STHS :: Volume #8

#748: Red and black

Duran goes out from the black fog, at present in dazzling luminous and air the sacred aura makes him feel that is very uncomfortable, if possible, Duran does not hope personally to lead the army to arrive at the frontline fight, takes the cutting edge specially, even if he and Kelunde relate very well, this requested that he is not willing to comply. But unfortunately, this is not a request, but is an order. But in Kingdom of the Night this high and low level distinct country, the order is higher than all. Even if their status, the strength is similar, who called Kelunde is a commander? Since he is a commander, then has the decision-making power, although Duran is very unsatisfied, but share that also only then the nod complies with. 杜兰从黑雾之中走出,眼前耀眼的光亮和空气之中神圣的气息都让他感到很不舒服,如果可以的话,杜兰是不希望亲自率领部队来到前线战斗的,特别还是作为先锋,哪怕他和柯伦德关系很不错,这个请求他也不愿意答应。但可惜的是,这不是一个请求,而是一个命令。而在夜之国这个上下等级分明的国家,命令高于一切。哪怕他们三个人的地位,实力都差不多,但是谁叫柯伦德才是指挥官呢?既然他是指挥官,那么就拥有决定权,虽然杜兰对此很不满意,但是也只有点头答应的份儿。 damn it! 真是该死 Thinks of here, Duran clenched teeth, thinks these subordinates who lost a moment ago, the originally dark red eye pupil was sparkles at this moment the weak red light, he fell in the ground, looked up around, everywhere was the aura of humble human, this stupidity, weak and feeble-minded race ............ Thinks of here, Duran raised the head, looks at not far away to yell at present loud, holds up the weapon to soldier that oneself clash, coldly laughed. 想到这里,杜兰咬了咬牙,想到刚才自己损失的那些部下,原本暗红的眼眸此刻更是闪耀起了微弱的红光,他落在地面上,抬起头望着自己四周,到处都是低贱的人类的气息,这个愚蠢,软弱又低能的种族…………想到这里,杜兰抬起头来,望着眼前不远处高声大叫着,举起武器向自己冲来的士兵,冷笑一声 Facing this sudden strange man of the black fog, soldiers is one startled, but was quick they to remember own responsibility, immediately since lifts up high the long sword to rush over toward the opposite party. However quick, they discovered before present enemy, meets complete different. 面对这个从黑雾中突然出现的怪异男人,士兵们都是一惊,不过很快他们就想起了自己的职责,立刻高举起长剑向着对方冲了过去。但是很快,他们就发现眼前的敌人与自己之前所遇到的完全不同。 Hah!!” 喝啊!!” Bearing the brunt soldier rushes to the Duran front, shouted angrily is wielding starts the long sword, sharp sword edge from the sky has drawn together the bright silver wire, but by a blackness, seemed covered afterward actually the finger of armor to press firmly between the fingers gently. The strong strength as if iron gate firmly held that sharp sword edge, afterward that veteran discovered panic-stricken, oneself diligently, is unable to bring back the long sword from that iron gate hand in any event. He raised the head, sees only has red light flashed. 首当其冲的士兵冲到杜兰的面前,怒喝着挥下手中的长剑,锋利的剑刃在空中划过一道明亮的银线,但是随后却被一只漆黑,仿佛覆盖着装甲的手指轻轻的捏住了。强劲的力量仿佛铁闸般牢牢的抓住了那锋利的剑刃,随后那个老兵惊恐的发现,自己无论如何努力,都无法从那铁闸般的手中取回长剑。他抬起头来,所看见的只有红光一闪 The finger of Duran jumps gently, as if plays the piano gracefully from the sky has drawn an arc, along with his movement, present soldier as if in ruthlessly flying upside down by invisible great hammer pounding, from the nape of the neck was sprayed, but the blood from the sky has also formed perfect arc ———, but in the next moment, this illusory arc congealed suddenly a entity, free time who is only blinking, then sees the body of that soldier is the rubber ball of air leakage general is likely withered. But that sprays , but blood congealed a blood-color long whip along with the Duran movement, turned toward suddenly peripheral wields, was several soldier of head only felt that a huge impulse threw to oneself, subsequently they even with enough time have not reacted, like this by heavily struck to fly airborne. Afterward crash ground. 杜兰的手指轻轻一跳,仿佛弹钢琴般优雅的在空中划过一道弧线,伴随着他的动作,眼前的士兵仿佛被一只无形的巨锤狠狠的砸中般倒飞开去,从脖颈上喷洒而出的鲜血也在空中形成了一道完美的弧线———而在下一刻,这道本来虚幻的弧线骤然凝结成了一条实体,只是眨眼的工夫,便见那个士兵的身体像是漏气的皮球一般干瘪下来。而那喷洒而出的鲜血而伴随着杜兰的动作凝结成了一条血色长鞭,猛然向着周边一挥,为首的几个士兵只感觉一股巨大的冲击力向自己扑来,随后他们甚至还没有来得及做出反应,就这样被重重的击飞到空中。随后坠落地面。 Snort, humble human.” “哼,低贱的人类。” Duran takes back the finger, gaze that disdains present these enemies, by him as the Legendary Level strength, these weak enemies indeed are not worth themselves extremely attaching great importance, but after passing through that other person can't help but stopped under the footsteps. They look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that should continue to attack forward. 杜兰收回手指,不屑的注视着自己眼前的这些敌人,以他身为传奇等级的实力而言,这些软弱的敌人的确不值得自己太过重视,而在经过了刚才的那一幕之后,其他人都不由自主的停了下脚步。他们面面相觑,不知道是不是应该继续向前进攻。 But at this time, an arrogant sound transmitted. 而就在这个时候,一个傲慢的声音传来。 Makes way! Useless waste!!” “让开!没用的废物!!” With this sound, Duran only sees the jet black arc to explode to shoot from the crowd together suddenly. Straight throws toward oneself, that sweeps across, but the air wave even makes surrounding soldier lean this way and that. But this time, this Vampire Count restrains the expression that in the originally surface has not spared a glance finally, is looking at this attack that if suddenly comes. Duran look dignified leaps backward, at the same time. He extends the right hand, sees only the originally clean pure white right hand in instantaneously jet black, ice-cold hard, looks like as if the sharp thing of scale armor plate covers, on black chain sword that pounding of heavily in that store front comes. 伴随着这个声音,杜兰只看见一道漆黑的弧线骤然从人群中爆射而出。笔直的向着自己扑来,那席卷而起的气浪甚至让周围的士兵都东倒西歪。而这一次,这位吸血鬼伯爵终于收敛起了原本面上不屑一顾的表情,望着这忽如其来的攻击。杜兰神色凝重的向后一跃,与此同时。他伸出右手,只见原本干净洁白的右手在瞬间就被漆黑,冰冷坚硬,看起来仿佛鳞片装甲板的尖锐物所覆盖,重重的砸在那铺面而来的黑色链剑上。 Clang!!” “铛!!” Grating friction sound, Duran figure in a flash, he can feel that transmits continuous formidable strength that from the chain sword blade, as well as completely is not to own principle aura, the opposite party has Legendary Level expert. Has transferred this thought that Duran is in the heart slightly startled, he raises the right hand to wield hurriedly forward, along with the Duran movement, three sharp bright, erupts from the right hand of Vampire Count just like the crescent moon dark blade, flying shoots towards present enemy. Facing the counter-attack of Duran, the opposite party is also the offensive one slow, then hears along with tender shout, was similar to the poisonous snake chain sword takes back suddenly, forms a solid shield to resist in its Master side, will kept off the attack of Duran. 刺耳的摩擦声响,杜兰身形一晃,他可以感觉到从链剑身上传来的源源不断的强大力量,以及一股完全不属给自己的法则气息,对方有传奇等级强者。转过这个念头,杜兰更是心中微惊,他急忙举起右手向前一挥,伴随着杜兰的动作,三道锐利明亮,宛如弯月般的黑暗之刃从吸血鬼伯爵的右手上爆发而出,飞射向眼前的敌人。面对杜兰的反击,对方也是攻势一缓,紧接着便听见伴随着一个娇喝,如同毒蛇般的链剑骤然收回,形成了一道坚实的盾牌抵挡在其主人的身边,堪堪挡下了杜兰的进攻。 But until this time, Duran saw clearly the appearance of opposite party, but after seeing clearly the future, even to come by Vampire Count that was famous calmly, can't help being surprised. 而直到这个时候,杜兰才看清楚对方的模样,而在看清楚来者之后,哪怕是想来以沉着冷静著称的吸血种伯爵,也不由的大吃一惊 Celestina grasps the chain sword, arrogant raising the head, in the bright red double pupil narrows the eyes slightly, from appeared to disdain with the arrogant look. Even if in the battlefield, this Devil eldest young miss still puts on that blackness, luxurious evening dress dress, above clean not being able to see slightly bloodstain and dirt. Celestina at this moment like this contemptuously is gazing at present Vampire, does not conceal own not sparing a glance, if changed others to use this look to gaze at Duran, then he already began to give them one to teach. But facing the present young girl, Duran actually departs from the norm, not only has not gotten angry, even was also vigilant to retreat two steps. Reason that can make this Vampire Count make such action reason also very simple ——— to see only under shining of dazzling holy brilliance, Celestina behind that to bat wing and jet black tall and slender tail already very explicit has demonstrated her status to the people. 塞蕾丝蒂娜手握链剑,高傲的抬起头来,鲜红的双眸中微微眯起,从其中显现出了不屑与傲慢的眼神。哪怕是在战场上,这位魔鬼大小姐依然穿着那身漆黑,豪华的晚礼服裙装,上面干净的看不见丝毫血痕与污渍。此刻的塞蕾丝蒂娜就这样轻蔑的注视着眼前的吸血种,毫不掩饰自己的不屑一顾,如果换了别人用这种眼神注视杜兰,那么他早就动手给他们一个教训了。可是面对眼前的这位少女,杜兰却是一反常态,非但没有发怒,甚至还警惕向后退了两步。而之所以能够让这位吸血鬼伯爵做出这样举动的原因也很简单———只见在耀眼的圣洁光辉的照耀下,塞蕾丝蒂娜身后那对蝙蝠般的翅膀与漆黑细长的尾巴已经很明确的向众人展示了她的身份。 high rank Devil? 高阶魔鬼 After seeing present Celestina, in Duran can't help but heart slightly one startled, afterward but emerges doubts that is unable to suppress, as Kingdom of the Dark Night Noble, Duran naturally also and Devil has had to do. However generally speaking, Devil is actually not big regarding the Main Material Plane interest, they invested to continue tens of thousands of years and Fiend Blood War this oneself lifetime energy do not have the future not to have during the fight that the hope has not started not to end, regarding the Main Material Plane interest was not very big. But in Kingdom of the Night, although summoned Devil not to be considered as that any taboo, but the average person will not idle is being all right to do to look for these fellows' troubles, that was evil of primary, compared with them, undead creature in Kingdom of the Night is not considered as from the start anything. Devil looked that Vampire resembled Vampire to look at human to be the same, has felt the unequalled superiority feeling. 在看见眼前的塞蕾丝蒂娜之后,杜兰不由心中微微一惊,但是随后涌现的则是无法抑制的疑惑,身为黑夜国度贵族,杜兰自然也和魔鬼打过交道。不过一般来说,魔鬼对于主物质位面的兴趣其实并没有那么大,它们将自己的毕生精力都投入了已经持续了成千上万年与恶魔血战这项没有前途也没有希望没有开始也没有终结的战斗之中去,对于主物质位面的兴趣并不是很大。而在夜之国内部,虽然召唤魔鬼不算是什么禁忌,不过一般人也不会闲着没事干去找这些家伙的麻烦,那可是原初的邪恶,和它们比起来,夜之国内的不死生物压根就不算是什么。魔鬼吸血种就好像吸血种看人类一样,充满了无与伦比的优越感。 However ......... Will here have Devil? 但是………这里怎么会有一个魔鬼 Duran subconscious has swept one to side. He can see the light path in oneself top of the head, right, here is Continent of Light. But if have not remembered incorrectly, on Continent of Light regarding the Devil manner with Fiend similar is right? Moon is Angel-ruled country, how to emit Devil suddenly? 杜兰下意识的向旁边扫了一眼。他能够看见就在自己头顶上的光之轨迹,没错,这里是光之大陆。可是如果自己没有记错的话,光之大陆上对于魔鬼的态度可是和恶魔差不多才对啊?穆恩又是一个天使执政的国家,怎么会忽然冒出一个魔鬼来? Thinks of here, Duran brows wrinkled, he is looking at present Devil eldest young miss indecisively, asked. 想到这里,杜兰皱了下眉头,他犹豫不决的望着眼前的魔鬼大小姐,开口询问道 may I ask, you are ............... 请问,您是……………” Few idle talk. lowly species, this Young Lady is very busy, does not have the time to chat with you here, a bit faster dies!” “少废话。贱种,本小姐很忙,没时间陪你在这里聊天,快点去死!” However Celestina has not drunk tea the mood of obviously chatting, Duran opened the mouth. Has not said including the words. By this Devil eldest young miss neat interruption, but as if to prove oneself rush to time really very much general, the chain sword in Celestina hand also in simultaneously suddenly explodes, as if poisonous snake stretches out the venomous fang once more, wields toward Duran. 不过塞蕾丝蒂娜显然并没有喝茶聊天的心情,杜兰才开了口。连话都没有说完。就被这位魔鬼大小姐干脆利落的打断,而仿佛是为了证明自己真的很赶时间一般,塞蕾丝蒂娜手中的链剑也在同时骤然爆起,仿佛毒蛇般的再次伸出毒牙,向着杜兰挥去。 Snort!” “哼!” Sees Celestina to begin suddenly, Duran is also complexion sank, how oneself said that is also Patriarch. Although the opposite party is Greater Devil, but from that strikes Duran to realize that opposite party strength and almost, but at present she said unexpectedly hits hits, such being the case. Then did not need to be polite! Thinks of here, Duran is also the look twinkle, facing Celestina attack of once more, this Vampire Count extends the right hand suddenly. Grasps baseless, but along with the Duran movement. Sees only blood that in all around city wall scatters in all directions in this moment as if had the life brightly to surge, afterward their congealments fast in the Duran side, formed a firm barrier to block Celestina attack of once more. On the shield that black chain sword in that blood surges scratches, erupted point sparks, but actually cannot pierce this blood shield. 看见塞蕾丝蒂娜忽然动手,杜兰也是面色一沉,自己怎么说也是一族之长。对方虽然是高等魔鬼,但是从刚才的那一击之中杜兰已经察觉到对方的实力和自己差不多,而眼下她居然说打就打,既然如此。那么自己也不需要再客气了!想到这里,杜兰也是眼神闪烁,面对塞蕾丝蒂娜的再次攻击,这位吸血种伯爵忽然伸出右手。凭空一抓,而伴随着杜兰的动作。只见四周城墙上四散的鲜血在这一刻仿佛拥有了生命般鲜活的涌动起来,随后它们飞快的凝结在杜兰的身边,形成了一道坚固的屏障挡住了塞蕾丝蒂娜的再次进攻。黑色的链剑在那鲜血涌动的盾牌上一擦而过,爆发出了点点火星,但是却并没有能够刺穿这面血盾。 After stepping into Legendary Domain, the strength principle of Legendary Expert will have present, but the principle of Duran is the blood, this is also talent strength that majority of Vampire has common, but at this moment faced the Celestina storm, Duran has used immediately own talent strength, has blocked another round attack of opposite party. However is very obvious, this Vampire Count is not character that light comes under attack does not hit back. After blocking the attack of Celestina, Duran coldly laughed, the right hand from the sky has delimited, sees only along with his movement, keeps off erupts in Duran front blood shield immediately, afterward in turn look like monster one that was congealed by the blood has bitten the Celestina chain sword stubbornly, but Devil eldest young miss had not expected very much obviously unexpectedly will have such matter, slender body can't help but in a flash. However has not waited for Celestina to react, that mobile blood has swooped following the sword blade of chain sword, opens the big mouth to rush over toward Celestina. 在踏入传奇领域之后,传奇强者力量法则就会具现化,而杜兰的法则就是鲜血,这也是大部分吸血种最常见拥有的天赋之力,而此刻面对塞蕾丝蒂娜的强攻,杜兰立刻就动用了自己的天赋之力,挡住了对方的又一轮进攻。不过很明显,这位吸血鬼伯爵并不是那种光挨打不还手的角色。在挡住了塞蕾丝蒂娜的进攻之后,杜兰冷笑一声,右手在空中划过,只见伴随着他的动作,挡在杜兰面前的血盾顿时爆发,随后反过来活像一只由鲜血凝结的怪兽般一口死死的咬住了塞蕾丝蒂娜的链剑,而魔鬼大小姐很明显没有预料到居然会发生这样的事情,纤细的身体不由一晃。但是还没有等塞蕾丝蒂娜做出反应,那流动的鲜血已经顺着链剑的剑身飞扑过来,张开大口向着塞蕾丝蒂娜冲了过去。 Outcastes, your big courage!” “贱民,你好大的胆子!” Sees Duran to dare to oneself to launch the attack unexpectedly, Celestina the willow eyebrows but are actually immediately vertical, shout angrily. It looks like in this Devil eldest young miss, the opposite party takes the inferior race, obeys the order of this Young Lady is naturally perfectly justified, this Young Lady must hit your you to want the little darling to lie to make this Young Lady hit, this Young Lady must kill your you to suspend to make this Young Lady kill, or simply knows the limitation to mediate is natural. But at present this humble Blood Clan not only did not plan bows the head to be obedient rashly even also dares to begin to revolt to oneself, this simply is absurd! 看见杜兰居然胆敢对自己发动攻击,塞蕾丝蒂娜顿时柳眉倒竖,怒喝一声。在这位魔鬼大小姐看来,对方作为低等种族,服从本小姐的命令是理所当然天经地义的,本小姐要打你你就要乖乖趴过来让本小姐打,本小姐要杀了你你就必须把头摆过来让本小姐杀,或者干脆识相点儿自我了断才是理所当然的。而眼下这个低贱的血族非但不打算俯首听话甚至还胆大妄为的敢对自己动手反抗,这简直就是岂有此理! Although said that the idea of Celestina did not have what truth and that's the end ............... 虽然说塞蕾丝蒂娜的想法本来就没有什么道理就是了…………… Facing the counter-attack of Duran, Celestina is infuriated immediately, the chain sword in her hand had been bitten by Duran Blood Monster, but this has not made Celestina feel to be panic-stricken, on the contrary, Devil eldest young miss wicked is gazing at fixedly present Vampire Count, in her bright red eye pupil, a weak brilliance jumps. 面对杜兰的反击,塞蕾丝蒂娜顿时火冒三丈,她手中的链剑已经被杜兰鲜血魔物所咬住,但是这并没有让塞蕾丝蒂娜感到惊慌失措,相反,魔鬼大小姐恶狠狠的瞪视着眼前的吸血鬼伯爵,在她那鲜红的眼眸之中,一阵微弱的光辉跳跃起来。 Hu!!” 呼!!” Does not have the indication, since the jet black flame like this braves from the body of Celestina together, afterward they extend the sword blade of chain sword to spread rapidly forward, quick with swallowing the Blood Monster hit of chain sword in one. However is unexpected, that black strange flame therefore has not been put out. On the contrary, on the contrary is that by monster that blood congeals after contaminating the black flame painful has whinned, but then sees that Blood Monster to rush to the segregation suddenly, but sees present also to have that black flame, Duran is also immediately complexion greatly changed! 毫无征兆的,一道漆黑的火焰就这样从塞蕾丝蒂娜的身上冒起,随后它们迅速延着链剑的剑身向前蔓延开去,很快就与吞噬链剑的鲜血魔物撞击在了一起。但是出乎意料之外的,那黑色的诡异火焰并没有因此而熄灭。相反,反倒是那被鲜血凝结的魔物在沾染到黑色火焰之后痛苦的哀嚎了一声,只是眨眼间便见那鲜血魔物顿时分奔离析,而看见眼前的这一幕还有那黑色的火焰,杜兰也是顿时面色大变 As experienced Vampire, he also during the legend and literature recorded see related this black flame record ——— that have been Negative Energy Fire! 作为一个见多识广的吸血种,他也只是曾经在传说和文献记载之中才见过有关这黑色火焰的记载———那是负能量之火 Hearsay black demon fire is hell most deep place that fierce burning flame core, is most purely and most fearful strength. Is entirely opposite with the ordinary flame, floods the negative energy magic power flame to swallow, combustion, and burns completely all and class of principle related magic power. It can be said as many Legendary Expert nightmares, because after stepping into Legendary Domain, one of special jurisdictions they have is to use own Principle Power attacks, but this process, is Legendary Expert simulates magic power flowing to carry on the process of operation and change with their Principle Power. 传闻这黑色的魔火是地狱最深处那熊熊燃烧的火焰的核心,也是最纯粹和最可怕的力量。与普通的火焰完全相反,充斥着负能量魔力火焰可以吞噬,燃烧,并且焚尽一切与法则有关的魔力之流。它可以说是很多传奇强者的噩梦,因为在踏入传奇领域之后,他们所拥有的特殊权限之一就是利用自己的法则之力来进行攻击,而这个过程,就是传奇强者用他们的法则之力来模拟魔力流动进行操纵与改变的过程。 However Negative Energy Fire is actually completely opposite, it will change this mobile path forcefully, and forces it to belong to does not have. If Legendary Expert displays Principle Power to come on the white paper to display and draw up a drawing with own strength, then Negative Energy Fire forcefully reverses this process, reverses not to have the drawing the drawing, is still white paper status, then a fire thoroughly this white paper burning down. 但是负能量之火却是完全相反,它会强行改变这个流动轨迹,并且强迫它重新归于无。如果说传奇强者施展法则之力就是用自己的力量来在白纸上施展和绘制一幅图画的话,那么负能量之火就是强行逆转这个过程,将图画重新倒转回没有绘画,依然是白纸一张的状态,然后一把火彻底把这张白纸给烧掉。 How will she have this strength?! 她怎么会拥有这种力量?! In seeing that black flame, and after own sense to its strength, Duran does not doubt this absolutely is Negative Energy Fire, but will it here appear? Ten thousand nights on, in the literature record obviously, after Creation War, this Black Demon Flame completely had been prohibited to get up to be right, will this woman have how probably such ability?! 在看见那黑色的火焰,并且亲身感应到它的力量之后,杜兰毫不怀疑这绝对是负能量之火,但是它怎么会在这里出现?万夜在上,文献中明明记载,在创世战争之后,这黑色魔焰就已经被完全封禁了起来才对,这个女人怎么可能会拥有这样的能力?! However, at this time Duran did not have time to look for the answer. Because in his front, Celestina has brandished is burning the flaming Black Demon Flame chain sword, has attacked toward oneself once more. But facing the attack of Celestina, Duran, only then fierce clenches teeth, braces oneself to move forward to meet somebody, because of him at this moment, did not have the escape route. 但是,这个时候杜兰已经没有时间来寻找答案了。因为在他的面前,塞蕾丝蒂娜已经挥舞着燃烧着熊熊黑色魔焰的链剑,再次向着自己攻了过来。而面对塞蕾丝蒂娜的进攻,杜兰只有猛一咬牙,硬着头皮迎了上去,因为此刻的他,已经毫无退路。 Quick, bright red and jet black collides once more in together, erupted the new spark. ( to be continued ) 很快,鲜红与漆黑再次碰撞在一起,爆发出了新的火花。(未完待续)
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