听到什么世界安危方面的事,他表示自己没有丝毫的情绪波动。” Madoka Daigo: After all has saved the too multiple world.” 圆大古:“毕竟拯救过太多次世界了。” On the Madoka Daigo face appeared to wipe the feeling. 圆大古脸上浮现出了一抹感慨。 Su Xiaoxiao: Whose world troubles you to use the simple easy to understand words...... to describe you to with fuse. Whether you have asked the opinion of opposite party.” 苏小小:“麻烦你用简单易懂的话……描述一下你要和谁的世界相融合。你们是否已经询问过对方的意见了。” Qiao Feng: „......” 乔峰:“……” Qiao Feng: I do not know.” 乔峰:“我不知道。” Su Xiaoxiao: „????” 苏小小:“????” The brow of Su Han beat. 苏寒的眉头跳动了起来。 Kikyo: „!!” 桔梗:“!!” Yukinoshita Yukino: „...... Your this was too much.” 雪之下雪乃:“……你这个就有点过分了。” The Yukinoshita Yukino brow wrinkled. 雪之下雪乃眉头皱了起来。 Yukinoshita Yukino: „The world fuses, is own matter. Naturally wants to handle! You so said in guild directly, wants to make Guild Leader give you to arrange?” 雪之下雪乃:“世界融合,是自己的事情。自然要自己操办!你直接在公会里这般说,难道是想让会长给你安排吗?” Qiao Feng: Extremely was sorry......, but, I joined the guild time is still short. Although knows several good friends, but after I have probed,...... discovered that their world, had fused either, or not too suitable to fuse with me. I am also very helpless.” 乔峰:“万分抱歉……但是,我加入公会时间尚短。虽然认识几个不错的朋友,但我试探过之后……发现他们的世界,要么就是已经融合了,要不就是不太适合与我融合。我也很无奈啊。” Aisaka Taiga: I as if can understand his feeling.” 逢坂大河:“我似乎能够理解他的感受。” Fourth Hokage: Was skillful, hears such a few words, I also remembered me initially the trivial matters of the world fusion.” 四代目火影:“巧了,听到这么一段话,我也想起了我当初世界融合的琐事。” Monkey D. Dragon: „......” 蒙奇d多拉格:“……” Monkey D. Dragon: Our world fusions, are not successful?” 蒙奇d多拉格:“我们两人的世界融合,不是水到渠成的吗?” Dragon is unemotional, he does not know that should say anything. 多拉格面无表情,他不知道该说些什么了。 Fourth Hokage: hahaha, probably indeed is like this, do not care about too many details!” 四代目火影:“哈哈哈,好像的确是这样子的,不要在乎太多细节了!” Ernesti: Always felt in my mind the Namikaze Minato sunlight warm male image to collapse.” 艾尔涅斯帝:“总觉得我脑海之中波风水门阳光暖男的形象崩掉了。” Kurosaki Ichigo: Normal! After all powder Czechy...... the golden hair, cutting open actually to be also similar.” 黑崎一护:“正常!毕竟粉切黑……金发的,切开来其实应该也差不多。”
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